View Full Version : New car opinions please

01-24-2007, 06:42 PM
I am looking into buying a car very soon, but I need some opinions on what to buy. I'm a new driver, so it's hard for me to make this decision. I have about 4000-5000 dollars to spend on something. Im driving a Plymouth Neon right now, and it's just not doing what I want it to do. Im also looking for a car with the possiblity of upgrades. Thank you for your help. Sa3

01-24-2007, 06:44 PM
Civic. End of story.

New driver, not huge amounts of money, aftermarket support = Civics.

01-24-2007, 06:45 PM
I was looking into buying A hatchback CX DX or something. but still not sure...

01-24-2007, 06:58 PM
do a test drive the torque is so diffrent from a neon to a civic....

01-24-2007, 07:00 PM
well, my neon isnt really a masterpiece, in fact its a piece of you know what. i bought it at the auction for 1600 bucks and i hear every vehicle is a little different from another, i just need something with a little more power, something that isnt looked at as a family vehicle.

01-24-2007, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by bosanel
well, my neon isnt really a masterpiece, in fact its a piece of you know what. i bought it at the auction for 1600 bucks and i hear every vehicle is a little different from another, i just need something with a little more power, something that isnt looked at as a family vehicle.

Its a first car and your a new driver. Who cares if it looks like its your mom's vehicle. At least your getting experience and if the car is treating you good, might as well just keep it until you have more money for a better car.

01-24-2007, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Anton
Civic. End of story.

New driver, not huge amounts of money, aftermarket support = Civics.

:werd: If you really need to buy something else, then definitely get a civic. I'm a student and don't have lots of money and bought a civic for my first car and its treated me well ever since i've had it. Might lack in power, but it gets me to school/places just fine and it gave me experience driving manual... i'm willing to sacrifice power to save some money until i get an actual career job.

01-24-2007, 07:31 PM
I've got a good job, and im not afraid of Finance either, and yes my car's been treatin me good, and yeah experience is always good. But it seems like im bloodthirsty for power and performance, even if it means buying an "OK" car and doing work on it to make it more powerful. I'm okay with that aswell. I'm just not sure which vehicles are better for that.

01-25-2007, 12:10 AM
well power and performance for that money, probably a civic will not 'do what you want it to do'.

if you have a car that was cheap, and reliable, and works, and your stepping stone is 5g's, then there isnt much you can do. stick with what you got till it fails, hopefully you have some more green by then.

outside of that, test drive some civic's or 240's or even volvo's (turbo). maybe a gti is a decent choice? just try a few till you find what you need.

01-25-2007, 10:11 AM
If you plan any sort of performance modifications, I would not reccomend a civic at all. If you want to do visual stuff, there is a TON of stuff available. Just my thoughts.

01-25-2007, 01:26 PM
go S-Chasis.

Find a cheap 240 with some rust...do some body work and get the KA running smooth with a rebuild and some small mod's like intake and exhaust.

You'll have a car that will take out most other basic civics for one.

It's a rear wheel drive for two.

And lastly, should you run into some coin you could drop in an SR and have an extremely capable sports car.

01-25-2007, 01:49 PM
1.) DSM Turbo
2.) 240sx
3.) Civic

01-25-2007, 02:13 PM
240 is horrible on insurance for a new driver.

dsm turbo is worse.

Civic's are incredibly logical, I x10 civic, get the newest you can afford so rust isn't as much of a factor.. Lower the mileage the better etc. I suggest standard as well, over automatic..

01-25-2007, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Anton
Civic. End of story.

New driver, not huge amounts of money, aftermarket support = Civics.


01-25-2007, 06:25 PM
If you want a basic to and from car without any and "go" power...then ya look into a civic or a sunfire or a cavalier.

If you want something that could have potential...then go 240sx.

01-31-2007, 06:00 PM
thanks all, ill take a look around, havent been online for a while, workin my ass off. my buddy told me that VW golf/jetta 1.8t's aint too expensive what do you guys have to say to that?

02-01-2007, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Anton
Civic. End of story.

New driver, not huge amounts of money, aftermarket support = Civics.

Good call... unless he wants to go fast. Like he said he does.

Of everything thats been suggested so far id go with your idea of the golf 1.8T. My cousin has one chipped with exhaust and its pretty quick.

If you wanna haul ass for cheap you cant beat a V8. I feel obligated to point that out as im apparently the only domestic guy on here.

The Cosworth
02-01-2007, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by bosanel
I've got a good job, and im not afraid of Finance either, and yes my car's been treatin me good, and yeah experience is always good. But it seems like im bloodthirsty for power and performance, even if it means buying an "OK" car and doing work on it to make it more powerful. I'm okay with that aswell. I'm just not sure which vehicles are better for that.

welcome to the rest of your life

I think you should wait as well until you can take a major leap in performance and make it feel worth your money

02-01-2007, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ScottysZ

Good call... unless he wants to go fast. Like he said he does.

Of everything thats been suggested so far id go with your idea of the golf 1.8T. My cousin has one chipped with exhaust and its pretty quick.

If you wanna haul ass for cheap you cant beat a V8. I feel obligated to point that out as im apparently the only domestic guy on here. [/QUOTE
i was about to say something dont worry :thumbsup: ... but you should (my opinion) mabey just wait dont rush and test drive a few cars see what handels like what you want.... i was told to get a civic for my first car but i test drove it and its didnt feel right for me... go test drive some see what feels right is all im saying

02-01-2007, 09:04 PM
Since you're a new driver stick with the beater and just concentrate on not getting into crashes or getting tickets. That way when you're older and can afford faster cars you don't get bent over and raped up the ass for insurance costs. I think I remember reading here about some guy paying over $10,000 in insurance per year because of his colorful driving record.

02-01-2007, 09:14 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but 5000 isn't going to get you improvement from a neon.

German cars tend to handle a lot better than any others I've found, so maybe a Jetta or GTI? Those arethe only suggestions I can give with such a limited budget.

As hard as it is going to be, wait till you have more money. In the end, you're going d to be more happy with your purchase. It sucks, but it's the truth.

02-01-2007, 09:37 PM
Buy a civic. Going fast is overrated. There is always something faster out there and you will never be happy if you're looking for more speed.

Learn how to do basic car stuff first, once you can throw down more money get a nicer car, faster car etc...

Civics imo are the perfect 1st cars for anyone just starting out driving.

Masked Bandit
02-01-2007, 09:43 PM
I'm going to go with a different suggestion.

1) Keep the neon. It sounds like it's decent, basic transportation.

2) Buy an older 600cc sportbike. You will be able to pick up an early 90's bike for $3000 - $4000 and PLPD will be around $300 a year. That bike will blow the doors off most things on four wheels with the exception of some heavily modified machines.

Once I bought a bike, I have no desire for any "fast" cars. When a $9000 bike can run 11's straight out of the box...what's the point?

02-01-2007, 10:07 PM

02-02-2007, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Aleks
Buy a civic. Going fast is overrated. There is always something faster out there and you will never be happy if you're looking for more speed.

Learn how to do basic car stuff first, once you can throw down more money get a nicer car, faster car etc...

Civics imo are the perfect 1st cars for anyone just starting out driving.

He may as well just keep the neon then since there is always something faster. And if youve got something decently quick then at least youll only lose half the races youre in rather than 99% of them.