View Full Version : Best Resignation Letter!!!

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 12:41 PM
This was sent out to a bunch of people at my company, this is a REAL letter sent out last week.
Of course names, and Company name changed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica B
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 6:00 PM
To: (Well over 100)
Subject: Another one bites the dust...

...At the worst company one can work for.

Where to begin...

it's been my intention to leave for quite some time, so i guess Sandra was right in saying Pauline R was going to be 'an influential person in my life' because she led me to do something i've been wanting to do for a long time...tell you all how i feel before i leave the worst job i've ever had.

it's one thing to have the sh*tt***t job in the world.. collections? come on, it doesn't get much worse... but to have horrible management, and an even worse director.. well, those conditions are intolerable.

management who got their positions not because of what they know (because, clearly it's nothing) but who they know, or in just as many cases, who they're related to...(here's something you can try on your break... try to count how many siblings work in our department alone...hint: use a calculator to help)... management who sends off emails with grammatical and spelling errors (i know you may be shocked, but 'their,' 'there' and 'they're' are actually DIFFERENT words)...management who offers pizza and cake instead of knowledge and useful information... and management, and this is my personal favourite, who cusses at you... ahhhh i can only imagine a life so perfect.

so to those of you new on the phones, don't bother expecting fair conditions here. if you bring a complaint to Sandra about management, even if it's because your manager said "you better F***ING be meeting," her response will be "well, i personally hired them"... and for those of you who have been here a while... sadly, it won't ever get better.

it's funny that ACME treats their own EMPLOYEES almost as badly as they treat their customers...almost. in a company where an employee like Peter, who was PRAISED at christmas meetings for his perfect attendance for YEARS, ends up being escorted out of the building on his final day for freaking out... that's what this place does to you. if that isn't proof of our working conditions, then nothing is.

so for those of you here as an "in the meantime" job, good luck. you'll need it. for those masochists in here (watch as management pulls out their dictionaries to figure out what that word means...) that have for some reason CHOSEN to stay on the phones...well, i wish you all even more luck. and i pray that one day you realize you're worth MUCH MORE than this place can ever offer you (ie, pizza and cake).

Oh, by the way...

I quit.


p.s.... i apologize to the managers i have never dealt with, clearly this does not apply to you (well, i'm sure it does, but i didn't get a chance to prove that theory...).Jane, you should be in a hospital for the mentally challenged. I advise wearing a helmet to work from now on.

p.p.s.. the cake wasn't even good.

:D :eek: :burnout: :drama: :thumbsup: :clap: :angel: :rofl:

03-15-2007, 12:47 PM
Holy fuck gold!

Was it sent out to the whole company? What company was this at? :angel:

03-15-2007, 12:48 PM

Internal Memo:

Staff meeting, tomorrow 8 am!

03-15-2007, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Egyptian Mafia
I advise wearing a helmet to work from now on.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 12:53 PM
It was from a friend who works at the chicks company.

It is an outbound collection agency...

03-15-2007, 01:12 PM
:nut: :nut: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I might try this soon lol will see what happens:poosie:

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 01:16 PM
I bet that this email will be used by a lot of ppl now as a draft for their letter!

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 01:20 PM
I am going to make a Youtube video...

wait for it...

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 01:59 PM
Youtube video.....


03-15-2007, 02:10 PM
was the company Shaw?

Egyptian Mafia
03-15-2007, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
was the company Shaw?

No, my friend worked at a collection agency and he sent me this email..

It is a collection agency in Toronto...

03-15-2007, 04:51 PM
Yeah, collections?

I bet that would suck.

03-15-2007, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by creeper
Yeah, collections?

I bet that would suck.

Right outta High School I did it for about 3 years til I figured out what I wanted to go to school for.

Collections was hands down the shittiest job I've ever had. I went thru about 5 companies in those 3 years. I was mortified the first time it happened, but by the 3rd one I realized it's generally considered bad to get fired, but how can it bad to be fired from a job where you're paid to be pushy, ignorant, arrogant, persistant, nagging, annoying....? I eventually learned that there are far worse things that can happen in life than to be fired for NOT being an asshole.

One time I was collecting Whatcom County, WA speeding tickets and this guy was a real ignorant fuck on the other end of the phone, so I asked him the usual: "Have you ever been arrested? You know that can arrest you in the States if you don't pay your fines. Good luck getting a judge to leave on the 9th hole to come out on a Saturday afternoon and sign the paperwork to get your sorry ass out of jail. Have you ever been to County? Ever been strip searched? Ever been de-loused? I have -- it's not pleasant." (which I really HAVEN'T - but a lot of the time I was in collections I was lying thru the teeth) He freaked and wanted to talk to my boss and she calmed him down, took his credit card information, and when she got off the phone she said: "For the record, don't ask debtors if they've ever been de-loused... Off the record, good job!"

True story.

Anyways, what made me decide to leave was one day I looked around the office: Carol was a 66 year old grandmother, and I swear she had booze in her morning coffee, and she grew pot in her basement apartment. Don was a coke addict who would show up for a few weeks then disappear for a month. Tracy was a mess. Cute, but that girl had issues, and later I heard she was addicted to Meth and played Bingo. Cheryl was the pure definition of white trash; three kids, no money and a husband who couldn't hold down a job.. they even drove an 81 Camaro LOL. And there was Mike: he was maybe a year older than me, and was absolutely miserable. He had a permanent scowl and when he yelled on the phone at people veins would poke out of his neck and he would turn red. I decided that if I didn't leave I would end up like one of these people.

Collections is a job I know I could do again if the economy collapsed and I lost my job, but I would have to be pretty friggin' desparate to ever do it again.

I completely relate and understand every word in that letter.

03-15-2007, 05:19 PM
:rofl: :clap:

03-15-2007, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by jhmed
Collections is a job I know I could do again if the economy collapsed and I lost my job, but I would have to be pretty friggin' desparate to ever do it again.

Dude, you could make a killing if the economy took a downturn!

You would think that for someone who's going to criticize her company for spelling and grammatical errors, she'd be able to capitalize.