View Full Version : Northwest is the ghetto...

06-05-2003, 07:44 PM
There is alot of jokes about Penbrooke,Forest lawn , Dover etc etc, being the "hood", but it seems to me the Northwest, actually the far northwest is really the shittier end of town..
Apart from the news that makes this forum, there are alot of other signs, everytime I go into a subdivision up there, there is ton of shattered glass along the curbs.
The Hamptons seems to be hot area for theft, vandalism and stupidity, its a swanky area too, on the street where my GF lives, there never fails to be a car that has been hit, everytime I go there, the guy a few doors down even puts a "club" on his 82 toyota corrolla, apparently its been stolen twice, now thats just pathetic...I will try and get a pic of a car on the street, its a silver Honda civic that some girl owns, someone took a baseball bat to it, this last week, and its not the first time the car has been hit,apprently..
So whats the cause of this?
Bored kids with to much money and not enough brains?
Transient punks from other locales?
Or is it and ethnic problem, the mix seems to be pretty diverse up there, alot more than other parts of the city...

06-05-2003, 07:59 PM
i live in the NE

Originally posted by Maxt
the guy a few doors down even puts a "club" on his 82 toyota corrolla, apparently its been stolen twice, now thats just pathetic...

my dad's old cressida, they broke into our garage (which had nothing in it to steal), then they broke the glass to take his spare change.....the door was open though???

my buddy has had his moms 89 civic four door hubcaps (oem hondas) stolen twice.....and they even stole her next vehicle (a camry...like a 88)........now they always have the club

two years ago, people used to drive down my street with bb guns shooting out the windows of cars......and some neighbours reported having their doormats set on fire

my house has been broken into, back in 96....they stole about 7-8g's worth of stuff, and it was like not even 3 weeks after my grandpa passed.....and the same person tried to break in again, through the same window, except this time, they were surprised to see someone in the window, with a large blunt object, and ran away...:D, never had a problem again

a family friend that owned a movie store beside the neighborhood mac's, him and his family were shot dead when i was like 6-7 y/o......you might have heard of it way back then

basically, the NE...especially in this area, is still a ghetto.:thumbsdow

Originally posted by Maxt
So whats the cause of this?
Bored kids with to much money and not enough brains?
Transient punks from other locales?
Or is it and ethnic problem, the mix seems to be pretty diverse up there, alot more than other parts of the city...
maxt [/B]

yea i think its because of the wannabe hardcore thugs....but i think they are from that area.....its basically how the NE was back then, a bunch of newer suburbs for kids to get into trouble

06-05-2003, 08:04 PM
Yeah I lived in the Northeast for some time as well...
I can't say I miss the place, but it didn't seem to have the same frequency of incidents as the northwest lately...
Whats amazing is all that happens with a huge number of cops in the area, when driving up there, the amount of cops is unreal..Maxt

06-05-2003, 08:17 PM
When my car was broken into any my stereo amp, deck, and wallet stolen, my drivers license and other cards were found in the NW on a street.

Dope Dealer
06-05-2003, 08:23 PM
I used to live in the NE for about 10 or 11 years. After moving up into the NW, it's much better. It's like night and day pretty much.

06-05-2003, 09:30 PM
Hahah shit, i live in the NE, my garage got broken into 2 times in the first 2 days that i moved here :thumbsdow

06-05-2003, 09:36 PM
Bored kids with to much money and not enough brains?Ding ding. Stupid teenagers that want to be thugs with rich parents.

I live in the NE, we've had our garage busted into twice and about 3k in tools cleaned out. In 02 our garage was set on fire. Other than those incidents I dont have anything to complain about..

06-05-2003, 09:43 PM
Nothing ever happens in the south *knock on wood*

06-05-2003, 09:48 PM
I saw a dead cat on the road once in the country.

06-05-2003, 09:57 PM
My van was set on fire like 3 years ago. It was in my driveway and it burnt the shit out of the front of my house :guns:

06-05-2003, 10:04 PM
I lived in the NE for 4 years. Parked my car outside, with all the goodies in it, pretty expensive sound system, LCD monitor, radar detector always on the windshield, etc. I no longer own that particular car, but I can tell you that I NEVER had anyone try to touch my car (alarm would have told me).

My dad, who drove a van at the time, parked around Silvercity for a little while, and had the van broken into, a shit like a Swiss Army knife stolen, nothing of real value.

This is nothing conclusive of course, but look in the Calgary Sun under the law section. Look at the Car Prowlings and Car Thefts in the different sections of the city. The NW is pretty bad. Also remember major incidents, like in Hidden Valley about 4 months ago, when some idiots smashed like 75 car windows.

My opinion on why the NW sucks so much? When they first built the NW, with communities like Hidden Valley, Sandstone, etc, it was DIRT cheap. I remember when me and my dad were looking to move to Calgary, we saw homes up there, full sized family homes with double car garage, for around $130 000, brand new. These days, the exact same houses cost like $180 000.

So what happened? All the cheap people moved in. And now that everything cost more, everyone thinks that the NW is a "great part of the city to live in". But what people don't realize is the amount of assholes who moved into there when it was cheap.

06-05-2003, 10:12 PM
you know whats really ghetto??? the southwest! the other day my 7yr old neighboor capped my ass with a super soaker in broad daylight! i swear to god im moving out of this fucking slum! :D

06-05-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Maxt
There is alot of jokes about Penbrooke,Forest lawn , Dover etc etc, being the "hood", but it seems to me the Northwest, actually the far northwest is really the shittier end of town..
Apart from the news that makes this forum, there are alot of other signs, everytime I go into a subdivision up there, there is ton of shattered glass along the curbs.
The Hamptons seems to be hot area for theft, vandalism and stupidity, its a swanky area too, on the street where my GF lives, there never fails to be a car that has been hit, everytime I go there, the guy a few doors down even puts a "club" on his 82 toyota corrolla, apparently its been stolen twice, now thats just pathetic...I will try and get a pic of a car on the street, its a silver Honda civic that some girl owns, someone took a baseball bat to it, this last week, and its not the first time the car has been hit,apprently..
So whats the cause of this?
Bored kids with to much money and not enough brains?
Transient punks from other locales?
Or is it and ethnic problem, the mix seems to be pretty diverse up there, alot more than other parts of the city...

hmm where does your g/f live? im up in the hamptons too, its sooo quite here! compared to like ranchlands. hamptons is like a old rich people place. when im out i hardly ever see ppl my age in the late night, only during halloween and new years and stuff. hmm maybe just like a group of like 5 teens going round busting stuff up.:dunno:

06-05-2003, 11:16 PM
I had 2 crimes commited against my car when I lived in the SW. The whole city's becoming a ghetto. For those who don't think so, get your head out of the sand.

06-05-2003, 11:18 PM
if you dont like the north side come and move down to the south side... yo....

06-05-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish
I had 2 crimes commited against my car when I lived in the SW. The whole city's becoming a ghetto. For those who don't think so, get your head out of the sand.

Agreed, the problem is not particularily focused on one part of the city, its Calgary... :banghead:

06-06-2003, 12:10 AM
I don't think the SW really has a problem at all. I live in woodbine and have never had any problems in my neighbourhood except my neighbor standing on his front porch egging the houses in the couldesack. We had one thing happen to the accord when my mom had it up at SAIT a couple years ago... Some kids set off the alarm and tried to steal the stock mag wheels and all they got away with where the lug nut covers... wouldn't be bad if they didnt cost $60 a piece to replace.

06-06-2003, 12:39 AM
I live in Hawkwood and honestly I haven't heard of any major incidents involving car break in's or thefts in my neighborhood. Most neighborhoods in the NW like Hamptons, Arbour Lake, Hawkwood, Citadel, Tuscany, Edgemont and places like that generally are pretty quiet.

I mean in Hawkwood there's teh occasional bust of weed growing operations but not many car break in's or thefts!!

06-06-2003, 01:37 AM
Actually being from Edgemont it is getting pretty bad, we get those police messages on the phone weekly now about shit being stolen, cars being broken into and about other shit. I still feel safer here than when I go to the SE or NE, but maybe its just an illusion that I think nothing will happen close to home. I have also been seeing a LOT more cops around the area too, compared to when we moved here 14 years ago and the area was new. I used to live in the NE as well, but being a young kid I didnt notice anything bad with the area, our garage got broken into but that was about it.

But agreed, this city is turning to shit. And I have noticed particularly that bus shelters in Edgemont/Hamptons have been targeted lately, I counted 6 (yup 6) glass shelters smashed in today.... Dumb kids

06-06-2003, 09:09 AM
Yeah, the SW is pretty bad too... my neighbours keep shovelling snow off my sidewalk and mowing my lawn for me!!! Damn those fools! :rofl: jk. Yea, all the poor and cheap ppl live in the SW, so thieves know that there's nothing to steal!

06-06-2003, 09:18 AM
I lived in the hamptons for 3 years. Never had a problem or heard of anyone else having a problem.

06-06-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Hash_man
I don't think the SW really has a problem at all. I live in woodbine and have never had any problems in my neighbourhood except my neighbor standing on his front porch egging the houses in the couldesack. We had one thing happen to the accord when my mom had it up at SAIT a couple years ago... Some kids set off the alarm and tried to steal the stock mag wheels and all they got away with where the lug nut covers... wouldn't be bad if they didnt cost $60 a piece to replace.

I lived in Woodbine for the better part of 18 years and it went from nice family neighborhood to all those young kids turning into punks. My car got broken into in my driveway there and one day a couple of punks all of the sudden started following me around the neighborhood, I pulled into a Cul de sac, when they came around a few seconds later, saw that I noticed them and took off like a bat out of hell! I suspect they were following me to see where I lived as that was back in my blaring stereo days.

06-06-2003, 12:14 PM
So the whole city's going to shit basically. NW, NE, SW, SE. Very uncool :thumbsdow

06-06-2003, 12:17 PM
Gotta move to Airdie or Cranston... :rofl:

06-06-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by sml
Gotta move to Airdie or Cranston... :rofl:

Actually, Airdire's ghetto too :thumbsdow

06-06-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
you know whats really ghetto??? the southwest! the other day my 7yr old neighboor capped my ass with a super soaker in broad daylight! i swear to god im moving out of this fucking slum! :D


06-07-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
you know whats really ghetto??? the southwest! the other day my 7yr old neighboor capped my ass with a super soaker in broad daylight! i swear to god im moving out of this fucking slum! :D

Damn hoodlums hey!!!

06-07-2003, 04:10 PM
it's all these 2nd gen rich kids, the wannabe hardcores. they have too much time on their hands they don't realize how hard people have to work for to get the things they want so they go out and vandalize other peoples stuff. One time in my buddy's neighborhood i drove by and some fucking kid threw a rock at my car while i was driving by. like what the fuck is up with that? did you gain anything by ruining my paint? NO, cops should enforce a curfew, underaged kiddies should be off the road by 10pm or they'll be fined huge. i'm sick of this shit. [/endrant]

06-08-2003, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by boi-alien
it's all these 2nd gen rich kids, the wannabe hardcores. they have too much time on their hands they don't realize how hard people have to work for to get the things they want so they go out and vandalize other peoples stuff. One time in my buddy's neighborhood i drove by and some fucking kid threw a rock at my car while i was driving by. like what the fuck is up with that? did you gain anything by ruining my paint? NO, cops should enforce a curfew, underaged kiddies should be off the road by 10pm or they'll be fined huge. i'm sick of this shit. [/endrant]
Holy shit? did you like, beat his ass for doing that?
wtf man...thats fucking gay...I saw your car once, it was sexy...anyone who throws a rock at it is fucking pathetic.
A while ago,back when there was snow, my friend was just driving his jag down street, all windows and sunroof down, and these punk kids start whipping snow/ice at it...Like, 3 snowballs got in the windows, snow all over the leather...fucking sucked...He was going nuts...They were like, fucking, punk 10 year olds too.

Yeah, like you said, its all those hardcore 12 year olds and shit...Fucking hate kids like that.

06-08-2003, 02:02 AM
Hardcore junior high kids throwing rocks at cars learn their lesson pretty quickly when they get the shit beaten out of them badly enough that they need to go to the hospital.

06-09-2003, 08:45 AM
hmm where does your g/f live? im up in the hamptons too, its sooo quite here! compared to like ranchlands. hamptons is like a old rich people place. when im out i hardly ever see ppl my age in the late night, only during halloween and new years and stuff. hmm maybe just like a group of like 5 teens going round busting stuff up.

yeh...WRX is right..ahah..i'm in the ranchood (ranchlands) n yeh.....ahha..all you see everynight is teens just wondering around...ahahha..thats cuz i wonder around with them, lol, but yeh..ranchlands is sweet, we have a lil community of teens that just chills..:thumbsup:, you see alot of police, but the only thing that gets smashed around here is bus shelters :P....

06-09-2003, 11:43 AM
I volunteered with Calgary police in communications a couple times about 1.5 years ago.

It struck me as odd how slow police reponse time was in the far NW, yet some hooker getting robbed in the NE, and the cops had the guy in less then 2 minutes.

I live near SAIT, across from a donut shop, so I am covered. But I love the lawn as well ;)


Dragon X
06-10-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Hardcore junior high kids throwing rocks at cars learn their lesson pretty quickly when they get the shit beaten out of them badly enough that they need to go to the hospital.


06-10-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Nothing ever happens in the south *knock on wood*

All has been safe down here in the south as well. But I use to live in Erin Woods. We moved when a whole shitload of people were coming and going out of the house next door, partying all night, sleeping all day. Not safe. Called the cops on them several times, problems never stopped.

06-10-2003, 09:20 PM
:werd: , ive had to drive through erin woods several times.. G-H-E-T-T-O

06-10-2003, 09:23 PM
I live in Airdrie and its the hood out here as well. However I still find it better then cowtown! I was leaving to go to work last week when I noticed that someone tried to pry my door open. so now there is a nice dent on the seem of the driver door. Can anyone tell me who would try to brake into a bone stock slow ass focus?? Damn ppl irritate me! Why do people have to break into things that other people work there asses off for? :banghead:

06-10-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Focus
Can anyone tell me who would try to brake into a bone stock slow ass focus?? Damn ppl irritate me! Why do people have to break into things that other people work there asses off for? :banghead:

They're hoping to find a wallet in the glove box, a face plate for the stereo, CDs, money, garage door opener or anything of value.

06-11-2003, 12:38 AM
yeah, what the hell is up with that.
these little punks should get their asses kicked.
it should be legally warranted to be able to kick a little punks ass, should he come near you.

06-11-2003, 04:04 AM
Ya.......The South isnt to bad, even though i had my car broken into last year right in front of my house during the middle of the night.....little punks, im sure of it.