View Full Version : any kind soul?

03-25-2007, 09:36 PM
hi i am now currently in Singapore but would like to get something from GAP. Is there anyone who can help me in this, like help me get it from the store and send it to me via post or if you are coming over to Singapore and meetup with me? will of course pay for the package and postage.

cant do it online bcos they dont send online. well if there's anything that you are keen from singapore, prob i can do the same for you too.


03-25-2007, 09:41 PM
please dont flame me in this... =) just trying out and see i could get any help in this

03-26-2007, 03:07 AM
post up what u need from GAP

03-26-2007, 06:20 AM
my spidy senses say scam.....

03-26-2007, 08:51 AM
if its scam, i wouldnt say GAP. i would have said something form bestbuy/futureshop.

03-26-2007, 08:53 AM
i just want to get a tshirt from GAP. I saw online that there is a (product)red series and would very much want to get that.

tshirt print that reads inspi(red), bo(red)

ignore if you dont trust me...will include postage and the tshirt price.

have no problems meeting the person if he is coming over to singapore! =)

03-26-2007, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by kaishen

ignore if you dont trust me...will include postage and the tshirt price.

If you include postage, t shirt price, and $30 to cover gas and time it takes to obtain the shirts, I'll do it for you.:dunno: It may be hard to find someone willing to do it basically for free though (if you are paying just for the postage and shirt).

03-26-2007, 09:31 AM
haha $30 for gas and time? wow....

anyone willing to help free....?

03-26-2007, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by kaishen
haha $30 for gas and time? wow....

anyone willing to help free....?

Maybe life is less busy where you live.:thumbsup:

Time is money.

The Cosworth
03-26-2007, 09:33 AM
if you hold out a few months you can buy it yourself


03-26-2007, 10:00 AM
brendan >>thanks for the link! i just patronise their store here in Singapore. had $80 vouchers, din get to use all the vouchers because they would only allow it on original price items. got myself a pair of jeans and knit top in the end, but sigh they dont carry the (product)red item.

ogpogo>> thanks for the offer. life is busy here where i lived if you know where singapore is. its more laid back in calgary. just looking for someone nice to help me ship over. looking for someone that may pop by GAP and help me get one, not going out of the way to purchase.

thanks for your help though...

The Cosworth
03-26-2007, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by kaishen
brendan >>thanks for the link! i just patronise their store here in Singapore. had $80 vouchers, din get to use all the vouchers because they would only allow it on original price items. got myself a pair of jeans and knit top in the end, but sigh they dont carry the (product)red item.

ogpogo>> thanks for the offer. life is busy here where i lived if you know where singapore is. its more laid back in calgary. just looking for someone nice to help me ship over. looking for someone that may pop by GAP and help me get one, not going out of the way to purchase.

thanks for your help though...

you ever been to calgary? If this is laid back I am never going to Singapore then, and I am sure that Ogopogo knows where it is, we dont live in Igloo's

So if they dont have the TShirt over there, how are you sure we have it over here?

03-26-2007, 01:55 PM
haha...yes i have been to calgary and would want to go again..
no i m not saying that you guys stay in igloos, you got me wrong!
anyway here's a link to world's competitive countries(did a wild search on yahoo)

if you been to singapore, you will know what i mean....
everyone is doing the paperchase here, its tiring but we're pushed by the expectations of society. anyway we dont have any natural resources so its understandable why we rely solely on human resources

anyway i really do prefer to be more laid back for a while so its not a criticism. hope noone gets offended. canada's doing well too , and i like canada! =)

regarding the design>>they have it on GAP canada and on US website.

its ok if you guys arent free to help....thanks anyway..hope i have clarified some stuff here =)


anyway if you havent been to singapore, its a pretty interesting place with nice people too!you will see the distinct difference amongst all the other asia countries. =)

03-27-2007, 09:34 AM
How will you be paying? I can help you out if it's not too inconvenient for me. There's stuff in Singapore that I'm interested in that you can help me out with. Thanks.

03-27-2007, 11:02 AM
hmm... am not really sure with that...but what do u want frm singapore

03-27-2007, 11:35 AM
Ayupans of course!

03-27-2007, 08:35 PM
ayupans is the miniature ayumi? think you might want to describe specifically. not an ayumi fan but i just knew she just released an album. you want that album too?

03-28-2007, 07:37 AM
Have the album already. Anyways, if you can figure out the logistics of all of this ie. payment, etc. then I will do what I can to help. I'm leaving for HK in 2 days so let me know before then. Thanks.