View Full Version : Wireless Number Portability

03-15-2007, 03:19 PM
Since wireless number portability is available now, how many of you plan on switching wireless companies? I know of some people who have been holding on to their crap reception because they wanted to keep a number.

I know Telus is pushing hard for people to switch over to them, while keeping their number as you may have seen their ads running here.

For those that don't know about it, more information from CRTC:

03-15-2007, 03:22 PM
not planning on switching..but think its a great idea


03-15-2007, 03:28 PM
I'm probably switching when there's a new phone that I like. I'm getting tired of stuck with Telus's choice of phones. I'm not on the road as much anymore, so I can afford to lose some reception.

03-15-2007, 03:31 PM
Ya my wife has been holding out for about 2-3 years now?? :D She's been with Bell, but her plan sucks, so she's gonna go to Rogers. Anyone know of any sweet ass deals? We're thinking of getting the phone from Costco so that we can score the $50 Costco gift card (was $100 last month.. :cry: )

I am stuck with my Telus plan until this December (but I actually like my plan - $25 for free weekends, 150 anytime, and 100 long distance on weekends). I was a sucker and got the LG 6190 (the fast tap). It's almost impossible to dial a number without hitting the stupid letter keys. :banghead:

03-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Anyone tried squeezing their current providers for cheaper prices or better plans? Anyone have any luck? I haven't tried yet, but wanted to get an idea of what people are getting away with, LOL.

03-15-2007, 04:34 PM
I think i'm going to be switching to rogers in abouts a year. I too am sick of Telus's crap choice of phones.

03-15-2007, 04:40 PM
If you don't leave the city go GSM (Rogers) if you work at ALL out of town like oil work.. bell/telus.

03-15-2007, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I'm probably switching when there's a new phone that I like. I'm getting tired of stuck with Telus's choice of phones. I'm not on the road as much anymore, so I can afford to lose some reception.

how long has it been since you've used Rogers? If you haven't tried recently, sign up with Fido for a free 15 day trial. I'm almost 100% positive that their network will rival Telus in any urban area.

03-15-2007, 05:15 PM
lol... anyone i work with out of town who has GSM never has service... and that's with a 3 watt booster plugged in.

03-15-2007, 05:31 PM
Im sick of being raped by telus, but i've had my current number for over 5 years and don't want to change it again... I also hate the fact that I can't have two phones and switch a sim card like you could with rogers... I have a palm treo 650 and it's great for business, but i'd like something smaller for when im not working.

I'll probably look at switching very soon since I never sign anything over a 1 year contract and it has been over a year since I got my last phone.

03-15-2007, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Lexxan
If you don't leave the city go GSM (Rogers) if you work at ALL out of town like oil work.. bell/telus.

If you leave town to go travelling on the other hand to like 90% of the world, get a GSM phone as rest of the world uses GSM

03-15-2007, 11:53 PM
This is good news, I've been looking at a new plan since december, as I'm currently with Telus. I really want a new phone but it looks like I'll be switching to rogers cause IMO they have the best phones.

03-16-2007, 12:18 AM
Is the grass truly greener on the other side? :)
Sure, you can keep your number while switching over, but is it REALLY worth switching just to get another phone? I'll tell ya, I was with Telus before, and always thought "Man, Rogers has the best phones/plans, etc". Once you switch over you'll realize it's the same thing, under a different name. After all, they're all out for money; and nothing else.

03-16-2007, 01:01 AM
My mom's currently on Rogers and she has an amazing Chinese number full of 8s; she's stuck with Rogers for years because of that. But lately, she's been wanting to switch over to Fido, not only for the cost savings since she rarely uses her cell phone, but also so that she can call my Calgary Fido number (I'm currently in Saskatoon for University), without me having to pay for ld whenever we talk (I have a Fido-to-Fido in Canada plan so that I can talk to my gf in Calgary daily - my gf's also on Fido). So my question is, can my mom switch over to Fido, get a cheap new phone through them, and still keep her phone number full of 8s? She hasn't had a contract with Rogers for years, so that's not a problem.

03-16-2007, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by mo_money2supe
My mom's currently on Rogers and she has an amazing Chinese number full of 8s; she's stuck with Rogers for years because of that. But lately, she's been wanting to switch over to Fido, not only for the cost savings since she rarely uses her cell phone, but also so that she can call my Calgary Fido number (I'm currently in Saskatoon for University), without me having to pay for ld whenever we talk (I have a Fido-to-Fido in Canada plan so that I can talk to my gf in Calgary daily - my gf's also on Fido). So my question is, can my mom switch over to Fido, get a cheap new phone through them, and still keep her phone number full of 8s? She hasn't had a contract with Rogers for years, so that's not a problem.

long story short, yes she can switch and keep her number. anyone can now.

Im moving from bell to rogers not for the plan selection but the selection of phones and the ability to have multiple phones and switch between them. Its about time is all I can say.

03-16-2007, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by lamp_shade_2000
long story short, yes she can switch and keep her number. anyone can now.

Are there any hidden details that I should know about before getting her to switch?

03-17-2007, 06:13 PM
Does this apply to pay as you go users?

03-20-2007, 11:37 AM
I sitched from Bell to Rogers the day this came out. I did it just for the GSM phones.