View Full Version : help... in deep legal s***??

03-17-2007, 12:49 PM
heres the story

i got a notice of conviction on feb 21'st (conviction date feb 16th, offense date decmeber 14th) for EXCEED MAX SPEED LIMIT for 348.00 total

problem is i never remember getting this ticket and i dont own that liscense plate or never drove it either

then i get a suspension notice on feb 17th for 3 MONTHS :eek: effective march 19th

now im choked so i go to the registry and they pull up the vehicle, a red 1993 jeep cherokee, (i know the driver, not personally, but through a mutual "friend")

what do i do? go to the police? go to the JP?

BTW: i lost my drivers liscence before, could my "friend" (who has a warrant out for his arrest) stole it and kept it handy incase he gets in some trouble??

BTW2: i just got all this mail yesterday


03-17-2007, 12:51 PM
Your luck just blows eh buddy.

GTS Jeff
03-17-2007, 01:15 PM
The dates don't add up. You lost your license 5 days before the notice of conviction?

03-17-2007, 01:22 PM
Sux for you but from what your saying, you should be ok.

Just talk to the cops and try to prove that you didn't drive the car/didn't get the ticket. Tell the cops you lost ur license too, providing you already have a replacement license.

The thing I don't understand though, is how can the authorities say you were speeding in a vehicle that dosn't even belong you, and how did they associate that vehicle with you, even if someone else did use your license? :dunno:

Also, you should ask the cops for a copy of the speeding ticket they issued. If it has your name, address etc. then that'd be odd because the cop has to identify that the license belongs to the driver.

Anyhow, that's how I would handle it, but I can't guarantee it will work. I hope you handle it ok.:thumbsup:

03-17-2007, 01:47 PM

03-17-2007, 01:49 PM
why not talk to your "friend" and find out what the hell he did to get you into this?

And, if he did steal your license, call em in and solve all your problems

03-17-2007, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

Jesus Christ already. WTF are you doing posting to a forum then?


Posting in an internet forum for help with legal issues is like going to home depot for help when you're sick. Lots of opinions that might help, but still kinda stupid.

Hes asking who he should talk to, not for you to get him out of trouble. :drama:

03-17-2007, 02:02 PM
went to the cps, they told me to go downtown and talk to a judge

heres some dates

lost/stolen liscense - september/octoberish 2006 (have 3 failing to provide dl tickets to prove it)
new liscense - late october, 2006 (thats what it says under "issued")
day this ept132 got the ticket - december 14, 2006
court date for ept132's ticket under my name - feb 16, 2007
notice of conviction date - feb 21, 2007
notice of suspension date - feb 17, 2007
suspension date - march 19th to june 19th 2007
me recieving all these letters - yesterday

03-17-2007, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs
why not talk to your "friend" and find out what the hell he did to get you into this?

And, if he did steal your license, call em in and solve all your problems

hes a meth addict who has numerous warrants out for his arrest, he'll dissapear the moment i confront him, i want to set both of these guys up before i confront him about anything

03-17-2007, 02:06 PM
you know, these bad things only happen to innocent people so many times. i think ive stuck up for you in previous threads, but youre such a bullshitter. if you are actually innocent this time, then you werent the other times. stop wasting our time.

03-17-2007, 02:20 PM
How the hell did you get 3 separate failing to provide license tickets? I haven't been pulled over or even spoken to a cop in about 2 years.

You can get a new license from the registry anytime. Those tickets could have been easily avoided.

As for these notices, if you explain this all to them, in a coherent organized manner, you obviously won't get charged, because you aren't responsible for it.

This seems like a fucked story though, drive like less of a maniac and avoid some of these problems man, it's a lot of bullshit to put yourself through for no reason.

03-17-2007, 02:48 PM

03-17-2007, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

Yes, and I answered him. Talk to a lawyer.. heh.. I can see this now..

h_s: Your honor, I don't understand why you're holding me responsible for all these charges! There's no way I could have done any of this?


Judge: I've heard enough. Bailiff, please take h_s into custody, I'm holding him in contempt. Young man, you'll have 7 days in the Reman to think about your actions here, and when you appear in my courtroom again, I expect you'll have a real lawyer with you. Next Case.


:rofl: lol that's good

03-17-2007, 03:28 PM
Isnt this the same guy that tried to do some bank scam because someone at his bank had the same name?

Supa Dexta
03-17-2007, 06:58 PM
Yep... bogus stories non stop..

your well on your way in life.. like these are just random things happening, to poor old you.. ha

03-17-2007, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

Yes, and I answered him. Talk to a lawyer.. heh.. I can see this now..

h_s: Your honor, I don't understand why you're holding me responsible for all these charges! There's no way I could have done any of this?

Judge: Young man, be quiet. Where is your legal counsel? You've brought no substantial evidence, no solid witnesses, you have no alibi's for the charges laid out against you.

h_s: But your honor, Pee_sak on beyond said this was all I'd need to do, just come down and talk to you about this stuff, and that you'd understand. He said that...

Judge: Enough! Where is this pee_sak fellow?

h_s: Well sir, he's a member of beyond.ca, an internet car forum..

Judge: Is he a lawyer?

h_s: I don't know sir, I've never personally met him..

Judge: And you took legal advice from him?

h_s: Yes sir, he seems to know what he was talking about..

Judge: I've heard enough. Bailiff, please take h_s into custody, I'm holding him in contempt. Young man, you'll have 7 days in the Reman to think about your actions here, and when you appear in my courtroom again, I expect you'll have a real lawyer with you. Next Case.


You never know, with all this publicity beyond is getting from the rsx hit and run thread maybe the judge will believe h_s:rofl: :rofl:

De Dutch
03-17-2007, 08:22 PM
This is fucked. You must be making this shit up becuase if everything you say is true, and you coherently explained yourself to CPS, Im shocked that they didnt help you. Seriously, what the hell do you think you should in a situation like this? GO TO THE COPS!

03-17-2007, 09:06 PM
that is fucking retarded. go to the CPS and explain your side. Theres nothing too technical about it.

03-17-2007, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by h_s

lost/stolen liscense - september/octoberish 2006 (have 3 failing to provide dl tickets to prove it)
new liscense - late october, 2006 (thats what it says under "issued")
day this ept132 got the ticket - december 14, 2006

So you're saying, he got pulled over, a cop checked YOUR lost license through his computer, and it came up VALID? Even though you had reported it lost, and got a new one 2 months prior?

I call B.S.

03-17-2007, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

So you're saying, he got pulled over, a cop checked YOUR lost license through his computer, and it came up VALID? Even though you had reported it lost, and got a new one 2 months prior?

I call B.S.

thats true, either that or the dude gave all my info to cps and got a break on the fail to provide dl ticket

i already went to the cps, they werent any help at all

another question, can i go downtown and ask them to look up every ticket that has not been on my civic or 4runner's registration, is there a way to search that??

btw: when i talked to the cop, he gave me a little bitching about how i MUST report to the cps when a dl gets lost or stolen, as in its not possible to get one through the registry, which is total bs because ive lost my dl a couple times now

and my dl number has been the same on every card, it doesnt change when you get another one

03-17-2007, 10:50 PM
You are not very smart.

03-17-2007, 11:54 PM

03-18-2007, 12:11 AM

03-18-2007, 12:21 AM
I think this may be appropriate given the circumstances. Compliments of modded46:

Originally posted by modded46
This is about the time when I post my favorite internet find of all time..


EDIT: Quoted not so much for the arguing on the internet part but moreso for the happy running retard (h_s ?)

03-18-2007, 12:25 AM
I am skeptical becuase instead of saying "I did not get this ticket" you said....

Originally posted by h_s

problem is i never remember getting this ticket and i dont own that liscense plate or never drove it either

I don't know many people who would "forget" that

03-18-2007, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by asuth077
[BI don't know many people who would "forget" that [/B]

ive had plenty of these before, this one just caught my eye because with it came my second suspension notice

soo, i did not get this ticket

03-18-2007, 11:01 AM
Given by the fact that you've managed to get pulled over multiple times and have been given a ton of tickets, I have a hard time believing CPS is going to take you story of your meth head buddy racking up a few tickets using your ID.

You seem to have a lot of problems with the law, so here is a tip: Stop doing the following while driving

fail to provide dl x 3
fail to wear seatbelt x 2
fail to signal
illegal u-turn
motor vehicle w/enlarge muffler
motor vehicle not have horn
open alcohol

Hell, stop doing the things on this list, and while your at it stop pulling bank scams and cussing out cops, and maybe the CPS will take that 'Flag" off your plate and leave you alone.

03-18-2007, 11:28 AM
This whole thing is incredibly shady.

03-18-2007, 03:15 PM
theres obviously something hes hidiing and hes probably in some way guilty his story sounds so shady it is hard to believe
:thumbsdow for the bank scammer...

03-18-2007, 03:29 PM
bull shiter bulll shit bull shit shit shit

GTS Jeff
03-18-2007, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by fiveabi
bull shiter bulll shit bull shit shit shit Thank you for your immensely intelligent insights.

03-18-2007, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by l8braker
This whole thing is incredibly shady.

H_S sounds incredibly shady,

A cop hasnt paid attention to me in over a year, and I know for a fact there are many things that I could get a ticket for.

Maybe it's because I usually drive the speedlimit when cops are around and don't to anything retarded like bank scams, cussin them out, or not have my DL x 3

But thats just me...

03-18-2007, 10:24 PM
honestly this issue is not a lie or bullshit, not that im trying to impress anyone, just that i am asking where i should go to get some help, fiveabi and 5hift have been ignored for there completely irrelevent flaming, and bank scams??? please take a minute out of your pathetic lives and re-read the "bank scam" thread, then pm me or post in that thread what your problem is with me, otherwise FUCK OFF!!

bull shitter shit bull shit shit shit?? take a fucking ESL class for fucks sake an then get back to me you stupid retard

and 5hift, get off you high fucking horse and post something somewhat relevant to the thread in mind, you are a fucking moron, the more time you spend searching my other threads is the more that your girlfriend is fucking your bestfriend (or the other way around), get a life or a job for fucks sake and stop flaming other people for their mistakes

03-18-2007, 10:32 PM
woah... someone is on there period

03-18-2007, 10:35 PM
Getting a little defensive are we?

Time spent searching your posts, or just reading the post codetrap made a few above me showing all of yours?

Your a fucking joke. No one here takes you seriously, and you even said yourself CPS doesnt. No wonder your own friends steal your shit.

03-18-2007, 10:56 PM

03-18-2007, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

You're telling someone else to take an ESL course?

"Hello, Kettle? This is Pot. You're black!"

My neighbor's 11 year old daughter has better grammar than you.

My new signature!

03-18-2007, 11:24 PM
HAHAH, this is terrible to read

03-18-2007, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

You're telling someone else to take an ESL course?

"Hello, Kettle? This is Pot. You're black!"

My neighbor's 11 year old daughter has better grammar than you.

Isn't the pot blacker than the kettle? It's just funny if you think about it.:rofl: :rofl:

03-19-2007, 12:09 AM
Sorry man but you sound like a scammer looking for insight on getting out of his responsabilities. All you past threads sounds like you are looking for loopholes to get something out of your situation.
It's almost like you sit there and think of ways to get out shit through scamming people.