View Full Version : pursuing a CFA

12-28-2006, 05:38 PM
So my future goal consists of getting my CFA. I'm currently @ sait right now. first year student. probably thinking of transferring to UofL after 2 years at sait.
What do you have to do to get your CFA?

from my knowledge and from what ive read from www.cfainstitute.org it sounds like i need my bachelors. or since im at sait a combination of 4 years of both work and college experience (if i only decide to do 2 years at sait).
then it sounds like i have to do more schooling for another 3 years? and write 3 exams that are 6 hrs long?

i dont know im lost and i need some answers. haha.


12-28-2006, 06:23 PM
You have to study about 4,000 pages of material for EACH exam, and pretty much spend at least 2 nights a week/one day of your weekend studying for each exam. I haven't completed the designation yet, but I can tell you that that's what I'm living through right now.

12-28-2006, 06:35 PM
ok soo like are you working and doing school at the same time?
like a CA? while you article you also have to do this class called casbie (sp?)

where do you work at the moment? at a bank? and what position if you dont mind me asking.

12-28-2006, 07:11 PM
Well I'm currently working full time and I've been going to school on a part time basis (1 class last semester and 1 class this upcoming semester, then I'll be done my undergrad for good).

My degrees are in economics and finance, so I'm no accountant!! :) I'm an origination analyst with an electricity producer / marketer here in Calgary. A few others here have done (or are doing) their CFA, and the company pays for it (only if you pass!) and the exams/materials aren't cheap.