View Full Version : What a great start for 2007

01-01-2007, 11:57 AM
5 stabbings and 28 assaults, one vehicle collision fatality

citybeat (http://www.gov.calgary.ab.ca/citybeat/public/2007/01/release.20070101_054207_28509_0)

01-01-2007, 12:30 PM
Like i said in the other thread..Too many Gangstaz out there..:guns:

01-01-2007, 12:32 PM
i was just about to post that....

i got a giggle out of it:rofl:

01-01-2007, 12:38 PM
Hmm or a lot of drunk people :D

01-01-2007, 12:47 PM
Holy fack, that's so stupid

01-01-2007, 02:09 PM
it only means it was a good night:D

hahaha - but, i think since calgary is bigger now, proportion-wise, it might have been a pretty normal night...seems like a lot when u look at the numbers...but...with more people comes more problems and therefore teh numbers can only go up...

01-01-2007, 02:30 PM
yeah in a city of million people, how many of those were out between midnight and 4am...5 stabbings is nothin...and 28 assaults, well those could be just normal bar fights.....at least we didnt have some dumb fucking punk run people over in mommy's minivan like last year, now that made our city look bad

01-01-2007, 02:47 PM
On a serious note with the van accident last year that was really tragic. But the irony of that situation is that the guy was actually fleeing for his life because other people were trying to mess him up. But back on the thread topic i used to live in Atlanta, GA, i was amazed to come here and hear news reports like mid way through the year talking about calgary having they're 5th murder of the year and what not. In atlanta there was 2 murders literally almost everyday. Like Soupey said, the more people that populate a city, the more problems you're bound to have

01-01-2007, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Sparx
On a serious note with the van accident last year that was really tragic. But the irony of that situation is that the guy was actually fleeing for his life because other people were trying to mess him up.

1. it was not an 'accident'. It was a malicious criminal act done with intent.

2. The 'fleeing for his life' story that he told in court was seen for the lie that it was, hence his being convicted of manslaughter.

01-01-2007, 11:01 PM
Sorry i used the wrong term i should've used incident rather than accident. From what i know from one of the guys cousins is that the manslaughter charge was carried out mainly because hs was A) Under the influence B) The amount of speed he picked up in that tiny ass stretch of road. I mean chances are my buddy that's related to him may be just sticking by his bloods side and trying to make him look better. But meh all in all that girl shouldn't have died regardless.

01-01-2007, 11:24 PM
toronto on Chrismas had 26 shootings that night. Calgary isnt that bad yet, it will get worse I think, but wont be like TO. Its not so much population its also money to be made.

01-01-2007, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by BlueGoblin

2. The 'fleeing for his life' story that he told in court was seen for the lie that it was, hence his being convicted of manslaughter.

I think the reason they charged him with manslaughter was because there wasn't enough evidence to prove it was intentional(Murder).

back on topic, shitty start to an even more dramatic year. :thumbsdow

01-02-2007, 12:39 AM
I got charged with assault last night. and proud of it.

Went to a pub with my wife to celebrate new years, and long story short, my wife dolled up, then this guy (kinda looked like one of the "guido" brothers) will not leave my wife alone. he grabs her ass, I tell him to back off, he then cops a feel, and I shove him accross the pool table. he leaves, and comes back with 4 guys and calls me out. I smirk, and walk outside telling him to hurry up. I let him hit me once, and knocked him out in 4 punches. one of his buddys comes in, we start to grapple, and that is when the cops showed up.

I got charged with assault, but Guido boy will never have a straight nose again after my knee hit it. :clap:

01-02-2007, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by spikers
I got charged with assault last night. and proud of it.

Went to a pub with my wife to celebrate new years, and long story short, my wife dolled up, then this guy (kinda looked like one of the "guido" brothers) will not leave my wife alone. he grabs her ass, I tell him to back off, he then cops a feel, and I shove him accross the pool table. he leaves, and comes back with 4 guys and calls me out. I smirk, and walk outside telling him to hurry up. I let him hit me once, and knocked him out in 4 punches. one of his buddys comes in, we start to grapple, and that is when the cops showed up.

I got charged with assault, but Guido boy will never have a straight nose again after my knee hit it. :clap:


What a silly fuck... don't mess with another man's wife when he's right there!!

01-02-2007, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo


What a silly fuck... don't mess with another man's wife when he's right there!!

01-02-2007, 11:25 PM
2007 has been the shittiest fucking year yet, and we're only 2 days in.

01-02-2007, 11:27 PM
my friend lost her friend yesterday due to a car crash. his 240 wraped arounf a pole. i don't know what happen but i hope it was drinking and driving

01-02-2007, 11:36 PM
calgarys weapon of choice is actually knives... its been proven... i guess its better then guns but still...

01-02-2007, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by spikers
I got charged with assault last night. and proud of it.

Went to a pub with my wife to celebrate new years, and long story short, my wife dolled up, then this guy (kinda looked like one of the "guido" brothers) will not leave my wife alone. he grabs her ass, I tell him to back off, he then cops a feel, and I shove him accross the pool table. he leaves, and comes back with 4 guys and calls me out. I smirk, and walk outside telling him to hurry up. I let him hit me once, and knocked him out in 4 punches. one of his buddys comes in, we start to grapple, and that is when the cops showed up.

I got charged with assault, but Guido boy will never have a straight nose again after my knee hit it. :clap:

Thug :D

01-02-2007, 11:41 PM
some guy tried to stab one of my freinds only to have a beating layed upon him...
its so stupid how people act these days.

01-03-2007, 04:28 AM
Apparently a bunch of my friends were walking home from Dennys and some asshole came up, drunk off his ass, and started swinging at them. He managed to miss all of them and started flipping out saying he was gonna stab them and bla bla bla. His friends pulled him away and all of my friends just casually walked home.

Doesn't sound like too bad of a situation, but makes me glad I stayed in with the gf for our own party. ;)

01-03-2007, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Vietsta
my friend lost her friend yesterday due to a car crash. his 240 wraped arounf a pole. i don't know what happen but i hope it was drinking and driving


a couple of the guys and i were talking about this wondering if it was a 240. sad to hear.

bad start to the new year for sure

01-03-2007, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by toomuchb00st

Thug :D

heh, I am hardly a thug, and slow to anger, but damn man, i am 6'5" tall and 240lbs.....WHY OH WHY would you continue after I tell you that that is my wife and like 3 of you equal me? :dunno:

I am a really easy going person, but damn, leave a man's wife alone, especially when she tells you to flake off as well...

01-03-2007, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by spikers
I got charged with assault last night. and proud of it.

Went to a pub with my wife to celebrate new years, and long story short, my wife dolled up, then this guy (kinda looked like one of the "guido" brothers) will not leave my wife alone. he grabs her ass, I tell him to back off, he then cops a feel, and I shove him accross the pool table. he leaves, and comes back with 4 guys and calls me out. I smirk, and walk outside telling him to hurry up. I let him hit me once, and knocked him out in 4 punches. one of his buddys comes in, we start to grapple, and that is when the cops showed up.

I got charged with assault, but Guido boy will never have a straight nose again after my knee hit it. :clap:

Why were you charged?
Story sounds bogus..

01-03-2007, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by CasperWho

Why were you charged?
Story sounds bogus..

I was charged with assault for beating this guy, cop didn't see the begining of it, and basically guido's buddies backed him saying I started it all. I just checked my VM at work and it was the constable asking me to call him back...not sure why, but I left him a message, I will keep you all updated tho.

technically the only "bogus" part of what I told you was knocking him out, but for all intents and pourposes he was. he was on the ground moaning pretty incoherently and slow moving with a hand on his nose while flat on his back.

01-03-2007, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by spikers

I was charged with assault for beating this guy, cop didn't see the begining of it, and basically guido's buddies backed him saying I started it all. I just checked my VM at work and it was the constable asking me to call him back...not sure why, but I left him a message, I will keep you all updated tho.

technically the only "bogus" part of what I told you was knocking him out, but for all intents and pourposes he was. he was on the ground moaning pretty incoherently and slow moving with a hand on his nose while flat on his back.

what thats a ko. just not a TKO haha

01-05-2007, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Vietsta
my friend lost her friend yesterday due to a car crash. his 240 wraped arounf a pole. i don't know what happen but i hope it was drinking and driving

he was sorta in my extended family, but i've only met him recently. his funeral was this morning. pretty shitty start to the new year.

01-05-2007, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by spikers
I got charged with assault last night. and proud of it.

Went to a pub with my wife to celebrate new years, and long story short, my wife dolled up, then this guy (kinda looked like one of the "guido" brothers) will not leave my wife alone. he grabs her ass, I tell him to back off, he then cops a feel, and I shove him accross the pool table. he leaves, and comes back with 4 guys and calls me out. I smirk, and walk outside telling him to hurry up. I let him hit me once, and knocked him out in 4 punches. one of his buddys comes in, we start to grapple, and that is when the cops showed up.

I got charged with assault, but Guido boy will never have a straight nose again after my knee hit it. :clap:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: well done