View Full Version : A mentally disabled girl's parents take medical action to stop her growth

01-04-2007, 04:59 PM
The cause of the controversy is the "Ashley Treatment" - a course of surgery and hormone supplements devised for her at her parents' request and with the blessing of doctors - that will for ever keep her small. It involves surgical operations, including a hysterectomy, and hormone prescriptions that will, in effect, freeze-frame her body at its current size


She was diagnosed, they explain, with brain damage with unknown causes just after birth and has remained at the same developmental level since about three months. Three years ago she began to show early signs of puberty, and they grew anxious about the impact of fertility and of her rapidly increasing size and weight on the quality of her life. In discussions with doctors at Seattle Children's hospital they devised the treatment: removal of Ashley's uterus to prevent fertility, excision of early buds on her chest so that she would not develop breasts, and medication with high doses of oestrogen to limit her growth by prematurely fusing the growth plates of her bones.



01-04-2007, 05:53 PM
It sounds like it will benefit her quality of life? :dunno:

01-04-2007, 07:27 PM
Yah, i read this too.

I noticed that quite often if something interesting gets posted on drudge, it gets tossed up on beyond pretty quickly.

I think that it will definately better her quality of life. It's too bad they couldn't have found out about this earlier and had a late term abortion or something, such a tradgedy for the girl and her parents.

01-05-2007, 12:26 AM
I can see what the parents are going through and their intentions are in the right place but there are some major ethical issues here. Do they have the moral right to do this? Will it cause undue trauma to Ashley?

I wouldn't answer yes or no... I just hope the surgeries go smoothly and the family is happy :dunno:

Mr. Burns
01-05-2007, 12:37 AM
Not really sure how to feel about that...

01-05-2007, 02:42 PM
I hope as time goes on people and doctors will have more say in situations like this.

Have a co-worker here whos wife is a head nurse in the trauma room and he relates to me countless stories of head traumas where the patient comes out of the ordeal a vegetable or the mental capacity of a child.

I know if I were in that position I would want my loved ones to let me die.

All the best to them though.

01-06-2007, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by nos_efx
I hope as time goes on people and doctors will have more say in situations like this.

Have a co-worker here whos wife is a head nurse in the trauma room and he relates to me countless stories of head traumas where the patient comes out of the ordeal a vegetable or the mental capacity of a child.

I know if I were in that position I would want my loved ones to let me die.

All the best to them though.

But then that goes to the whole issue of mercy killing (can't remember the word off the top of my head....)

And THAT is a huge controversial issue.

01-06-2007, 10:33 AM
Seriously whats the reason for her not to grow boobs and stuff, If its for the sake of other people I completely disagree

If her "growth stunting" operations are for the better of her physical health I'm all for it, But I just dont see how it is.

Surgeries and medications can have many drawbacks and complications, Why would the put their daugther through that for the sake of others that wonder why she has boobs.:dunno:

Im actually quite confused

01-06-2007, 12:11 PM
I think it's so that if for some reason, they can't watch her all the time, that some sick perverted person won't find her "attractive" and screw her, or some stupid shit like that... Makes me think of kill bill @ the hospital...

I just don't think it's right, but it's their choice apparently.

01-06-2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf

But then that goes to the whole issue of mercy killing (can't remember the word off the top of my head....)

And THAT is a huge controversial issue.

euthanasia I belive is the word ur looking for

01-11-2007, 08:54 AM
They should just put her out of her misery. Turn on the family volvo, lay her down in the back and park it in the garage.

That, or let her grow breasts.