View Full Version : 10.5 Million for Arar...

01-26-2007, 06:31 PM
Earlier Friday, Harper apologized and offered a $10.5 million
compensation package to Arar and his family, along with money for legal fees, for the "terrible ordeal" they suffered after Arar spent nearly a year in a Syrian jail.

How do you guy's feel about our Hard earned Tax money going to this guy?

01-26-2007, 06:33 PM
I feel bad for the guy.

But why the fuck do I have to pay for some asshole in the RCMP who can't get his shit straight?

That commissioner that resigned should have to cough up some dough too.

01-26-2007, 06:40 PM
And the US still won't take him off the list of people to monitor..

I do applaud Harper however for standing up for a citizen and taking a stand against the American government.

01-26-2007, 06:45 PM
10.5 million wont bring the time he spent in jail back, or make him forget about the torture.

01-26-2007, 06:47 PM
$24 million spent on his inquiry and $11 million free cash money = complete lunacy.

01-26-2007, 06:55 PM
Great news. No one should be put through what he was, simply because of his race. Torture, jail, and years of dispute over a matter that never should have happened. 10mill will help him and his family enjoy their lives and work to forget what they lost.

01-26-2007, 06:56 PM
deserves every penny, canada and america both dropped the ball on that one

01-26-2007, 06:58 PM
its shitty that tax payers have to pay for it. but our elected officials and our system they represent let us and arar down.
ya it sucks we gotta pay but we fucked up.

01-26-2007, 07:16 PM
I think the 400 million he wanted was a little much but I think he deserves the money he got.

01-26-2007, 07:20 PM
If im not mistakin he isnt even a muslim like they claimed he was i belive the last name is of a jewish background. correct me if im wrong

01-26-2007, 07:36 PM
I only wish I was that lucky to win the lotto like that

01-26-2007, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
I only wish I was that lucky to win the lotto like that

Alright but people get to kick the sit out of you everyday for a year and throw you in a cell once they're done. Deal........ or no deal?

01-26-2007, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by redline_13000
10.5 million wont bring the time he spent in jail back, or make him forget about the torture.

Yes.. because they could easily do that... :nut:

Lets get out the time machine..

01-26-2007, 08:12 PM
For 10.5 Mil I'm sure a lot of people would.

Originally posted by msommers

Alright but people get to kick the sit out of you everyday for a year and throw you in a cell once they're done. Deal........ or no deal?

01-26-2007, 08:12 PM
If the money spent on the inquiry and Arar makes sure that none of us have to go through what he had to, this is money well spent.

I don't know about you guys, but if I was in jail and tortured for a year - I don't have the money in my account to cover my mortgage and all my bills for a year. I would've lost everything I own - not to mention what my wife and family would have to go through.

01-26-2007, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
For 10.5 Mil I'm sure a lot of people would.

A lot of people say they would only to crack shortly after. It's a lot of physical and psychological trauma that seriously fuck you up.

01-26-2007, 08:33 PM
I agree that he deserves every cent. Keep in mind that we're talking about a wrongly convicted man. It's actually David Milgaard who got ripped off when he received $10M for 23 years behind bars for a murder he didn't commit; and he was 16 at the time of his conviction.

01-26-2007, 08:56 PM
Its easy to say that when you know your gonna get paid in the end. Imagine going through that shit, not knowing when or if it would ever end.

Originally posted by Toms-SC
For 10.5 Mil I'm sure a lot of people would.

01-26-2007, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by wainr

Yes.. because they could easily do that... :nut:

Lets get out the time machine..

Great Scott! They've discovered the plans for my flux capacitor!!! Do you know what this means Marty?

But seriously, worth every penny of that money and then some. Shit like that isn't supposed to happen. It's about time the gov't actually acknowledges a major fuck-up and sets it right as best they can. I'm not sure that 10 million dollars will stop the dreams that man must have at night. Can you imagine how scared he must be to go to an international airport now? Poor bastard may never leave the country again.

01-26-2007, 09:48 PM
No amount of money is worth the shit Arar went through.

01-26-2007, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud
And the US still won't take him off the list of people to monitor..

I do applaud Harper however for standing up for a citizen and taking a stand against the American government.

Good for Harper and the Canadian government. :thumbsdow to the Americans who can't provide any proof to justify why they're keeping him on their list.

And what is even more ridiculous is that only the Canadian govt has stood up and accepted the consequences and owned up to their mistakes. Yes, it was due to the RCMP's mistakes that caused the Americans to place him on the terrorist list, but since when was it okay for the Americans to send ANYONE to get tortured, terrorist or not?! Shouldn't that be the bigger issue??

01-26-2007, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Poor bastard may never leave the country again.

He can't take his family to Disneyland

01-26-2007, 10:03 PM
Yea, that would be some real psychological stress. He deserves the money he received, I am glad they atleast did something. I can't imagine the hell his wife, kids, family went through.

People jump the gun too fast to say that they would have stood a year under those circumstances for 10 million, when they really have no idea what it would be like.

01-26-2007, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by redline_13000
10.5 million wont bring the time he spent in jail back, or make him forget about the torture.

true.. but it will sure help

01-26-2007, 11:15 PM
A fuck... $10 mill is a disgrace. He was "alegedly tortured".

He has all his fingers and toes and limbs for that matter.... even if there was torture, it could not have been that bad.... plus he IS Syrian....

Where do I sign up for my $10 million?

Fuck, my job and mortgage paymetns are a jail.... and I wont make $10mil in the next 2 years or so.... lol :nut:

01-26-2007, 11:28 PM

01-26-2007, 11:51 PM
What is 10 mill when you have to go through shit like that? Yeah he wont work again, he'll have a big house and some nice cars. He'll probably also wake up screaming from nightmares for the rest of his life. He was in a jail in the middle east, just imagine the things they could have done to him... Those things are going to be replaying themselves in his head for the rest of his life.

01-27-2007, 12:25 AM
Yea, sucks for taxpayers to cough up the bill... BUT if something like this were to ever happen to any of us, hope the government will do the same.

01-27-2007, 12:48 AM
"Tortured"? where are the signs of torture? he looked pretty fine to me. no missing limbs, fingers, etc... I think he was just exaggerating... like Toma said, it couldnt have been that bad

from the looks of him, he looks like he got smacked a few times an prolly a few kicks for just BEING an inmate. after all, how would these corrupt prison gaurds know if Arar was guilty or innocent?

but i can understand why this might be "torture" because he was not use to authorities smacking/kicking him around in Canada.. its actually pretty normal in the middle east... I wouldnt go as far as calling it "Torture" though...

shitty ordeal none the less.

for 10 mill though, i say its worth it.:thumbsup:

01-27-2007, 01:00 AM
From my understanding Arar left Syria for Canada in the first place in order to avoid unjust persucution. His return flight to Canada from somewhere else had a stopover in the States, they deem him a terrorist and send him back to Syria. Whoever he ran from must have been waiting at the airport in Syria laughing with armed guards to take him in.

To the guys that doubt how serious the torture was because his hands and face seem unscathed... I ask you to watch this video and tell me what scars of this man will be visable to the public when he walks the street a year from now.


01-27-2007, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by A3GTiVR6SC
"Tortured"? where are the signs of torture? he looked pretty fine to me. no missing limbs, fingers, etc... I think he was just exaggerating... like Toma said, it couldnt have been that bad

from the looks of him, he looks like he got smacked a few times an prolly a few kicks for just BEING an inmate. after all, how would these corrupt prison gaurds know if Arar was guilty or innocent?

but i can understand why this might be "torture" because he was not use to authorities smacking/kicking him around in Canada.. its actually pretty normal in the middle east... I wouldnt go as far as calling it "Torture" though...

shitty ordeal none the less.

for 10 mill though, i say its worth it.:thumbsup:

Man, there are soooooo many sick-assed forms of torture that would never leave a mark, and would be far more effective. Pain torture illicits incorrect informations as the person will say anything to make them stop. The prolonged, slow, psycological torture is what breaks a man down to the point where their brains are jelly and information is acheived. Sleep deprivation, humiliation, fear, etc, etc, etc are all far more debilitating.

You all think you can handle that for 10 mil? Sorry, but after a few weeks (or even less) every single person but the most hardened spies, criminals etc would crack, and even they will crack eventually. You, me and everyone else would be left begging for their mommies...

10 mil is a drop in the bucket for what someone deserves for suffering this type of shit due to goverment fuck ups...

01-27-2007, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by A3GTiVR6SC
"Tortured"? where are the signs of torture? he looked pretty fine to me. no missing limbs, fingers, etc... I think he was just exaggerating... like Toma said, it couldnt have been that bad

And what do you know about torture methods? A few episodes of 24? :rolleyes: Grow the fuck up. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

The money he got is well deserved. I would even be ok if the judgement was for $20million. The Canadian fucked up bad and betrayed one of its civilians in the worst possible way.

01-27-2007, 11:45 AM
It's easier to say you'd do it for $10M if you know you'll live through the whole thing. However he had no idea whether or not he would live to see the next day. It's very real and constant threat of impending death that I think would make those who think it was easy to re-think their stance.

What good is $10M if you not live to see it? Is it fair to your wife and kids to replace you with $10M?

Regarding not inflicting physical trauma, (I'm not saying this happened, but its very likely that something like this happened) how about if they asked him day in day out what body part he'd like his family to get after they killed him?

I admit, I do dwell a lot on his family being that I'm married now and the most important thing in my life is the well being of myself and my wife.

01-27-2007, 01:26 PM
All of u idiots saying you'll do it for 10 mill, alll u fuck are all talk.

I bet you Arar got his ass tortured like a mother fuck. We don't and probably will never know what kinda shit Arar went through but I wouldn't want to go through it.

The dirty government fuckers are so ludacris you would never experience the pain that people do when being tortured.

TALK TALK TALK. K well u think ur all tough?

I'll give anyone a G if they let me torture them to any extent for 2 weeks. How about that?

It'll give you a preview of experiencing fucking horror for only 2 weeks, im sure I could even change your mind.

:drama: Always skeptical people. How about u shut the fuck up and analyze the situation and use some common sense.

01-27-2007, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by A3GTiVR6SC
"Tortured"? where are the signs of torture? he looked pretty fine to me. no missing limbs, fingers, etc... I think he was just exaggerating... like Toma said, it couldnt have been that bad

Do you know what water torture is? If you wanna get technical, it'll leave your head cleaner than when you started. But uh....ya...hopefully you can use half a brain to figure out why it's called water torture. Just because a person is not hurt physically, doesn't mean they're all fine and dandy, like come on.

I'm honestly speechless of what to say to you. For someone to be so inconsiderate of someone else just uhhh what to say, I can't even describe how much I despise you right now

Put your money where you mouth is and put yourself in his shoes, for about a week. Like fuck buddy seriously what's wrong with you

01-27-2007, 03:10 PM
Arar's own statement was simply that he was beaten, and kept in a dark cell.... The rest of you guys are letting your imagination run wild me thinks.

And I still think $10 million is BS, and it should have been the US that paid, not us since THEY sent him there and we got him out.... he should have been gratefull we paid 10+ million getting him out, there was no need for another 10 mill for his troubles.... he is FUCKING LUCKY that the Canadian governemnt looks after its citizens so well.

Like I said, $10 million is a large chunk o change for a year in jail.... right or wrong.

01-27-2007, 03:32 PM
And further, the Syrians deny any torture occured.

now, someone explain this to me please....

The US sends a Syrian back to Syria to be tortured? Huh? No self respecting Syrian likes the US, and why did they jail him? Then after supposedly beating a false confession out of him, his it taken to Palestiine to be beaten some more FOR what he confessed about?

The US hates Syria too... I mean the whole thing makes zero sense.

Oh, and there is NO way to get of the US no fly list. You simply can appeal and be put on another list saying you are ok, but you still remain on the original list.... the US's idea of freedom for ya lol ;)

01-27-2007, 03:37 PM
Well it ALL just makes NO sense.... sending a Syrian "terrorist" back to Syria? Huh? I mean the US does this all backwards... generally they demand that terrorist countries extradite terrorists the US wants... like Bin....

The ONLY conspiracy theory I can come up with is that by doing this, and paying the guy the $10 million, the general public opinion will have accepted that Syria is a barbaric lawless state, and thereby convincing "us" that when the US does bomb them, they "deserved" it.... or when Harper supports the US against fundementalist Arabs, we would be less sympathetic to the poor arab couuntries we are dessemating??

I dunno :scratch: :dunno:

01-27-2007, 03:57 PM

I never looked at it that way Toma. Maybe you are on to something as usual :D

01-27-2007, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Well it ALL just makes NO sense.... sending a Syrian "terrorist" back to Syria? Huh? I mean the US does this all backwards... generally they demand that terrorist countries extradite terrorists the US wants... like Bin....

The ONLY conspiracy theory I can come up with is that by doing this, and paying the guy the $10 million, the general public opinion will have accepted that Syria is a barbaric lawless state, and thereby convincing "us" that when the US does bomb them, they "deserved" it.... or when Harper supports the US against fundementalist Arabs, we would be less sympathetic to the poor arab couuntries we are dessemating??

I dunno :scratch: :dunno:

now who's imagination is running wild? haha
who knows maybe your right :rofl:

01-27-2007, 04:54 PM
QFT Toma...

instead of argueing with these emotional lil bitches who have NO idea to what EXTENT he was ACTUALLY "tortured", ill just let them read your posts in this Thread. You have my stance on the issue.

I love how people just take Arar's every single word for it without even knowing the guy personally. He IS a Syrian like Toma said... unless he was wearing an big American flag when he got jailed, i see NO reason for "Water-torturing" a fellow syrian... :rolleyes:, it just doesnt make ANY sense.... I've seen a jail first hand in the M.E. The prison gaurds do HAVE that right to smack/kick/mistreat prisoners without ANY reasoning behind it, UNLIKE prison gaurds here in Canada which are only allowed to use force ONLY if the prisoner is resisting.

imo, he WAS smacked/kicked/bruised, but not Tortured like he makes it out to be....

who is the US/Canadian govts going to believe anyways? Syrian Government or our own CANADIAN citizen?

01-27-2007, 06:34 PM

01-27-2007, 06:54 PM
he tells what they did to him


some blog listing who he was tied too :dunno:


01-27-2007, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Ooooh, a G! :rolleyes:

WOW!!! OmGZz!!1!NO WAI!! he cant be serious!?! a WHOLE thousand dollars!! he also mentions to ANY extent without knowing the exact extent Arar was actually "tortured".

sounds like a suckers deal to me...:rolleyes:

from reading Arar's own statements. I still think its worth it for 10.5mill....;)

01-27-2007, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Well it ALL just makes NO sense.... sending a Syrian "terrorist" back to Syria? Huh? I mean the US does this all backwards... generally they demand that terrorist countries extradite terrorists the US wants... like Bin....

The ONLY conspiracy theory I can come up with is that by doing this, and paying the guy the $10 million, the general public opinion will have accepted that Syria is a barbaric lawless state, and thereby convincing "us" that when the US does bomb them, they "deserved" it.... or when Harper supports the US against fundementalist Arabs, we would be less sympathetic to the poor arab couuntries we are dessemating??

I dunno :scratch: :dunno:

Because Syria wanted him for their own purposes, and the US had nothing on him that they cared about, would make more sense. Possibly added to this would be that Syria had something that the US wanted or needed, and since this guy was a nobody to them they didnt care about losing him.


A pretty good read. Apparently someone else in a Syrian prison was in a torture session (a REAL one) and started just spitting out names, and this Canadian guy was one of them.

I wouldnt say the US hates Syria, its more like a love-hate relationship. They hate each other but still trade information and barter when the other has something they want/need.

In the other link that collectskulls provided, it documents a few extremely weak links to this guy (related to someone that sold computer components to someone that built computers and sold them to a company that sold them to another company that terrorists bought from).

Now you guys from the other thread see the problem with canadian banking info/credit info going through the USA patriot act? :rolleyes: Sadly, probably not...

01-28-2007, 05:33 PM
Kinda off topic, but I saw Arar at the Calgary airport yesterday morning. I'm sure it was him as I happened to be reading an article on the front page of the Herald that had his big mug shot there and sure enough, who walks by!?

01-29-2007, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Whitetiger
Yea, sucks for taxpayers to cough up the bill... BUT if something like this were to ever happen to any of us, hope the government will do the same.

I'm sure you and every other Canadian will really feel the extra 30 cents. Ouch!!!!

10-24-2007, 03:29 PM
rice admits the us fucked up...


10-24-2007, 04:24 PM
Is new movie Rendition based on Arar's story?

10-24-2007, 10:12 PM
They admit they didn't handle the situation as best they could. Is that admitting error? I can't tell, honestly. The U.S. won't remove his name from their no-fly list, nor did they actually apologize to him. WTF is it so complicated?

The U.S. should pay him $10.5 as well, just to make it an even $21.0