View Full Version : WTB: TI-83 PLUS calculator

03-28-2007, 09:23 PM
So, I went to something called Industry Night tonight at SAIT, there was a big group of us and we left our books on our table while we went around and talked to different companies. When it was time to leave, I completely forgot about my binder sitting on the table and left. The event was supposed to finish at 8, I got there at around 8:05 and they were just starting to clean up and my binder was nowhere to be seen...

Anyway, it was my main binder, and now, so close to finals, I have no notes, and no calculator which I need for math and electronics. Anybody have one for sale? I don't have a whole lot to spend. Thanks in advance.

03-29-2007, 11:15 AM