View Full Version : RANT/Ques: Car dinged/dented at parking lot

04-10-2007, 12:44 AM
Alright, this actually happened to my friend. He parked his car at Walmart for 15mins and when he came back out, he found his car being dented by the adjacent car. He's surprised to see that the adjacent car was still there (the paint on his car's scratch/dent matched the color of the adjacent car). So he hang around and actually waited for the owner to come out. Lo and behold the owner finally showed up, but when my friend confronted him he actually got yelled at and riduculed for making a fuss about it!? That SOB actually said that if one were to park at a public lot he/she should expect little accidents like this to happen. He then said a few more things to my friend (basically telling him that there's nothing he can do) then drove away.

Is there anything my friend can do? He ended up paying $150-200 to fix the dent. This is no different than stealing. It's like a guy robbing you at the Walmart parking lot for $200 and in return yelled at you for defending yourself and then drove off. I know some of you guys will say "If I was him, I would bring out my baseball bat ..." or "I'd key his car ...". I'm looking for a "civil" solution here. For sure the police won't care much since it's so minor despite filing a police report. I can't help thinking about this and putting myself in my friend's shoes ... what can I really do legally or whatever?

04-10-2007, 12:49 AM
Take him for all the money he has on him, follow him home, stock his family! lol

Sorry to hear about your buddy, i dont think there is much anyone can do, except for getting the plate# and filing a civil/small claims court. good luck though!

marko polo
04-10-2007, 01:11 AM
police report and possibly contact his insurance . his car technically damaged youre buddys so why not?:dunno:
I may be wrong but should it make a difference if your in a parking lot or not when the fact is damage was done.

04-10-2007, 07:23 AM
if your friend has that guy's plate number, he should call the cops and next time he shouldnt let himself get pushed around like that. That's horrible

04-10-2007, 08:03 AM
Go file a report. I hope your friend has the plate number, model and colour of the car. Description of the driver might help too. Pictures would definitely help also.

Your friend should have phoned police since the guy refused to give information.

Be careful next time, there are a lot of crazy people shopping at walmart and superstore. I always park my car as far away from the crowd as possible. I'd rather walk a bit more.

04-10-2007, 08:53 AM
I know you want to be civil about this whole thing, but in that type of situation, I'd actually do something I swore would never do. If I didnt want to wait around, and it was obvious my door was dented from the car beside me, I'd key the fucking shit outta that car. I'd make it so deep, you couldnt buff it out. What an ASSHOLE!!! 2nd, if keying ain't your thing, I'd follow the guy home. Now you have all the information you need to do whatever satisfies you ;) What a fucking bastard.

04-10-2007, 10:44 AM
what an asshole, what kind of reasoning is that, it doesn't matter if your in a public parking lot. It's respect for others that you don't do crap like that.

It's like saying, oh b/c your in a public lot i just decided to kick your car. It's BS, sorry about yoru friend but he should file a report, hopefully he got the plate and vehicle info.

04-10-2007, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by EnRich
I know you want to be civil about this whole thing, but in that type of situation, I'd actually do something I swore would never do. If I didnt want to wait around, and it was obvious my door was dented from the car beside me, I'd key the fucking shit outta that car. I'd make it so deep, you couldnt buff it out. What an ASSHOLE!!! 2nd, if keying ain't your thing, I'd follow the guy home. Now you have all the information you need to do whatever satisfies you ;) What a fucking bastard.

If I squeezed you like an orange, 100% pure class would come out.

04-10-2007, 11:03 AM

i hope you got his license plate... file a claim thats about all you can do...

04-10-2007, 11:08 AM
Well like you said the amount is too small for Police to do anything about it. You could try small claims court but again the amount is pretty small and without a witness it would be your friends word against this guys and the time involved would not make it even worth it.

As much as I would agree that a civil resolution would be ideal I don't think I have ever heard of a civil resolution in cases like this. Maybe next time your friend can do unto others as they have done unto you and give him a nice big dent and see how he likes it. Like the other guy said you have to expect these things in a public parking lot.

Not that I have a lot of experience with other cities but I must say there are a good number of Calgarians that have no respect for other peoples property. I have so many dings its not even funny. I even caught a family doing it right in front of me as they parked just after I did, both front and back doors. I confronted him and he didn't say anything but I caught them doing it again a couple weeks later (This was in an apartment parking lot with assigned stalls)

Hope things go well for your friend. Some peoples are such a$$holes

04-10-2007, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by EnRich
I know you want to be civil about this whole thing, but in that type of situation, I'd actually do something I swore would never do. If I didnt want to wait around, and it was obvious my door was dented from the car beside me, I'd key the fucking shit outta that car. I'd make it so deep, you couldnt buff it out. What an ASSHOLE!!! 2nd, if keying ain't your thing, I'd follow the guy home. Now you have all the information you need to do whatever satisfies you ;) What a fucking bastard.

Originally posted by QuasarCav

If I squeezed you like an orange, 100% pure class would come out.

Meh, in situations like that, its survival of the fittest. I agree with Enrich.

04-10-2007, 11:15 AM
I'm always afraid something like this would happen to me. I would never try to confront these people. If they are easy to deal with(willing to pay for damages) then they wouldn't be so careless in the first place. I almost ALWAYS check my car for door dings before I leave and if I find any dent/damages then I will certainly leave a bigger dent on the culprit's vehicle.:thumbsdow

04-10-2007, 11:22 AM
I love my insurance company. If anything like this happens (hit and run) then I just have to call the cops within 24 hours of noticing it and the insurance company pays every penny including the deductible. And my insurance does not go up. I'm with Meloche Monnex.

04-10-2007, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Mar
I love my insurance company. If anything like this happens (hit and run) then I just have to call the cops within 24 hours of noticing it and the insurance company pays every penny including the deductible. And my insurance does not go up. I'm with Meloche Monnex.

How much do you pay for your insurance?

04-10-2007, 03:25 PM
Yeah Monnex has that policy and man, how could I miss it when I got the hit & run at a parking lot when i was insured with them!

Hey, do you know if TD Insurance (same mother company but not sure if they do business the same way) has that 24hr hit&run protection too?

Some people at walmart are much worse people than those at Superstore: cos superstore shopping carts cost a dollar! Outside Walmart, those SOB load up their purchases and then just leave the cart behind another car! Man, are they just lazy? or stupid? or no respect to other human beings?

Spotted another dumb woman at Ikea in Edmonton: she left her cart hitting the front bumper of a Lexus (and it's parked on a handicap spot!) while she's loading up her stuff. Ok, well, apparently she realizes what damage the cart could do to her own car so she decided to keep the cart against someone else's car!! :whipped:

04-10-2007, 04:08 PM
That's why I park at the ass end of Walmart when I go now!

I saw the best thing at Safeway a few weeks back. This old lady tries to pull into a stall, she took the right turn in a little too tight and grinded all down the side of the car next to her (also leaving about 2" of space for that person on the drivers side). Not only did she do this, she didn't even seem to realize she did it. Luckily, the lady she hit happened to be sitting in her car getting ready to back out of the stall. How can you not realize you hit someone??

04-10-2007, 04:15 PM
Your bud sounds like a push over. If any one damages your car, from as small to a door ding, scratch what ever, its there responsibility. ANd if they wont accept fault, you get there licence plate, call your insurance company and ask them the best way to get it paid for by the other party. Dont go fix it yourself and then wounder what you should do...

04-10-2007, 04:19 PM
its like a hit and run, report it. he "hit " the car AND admitted it, then drove off without solution. its an accident in a parking lot which is 50/50 but the insurance will make him pay that.

04-10-2007, 04:45 PM
just checked with TD Insurance: they would waive 50% of the deductible of your collision coverage if the hit&run is reported to police within 24hrs

04-11-2007, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

If I squeezed you like an orange, 100% pure class would come out.

Mmmmm oranges