View Full Version : MSN is pissing me off!!!!!

04-02-2007, 03:11 PM
Ive had it with this POS software! Im about to smash something right about now. I cant stand MSN anymore! I got the live messenger and every 20 seconds it freezes and I have to ctrl alt del to end task. WTF? I reinstall, same thing. So I thought I would install an older version. I do that, and it keeps saying it cant install because I have another install running?! WTF, its not running you fukin god damn POS! ARGH im about to kill something right about now!!! So I finally get an older version of MSN on there after only about 20 god damn tries, and I log in but it says I have to update first, what the hell? And what do you know, Im back to the live messenger POS again :banghead: I just want MSN to work for pete sakes, god damn I didnt know it would be too much to ask for! Microsoft YOU SUCK!!!! I HATE MSN, I HATE WINDOWS, I HATE ANYTHING MICROSOFT RELATED!

04-02-2007, 03:13 PM
could use meebo.com

04-02-2007, 03:33 PM
you can also use


or uninstall it....go to the regedit and remove the MSN folder from there

restart and see if that improves it?

maybe you got spyware roaming around...get your system clean up a bit??

04-02-2007, 03:43 PM
Yes you likely have some sort of spyware....

Its possible it could be communicating out the same port.

Cleanup your computer, run some spyware scans and/or check your add/remove programs to make sure you dont have any unwanted programs....

Most of the time its not really the software's fault...

04-02-2007, 04:31 PM
maybe someone is monitoring it .. i had a monitoring software installed and it was freezing then i took it off and it was all good

04-03-2007, 09:24 AM