View Full Version : Opinion on Blackberry Pearl

04-20-2007, 05:37 PM
Im looking at buying one in the next week or so. I was woundering how it has been treating everyone so far, +/-, any issues. would it be recomended?


04-20-2007, 05:42 PM
heyy i got mine about a month and a half ago
i would say by far this is the best phone ive had
awesome quality, good sound, many features
and theres tones of stuff you get get for it on the internet such like programs/apps
i love the GPS feature and i have google maps on mine

only thing is that the little trackball does get dirty...
then it doesent want to work so well, but you just need to clean it blow some air at it,like compressed air or wipe it with rubbing alcohol

but :thumbsup: for the pearl

DJ Lazy
04-20-2007, 05:43 PM
I love mine... the screen gets pretty smudged if you have greasy fingers... Trackball hasn't given me any problems yet.. Very easy to use.. Camera isn't too bad on it...

I cancelled my data plan after 2 months worth of bills that cost me close to $800.. :rofl: So its now just a really fancy cell phone for me.. I'll take care of my emails and websurfing at home. ;)

In the end it is a great phone.. However the keyboard is slightly different than the rest of the Blackberry line... if that matters to you...

04-20-2007, 05:45 PM
haha yeah its easy to rack up $$ on your bill....i did it too
but you can get pretty good plans....that include a data package
just watch that your not using it all the time!...internet,e-mails...ect.

04-20-2007, 05:58 PM
So i will either have to get a good data plan or really watch the email/surffing the web. lol It seems like a good buy!:D

04-21-2007, 03:44 AM
we deployed a bunch of pearls at work and i set them up for a ton of people and i really don't like them. They are hell slow and hang for a bit sometimes, not something I would want in a phone. Plus its more like a phone then previous blackberries so no easy qwerty keyboard

04-21-2007, 12:26 PM
I was going to say I have this one and that I love it, but after reading the previous post, I don't think mine is the Pearl because it has the full keyboard. My previous one didn't and it sucked. You have to push certain keys twice to get the letter you want and it was older so I wanted a new toy. It doesn't have a camera which I would like to have on it for personal reasons. Ex: taking pics at the Flames game etc. but oh well.

I just looked up mine on Rogers.com and I have the Blackberry 8700r. It is a sweet phone and easy to type on as well. I would recommend it for sure. It isn't that big either surprisingly enough. The sound is good and it is easy to use. One negative will point out is you can't, as far as I know, change the amount of time before it locks itself which is kind of stupid. After 5 minutes or so it locks, then you have to unlock it again before using it. Just a minor inconvenience. I would give it 4/5. The Pearl is the newer version of my old phone and I would give that 2.5/5 maybe. I wouldn't recommend that one for reasons mentioned above if you have the choice which it sounds like you do.

04-21-2007, 12:33 PM
I have mine and I love it. I got mine before they were even released in Canada. I've had zero problems with it so far.

When I first got it I didn't have a data plan and it was great for texting. Waaay better than t9. Now I have a data plan and I doubt I'll ever be able to go back. I can defiantly understand the nickname "Crackberry" lol

04-21-2007, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by eblend
we deployed a bunch of pearls at work and i set them up for a ton of people and i really don't like them. They are hell slow and hang for a bit sometimes, not something I would want in a phone. Plus its more like a phone then previous blackberries so no easy qwerty keyboard

Do you own one yourself?
It's not slow at all.
If you're not using multitap it's just as easy as qwerty.
I love it, probably the best phone I've ever had/used.
Very user friendly. :thumbsup:

04-21-2007, 07:24 PM
the pearl is a good phone.

I had one used it for about 6 months? nice phone and nice blackberry. but i noticed the pearl doesn't seem like its a poweruser phone.

I would easily rack up my bill though.

nice phone overall was a cool bb quite fun.

very easy to scratch though i ended up goin to treo 650 though because i got bored of the pearl.

but thats just me i get bored of phones pretty quick.

05-14-2007, 11:42 PM
Well thank you to everyone how put there input in. I had a hard descion between the Palm Treo 700w and the BlackBerry pearl. But i did recently purchase a pearl, I thought the functionality (except the capability to send a text message while on a call, saying "im on another call, i will call you back in 5 minutes") Was far better and the service was a brighter shade of a green with Rogers than Telus.

05-16-2007, 11:44 AM
so how much is it to unlock it and how much extra is it for email or blackberry connect services on fido?
markways has it for 300 bux =)

05-16-2007, 07:32 PM
i want a bb pearl :(