View Full Version : Hahaha, hilarious customer service chat conversation.

07-21-2002, 11:10 AM
Setup: Some folks on another board got bored, and decided to start talking to live tech support on Norelco's (elec. razor) website. The convos that they had were hilarious.

Betty = Tech Support
snoop dizzle = Bored person

Question: razor problem

( snoop dizzle has joined )
( Betty has joined )
snoop dizzle: what da dizzle bizzle?
snoop dizzle: dis rizzles shizzle
snoop dizzle: where u at my nizzle?
snoop dizzle: i gotsta axe u a question homes
Betty: Hello Snoop. Welcome to Norelco's Live Customer Care Service. My name is Betty.
snoop dizzle: and i be big ol' snoopp dizzle from the east sizzle nizzle
Betty: I'm having a little trouble understanding how I can help you. Do me a favor, give me more details about the element of the question which needs clarification.
snoop dizzle: pleased to meat your aquizzle.
snoop dizzle: aight
Betty: I am awaiting your resposne.
snoop dizzle: i gots dis trick azz beitch who be hittin up my homies fo dick, but dey ain't havin dat hairy shizzle
snoop dizzle: i needs a heavy duty Ghetto razor
snoop dizzle: do dat shiz come in gold?
Betty: Could you please restate your question in English language.
snoop dizzle: roflroflroflrofl
snoop dizzle: dat be ebonics ho
snoop dizzle: east sizzle slizzle
Betty: I am sorry, but our services are available in English.

Question: Limitations on shaving

( Norelcock has joined )
( Betty has joined )
Norelcock: hey hey hey betty
Betty: Hello and welcome to Norelco's Live Customer Care Service. My name is Betty.
Norelcock: Check it out Betty
Betty: I'm having a little trouble understanding how I can help you. Do me a favor, give me more details about the element of the question which needs clarification.
Norelcock: I know that when you eat.. youre not supposed to swim for an hour
Norelcock: now...
Norelcock: i like to have a swim in the morning.. should i wait an hour before i shave?
Betty: Thank you for the additional information.
Betty: I understand your concern regarding the use of razor.
Norelcock: Right
Norelcock: i was talking to Robin about this earlier....
Norelcock: but i got disconnected, could you bring her in here as well?
Betty: You can have your swim anytime before or after the shave. The only important concern is have the skin completely dry.
Norelcock: Well. there are other things a little more private which i had revealed to Robin
Betty: I am sorry, but I am unable to contact Robin at the moment.
Norelcock: I would really feel more comfortable if i were to talk to Robin
Betty: I will assist you with your questions on our products.
Norelcock: Another thing is
Norelcock: When i shave my nuts with the razor... its fine
Betty: I apologize, but Robin is not in a position to come on a conference.
Norelcock: but after i go swimming... my sack shrinks, and i cut myself one time before of shrinkage
Norelcock: how come i prevent cutting myself?
Betty: Our razor have been designed and teste on facial hair.
Norelcock: teste?
Betty: I am sorry for the mistype.
Norelcock: testies?
Norelcock: what did you mistype? i dont understand
Betty: Our razors have only been tested and evaluated on facial hair.
Norelcock: When will the tests on pubic hair be conducted?
Norelcock: When i buy a razor.. iwant to know that it works as well on my face as it will on my nuts
Norelcock: nothing like having nuts as smooth as a babys ass
Betty: I'm sorry but there are others who need my help, so I have to limit our chat to how I can help you on the website. Is there any Norelco question I can assist you with?
Norelcock: i bet you like smooth nuts
Norelcock: no no
Norelcock: listen
Norelcock: is Robin free yet?
Norelcock: it seems youre uncomfortable speaking of genitals
Norelcock: Robin was very helpful and gave me very good personal advice on how to take care of my problem... but i was cut short, i still had more questions
Betty: I regret that we couldn't finish our discussion. You will get a note by email of all the page links and services I mentioned. Thank you for using Norelco Live Customer Care Service.
Betty: If you need any further assistance, please feel free to login again. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
( Norelcock has exited )

Question: hair grows thicker

( Richard Noggin has joined )
( Robin has joined )
Richard Noggin: hi robin
Richard Noggin: so I'm having this problem with a shaver I bought from you guys
Richard Noggin: it's the one that squirts out lotion
Robin: Hello Richard. Welcome to Norelco's Live Customer Care Service. My name isRobin.
Robin: Thank you for your question.
Richard Noggin: it looks like a guys is ...you know...
Richard Noggin: but anyway
Robin: Could you please let me know the model number of your razor?
Richard Noggin: so like basically when I shave my ass the hair grows thicker
Richard Noggin: is there anyway to prevent this?
Richard Noggin: I mean it almost looks like I have velcro,
Robin: The model number will be listed on the razor and on the manual which you get along with it.
Richard Noggin: the shaver bogs down cuz my ass is so hairy now
Richard Noggin: that wasn't listed as a possible side effect
Richard Noggin: I don't have the manual
Robin: Could you please let me know when did you purchase the razor?
Richard Noggin: but it's the one that quirts out the white stuff
Richard Noggin: about 2 months ago
Richard Noggin: so anyways now I can't even wipe my ass right, cuz all the turd just gets stuck on the thick ass hair caused by your razor
Richard Noggin: do you have bigger razors so maybe I can just shave a whole cheek at a time or something?
Richard Noggin: I hate having to do like 10 passes per cheek, it cuts down on my time
Richard Noggin: and is there some remedy to the ass hair or am I just stuck like this for the rest of my life?
Richard Noggin: I bought the Norelco because I was told it was the best but now the blades are dull and it bogs down on my hair
Robin: I would suggest you to take your razor to one of our Authorized Service Centers where the technical experts will assist you with your razor.
Richard Noggin: it overheats too so i've had 3 circles burned on my ass like a brand sometimes, since there is a crap load of ass hair it almost looks like crop circles
Richard Noggin: my friends have started making fun of me the told me aliens visited my ass, I told them it's the shaver burning the hair off but now I'm starting to wonder....
Richard Noggin: what about the ass hair? I don't care about the razor it's the ass hair I'm concerned about
Robin: If you are not satisfied with our razor and it is under 60-day money back guarantee, we can refund you the money.
Richard Noggin: the razor manual didn't say anything about that
Robin: I am sorry but I have to terminate our chat session.
Robin: Please feel free to login again.
Robin: We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Richard Noggin: you're no help?

07-21-2002, 12:24 PM
hahahah, thats is pretty funny! Clearly they were really bored when they did that:rofl:

GTS Jeff
07-21-2002, 12:43 PM
hahahaha the last one about crop circles was funny

07-21-2002, 01:00 PM
rofl....haha...OMG...almost as funny as ask leo!

07-21-2002, 01:16 PM

07-21-2002, 01:20 PM
HAHAHAHA.... oh yah!!!


07-21-2002, 01:50 PM
hahahaha......... Damn that's funny, Kinda reminds me of the stupid fun section in Maxim and things to do when bored. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-21-2002, 01:59 PM

07-21-2002, 06:12 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
yeh "Almost"