View Full Version : Carbon Fiber Work?

02-01-2007, 11:44 AM
Ok so i ordered a double sided carbon fiber vorsteiner csl trunk for my car:bigpimp: now it arrives and the carbon fiber is fucked around the corners and top part at the lip, is it possible to get this repaired in Calgary? It wa sshipped via ups and a claim is in but im wondering if i need them to get me a new trunk or if it can just be repaired for less than the 1200.00 US new price


02-01-2007, 11:48 AM
hmm. is the carbon fiber material itself fucked up? or just the resin composite (clear coat) that layers over it?

id say if the material itself is googled, you might as well lemme use the trunk for a sled when i come to lethbridge this weekend, we'll get wasted and have some fun!

BUT if its only the resin, and its chipped a bit or scratched/weathered, you could prolly get it fixed in cgy...not sure how much though......

i like the sled idea. :devil:

02-01-2007, 01:00 PM
its a lot of resin and a little carbon fiber:(

02-02-2007, 01:53 AM
anyone else?

02-02-2007, 02:13 AM
nope dont even bother to much money and will look like shite unless u are painting over it

02-02-2007, 05:30 PM
time to collect from ups i guess, f*ckers