View Full Version : Behind the Wheel - February 21, 2007 - Speed Zone Boundaries

02-21-2007, 11:56 PM
Speed Zone Boundaries!

When approaching a speed limit change along the highway -- as indicated by appropriate signage -- am I expected to alter my speed once the sign becomes visible to me so that I have reached the new limit by the time I reach the sign, or do I maintain my speed and then increase or reduce it only after I have reached the sign?

Imagine a line painted across the highway perpendicular to the edge of the road at the sign. Before you reach that line, you must follow the limit in the zone you are in. Once you have passed the line, you must travel at (or below) the speed of the zone that you have entered.

Although many drivers think that as soon as they are able to see and read the sign it is an indication that they are allowed to speed up, they are not correct. The reverse is true though, when you see the sign calling for a reduction in speed, it is wise to begin slowing so that you are traveling at the correct speed when you enter the zone. In fact, there are often signs posted to remind you of this.

This might be a good time to attack the "10 over" myth. Many drivers feel that they can travel 10 km/h faster than the posted limit because the police won't pay any attention in that situation. Perhaps not, but what if your speedometer is not accurate? Many of our vehicles live their entire lives without having the speedometer checked for accuracy. What if your speedometer reads 10 km/h too slow? This would mean that you are now 20 km/h over, and are very likely to be on the receiving end of a ticket. Trying to follow the limit is the smart move and is characteristic of a considerate driver.

Reference Links (http://drivesmartbc.ca/current.htm)