View Full Version : "iraq to give western companies control of oil.."

01-08-2007, 07:15 PM

In 2003, then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld called the idea "utter nonsense."

Speaking to the Arab TV network Al-Jazeera, he said: "We don't take our forces, and go around the world and try to take other people's real estate or other people's resources, their oil. That's just not what the United States does."


01-08-2007, 07:45 PM
I realize that this is allegedly a political discussion forum, but given the well understood dynamic of this forum, that post is essentially trolling.

I think you should have to start off the discussion with your own opinions and arguments for or against.

01-08-2007, 07:51 PM
i think i am providing a topic for debate, and that your post is not related to the topic at hand :)

01-09-2007, 12:41 AM
Oh jeeze , didn't see that coming .:rolleyes:

Good thing the new puppet regime agrees to this before the American military kills off every man , women and child in Iraq ( I can see the headline now .. " Oops , our bad " ) .
I guess Iraq must be giving the US control of their oil as a means of thanking them for the removal of all the weapons of mass destruction they have found .
Oh , thats right . They didn't find any .
Maybe the Iraqians didn't want their own oil . Yeah , thats it . What the hell would they do with it anyway , they don't have cars over there , do they ? They all go around with camels and shit . Yeah . It was just taking up valuable space underneath the desert anyway . Take it and just give us a tiny percentage of the profits , like they do in CANADA :eek: :eek:

01-09-2007, 02:29 AM

I'd like to take some time to thank the 3000-4000 or so American soldiers who died in the past two years, our oil contracts couldn't have done it without you. And, of course, I'd like to thank God for making all of this happen (through Bush, of course). I'd also like to thank all of our friends (Blair, where are you? Aw come on stand up and take a bow!) who watched idly by as we ripped this country apart so we could keep our oil economy rolling. Oh, and all the Iraqis who died, because we coudln't have done it without you! God forbid we invade a country full of white anglo-saxon protestants for their oil... the rest of the 'civilized' world just might've tried to stop us!