View Full Version : HighSchool Drivers Beware!

05-26-2003, 07:08 PM

I'm at Bishop Grandin and a police officer/cruiser has been around our school at lunch time pulling over all car's that leave the parking lot. Checking to make sure enough seatbelts which is a good thing, but they are issuing tickets for AFTER-MARKET SOUNDSYSTEM'S (They ask you to pop the trunk and look for sub/amp), TINT, EXHAUST SYSTEMS and RIDE HIGHT. Don't ask why they are giving out these bullshit tickets, I don't know but wasting 10 min's of my lunch to search my trunk is not cool. :thumbsdow

Spread the word!

05-26-2003, 07:10 PM
thats gayyy,,, get his badge number, haveing a stereo in your car isnt illegal!!

05-26-2003, 07:14 PM
tell him if he doesnt have a warrent then he cant search your car.. he waste's your time and you waste his!!!! haha

05-26-2003, 07:31 PM
ahahaha thats soo much b.s.!!! yeo man near the beggining of the year they were making sure everyone had legit insurance, and stuff.

05-26-2003, 09:14 PM
they've been doin stuff like that for awhile now.
i remember they were doing that a few years back when i was in high school. u just gotta be careful and do things like obey the law.

in all fairness i don't blame them for trying to cut off the illegal mod target before it gets real bad with fnf2 comin out in less than 2 weeks

05-26-2003, 10:06 PM
they never did this kinda shit at my high school which was beaverbrook. they only ticket the constable ever gave out in the parking lot was for double/triple parking.

05-26-2003, 10:13 PM
when i was in highschool i never parked in the parking lot, i always parked across the street to aviod those kinda things....

05-26-2003, 10:30 PM

05-26-2003, 11:04 PM
WTF? Never heard of that before, that sounds ridiculous...
Nobody cop in BC's gonna get away with that shit

05-27-2003, 01:22 AM
First, they don't need a warrant to search your car, unless is it parked in your garage in which case they would need a warrant for your house.

Second, the way to stop that kind of horseshit is to not pay the tickets. Go to court with them. Flood the friggin courts with so much bullshit that the judges rip the cops a strip for giving out silly tickets. I had this happen once when the cop ticketed me for a non-functioning HIGH BEAM. The judge reamed the cop out in court claiming that he was likely just looking for a reason to harass the high school kid in the 5.0.

05-27-2003, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by EG STyLeZ
they never did this kinda shit at my high school which was beaverbrook. they only ticket the constable ever gave out in the parking lot was for double/triple parking.

how do you triple park?
(must be a woman haha j/k)

05-27-2003, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Toms-Celica
they are issuing tickets for AFTER-MARKET SOUNDSYSTEM'S (They ask you to pop the trunk and look for sub/amp) :thumbsdow

Do you have anymore details as to whether the stereo system was ON at the time (causing noise disturbance) or was it off? :dunno: I would like to know what charge/infraction is written on tickets issued pertaining to this.

I'm thiinking they were snoopng in people's trunks because they were looking for something else, just finding an excuse/reason for people to pop their trunk.

ILLEGAL lowering, tint and exhaust is all fair game. You play, you pay. Guess the police are giving them kids some education. :rofl:

05-27-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by dam_guy

how do you triple park?
(must be a woman haha j/k)

you'd be amazed at some of the stupid stuff that can happen at beaverbrook. *sniff* i'm so proud be have gone there :clap:

05-27-2003, 09:40 AM
Yeah Beav was pretty good for PoPo's giving out tickets. He would always creep around the feild looking for the dope smokers, and he would give the odd seatbelt ticket, but nothing too crazy.

But what is this garbage about soundsystems?

Are aftermarket soundsystems illegal? :dunno:

05-27-2003, 09:54 AM
Aftermarket stereos are not illegal, playing them at 130 decibels is...

I remember once they were doing a red light checkstop and they pulled this low rider truck over. Gave the kid a ticket for the tinting, the kid started to spout off to the cop... They cop made him remove the illegal tint right there on the side of the road. One of the funniest things I ever saw!!!

Man I'm glad the Low-rider truck faze has come and gone...:banghead:

05-27-2003, 10:55 AM
maybe they were looking for stolen stereo items?!

05-27-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Toms-Celica

I'm at Bishop Grandin and a police officer/cruiser has been around our school at lunch time pulling over all car's that leave the parking lot. Checking to make sure enough seatbelts which is a good thing, but they are issuing tickets for AFTER-MARKET SOUNDSYSTEM'S (They ask you to pop the trunk and look for sub/amp), TINT, EXHAUST SYSTEMS and RIDE HIGHT. Don't ask why they are giving out these bullshit tickets, I don't know but wasting 10 min's of my lunch to search my trunk is not cool. :thumbsdow

Spread the word!

dude, that sucks ass; whats with the constable at grandin anywayz? (or is it just a public constable picking off kids on the roads?)

the constable at my school doesnt give a shit; he used to have a 69 camaro (paimp juice! :bigpimp: ) , he said he'd buy my car off me and swap in a V8 if he didnt have a wife.. hahaha :rofl:

sadly most cops hate on imports alot more ive noticed; thats manufactureist!! ... errrr... somethin... :confused: hehehe :rofl:

05-27-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by EvilNeon
First, they don't need a warrant to search your car, unless is it parked in your garage in which case they would need a warrant for your house.

i personally would never consent to a search of my car if the cop asks. if you consent then anything they find is fair game. if you don't consent and they don't have reasonable grounds for a search then anything they find will probably just get thrown out

05-27-2003, 11:37 AM
SO many dumbass kids at beaverbrook they should have the cop there everyday after school.

I witnessed an accident in the parking lot, crazy ass kids.

05-27-2003, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
SO many dumbass kids at beaverbrook they should have the cop there everyday after school.

I witnessed an accident in the parking lot, crazy ass kids.
w00t!!! :D lol

05-27-2003, 02:21 PM
they dont need a warrant they do however need motive... take his badge number and report him. And next time just dont consent...
haha firecracker me and creeper saw a minor accident in our (Wisewood) parking lot, 2 ppl backin up, not lookin at all just hit rear bumpers

05-27-2003, 02:37 PM
I graduated from wisewood last year man.

The accident I saw at beaver was a couple weeks ago, a red truck and some 2 door car I can't remember, the car was trying to turn around and this truck came whipping through, car backed up a little and got nailed, guy in the truck must of been going like 40 in the little parking lot area on the west side near the doors.

05-27-2003, 02:45 PM
shitty i bet he got pounded by insurance
this may be vague but do you happen to know a Mike that graduated?? cause now hes my assistant manager at paramount

05-27-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by sin

this may be vague but do you happen to know a Mike that graduated?? cause now hes my assistant manager at paramount
oh yeah mike...paramount mike...good guy! ...yeah he's dead.

05-27-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
SO many dumbass kids at beaverbrook they should have the cop there everyday after school.

I witnessed an accident in the parking lot, crazy ass kids.

:werd: the kids there don't know how to drive worth shit. i drove to school in grades 11 and 12, and i've been hit and run 3 times in the two years i drove to school. luckily they have like 100 cameras throughout the school, so when I got hit for the third time they caught the fucker on camera. He ended up paying me like $1000:D

05-27-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Firecracker

oh yeah mike...paramount mike...good guy! ...yeah he's dead.


05-27-2003, 04:55 PM
haha thanks firecracker

05-27-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by sin
shitty i bet he got pounded by insurance
this may be vague but do you happen to know a Mike that graduated?? cause now hes my assistant manager at paramount

Yeah, i know a couple, and I know the one you're talkin about, haven't talked to him in awhile, he used to hang out with us, he still workin there?

05-27-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by RC-Cola
Aftermarket stereos are not illegal, playing them at 130 decibels is...

when i had my system in my old car i was at the lights and i had it crancked up...the cop was a couple cars back and pulled around next to me, flashed his lights and sounded his horn at me to get my attention and then asked me to turn it down (this was downtown) after which he left me alone...

05-28-2003, 03:42 PM
Well, I had a sit down talk with the police officer. He basically said anything he thinks is 'too loud' is illegal and will hand out a ticket for it. He also goes on to say that the judge usually agrees with him. When I mentioned about the decibels thing he had no idea if the force uses those meters or not.

Tint is now 100% illegal, I saw it in writing, the precentage of your tint does'nt matter. If it's not OEM it is illegal.

Ride hight, you must have 2" ground clearance, if not, it's illegal.

Any, and I mean any aftermarket light bulbs, light housing, etc...are all illegal with various fines. Usually sings to the tune of $115 an illegal bulb(1). If it's not OEM, it's illegal. Even if the package reads legal, it ain't.

Exhaust system's are all illegal. If it's not a direct OEM factory replacement, it's illegal.

05-28-2003, 04:06 PM
this is retarded... all of those people sporting fart cans have ruined it for the people with proper aftermarket exhausts...

05-28-2003, 05:19 PM
There are so many B.S. cops in my town too. They will pull you over for going 21 in a 20 mile zone, they will pull you over if you have your music too loud, there is so much crap.