View Full Version : NEED HELP!! Learning a New Language

03-04-2007, 04:59 PM
Hey guys,

I just needed some help or some direction on where I can learn the HINDI language in Calgary.

Currently, the U only offers it through a travel abroad program in India, and Mt Royal and Sait probably dont have it.

So as of now im looking for someone like a tutor or like a class i can attend to learn this language. The reason is because I have stubmled on a business oppurtunity to good to pass up!

Please speak up if you know the language or are familar with it. Is it hard to learn ect... Any feedback is great.

Thank you

03-04-2007, 05:54 PM
I speak punjabi which is kinda like hindi but I can easily say that learning Hindi would not be a hard thing to do.

There is a white dood at my school who has 2 indian roomates who speak Hindi all the time, he has picked up so much in like 3 months that he is able to come up to me and start speaking basic hindi without any errors. He's especially fluent with swears and anything to do with picking up girlz haha.

There HAS TO BE tutors or classes some kind available in Calgary considering the size of the Indian population. My guess is that in Calgary you would probably be able to find a 1 on 1 tutor who would teach you, maybe not a class.

There are a bunch of Indian societies in Calgary that you could contact but I can't remember their names off the top of my head and I don't have access to a phonebook or anything.

There is a pocket handbook at Chapters for $10 that you can pick up, I'd definately recommend it.

I'm sure someone here on Beyond will be able to guide you to the right place though.