View Full Version : Unreal cops

05-23-2003, 03:09 PM
So I was working in Airdrie today... I left a customers house drove for not even 30 secs in a school zone.... Was going under 30 kms radar singnals a cop ahead... I see him coming so I slow down even more.... As she passed, she gave my car that cop look .... You know ..... that look cops give.... All of a sudden she stops, backs up to turn around and pulls me over.... I was like WTF... Comes up to my car.... Tells me that I didnt have a seat belt on... Jeez.... Then she goes off about me not having a valid pink slip in my insurance wallet.... I was like settle down its under the top one.... Takes a fucking walk around my car goes back to her car and comes back with a ticket..... $115 bucks.... Shes even fucking smiling as she tells me the tickets just went to on tuesday.... Unreal.... That really made my day, especially when I just found out the day before that I failed my math course and my tuition went yp $745 bucks....


05-23-2003, 03:12 PM
that sucks man... how come you weren't wearing your seatbelt?

05-23-2003, 03:12 PM
So what was the ticket for?

05-23-2003, 03:16 PM
The ticket was for the seatbelt... Shit I was only in my car for 30- 50 secs MAX, seriously.... And I was less then 5 blocks away from my next customers house.... Jeez lady give a guy a break.... I even tryed flerting with the bitch to get off... Still no go.... I'm really upset about it....


5.9 R/T
05-23-2003, 03:19 PM
Click it or ticket. Just saw that on the tube.

05-23-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by EnRich
The ticket was for the seatbelt... Shit I was only in my car for 30- 50 secs MAX, seriously.... And I was less then 5 blocks away from my next customers house.... Jeez lady give a guy a break.... I even tryed flerting with the bitch to get off... Still no go.... I'm really upset about it....


I hear ya, but at the same time, you did not have your seatbelt on. She doesn't know that you're only driving 5 blocks (not that that makes it right). Either way you broke the law, got caught, got a ticket. Too bad. I'll empathize with you as long as you don't break out into some rant about how cops are getting you down because you're white, black. green or your car is an import, or whatever. We've had enough of those debates already! :thumbsup:

05-23-2003, 03:22 PM
damn, $115 for a seatbelt ticket now... that almost doubled

05-23-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by EnRich
So I was working in Airdrie today... I left a customers house drove for not even 30 secs in a school zone.... Was going under 30 kms radar singnals a cop ahead... I see him coming so I slow down even more.... As she passed, she gave my car that cop look .... You know ..... that look cops give.... All of a sudden she stops, backs up to turn around and pulls me over.... I was like WTF... Comes up to my car.... Tells me that I didnt have a seat belt on... Jeez.... Then she goes off about me not having a valid pink slip in my insurance wallet.... I was like settle down its under the top one.... Takes a fucking walk around my car goes back to her car and comes back with a ticket..... $115 bucks.... Shes even fucking smiling as she tells me the tickets just went to on tuesday.... Unreal.... That really made my day, especially when I just found out the day before that I failed my math course and my tuition went yp $745 bucks....

Here's my translation.

You drove under speed limit through a school zone. A cop was there nailing speeders, and they looked at you and noticed you weren't wearing your seat belt. So they pulled you over and issued you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.

And you hate this cop because??? The guy probably saved your life. Now that you know the penalties, I'm sure you're going to keep wearing your seat belt. If you ever get into an accident, you'll have your seat belt on next time which will save your life.

You should be thanking the cop, not bitching him out.

05-23-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Here's my translation.

You drove under speed limit through a school zone. A cop was there nailing speeders, and they looked at you and noticed you weren't wearing your seat belt. So they pulled you over and issued you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.

And you hate this cop because??? The guy probably saved your life. Now that you know the penalties, I'm sure you're going to keep wearing your seat belt. If you ever get into an accident, you'll have your seat belt on next time which will save your life.

You should be thanking the cop, not bitching him out.

:werd: Well put! I'm sure someone will call you a pig sympathizer though! :D

05-23-2003, 03:51 PM
Just make it a habit to put your seatbelt on! I do even if I'm just going to get the mail! haha Cause I am too lazy to walk! lol

05-23-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by B17a
:werd: Well put! I'm sure someone will call you a pig sympathizer though! :D
haha honestly, I dunno what the big deal is. Everytime I get pulled over, I'm nice to the cops (not that kinda nice for any sick bastards that are going to imply anything), and even if I DID do something wrong, I get off with a warning.

05-24-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha honestly, I dunno what the big deal is. Everytime I get pulled over, I'm nice to the cops (not that kinda nice for any sick bastards that are going to imply anything), and even if I DID do something wrong, I get off with a warning.

That's the thing. Like it or not, ultimately they have the power to make or break you and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the chances are going to be much less they will letcha off with a warning if you're being an ass to them. And Enrich, I know you weren't being a jerk, but I would have to think that flirting with a female cop probably isn't the best method for trying to get off easy for a ticket.

05-24-2003, 01:35 PM
Rage buddy you nailed it Nicely put!!!!!

05-24-2003, 03:10 PM
ya really, i mean i dont exactly like cops or anything but they are just doing their jobs, and if its for your seatbelt, its most likely more positive to wear one then not, its comfort vs. safety...

05-24-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha honestly, I dunno what the big deal is. Everytime I get pulled over, I'm nice to the cops (not that kinda nice for any sick bastards that are going to imply anything), and even if I DID do something wrong, I get off with a warning.

Not all of us are that lucky to get off all the time. Everytime I get pulled over I'm nice also but have only been let off once. I've even tore the tint of my side windows while the cops was in his car and still got the ticket.

05-24-2003, 08:50 PM
I know eh... I was being nice too... Most of the time I'm nice and I still get jacked.... Shit its the quota they have.... If they can nail you, they will.... I guess in Airdrie this lady is known as a real bitch of a cop.... Haha or so my customers say...


05-25-2003, 11:23 AM
well basically, its like this. . .

wear a seatbelt for yourself, not for the cops. . .
it doesn't matter if you're going to get your mail, or if you're going acroos the whole country. . .

just because you are making a short trip doesnt mean that you are immune to accidents. . .

whats the worst that can happen if you have a seatbelt on?

StrokeD z
05-25-2003, 12:45 PM
the same think happened to me too....i was taking my car to the other parking lot in my school and there was an undercover cop driving right beside the entrance and i wasnt wearing my seat belt and so he tells me "your not wearing a seat belt "i told him the story and he says i will be right back.he comes back gives me the ticket and then finds out my car is for sale so he starts asking me how much km are on it does it run good wonders my car a few times (for about 5 min)btw my entire school was watching and when he is about to leave i told him you are an asshole SIR

05-25-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by StrokeD z
the same think happened to me too....i was taking my car to the other parking lot in my school and there was an undercover cop driving right beside the entrance and i wasnt wearing my seat belt and so he tells me "your not wearing a seat belt "i told him the story and he says i will be right back.he comes back gives me the ticket and then finds out my car is for sale so he starts asking me how much km are on it does it run good wonders my car a few times (for about 5 min)btw my entire school was watching and when he is about to leave i told him you are an asshole SIR

seems fair, he did give you a warning first.
Why wouldn't anyone wear their seatbelt. hell I put my seabelt on even when im going from one side of a strip mall to another

05-27-2003, 12:32 AM
I thought everyone knew the tickets got an increase in price :confused:

StrokeD z, you are an idiot....

If you want to steer clear of tickets, just drive with more caution and obey traffic rules.

05-27-2003, 10:18 AM
I've been pulled over twice and both times got the maximum ticket amount or charge. I was polite and tried to talk them into a lesser charge (not even trying to get them to drop the ticket all together) and I still get..."here's your license back and your ticket."

I understand that they are doing there jobs but I think they should cut someone who's never had a ticket (aside from the odd parking tix) a break. Serioulsy, I got a careless driving ticket when I tapped someone's rear bumper (did a grand total of $900 damage and that was to replace the bumper). That's 6 demerit points and a real healthy boost in your insurance for that damn ticket. I tried to explain the situation but I could tell she wasn't listening. She could've given me a following too close ticket but no...she had to give the max.

05-29-2003, 02:21 PM
you got off lucky. when my buddy got pulled over, the cop couldn't find anything wrong so she give him a ticket for having too many old pink slips in the car. the ticket was $150

05-29-2003, 03:00 PM
Alot of people die because of seatbelts too...:confused:

05-29-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by ludeseeker
you got off lucky. when my buddy got pulled over, the cop couldn't find anything wrong so she give him a ticket for having too many old pink slips in the car. the ticket was $150

:bullshit: ---------------------->I hope so anyways.

05-29-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Slow5Oh

:bullshit: ---------------------->I hope so anyways.

i don't think it's bullshit. you can't have any expired pinkslips in your car... most of the time they let it slide though

05-29-2003, 03:31 PM
What is the reason for not being allowed to have the expired pinkslips in your car? I got pulled over and he told me to get rid of them but wouldn't give me a ticket, I didn't want to ask why.

05-29-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by szw
What is the reason for not being allowed to have the expired pinkslips in your car? I got pulled over and he told me to get rid of them but wouldn't give me a ticket, I didn't want to ask why.
I think it's so cops don't have to waste 30 mins going through old insurance slips wasting their time to see if you have legit insurance. But still, another dumb law :).

05-29-2003, 03:49 PM
its a 69 dollar fine per expired peice of insurance and regestration, that was before the increase, I'm not sure what it is now.