View Full Version : Here's a bit of interesting reading

05-27-2003, 10:05 AM

05-27-2003, 10:16 AM
Yeah I think thats the way to go these days.

Or you can go see the dealmaker of all dealmakers down at Rocky Mountain Plaza. He is awesome, and half the time he throws your tickets out, or tells you just to pay the fine.

He got a 23 over in a construction zone reduced just to paying the fine. It never showed on my abstract.... :poosie:

05-27-2003, 07:23 PM
Excellent post!! I read the entire thing, then e-mailed it to all my buddies.

This has got to be the best thing I have heard for years... so true it's not even funny:

In an ordinary speeding case, the decision whether to issue a warning or a citation is left to the discretion of the police officer, who has probably already made up his mind. Be polite, but don't volunteer any information. "The officer is going to try to get you to say you were speeding," says Eric Skrum of the National Motorists Association, a motorist-advocacy group. "If you admit guilt, it will go in his notes and be used against you if you go to court."

When asked if you know why you were stopped, do not commit yourself. Just say something like, "I'm not sure." If the officer says you were speeding, respond with, "I see," or say nothing. Silence doesn't equal an admission of guilt, nor does signing the ticket. You are simply acknowledging receipt of a copy of the ticket.

If you are pulled over out-of-state, don't assume that paying the ticket promptly will prevent the infraction from being reported to your home state -- even if the officer suggests that that's the case. Just about all states share information about driving infractions.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
