View Full Version : HD-DVD one-ups blu-ray - 51GB vs 50GB

01-12-2007, 08:33 AM

CES 2007 Coverage
By Henning Molbaek
Toshiba has announced a new 51GB HD-DVD Rom disc at this year's CES.

Beating Blu-ray by 1GB, Toshiba today said that they had successfully created a triple layer HD-DVD disc that could contain 51GB worth of data with 17GB on each layer.

"Continued improvement in disc mastering technology has achieved further minimization in the recording pit, supporting a further boost in capacity to 17GB in single layer and a full 51GB on a single-sided triple-layer disc. Toshiba has confirmed the disc structure and its successful operation." said the press release. "This time-tested physical structure offers proven volume manufacturing at little cost increment."

Toshiba has now closed the storage gab with Blu-ray, which can store 50GB on a dual-layered disc. It will be exciting to see if this has any effect on the raging format war. Stay tuned.

01-12-2007, 11:37 AM

Just a few days after Toshiba introduced a 45GB HD-DVD, TDK has gone all crazy on us and announced a 100GB recordable Blu-ray disc. TDK's disc has four layers and apparently doubles the writing speed of 50GB Blu-ray discs. No word yet on when these'll hit the market, or what sort of per disc cost we're looking at.


technicailly i guess you could get a double sided HD-DVD that would give you 102 gigs?? i'm confused anyway... HD-DVD has 15 gig layers so three layers = 45????

01-12-2007, 11:39 AM
Just wait it out to see hwo wins, or buy a 2-in-1 BluRay & HD-DVD Player. (with Divx and USB, that would be sweet).

01-12-2007, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by /////AMG
Just wait it out to see hwo wins, or buy a 2-in-1 BluRay & HD-DVD Player. (with Divx and USB, that would be sweet).


lol. LG's already there. I read that its pretty much a bluray player with HD DVD hacked in so and HD-DVD content looks like crap