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02-27-2007, 03:24 PM
So Al Gore wants us to conserve energy consumption? Perhaps he should start at his home first.


02-27-2007, 05:28 PM
except that they are comparing average home usage against his far-from-average home. Heating and electricity increase exponentially with square footage, and I would think Gore's home is considerably large.

His usage per square foot may be lower than average.

I guess statistics can be used to prove anything; forfty percent of people know that.

D. Dub
02-27-2007, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by core_upt
except that they are comparing average home usage against his far-from-average home. Heating and electricity increase exponentially with square footage, and I would think Gore's home is considerably large.

His usage per square foot may be lower than average.

I guess statistics can be used to prove anything; forfty percent of people know that.

but the point is --who needs a 20 room 8 bathroom home with such a huge energy need??

02-27-2007, 06:33 PM
He runs 2 businesses out of there, it is almost 10,ooo feet, in the last year, he has stepped up construction renovating the old "shack", putting in new energy efficeint windows, insulating... He holds upwards of 2 conferences a week, and as many as 10 rooms are used at a time.

It is lit by compact fluorescents, he subscribes to green power instead of coal produced, and he himselfs drive a hybrid.

The only way that mansion would use less power would be if it were torn down.

The idiots at drudge report make it sound like one guy lives there, and that;s all. :rolleyes:

02-27-2007, 06:48 PM
Selective reporting, everyone is guilty of it.

02-27-2007, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by eb0i
So Al Gore wants us to conserve energy consumption? Perhaps he should start at his home first.


Whatsa matter? got nothing to contribute now?

02-27-2007, 07:25 PM
No actually I don't. I jumped on the media bandwagon a bit too fast, and I realize my error. I don't know what you expect Toma?

02-27-2007, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by eb0i
No actually I don't. I jumped on the media bandwagon a bit too fast, and I realize my error. I don't know what you expect Toma?
LOL :D good enough :)

02-27-2007, 11:54 PM
another job well done TOMA:D

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 10:30 AM
job well done?? my ass :D

Gore NEEDS a 20 room 8 bathroom home to entertain biz clients?

While everyone else has to go green and shrink their environmental footprint?

What a crock. :rolleyes:

02-28-2007, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub
job well done?? my ass :D

Gore NEEDS a 20 room 8 bathroom home to entertain biz clients?

While everyone else has to go green and shrink their environmental footprint?

What a crock. :rolleyes:
Business... runs a business... 2 actually.

And the only way that "mansion" would use less power would be if it were torn down, or simply abandoned.

If Gore didn't live there, someone else would, and would they be so "green"?

Too much ASS - U-ming going on here...

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Business... runs a business... 2 actually.

And the only way that "mansion" would use less power would be if it were torn down, or simply abandoned.

If Gore didn't live there, someone else would, and would they be so "green"?

Too much ASS - U-ming going on here...

All BS excuses -- so what if he runs 2 businesses?

...and what would they be that he REQUIRES a home of that size.

If Gore didn't live there someone less green would?? Come on... thats just flawed logic man.

If Chicken Little himself doesn't have a small environmental footprint why should I take his message seriously?

02-28-2007, 11:03 AM
Actually, the web site that everyone is quoting has been discredited as a Republican-backed think-tank and not a "non-partisan" research council.

They're basically running a smear campaign... :thumbsup:

02-28-2007, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

All BS excuses -- so what if he runs 2 businesses?

...and what would they be that he REQUIRES a home of that size.

If Gore didn't live there someone less green would?? Come on... thats just flawed logic man.

If Chicken Little himself doesn't have a small environmental footprint why should I take his message seriously?
What's wrong with you? BS excuses?

You are a joke man :rofl:

02-28-2007, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Envitro
Actually, the web site that everyone is quoting has been discredited as a Republican-backed think-tank and not a "non-partisan" research council.

They're basically running a smear campaign... :thumbsup:
Well of course it has....

But some people just love the "for hire" lobby groups... whether running smear campaigns against Gore, Global warming, or telling you cigarettes are good for you lol... Obviously there are people with diminished capacity that this works on, otherwise these groups would not be around lol :nut:

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Toma

What's wrong with you? BS excuses?

You are a joke man :rofl:

Umm..........................good comeback there bud.

So you can't come up with a good reason why Chicken Little Gore needs a 20 room, 8 bathroom mansion either huh? :dunno:

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Envitro
Actually, the web site that everyone is quoting has been discredited as a Republican-backed think-tank and not a "non-partisan" research council.

They're basically running a smear campaign... :thumbsup:

So what if it's a right wing thinktank?!?!?

How does that change the fact that Chicken Little Gore doesn't practice what he preaches??

02-28-2007, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

So what if it's a right wing thinktank?!?!?

How does that change the fact that Chicken Little Gore doesn't practice what he preaches??

Dude don't be a dumbass let it go...

If you are not satisfied with the answers provided here do some research and prove that his energy consumption/house size is above average and that he is not walking the walk. Quote websites and such cause right now you're looking like you don't know much about this and you just want to pick an efight with Toma which is not gonna happen.

02-28-2007, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Toma

And the only way that "mansion" would use less power would be if it were torn down, or simply abandoned.

If Gore didn't live there, someone else would, and would they be so "green"?

Probably the worst justification I have heard so far.

Perhaps we should all go and buy used SUVs.

Perhaps Gore should tear down his place and build a community of 1200 sq ft energy efficient homes that run on solar power. Or just turn it into public greenspace for community run organic gardens.

02-28-2007, 12:02 PM
Well, here... from MSNBC (instead of lies from Drudge et. al.)


And for Sputnik and D. Dub...

.... nothing would make you happy.... so don't even bother :poosie: Your ability to string a logical thought together from beginning to conclusion is seriosuly lacking, and I suspect nothing will fix that....

To be honest... I did forget about his Security... :nut:

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Mr_ET

Dude don't be a dumbass let it go...

If you are not satisfied with the answers provided here do some research and prove that his energy consumption/house size is above average and that he is not walking the walk. Quote websites and such cause right now you're looking like you don't know much about this and you just want to pick an efight with Toma which is not gonna happen.

Why??? because I disagree???

The right wing think tank proved that Gore's home uses a huge amount of power compared to an average home.

These are proven facts.

Here's a quote from the AP Newswire:

"Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $US1200 ($1525) last year for their 10,000 sq ft home.

The Gores used about 191,000kw hours last year, according to bills cited by the Associated Press, spanning the period from February 3, 2006, to January 5, 2007.

That is far more than the typical Nashville household, which uses about 15,600kw hours a year."

Happy now?

He simply isn't walking the walk if he has a home of that size and has that large of an environmental footprint :rolleyes:

02-28-2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Well, here... from MSNBC (instead of lies from Drudge et. al.)


Case closed... An attempt to smear him in the worst way, by an oil-company lacky

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Well, here... from MSNBC (instead of lies from Drudge et. al.)


And for Sputnik and D. Dub...

.... nothing would make you happy.... so don't even bother :poosie: Your ability to string a logical thought together from beginning to conclusion is seriosuly lacking, and I suspect nothing will fix that....

To be honest... I did forget about his Security... :nut:

So what??

The facts are that he lives in a huge home with huge electric bills. That can't be disputed.

Here is my logical string of thought. Please follow along.

1. Gore believes the sky is falling b/c we use to much dino fuel = global warming = we are all going to die when the world catastropically comes to an end.

2. His personal lifestyle does not snyc with this and he uses vast amounts of fuel

3. the argument that he buys carbon credits or cracker jack credits or whatever the fuk they are is really irrelevant here as he can reduce his enviro footprint immensely by getting a smaller home and doing everything else he does too.

4. He could survive in a 1500 sq ft energy efficient home. But that would involve lifestyle sacrifice and he isn't willing to sacrifice.

4. Hence he doesn't actually practice what he preaches.

5. If in his heart of hearts as proven by his lifestyle choices -- he really doesn't believe his message ----why should anyone else believe him??

02-28-2007, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

He simply isn't walking the walk if he has a home of that size and has that large of an environmental footprint :rolleyes:

Jesus Christ.

First, you attacked Gore on with your limited knowledge. You pretend that he simply uses his home as the average American... to eat and sleep.

Then you assume that he would use less energy, and produce less carbon emissions if he and his wife (running separate businesses) would rent buildings or space elsewhere, pay those utility bills, commute to work daily etc... You ever been to TN? It's a 45 minute + drive anywhere lol...

Further you pretend to know and then assume "What he needs"... for himself, for his businessES or his family. How many family memebrs live in his house? How much security? How many employees?

Then you further ASSume that someone else living there could do a better job, ignoring that he pays 40% more for his electricity then MOST people cause he choses solar and wind power (zero emissions... so what does it actually matter how much he uses??), and has spent tens of thousands making the house more efficient.

Going by the available facts, and KNOWING that it is simply not JUST a home, but houses businesses, conferences, security staff (he is ex VP you know)

You still ASS-ume that his energy usage is wastefull enough to warrant calling him a hypocrite.

You are an ASS-U-ming ciritic who has a lot to say, but nothing to back it up.

You formed your opinion on nothing but assumptions. And you are slandering him on nothing but assumptions, and even WHEN you were presented with the available facts, you continued to assume the less logical choice.

It is impossible to conclude either way if he is an energy hog or not from the available data. I don't know if he shuts his bathroom light after himself. But certainly it would APPEAR that he is MORE energy responsible then most.

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Jesus Christ.

First, you attacked Gore on with your limited knowledge. You pretend that he simply uses his home as the average American... to eat and sleep.

Then you assume that he would use less energy, and produce less carbon emissions if he and his wife (running separate businesses) would rent buildings or space elsewhere, pay those utility bills, commute to work daily etc... You ever been to TN? It's a 45 minute + drive anywhere lol...

Then you further ASSume that someone else living there could do a better job, ignoring that he pays 40% more for his electricity then MOST people cause he choses solar and wind power (zero emissions... so what does it actually matter how much he uses??), and has spent tens of thousands making the house more efficient.

Going by the available facts, and KNOWING that it is simply not JUST a home, but houses businesses, conferences, security staff (he is ex VP you know)

You still ASS-ume that his energy usage is wastefull enough to warrant calling him a hypocrite.

You are an ASS-U-ming ciritic who has a lot to say, but nothing to back it up.

You formed your opinion on nothing but assumptions. And you are slandering him on nothing but assumptions, and even WHEN you were presented with the available facts, you continued to assume the less logical choice.

It is impossible to conclude either way if he is an energy hog or not from the available data. I don't know if he shuts his bathroom light after himself. But certainly it would APPEAR that he is MORE energy responsible then most.

Wow really getting under that thin skin there Toma. :D

So basically.... what your above diatribe is saying is that because he's special.....he can use however much dino he wants to?

02-28-2007, 12:30 PM
And finally, this argument is pointless because you are commiting the age old error in critical thought and arguement.... the Ad Hominum falacy...

You are attacking the global warming message (whether or not its true) not through facts, data or science, but by attacking the messenger.

I cannot believe you went to school....

02-28-2007, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Wow really getting under that thin skin there Toma. :D

So basically.... what your above diatribe is saying is that because he's special he can use however much dino he wants?
You cant get under my skin... stupid people cant.

I do feel sorry for you though.....

And his "dino" usage ($1000/month) would be more if he had a regular house, 2 or more offices, and him and his wife commuted to work daily..... even driving their hybrids :poosie:

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Toma
And finally, this argument is pointless because you are commiting the age old error in critical thought and arguement.... the Ad Hominum falacy...

You are attacking the global warming message (whether or not its true) not through facts, data or science, but by attacking the messenger.

I cannot believe you went to school....

No I am attacking Gore as a hypocrite. I am a fence sitter in terms of Global warming.

and besides I believe the Ad Hominem fallacy to be a fallacy.:D

I think we need to evaluate the truth of statements made by people involved in any situation. If someone has an incentive to lie about something, then it would be naive to accept his statements about that subject without question.

EG. Gore wants to be president---he cries the sky is falling---he becomes the saviour.

02-28-2007, 12:40 PM
Plus, he doesn't use "dino" energy... :D

He pays twice as much as regular people for clean energy sources (wind, hydro, etc.).

D. Dub
02-28-2007, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Toma

You cant get under my skin... stupid people cant.

I do feel sorry for you though.....

And his "dino" usage ($1000/month) would be more if he had a regular house, 2 or more offices, and him and his wife commuted to work daily..... even driving their hybrids :poosie:

Why do always name call and act condescending??

-- it really demeans you and your argument man.

I'm done.

02-28-2007, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Why do always name call and act condescending??

Cause its fun? :poosie:

02-28-2007, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Why do always name call and act condescending??

-- it really demeans you and your argument man.

I'm done.
actually... now that I thought about it... it is fun.... and more importantly...

People that disagree with me here regularily already think I am an asshole.... so I cannot demean myself with them.

People that agree with me on this topic, and disagree with you have witnessed you demean yourself by hanging on to an argument your side has long since lost....


I do it cause it doesn't matter... AND its fun :D

02-28-2007, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Toma

actually... now that I thought about it... it is fun.... and more importantly...

People that disagree with me here regularily already think I am an asshole.... so I cannot demean myself with them.

People that agree with me on this topic, and disagree with you have witnessed you demean yourself by hanging on to an argument your side has long since lost....


I do it cause it doesn't matter... AND its fun :D

You both proven yourselves idiots. Congrats!

02-28-2007, 03:11 PM
He claims one thing and does another. Whatever he says, he's still using WAY more energy than most other people. When it comes down to it that's hypocritical. That's the short and sweet, all excuses and reasons aside. I agree with D.Dub.

02-28-2007, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by writhen
He claims one thing and does another. Whatever he says, he's still using WAY more energy than most other people. When it comes down to it that's hypocritical. That's the short and sweet, all excuses and reasons aside. I agree with D.Dub.

.....you didn't even read the thread or watch the video did you?

02-28-2007, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by writhen
He claims one thing and does another. Whatever he says, he's still using WAY more energy than most other people. When it comes down to it that's hypocritical. That's the short and sweet, all excuses and reasons aside. I agree with D.Dub.

You're both talking about apples and oranges. You need to compare Gore's house to a similar sized residence being used for a similar purpose before you call him a hypocrite. Does his house/home office use more or less energy than a similar business? As that MSNBC clip shows, you cannot base it on how much he pays, it should be based on how much he uses, since he pays more for cleaner energy. And you cannot compare him to most other people. Obviously he is not "most other people", and his home is not used the same as "most other people's".

And who are you to criticize him for the size of his house? To someone living in a 3000 sq ft house, 10000 sq ft is excessive. To someone in a 1500 sq ft house, 3000 sq ft is excessive. To someone in a 900 sq ft condo, 1500 sq ft is excessive. And so on and so on. If his 10000 sq ft home uses less fossil fuel than a 2000 sq ft home, how can he be a hypocrite?

He was the Vice President of the US and he should live in a 2000 sq ft home? I don't recall the same criticism applied to all the "ballers" on beyond who reap the benefits of their hard work, with big houses and expensive cars. I believe that those on beyond involved in the recent real estate boom in calgary are living substantially better than "most other people"

02-28-2007, 03:44 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

02-28-2007, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Toma

actually... now that I thought about it... it is fun.... and more importantly...

People that disagree with me here regularily already think I am an asshole.... so I cannot demean myself with them.

People that agree with me on this topic, and disagree with you have witnessed you demean yourself by hanging on to an argument your side has long since lost....


I do it cause it doesn't matter... AND its fun :D

Hey, that's not fair, I disagree with you pretty regularily, and I don't think you're an asshole, I just think you're a hypocrite sometimes. :D

On this topic I actually agree with you, these complaints against Gore are rediculous, for reasons which you've already covered. :thumbsup:

Agreeing isn't so fun though. ;)

02-28-2007, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

5. If in his heart of hearts as proven by his lifestyle choices -- he really doesn't believe his message ----why should anyone else believe him??

Do you honestly think that he doesn't believe his message? Do you really think he has invested millions of dollars and years of his life into spreading a gospel in which he does not believe?

far be it for me to agree with Toma on anything...but there are exceptions to every rule I suppose.

Gore has done more in the name of international global warming education, recognition, and Kyoto lobbying than anyone else on the planet. Yes, he has a big house. Yes it consumes electricity, and yes he flies around in a jet. All things considered, if even 1/2 of Americans put in 1/10000th of the effort that Al Gore does into combating the problem, global warming would all but be eradicated.

03-01-2007, 12:46 AM
you know, i thought about it... he runs 2 businesses?? so what, it's not like he's physically doing anything... he just talks to people, and entertains them. It's not like he's running heavy equipment all the time to run up his bill.... he just keeps the lights on, and has the music and probably some big ass TVs for conferences... wooptie doo, that doesnt run up your bill that much... your pools and saunas and hottubs do...but whatever, if i was cashing in as huge as he is from this i'd put up with driving a shitbucket hybrid, and pretending to be hardcore by replacing my windows and lightbulbs... go plant a million trees or something, then i'll be impressed, until then this is all just a show :thumbsdow celebrities are to global warming, what wrestling is to sport

03-01-2007, 12:57 AM
If you looked at it as a percentage of square foot usage and compared it to the average home in North America, you'd be really surprised.

I think what Gore is doing is great. It seems like he is been genuine about the issue and cares about changing things.

Then again, maybe I'm just a naive person with big hopes and dreams:nut:

03-01-2007, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by riceeater
you know, i thought about it... he runs 2 businesses?? so what, it's not like he's physically doing anything... he just talks to people, and entertains them. It's not like he's running heavy equipment all the time to run up his bill.... he just keeps the lights on, and has the music and probably some big ass TVs for conferences... wooptie doo, that doesnt run up your bill that much... your pools and saunas and hottubs do...but whatever, if i was cashing in as huge as he is from this i'd put up with driving a shitbucket hybrid, and pretending to be hardcore by replacing my windows and lightbulbs... go plant a million trees or something, then i'll be impressed, until then this is all just a show :thumbsdow celebrities are to global warming, what wrestling is to sport

1. you are making assumptions about his house, and how he lives
2. he uses a power source that DOESN'T HARM THE ENVIRONMENT, and pays more for it, even if he ran his appliances all day long, had his lights on all day long, and cranked the heat in his house, the impact on the environment would be next to nothing as all the energy he is using doesn't affect the environment

03-01-2007, 08:35 PM

03-01-2007, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by collectskulls

you mean al gore starts a company to help the environment and then *GASP* actually invests in a company to help the environment, UNBELIEVABLE.


If you think someone starting a program to save the environment and investing in it is bad, I'd LOVE to see what you think about people who are high ranking ceo's of companies that are into all kinds of war technology and oil companies and, well i think we know how THEY reinvest into those companies ;)


03-02-2007, 01:55 PM
The environment is my bitch, and I will continue to treat it as such.

03-02-2007, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Mangina
The environment is my bitch, and I will continue to treat it as such.


03-02-2007, 05:57 PM
This is really really reall off topic.

I Have a good thing to add:

DO as I say here, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE ever!!!!
If you want to know how bad it is when you do that, just PM me!

03-02-2007, 06:43 PM
And the latest news, he has 4 houses. And each one used more energy than 8 average american households combined..
Also soon to be breaking news is that Al gore is the owner of company that is involved in trading carbon credits.. Now you know why he is on the global warming bandwagon..

03-02-2007, 08:13 PM
It's amazing how simplistic some people are. If you haven't seen 'An Inconvenient Truth', then watch it before you comment. If you have seen it and you really and truly believe that all Gore invested all that effort, money, and time in order to promote a 'green' company which he founded, then you're a very confused and cynical individual.

How about considering, as finboy pointed out above, that maybe he founded Generation Investment Management in order to further support the initiatives which he actively promotes. If anything, this company, and Gore as the founder, should serve as evidence of him ACTUALLY DOING WHAT HE SAYS, not the contrary.

03-02-2007, 08:26 PM
There's no point arguing with some people. The US did not sign Kyoto, so Gore did this so that people could voluntarily individually participate in Kyoto :dunno:

Oh well... what more is there to say to them. We can spread knowledge and truth....well at least the message of probability lol

Oh well :poosie: