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View Full Version : Is it just me or does anyone else think this ticket is 100% BS?

02-15-2007, 10:30 PM
I got a ticket a few months back on 32nd avenue NE, i was heading west bound 32nd on the left lane just passed 36st NE. I notice there was a police car on the right lane a couple of cars behind me but thought nothing about it.

A few moments later as i'm driving the limit and doing everything possible to be a angel ;), a speeding cruiser with its lights flashing, but no sirens, comes FAST behind me, my reactions were: go to right lane and slow to stop. But this guy was speeding so fast he cut me off via right lane, which was wide open, and i DID pull hard left and slow down. SO whatever no big deal keep driving right?

WRONG another police car comes right up behind me, this time i pulled to the right because i noticed his strobes come on right after i was passed. Thinking this guy must be responding to the call as well. BUT NO this fucking douche bag was actually pulling me over. So now i'm pulled over, not knowing why, maybe for some stupid shit like exhaust of tint ticket, or warning.

He asks for license an reg and he goes and does his thing. Come back with a ticket for;Failing to yield to emergency vehicle with lights/sirens for $172 and 3 demerits.

I do understand that i'm suppose to pull to the right side and slow to a stop, but in that situation i HONESTLY felt it was UNSAFE to do so.

At this point i was like this is BS and he didn't say anything worth telling so i took this to court. He explained his side and i explained mine. I even told them i slowed down and pulled as far left as possible because i felt it was NOT SAFE to cut off a speeding police cruiser (especially being my fault either way if an accident were to occur), and NO SIRENS were present on the interceptor that passed me, just lights.

I kept my cool and told the story exactly as it happened. The prosecutor even screwed up and said i was suppose to go to the right under any circumstance and stop to yield to emergency vehicles, which is not always the case and she got corrected by the judge.

In spite of all that the judge said he thought this is a decent amount for the offense, decent? yeah its not $172 and 3 demerits out of your pocket for this CROCK OF SHIT you asshole!

For those who took the time and read this, what do you think? I know the verdict is already in, i'm guilty, its not fair and i still have a ticket to pay. I attended the case before mine and the guy got a ticket for running a yellow while turning, he was pretty pissed, i could tell this blonde hair punk looking failure cop likes to give bs out like this. I'd post his name but it won't do jack shit, maybe i'll see him on the force one day and give him a few words. People say they just want money, could they have ever been more correct.:guns:

Cliff NOTES: I get a ticket for Failing to yield to emergency vehicle with lights/sirens for $172 and 3 demerits. I pulled all the way to the left side instead of pulling over to the right lane because the cruiser was speeding behind me and took the right lane first. The police car passed me with no problems using the right lane that was wide open. I get pulled over by another cop car and get a ticket. I go to court and they still shafted me. Do you think this is BS?

02-15-2007, 10:41 PM
BS tickets and BS cops are nothing new. The unfortunate part, moreso than the ticket itself, is that when it comes down to your word vs the cop's in court, they always win.

Sounds like you made the right decision and couldn't have done things any differently. It was a no-win situation.

02-16-2007, 12:12 AM
Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop

02-16-2007, 12:25 AM
Would it be your fault if you pulled over to the right and the officer rear ends you? That would suck as he would be going at high speed.

Now that you remind me, I made the same mistake when I got pulled over for speeding. I was in the far left lane of Deerfoot and the cops nailed me so I proceeded to just stop on the left hand side haha :rofl: Officer was pissed saying I could get us both killed, oh well, him first. j/k

02-16-2007, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop

OMG you're a fucking idiot. I DID pull to the nearest curb and slowed down almost to a stop, and for the record they charged me because i did not pull to the right (side) curb and stop.

man you're so stupid, either you can't read or just don't understand, either way you have issues, i understand you are ems but come on what if YOU got this ticket and were in my shoes.

Would you have cut off the police cruiser? how would you like it if i cut off your ambulance than? Way to jump the gun asshole.

02-16-2007, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by max_boost
Would it be your fault if you pulled over to the right and the officer rear ends you? That would suck as he would be going at high speed.

Now that you remind me, I made the same mistake when I got pulled over for speeding. I was in the far left lane of Deerfoot and the cops nailed me so I proceeded to just stop on the left hand side haha :rofl: Officer was pissed saying I could get us both killed, oh well, him first. j/k

hahaha yeah they would say its my fault FOR SURE because they had their lights on, we all know if they have their lights on they own the road and can blow through a redlight as fast as they can. :rolleyes:

cop>me in court.:banghead:

02-16-2007, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop

Did you read his post?

02-16-2007, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah

Did you read his post?

Nope, totally not, I hate assholes who can't read an entire post. Maybe he'll do it next time.

For the record, reading comprehension usually requires that one reads a post from top to bottom.

Thanks for coming out... have a nice day!

02-16-2007, 12:47 AM

02-16-2007, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop
I hate assholes who dont read posts and make assumptions.(damn hakkola you beat me to it)
That sounds like a bs ticket. You pulled over, as safely as possible as you didnt want to get into an accident with the cruiser. What dont they see with your actions. It would have either been pulling over to the left or a colission. :thumbsdow

02-16-2007, 12:59 AM
Calgary cops are fuckin' dickheads period.

02-16-2007, 01:18 AM
If your story is true (stories are always a little biased), then I'm very surprised that you didn't win in court. Clearly there was nothing else that you could have done safely.

And I understand TurboMedic that you're EMS and so is my cousin so I have great respect for them and their safety, but I'd like to know what you think Teg should have done in this situation. From what he said, it seems as though that was his only option.

02-16-2007, 01:48 AM
My story is true no doubt about it, there is no point for me to muck up my story as it won't benefit me in anyway. The verdict is already in and i' not dissing the CPS as i'm planning to join the force one day.

I should add though the officer said it was my fault because i had time to pull to the right, but who is he to say i had time? my perspective from my rearview mirror is way different than through his car. All i remember was i saw the cruiser coming up fast and i'm trying to think quick hes taking over to the right already and before i know it hes already passing me. All i did, and could only do, was pull as close to the left side of the curb as possible and slow down. Till this day i too still can't believe i got ticketed for something like this and didn't win in court, i thought for sure it was a bs ticket and would get thrown out. But as the present situation holds, hence the reason why i made this post. :dunno:

02-16-2007, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by $lick_rYz
Calgary cops are fuckin' dickheads period.

Yeah i deal with CPS alot (not traffic violations haha) and its almost like half and half of really nice ones and dickheads. I have never met a nice traffic cop before, i don't think they like their jobs very much haha

02-16-2007, 01:53 AM
Ask Mark McNulty On-Air Reporter for Shine FM and California FM. His email is [email protected]. He's from CTN The Canadian Traffic Network. You might get your concern :broadcasted: live on radio.

02-16-2007, 06:09 AM
to serve and collect

02-16-2007, 06:22 AM
I'm just happy that there are so few of them on the road...what would be the result of piles of cops out and about every day? Lots and lots of BS tickets!!!
They say a few bad apples spoil the barrel but Calgary seems to have more than their fair share!

02-16-2007, 09:41 AM
I think that you did what you could with the situation that you were placed in. Yes by law you were suppose to pull over to the right, but isn't it the law that officers are suppose to have their lights on if they are going over the speed limit to a call(Going to Timmy's isn't an emergency). I don't understand how you got a ticket for the officer speeding without his sirens on because he/she wanted to get to the Tim Hortons down by XSCargo faster. I think that the cop was having a bad day or was just being a dick in general just to give you a ticket. If you were to pull over to the right you probably would have gotten a ticket anyways for failing to yeild to a emergency vehicle and causing a car accident at the sametime. Besides you shouldn't have had to yeild because the sirens and the lights of the vehicle were not on at the time the car passed you, he/she was just speeding.

I agree that the ticket is bullshit and you did what you could with the situation and the not alot time you had to get out of the way. I don't agree that you went to fight the ticket and lost, I think you were in the right. You lost the fight which sucks but welcome to the justice system, its hard to win when your going up againest one of their own(CPS).

02-16-2007, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by $lick_rYz
Calgary cops are fuckin' dickheads period.


Originally posted by TegLover
i don't think they like their jobs very much

We make posts upon posts regarding how shitty the drivers are here in Calgary. It's known world wide! It's a little wonder they hate their jobs. ;)

Good luck with your CPS ventures TegLover:thumbsup:

02-16-2007, 10:14 AM
From the Traffic Safety Act.......
Yielding to vehicle with siren

65(1) When an emergency vehicle on which a siren is operating is overtaking, approaching or meeting another vehicle, the person driving that other vehicle shall, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer, yield the right of way to the emergency vehicle and

(a) the person driving that other vehicle shall forthwith drive the vehicle,

(i) in the case of a highway

(A) that is not divided by a median into separate roadways, or

(B) that is divided by a median into 2 separate roadways each having not more than 2 traffic lanes,

to a position that is clear of any intersection and parallel to and as close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway,

(ii) in the case of a highway that is divided by a median into 2 separate roadways each having more than 2 traffic lanes, to a position that is clear of any intersection and parallel to and as close as practicable to the curb or edge of the roadway that is nearest to that other vehicle, or

(iii) in the case of a one‑way highway that is not divided by a median into separate roadways, to a position that is clear of any intersection and parallel to and as close as practicable to the curb or edge of the roadway that is nearest to that other vehicle,

and stop and remain stopped in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed and the person driving the other vehicle has determined that no other emergency vehicles are approaching, or

(b) if that other vehicle is in an intersection and it is not safe or possible to clear the intersection, the person driving that other vehicle shall

(i) forthwith position the vehicle as far as practicable from the centre of the intersection so as to leave the largest direct passage possible in the circumstances for the emergency vehicle to pass, and

(ii) stop and remain stopped in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed and the person driving the other vehicle has determined that no other emergency vehicles are approaching.

So, as you can see, the letter of the law is clear about your situation. Pull to the right and stop. It sucks but that is the law.

02-16-2007, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by 88CRXGUY
I think that you did what you could with the situation that you were placed in. Yes by law you were suppose to pull over to the right, but isn't it the law that officers are suppose to have their lights on if they are going over the speed limit to a call(Going to Timmy's isn't an emergency). I don't understand how you got a ticket for the officer speeding without his sirens on because he/she wanted to get to the Tim Hortons down by XSCargo faster. I think that the cop was having a bad day or was just being a dick in general just to give you a ticket. If you were to pull over to the right you probably would have gotten a ticket anyways for failing to yeild to a emergency vehicle and causing a car accident at the sametime. Besides you shouldn't have had to yeild because the sirens and the lights of the vehicle were not on at the time the car passed you, he/she was just speeding.

I agree that the ticket is bullshit and you did what you could with the situation and the not alot time you had to get out of the way. I don't agree that you went to fight the ticket and lost, I think you were in the right. You lost the fight which sucks but welcome to the justice system, its hard to win when your going up againest one of their own(CPS).

Thanks man, and thanks for everyone who contributed to my thread.

The cruiser had its light on only, no sirens, thats the reason why i was stuck in a situation to have to think really fast. I still think i did the right thing, but appearantly i was "not paying attention" and did not yield. If he did in fact had lights and sirens going i may have had enough time to react. Proving once again they are nothing short of to serve and collect. haha

02-16-2007, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by googe
to serve and collect

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: So true.

D. Dub
02-16-2007, 12:04 PM
wow shitty situation

02-16-2007, 12:21 PM
Sounds like BS to me. Try another ticket fighter company or something. I hate hearing about BS tickets.

02-16-2007, 02:24 PM
when did you see the cruiser behind you? Inatentiveness is not a defense and is how I read the judgement was made.

02-16-2007, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Would it be your fault if you pulled over to the right and the officer rear ends you? That would suck as he would be going at high speed.

Now that you remind me, I made the same mistake when I got pulled over for speeding. I was in the far left lane of Deerfoot and the cops nailed me so I proceeded to just stop on the left hand side haha :rofl: Officer was pissed saying I could get us both killed, oh well, him first. j/k

Nope any emergency vehical that hits you while responding to a call is automatically at fault:thumbsup:

02-16-2007, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop

Not defending anyone but, I was in a situation when I was pulled around the new over pass by McKight and 36th. I pulled over to the left and was bitched at by the officer for doing so. Threaten to give me another ticket and have my car towed. Anyways, I hope you challange the ticket and good luck.

02-16-2007, 03:34 PM
When I see an emergency vehicle coming and I have good warning, I just use my head and see where there is a clear path in front of me and make room for it consistent with that. If there are 3 lanes and Im in the left line and the middle lane is clear, obviously the right thing to do is go for the left curb. If in that situation youre expected to somehow jump over to the right curb with a bunch of traffic there, well, that cop deserves a knightstick upside the head. I've always gone by the "GTFO of the way" approach than the "find the right curb and pull over" approach.

02-16-2007, 03:41 PM
:confused: To all who dissed me, I didn't read anywhere that he STOPPED as the vehicle was passing......Fuckin tards, the law says STOP not pull over and continue driving or just slow down......Bandwagoners....Any of you Ethugs done yet? I stand by my original post! Here it is incase you forgot:

Nope, totally legit....I hate assholes who don't pull over and stop....'bout time they start making examples....maybe you'll do it next time.....Have a nice day!

For the record, its pull to the nearest curb and stop

Notice how I said STOP twice? I read his whole post, now you guys should all go back to your highschool classes before you get in trouble...


02-16-2007, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by googe
to serve and collect That's what it is! $$$

I admit I'm guilty of infractions here and there and don't mind donating but for them to say it's meant as a deterrent, right.....lower the fines please. lol

02-16-2007, 04:35 PM
:bullshit: ticket (read the whole story, and based on story, feel sorry for you man)

02-16-2007, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
I read his whole post, now you guys should all go back to your highschool classes before you get in trouble...


You realize that several people you are talking to are the same age as, or older than you, including the OP?

The whole "lol Im cool because Im on beyond and finished school go back to ur playground lamers" thing gets pretty lame... Do you say that to your parents too or what?

02-16-2007, 05:38 PM
Nah, just you googe.....want a hug?

02-16-2007, 05:44 PM
Yeah right I dont want TurboMedic cooties...

02-16-2007, 05:48 PM
Yep, BS...

02-16-2007, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by googe
Yeah right I dont want TurboMedic cooties...

Ha...cooties....been hanging around too many 6th grade girls eh? :bigpimp:

02-16-2007, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Yep, BS...

it's Bush's fault

02-16-2007, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow

it's Bush's fault

You guys should see the BS ticket I got yesterday... I wont post till after court though just in case, but its friggin cute what some cops will try and get away with lol...

02-17-2007, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
:confused: To all who dissed me, I didn't read anywhere that he STOPPED as the vehicle was passing......Fuckin tards, the law says STOP not pull over and continue driving or just slow down......Bandwagoners....Any of you Ethugs done yet? I stand by my original post! Here it is incase you forgot:

Ok you might want to read my post ONE MORE TIME.

There were 2 police cruisers, one that passed me in a very short time frame, and ANOTHER(the one who ticketed me) that got right up on my ass, literally seconds after i was passed.

Are you saying instead of me pulling over to the right and stopping for the second cruiser i was actually suppose to STOP in the left lane anyways? For the record I DID stop for the second police cruiser.

Yes, i still got a ticket even doing the right thing for the second cop when i actually had time to react.:rolleyes:

OHH BTW i had to pay $206 instead of $172 because i was ONE friggin day late(due on jan 30th, paid on 31st), OMG this BS just keeps dragging doesn't it?:banghead: :cry:

02-17-2007, 01:16 AM
What he's saying is that you should have pulled over and stopped for the first cruiser that was approaching with the lights on.

He didn't understand that that's what you were trying to do but the cop cut you off and you had to improvise and pull to the left instead.

There's clearly a miscommunication here between what you said, what he understood, what he thinks you should have done, what you actually did, and what should have been done.

02-17-2007, 01:18 AM
^^Download "Fuck the Police" by NWA, listen to it nice and loud while you watch a cop get owned at this link here:


You will feel better. :thumbsup:

02-17-2007, 02:27 AM
Fuck that shit, from now on, i dont care if an ambulance is racing behind me, i'll be pulling straight out in front of them to the right. Dont care if I am far left and can pull to the left hand lane, I may as well get charged going the same way as the law than against.

Just made the road a whole lot safer:thumbsdow because people hear about this shit.

02-17-2007, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by rinny
Fuck that shit, from now on, i dont care if an ambulance is racing behind me, i'll be pulling straight out in front of them to the right. Dont care if I am far left and can pull to the left hand lane, I may as well get charged going the same way as the law than against.

Exactl y how i'm going to do it next time, i'm not about to get charged $172 again. :)

Evo prec
02-17-2007, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Toma

You guys should see the BS ticket I got yesterday... I wont post till after court though just in case, but its friggin cute what some cops will try and get away with lol...

LOL had a pretty good life.

02-17-2007, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Mixalot27
^^Download "Fuck the Police" by NWA, listen to it nice and loud while you watch a cop get owned at this link here:


You will feel better. :thumbsup:

Boy you're a real piece of work

02-17-2007, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by rinny
Fuck that shit, from now on, i dont care if an ambulance is racing behind me, i'll be pulling straight out in front of them to the right. Dont care if I am far left and can pull to the left hand lane, I may as well get charged going the same way as the law than against.

Just made the road a whole lot safer:thumbsdow because people hear about this shit.

Be my guest....Getting creamed by a 9000lb vehicle is the perfect way to shut your ass up! :)

Originally posted by TegLover

Exactl y how i'm going to do it next time, i'm not about to get charged $172 again. :)

See above....Oh, and I hope its your mom/girlfriend/dad/cousin/etc. in the back when it happens....


You guys are so anti-establishment its crazy....All I see here is extreme's, no compromise, no rational thought, nothing but reactionary claims to puff up your lats and walk around like the big dog.....Its actually quite funny! :rofl:

02-17-2007, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic

You guys are so anti-establishment its crazy....All I see here is extreme's, no compromise, no rational thought, nothing but reactionary claims to puff up your lats and walk around like the big dog.....Its actually quite funny! :rofl:

Welcome to the Internet, where everyone tries to act more anti-establishment and badass than the next guy. I can guarantee that majority of the posters in this thread aren't actually the police-hatin' road warriors they pretend to be - their acts of dissent probably amount to sticking out their tongue at the police officer's back as he walks back to his cruiser. Badass, indeed.

02-17-2007, 09:04 PM
Why get mad at or penalize a guy that is slowing down on the left rather than stopping on the right...hes out of your way, isnt that all that matters? Often the reason people are still moving is because theyre getting further out of the way, which would be better than stopping dead where you were. Cops too often forget that above the letter of the law is the spirit of the law and just see it as another ticket.

What kinda concerns me is what kind of paramedic gets a kick out of the idea of running a 9000lb truck into a car? Hoping their mother is most vulnerable when it happens? You dont seem very fit for a public service job if youre more concerned with vehicles parting exactly where you want them to rather than getting to your emergency or not destroying a small vehicle with a family inside...

I realize youre just talking shit like all the cop killas on the internet (I hope so anyway) but maybe you should talk to someone about those issues. I changed my mind about your hug offer. PM me if you want to meet up sometime. Maybe we can invite some cops and have a beyond group hug meet 2007.

02-17-2007, 09:35 PM
Jeesus.....I need to draw stick man pictures for you don't I? I'm well protected in that vehicle, so if Teglover has a deathwish, so be it, who am I to stand in the way. It seemed his ignorant statement (see abovein regards to no rational thought) about blanket treating each individual incident with a "hard right" has spurred yet another googefest. I love ya man, you're the reason I keep coming here!

Oh, and if you have any concerns about my abilities to do my job, get hurt in my area....I'm sure you'd be more than happy to have somebody go over and above to help YOU out, thats what I do....That is unless Teglover is driving in front of us, then we may be a bit delayed....:rofl:

Hey, you aren't the caveman off the geico commercials are you?

02-17-2007, 11:53 PM
Is it just me or does anyone else think this ticket is 100% BS?

It's just you .......:cry:

02-18-2007, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow

it's Bush's fault :rofl: :rofl:

Back on topic: I don't want to sound anti-cop but from what a couple of veteran cops I talked to told me, its mostly the "rookie" officers that usually have the power trips, so maybe you just got "lucky" and happened to cross one:dunno:

02-18-2007, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
You guys are so anti-establishment its crazy....All I see here is extreme's, no compromise, no rational thought, nothing but reactionary claims to puff up your lats and walk around like the big dog.....Its actually quite funny! :rofl:

So the cop who gave me the ticket was rational? and all of the above, but i'm not? You really think i need words to make me look like a big dog to others? HAHAHA thats right i'm power tripping here so i go out and give BS tickets.

I'm here trying to cover my ass from getting another ticket incase you can't read, yes i WILL do what i have to the next time to prevent me from getting this same BS ticket again. I mean thats the "lesson" they are trying to teach right?

All I got to say is: don't hate the player, hate the game!

Its not my fault that i will be forced to cut to the right lane and slam my brakes NO MATTER WHAT! I did the right thing the first time, but appearantly its not right. If you slam into me, you will get sued and lose your job and thats just too bad. Again don't hate the player hate the game. If and when i take you to court i will have my argument from my experiences from my first ticket. So bring it on, i'm driving a Yukon XL, i can take it.

I see it bothers you badly that I and many other will cut in front of you to "block" you, cause we all love doing that:rolleyes: . Do you blame me though? well how about you come over here and give me $172 and i'll stay the fuck out of your way. How about that deal huh?

You're the ignorant individual here, this thread actually contains many mature responses but yours. How can i get it through you thick skull that i was trying to do my best to do the right thing here. Did you think i was intetionally trying to block the police cruiser?

I am NOT against CPS or any of you guys. I actually work with the CPS, and am on YOUR side.

How did you even pass EMT? you're too stupid, wait its just a 2 year program at SAIT. What did you get a certificate? You must love your carreer choice.

I'm here working my ass off to pay off tuition and working on my chemistry major, in hopes to get my degree just to make society better and i get this BS in my life. Then you come into the picture thinking i'm a bad guy? Just because you don't have the best job nor educations you don't have the right to take it out on others. If you don't like your job, get a real education and get a new one you ignorant prick.

Sorry to have to make some personal attacks on you but i have ZERO respect for you, and you are plain ignorant. You think you are the shit cause you are EMS, stop tripping and wake up or do you need me to slap you the fuck up? cause i'm glad to anywhere anytime (not an e-thug but you deserve what i'm offering you). You are just as bad as that rookie cop, not too surprised about the shit coming from you. You have NO argument here period. All you come up with is irrelevent shit, and i'm irrational? Get a life, or perhaps a real job you dumb cunt wipe. :guns: :banghead:

02-18-2007, 09:40 AM
it was a speeding cop car... not an ambulance.

the term "speeding" and "ambulance" are an oxymoron.

You got no chance of getting hit by an ambulance.

Now.... being hit by a cop late for his donuts... hmmmm

The way this went down, I would not be surprised if this was a new kind of "sting".... similar to the staged "emergency at the side of the road" speed trap.

02-18-2007, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

If you slam into me, you will get sued and lose your job and thats just too bad. Again don't hate the player hate the game. If and when i take you to court i will have my argument from my experiences from my first ticket. So bring it on, i'm driving a Yukon XL, i can take it.

If you don't get out of the road, he gets sued? That's how it works, is it? :rofl:

I'm here working my ass off to pay off tuition and working on my chemistry major, in hopes to get my degree just to make society better and i get this BS in my life. Then you come into the picture thinking i'm a bad guy? Just because you don't have the best job nor educations you don't have the right to take it out on others. If you don't like your job, get a real education and get a new one you ignorant prick.

He spends his day saving lives, you spend your whining on the Internet about a rather measly ticket. I have huge respect for EMT's and the tough job they do. I have zero respect for whiny bitches that think they're better than other people because they go to University. Here's a news flash for you: being in school to get a chem degree doesn't give you any right to slag off someone who's got his certification and is out there saving lives. Who's the ignorant prick now?

stop tripping and wake up or do you need me to slap you the fuck up? cause i'm glad to anywhere anytime (not an e-thug but you deserve what i'm offering you). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: "I'll beat you up anytime, but really, I'm not an e-thug!" Best outright contradiction ever! :rofl:

02-18-2007, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

So the cop who gave me the ticket was rational? and all of the above, but i'm not? You really think i need words to make me look like a big dog to others? HAHAHA thats right i'm power tripping here so i go out and give BS tickets.

I'm here trying to cover my ass from getting another ticket incase you can't read, yes i WILL do what i have to the next time to prevent me from getting this same BS ticket again. I mean thats the "lesson" they are trying to teach right?

All I got to say is: don't hate the player, hate the game!

Its not my fault that i will be forced to cut to the right lane and slam my brakes NO MATTER WHAT! I did the right thing the first time, but appearantly its not right. If you slam into me, you will get sued and lose your job and thats just too bad. Again don't hate the player hate the game. If and when i take you to court i will have my argument from my experiences from my first ticket. So bring it on, i'm driving a Yukon XL, i can take it.

I see it bothers you badly that I and many other will cut in front of you to "block" you, cause we all love doing that:rolleyes: . Do you blame me though? well how about you come over here and give me $172 and i'll stay the fuck out of your way. How about that deal huh?

You're the ignorant individual here, this thread actually contains many mature responses but yours. How can i get it through you thick skull that i was trying to do my best to do the right thing here. Did you think i was intetionally trying to block the police cruiser?

I am NOT against CPS or any of you guys. I actually work with the CPS, and am on YOUR side.

How did you even pass EMT? you're too stupid, wait its just a 2 year program at SAIT. What did you get a certificate? You must love your carreer choice.

I'm here working my ass off to pay off tuition and working on my chemistry major, in hopes to get my degree just to make society better and i get this BS in my life. Then you come into the picture thinking i'm a bad guy? Just because you don't have the best job nor educations you don't have the right to take it out on others. If you don't like your job, get a real education and get a new one you ignorant prick.

Sorry to have to make some personal attacks on you but i have ZERO respect for you, and you are plain ignorant. You think you are the shit cause you are EMS, stop tripping and wake up or do you need me to slap you the fuck up? cause i'm glad to anywhere anytime (not an e-thug but you deserve what i'm offering you). You are just as bad as that rookie cop, not too surprised about the shit coming from you. You have NO argument here period. All you come up with is irrelevent shit, and i'm irrational? Get a life, or perhaps a real job you dumb cunt wipe. :guns: :banghead:

I'm just going quote you so we can keep this thread going .... keep it up .....

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

02-18-2007, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
He spends his day saving lives, you spend your whining on the Internet about a rather measly ticket. I have huge respect for EMT's and the tough job they do. I have zero respect for whiny bitches that think they're better than other people because they go to University. Here's a news flash for you: being in school to get a chem degree doesn't give you any right to slag off someone who's got his certification and is out there saving lives. Who's the ignorant prick now?

Ok...i'm not going to lie about this, but i made that post when i was pretty drunk last night hahaha and i'm surprised how coherent it is.:bigpimp:

NOW for your contributions here; i'm not whining about this ticket. I made this post so people are aware of yet another BS ticket that you can get. I'm not here telling people to stop in front of emergency vehicles, everyone here can make their own choices at their own discretion. I will still stop on the right lane no matter what! ignorant? i think not, unless you want to come and take my heat as well.

"He spends his day saving lives, you spend your whining on the Internet about a rather measly ticket."

BerserkerCatSplat Posts/Day: 4.21

Me:Posts/Day: 0.16

I'm "contradicting" myself? think again and maybe get a job.

The only reason why i brought in my degree in is because that guy thought he was so superior driving an ambulance with flashing LED's. But you know what in reality he just has a certificate to prove how powerful he really is. He saves lives? so you really think he plays that great of a role in "saving lives"? That means with a 2 year certificate i can save too? Yeah sure there buddy, not only that 'HE' just drive an ambulance hahaha he sure plays a MAjOR role in saving lives. :rollseyes:

Don't get me wrong though i have respect to EMT (just not for Turbomedic=fool), thats about the second or third time i've said that mind you. I have 3 friends in EMT and a coworkers as well. So before you jump the gun and say i'm bashing EMT's, why don't you read harder and maybe you can see my comment was only directed at Turbomedic.

02-18-2007, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by blueToy

I'm just going quote you so we can keep this thread going .... keep it up .....

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Dude you're a douche bag, get the fuck out of my thread. NOOB :thumbsdow

02-18-2007, 01:25 PM
you feel you did the right thing, it depends. If you were unattentive and didn't notice the emergency vehicle coming up behind you, forcing him to go around you before you pull out of the way, which I may add, seems to be the case here since it did go to court and a jp agreed (traffic jp's are defence lawyers and usually need a lot of convincing in court).

I know from experience nothing is more frustrating than going hard to a call, which by the sounds of it would be a robbery or something similiar where the siren would not be good thing to use, and have a car infront of me with someone that doesn't check their mirror and just sits in the lane. Having to slow down, wait, then pull around them, only to have them react at that moment is very nerve wracking.

It's one thing to say a ticket is BS and it get's thrown out, but It's hard to call it a BS ticket when the courts agreed that the ticket was a just one.

02-18-2007, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by TegLover

Dude you're a douche bag, get the fuck out of my thread. NOOB :thumbsdow

Truth hurts doesn't it , Captain Obvious ?

02-18-2007, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Toma

The way this went down, I would not be surprised if this was a new kind of "sting".... similar to the staged "emergency at the side of the road" speed trap.

:rofl: sad but true

02-18-2007, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by TegLover

The only reason why i brought in my degree in is because that guy thought he was so superior driving an ambulance with flashing LED's. But you know what in reality he just has a certificate to prove how powerful he really is. He saves lives? so you really think he plays that great of a role in "saving lives"? That means with a 2 year certificate i can save too? Yeah sure there buddy, not only that 'HE' just drive an ambulance hahaha he sure plays a MAjOR role in saving lives. :rollseyes:

Don't get me wrong though i have respect to EMT (just not for Turbomedic=fool), thats about the second or third time i've said that mind you. I have 3 friends in EMT and a coworkers as well. So before you jump the gun and say i'm bashing EMT's, why don't you read harder and maybe you can see my comment was only directed at Turbomedic.

:) ...Whatever makes you sleep better at night!

For the record, its Paramedic, not EMT, its a huge difference, and I have a degree in Emergency Prehospital Care, yes, a degree like your chemistry thing.....I'd love to take you along and see if you have the nuts to see and do what I see and do every night. Same with CPS, its not all sunshine and butterflies champ!

As for ambulance drivers? We don't have "ambulance drivers"....Yes, I drive, 2 out of my 4 days, like everyone else in the field, I'd burn out any other way. Perhaps you'd have a steady enough hand to cut someones throat to insert a "breathing tube" as the newspapers call it like we do? Tell someone's family their dad isn't coming back? See the girl beat up by her boyfriend now brain damaged? See families torn apart in tragic events? Nah, I doubt you'd have the gonads to even look....:whipped: This goes for ALL emergency services, Police, Fire, EMS, Nurses, Dr's, etc.

This wasn't a look at me statement, I just don't think "beaker" over there is man enough....

Smile everyone, this is just a forum, and truly hat did you expect here Teglover? Honestly? High fives? Pats on the back? A groupie cheering squad in court? Jeez dude, get real!

And keep it up! I could do this for a few weeks......you know, when I'm not driving the ambulance.....:clap:

02-18-2007, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic

Perhaps you'd have a steady enough hand to cut someones throat to insert a "breathing tube" as the newspapers call it like we do? Tell someone's family their dad isn't coming back? See the girl beat up by her boyfriend now brain damaged? See families torn apart in tragic events?

pics or it didnt happen

02-19-2007, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by blueToy

Truth hurts doesn't it , Captain Obvious ?

Nice try man, your insults sure hurt me or the lack of.. haha again nice try, even slow, mentally challenged people like yourself deserves a chance to speak.:thumbsup:

02-19-2007, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
And keep it up! I could do this for a few weeks......you know, when I'm not driving the ambulance.....:clap:

Its sad that you just admitted you have no life, nothing better to do, and degree my ass. Everyone on the internet has one. You probably got your online? WOW :rolleyes:

02-19-2007, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow
you feel you did the right thing, it depends. If you were unattentive and didn't notice the emergency vehicle coming up behind you, forcing him to go around you before you pull out of the way, which I may add, seems to be the case here since it did go to court and a jp agreed (traffic jp's are defence lawyers and usually need a lot of convincing in court).

I know from experience nothing is more frustrating than going hard to a call, which by the sounds of it would be a robbery or something similiar where the siren would not be good thing to use, and have a car infront of me with someone that doesn't check their mirror and just sits in the lane. Having to slow down, wait, then pull around them, only to have them react at that moment is very nerve wracking.

It's one thing to say a ticket is BS and it get's thrown out, but It's hard to call it a BS ticket when the courts agreed that the ticket was a just one.

Its your opinion if you thought i was not paying attention, i'm sorry that my eyes are looking forward at all times scanning the road and being a prepared, defensive driver. I sure always check my mirrors as well, as a part of being a prepared and defensive driver. Thats something called driving.

Did you really think i significantly slowed down the cruiser? come on now i know common sense isn't as common to as many as we think, sad but true. Unless you are mentally retarded i'm sure you can picture the situation and see how much i could've affected the situation, if any at all for that matter.

The police car did not cruise behind me to wait me for me to get out of the way, instead there was an opportunity in the right lane to pass and the officer took it. Is it his fault? wait just mine right? cause i got the ticket and was found guilty, which automatically means i'm guilty for sure. Same goes for all the people who got put in jail and then proven innocent a few years later right?

I'm not here to change anyones opinion, i don't care what you think. If you want to continue to be ignorant go right ahead, whatever floats your boat.:thumbsdow