View Full Version : www.getalife.ca ...do you think it will work?

12-27-2006, 12:53 AM
The Calgary Police just set up this website as an aid for the battle against gang activity in calgary. I just spent some time looking around and it seems really thorough. The 10 facts are pretty good and it seems to have some sound advice for people both involved and people who care about those who may be/may someday be involved in gangs, especially parents. There's the help links and advice, confidential help, ect.

I dunno, this may not help many people who are already in gangs (unless they really want out) but I think it might help a few future thugs. I hope the Police hype this up a lot and get it out into the mainstream. It's almost become "not cool" to be a smoker, maybe someday we can look forward to the same stigma around gangs and similar activities. As much as we all agree that gangs are bad, I think many still see a certain type of danger or "bad ass" image that comes along with the title that appeals to young men and women.

What do you guys think? will this work?


12-27-2006, 12:57 AM
i don't see why it wouldn't:dunno:

12-27-2006, 01:07 AM
i found the ten facts very annoying to watch, the stupid static noise, and how long it took to load the fact.

12-27-2006, 01:17 AM
Not to be cynical but I can't imagine the website actually persuading prospective gang members. I don't think these kids actually weigh the pros and cons before joining and I'm sure most of them are aware of the implications of their actions.

The website makes for great PR though.

12-27-2006, 10:56 AM
Too much loading... the internet connections in the NE might not be fast enough... ........ ;)

12-28-2006, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
What do you guys think? will this work?


Crime pays.

12-28-2006, 12:19 AM
-1 ditto for the annoying and slow loading static thing... :werd:

Originally posted by DC2
i found the ten facts very annoying to watch, the stupid static noise, and how long it took to load the fact.

12-28-2006, 12:27 AM
The videos wouldnt load for me at all. So I have no idea what they said (Wish they listed them)... As for input , its a good site for concerned parents , but it looks like this came from a Police Department and not actual ex gang members .

I cant see potentials even careing , they would find it a joke. They need to concentrate on little kids say gr 5-7 .... thats about the age you start becomin a lil shit. And also parents need to be targeted HUGE...

12-28-2006, 12:42 AM
being a gangster myself. im a little terrified now..

12-28-2006, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic
being a gangster myself. im a little terrified now..

LOL , watch it... We have police on here son :bigpimp:

12-28-2006, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by tabouli


Crime pays.


It may help but I do think this is more PR than actual tool.

With so much materialism hangs over kids' heads, it so easy for gangs to recruit.

12-28-2006, 01:06 AM
Its about as lame as the DARE campaigns and will get about as much credibility imo. Waste of time/money. Not that I have a better idea, but we all know "after school special" shit does nothing.

12-28-2006, 02:25 PM
Won't work

It's just a ploy so they can say we tried something.

12-28-2006, 02:28 PM
Hard to measure results. Too many variables.

12-28-2006, 02:28 PM
nothign like that could ever work?
like the police know these types of people better than to think something like this would work.
everyone i know that is shady doesnt even bother with the internet cause they have 4 cell phones hahaha

12-28-2006, 03:05 PM
Speaking of waste of money, apparantly, this site costs us taxpayers $150,000 for design + 2 weeks of operation before bandwidth got expensive. They fixed it and expect it to hit $200k pretty soon.

Who works for the city? Wanna send some contracts my way? Talk about inefficient use of resources. This web site, being WAY busier than theirs, costs less than that to operate an ENTIRE YEAR.

12-28-2006, 03:44 PM
I think it definitely could work with younger kids. I think that this site should be incorporated and viewed in school (do they do this? too lazy to read the site and frankly don't care too much) because the target audience of youth would never view this outside of school where they would be forced to see it.

Ultimately, the pressure from peers, brothers, sisters, hell even PARENTS to join a gang will be more of a factor than a webiste.... It is a good start and at least they are doing something.... albeit something that might have been able to be created for wayyyy less than what was quoted in the above posts....

Good start and anyone that joins or is an active gang member should be thrown alive into a rusty wood chipper.

12-28-2006, 04:21 PM
gangbangers sit on a computer and surf anti-gang website?

not bloody likely


12-28-2006, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Speaking of waste of money, apparantly, this site costs us taxpayers $150,000 for design + 2 weeks of operation before bandwidth got expensive. They fixed it and expect it to hit $200k pretty soon.

Who works for the city? Wanna send some contracts my way? Talk about inefficient use of resources. This web site, being WAY busier than theirs, costs less than that to operate an ENTIRE YEAR.

Its ok, theyll just put up more fake construction zones and hand out more BS tickets to make up for it. Nothing lost!

12-28-2006, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Speaking of waste of money, apparantly, this site costs us taxpayers $150,000 for design + 2 weeks of operation before bandwidth got expensive. They fixed it and expect it to hit $200k pretty soon.

Something is very wrong with how that money was spent.
I'm reminded of a quarter-million-dollar smoking balcony down town.

The city needs a better strategy to go after gang recruitment. Telling hardened criminals who provide for eachother better than their families to "get a life" is fucking absurd. The first reaction of any kid that reads that is going to be: "Fuck you", followed by immediate dismissal.

Get a life? Get real Calgary Police.
Let's show some live footage of a heroin addict going through withdrawl. Show that kid in Orlando get shot point blank in the face for looking at a rival gang member. Don't dismiss these kids as idiots that need to 'get a life' :rolleyes:


Originally posted by 8Ball
gangbangers sit on a computer and surf anti-gang website?

not bloody likely

:rofl: No kidding.

12-28-2006, 08:56 PM
haha this is like the whole reverse psychology thing...."join a gang"

12-28-2006, 10:45 PM
The police dont wanna stop noo gangsta's...cause all the real gangsta's are coloured ppl.....infact the police feel happy seeing coloured ppl kill each other....nd this is a true fact

12-29-2006, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Crayziedesi
The police dont wanna stop noo gangsta's...cause all the real gangsta's are coloured ppl.....infact the police feel happy seeing coloured ppl kill each other....nd this is a true fact

go back to compton thug.

12-29-2006, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Crayziedesi
The police dont wanna stop noo gangsta's...cause all the real gangsta's are coloured ppl.....infact the police feel happy seeing coloured ppl kill each other....nd this is a true fact

:banghead: your an idiot.

12-29-2006, 08:36 PM
Want to deter kids from joining gangs, show pictures of exit wounds for fuck sakes, at age 10. This site was a complete waste of money, but as someone mentioned already, it's so the CPS can say "well we're trying, give us a break here." Please. Use that money to get more officers. Show gang members shooting each other, I'm sure someone has it on video. The only way to get to these "new recruits" is to gross the shit out of them. Everyone knows the great things that you can get from being in a gang and only a few know the consequences of having those "benefits". Having some smuck come into the schools to talk to you about the bad shit isn't going to help, it's the exact way I felt even when I was younger. Showing pictures of disgusting victims of knifings and gunshots, drug addcits going through withdrawals, live gun fights are the only way.

But I can see the parents crying already "but little johnny shouldn't be shown that, he's a good kid and doesn't need to see that sort of violence" Guess what mommy, ur little johnny doesn't always turn out the way you planned. Parents would never even allow the things that need to be implemented in the school system anyways, so in reality, this is probably the best the CPS is even allowed to do, it's not like they fuckin want crime to be happening.

Who ever that retard was smackin talking about the CPS wanting to see colored people killing each other, nice signature, it's tangent to your intelligence level you moron

And Googe, not all of us in the NE are poor, unintelligent gangbangers but thanks for coming out. Of all the recent media, it's the NW that seems to be getting all the attention.

12-30-2006, 01:01 PM
Want to deter kids from joining gangs, show pictures of exit wounds for fuck sakes, at age 10.

^ +1.

It's like those VW commercials, showing accidents from driver's seat view. That definitely raddled me.

Bring out a few pictures of gang fight aftermath, youtube videos of correctional centers and jails, etc.

12-30-2006, 01:12 PM
Show some crime scene photos of the two LOSERS that were capped in that NE parking lot last year slinging drugs. Known drug dealers/Gang members killed in broad daylight in front of many people. Show some pictures of the one gang banger trying to run away like a coward only to be shot and drop dead in a pool of blood with the yellow tarp barely covering his body. Or some pictures of the hotshot with his face in the steering wheel dead.

Or how about some pictures of the body that was shoved from a car in broad daylight in Chinatown on a weekend in front of many witnesses to send a message to other bangers.

Seriously, what a pathetic way to live your life

12-30-2006, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by l8braker
Show some crime scene photos of the two LOSERS that were capped in that NE parking lot last year slinging drugs. Known drug dealers/Gang members killed in broad daylight in front of many people. Show some pictures of the one gang banger trying to run away like a coward only to be shot and drop dead in a pool of blood with the yellow tarp barely covering his body. Or some pictures of the hotshot with his face in the steering wheel dead.

Or how about some pictures of the body that was shoved from a car in broad daylight in Chinatown on a weekend in front of many witnesses to send a message to other bangers.

Seriously, what a pathetic way to live your life

Exactly. 'Fear' marketing works.

12-30-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite

^ +1.

It's like those VW commercials, showing accidents from driver's seat view. That definitely raddled me.

Bring out a few pictures of gang fight aftermath, youtube videos of correctional centers and jails, etc.

^ +1 and how BIG those men really are in jail... hopefully this will scare off these 5'10" 100lbs tall skinny wannsters away from roaming the C-train stations. :thumbsdow

12-31-2006, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Whitetiger

^ +1 and how BIG those men really are in jail... hopefully this will scare off these 5'10" 100lbs tall skinny wannsters away from roaming the C-train stations. :thumbsdow

In all honesty, what does it matter how big a person is if they are carrying a fully automatic weapon? "Fear tactics" work, just look at 90% of the US population.