View Full Version : Career Change

01-21-2007, 10:52 AM
What would make you to consider a career change?

Just got out of SAIT, and currently working in the industry for 7 months. Job quality isn't too bad, and highest pay as a fresh apprentice. However, I can't see this job will take me very far in life. Right now, its doing not too bad for me. I can live comfortably, but in the long-run I can't quite see it beneficial for me.
Before SAIT, I was in UofC for three years. I dropped because I wanted to get into working field faster, thats why I adopted for SAIT. Now, come to think about it maybe I should've just picked another faculty instead of dropping it.

My question is, in my situation would it be wise to take another 4 years in UofC and have a better career later on? However, after I grad from UofC I will be 28, and seems kind of old to just finish school and start my career.

What do you guys/girls think?

01-21-2007, 11:28 AM
Shit...that's tough. Why not just try to finish your original degree w/ 1 class a semester or something (while you're working)? At least that way you'll have a degree on your resume, even if it's in something useless like Philosophy.

Then if there's another faculty you're interested in (say business), you can go for a masters which will definitely help your career. Can't do that with the paper from SAIT.

The Cosworth
01-21-2007, 12:18 PM
If you took 3 years at UofC wouldnt you only have 1 year left and you could finish your degree, not 4 years?

What did you take at SAIT, some programs out of their you can do very well with.

01-21-2007, 01:04 PM
Just do whatever makes you happy. 28 is nothing. When I was in school there were guys there in their 50's making a career change.

01-21-2007, 01:07 PM
I went back to school when I was 28. It's not too late to change careers. many people do it later in life. Just be focused before you start again. Are you sure what you want out of life?

01-21-2007, 07:47 PM
I'm pretty confident of what I'm targeting for this time around. And its good to know what other ppl have experienced... I was worried that I'll be the ugly duckling after I graduate.

Originally posted by brendankharris
If you took 3 years at UofC wouldnt you only have 1 year left and you could finish your degree, not 4 years?

What did you take at SAIT, some programs out of their you can do very well with.

I was in general studies for 1.5 year taking pre-management courses. Then the other 1.5 year was pretty much all options class because I was trying to figure out what other faculty I can go into if management doesn't work out for me. So pretty much wasted three years. Now its back to bite me.

I took avionics at SAIT. Aviation is definitely an interesting career, but its not very promising when looking far into the future. Because unless you are high up into the pyramid, such as working for Transport Canada as a Director of Maintenance, you wont' be earning enough to feed a family comfortly. And very very few companies ofter good benefits, such as matching RRSP, flight benefits and bonus to name a few.