View Full Version : Random Reboot Issue

03-13-2007, 06:27 PM
Hoping I can get some assistance from the Beyond techies...

Lately my system has been randomly rebooting.

Generally after a few minutes of running an intense game, but sometimes in the OS when I'm running simple things like winamp etc.

I've checked my power supply.
-Power supply looks good

I've double checked for heating issues.
-My temps are way cool, not even going over 50*C here on either the Proc or Video card...

My drivers are up to date...

Anything I'm missing here? I'm a little bit stumped on this one... System is running stock as well...

Thanks for any assistance in advanced.

03-13-2007, 06:32 PM
Right Click on My Computer
Click Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Click the Settings button under Startup and Recovery
Remove the check from the Automatically Restart checkbox

Next time it encounters a problem, it will give you an error message rather than restarting. Write down the error message, restart, and then look up the error message on google or in Microsoft's database.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

03-14-2007, 09:24 AM
probably your power supply though. bro had the same problem just a few months ago.

03-14-2007, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the input guys.

The problem appears to be ram related...

I ran memtest86 on my original set and it passed... but just for good measure I swapped it out with another set I had...

Problem solved!

Thanks again.