View Full Version : Looking For A Class At UofC (Summer07), That Is Online Or Requires No Final Exam!

03-17-2007, 04:52 PM
Hey all,

As the title suggests, I'm wondering if any of you know of a class, other than GRST 211 and COMS 363, that either does not require a final exam, or is online. (I tried running a search, but was not able to find much.) I'm trying to get my summer vacation planned out, and will need to be out of Calgary by 08/16. However, most finals will be 08/16-08/18. Do any of you know if this means that some exams may be after 08/18, or simply that there may be some exams before that?

Thanks, all help is appreciated!

03-18-2007, 01:34 PM
Havent heard of any, ive signed up for grst 211 myself.

Let me know if you find one!, ill be on the lookout as well.

03-22-2007, 02:41 PM
Yeah take GRST211.. I've got everything you need to easily get an A.. just PM me.

Otherwise I'm looking for easy summer classes too..

03-22-2007, 03:59 PM
A class with no final? I havn't even heard of this

03-22-2007, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by msommers
A class with no final? I havn't even heard of this

ive had 2 classes so far without finals, midterms, quizzes, textbooks.

Engg 251, Engg 253.
they are design and communication courses, but they are not offered to everyone, i think they are engg specific classes.

03-22-2007, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by LuxCars

ive had 2 classes so far without finals or midterms...or even quizzes for that matter.

Engg 251, Engg 253.
they are design courses, but they are offered to everyone.
I don't think those courses are open to anyone...only engineering students. And besides they wouldnt offer those courses in spring...Horrible examples

03-22-2007, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
And besides they wouldnt offer those courses in spring...Horrible examples

Easy Johnny bitch-a-lot.

He answered my question just fine, I never asked about Spring/Summer courses.

03-24-2007, 12:12 PM
Horrible in terms of that those 2 courses are worse than alot of courses that have midterms or finals. Took it last year and it was a pain in the ass.

03-24-2007, 12:52 PM
I believe there is an astronomy class that is online as well...203 comes to mind but don't quote me on that. There were some classes that made you go in and write a final and others where you could write your final online.

03-24-2007, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by sabad66

I don't think those courses are open to anyone...only engineering students. And besides they wouldnt offer those courses in spring...Horrible examples

you quoted me on that one way to quickly... i edited the post a couple minutes right after.

i recommend you to just stick with grst 211...guaranteed A for sure.

03-25-2007, 12:33 PM
Maybe use an online course from Athabasca U, and transfer credit to U of C.

Official Hoser
03-31-2007, 03:56 PM
You can try doing an independent project. It would likely involve just submitting a final report (therefore no exam), and you could likely do a lot of it in your own time. I'm sure many profs would be willing to work around your schedule.

04-02-2007, 04:42 PM
Thanks for all the help guys! Didn't really find too many classes as previously described (despite all your wonderful help), but I've more or less confirmed with the instructors of certain summer courses, that the exams will not be past 08/18.

If anyone is looking to take some easy courses I advise the following:

MUHL 309 (spring - the saturday section)
GRST 209 (summer - Peter Toohey's section)
COMS 363 (summer - Brian Hatton's section)
(as stated earlier) GRST 211 (summer)

Thanks again.

04-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Any other online courses besides GRST 211 that are offered spring or summer?