View Full Version : Calgary Drivers WOW!!!

04-20-2007, 06:53 PM
Is it just me or is this city full of a bunch of dicks.

Its amazing the amount of ROAD RAGE i see on our city streets now days.

And these people that can't merge, GOD PUT UR FOOT ON THE GAS!!!

Today I saw a girl and her car had broken down on the middle lane in deerfoot, she had her flashers on and she was on her cell phone calling for help i asume. You could see she was very upset and almost crying.

anyways people are like honking and giving her the finger and shit!! Grow UP!!

I mean no one even stopped to give her a hand, you know push the car to the side mabye (I felt like a huge dick myself because i didn't stop to help, I should have but it never occured to me at the moment).

Guys and Gurls post some storys or something about how our city is going to shits. Or mabye a good comment on something good related to our streets.

I can't be the only person who feels like Calgary has really gone down hill in the respect department.

thanks All :banghead:

04-20-2007, 06:57 PM
there has been so many reports of road rage its getting crazy. i had X92.9 on today and they were saying some guy in a golf took out a trucks passenger side window with a crowbar after the guy in the truck gave the golf the finger for tailgating him. fucking loser...

04-20-2007, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by ghost944

I mean no one even stopped to give her a hand, you know push the car to the side mabye (I felt like a huge dick myself because i didn't stop to help, I should have but it never occured to me at the moment).

Did you stop to give her a hand? ;)

I agree though, people are retarded in this city when it comes to driving.

04-20-2007, 07:00 PM
Oh, there are lots of shitty drivers here, the most obvious being the ones that dont know what signs mean such as yield, stop, merge or weave lane.

My current pet peave though is the worst detour that has ever been created, aka crowchild @ nosehill. People try to guess the lights and almost jump into the intersecion, they dont understand the lanes, it backs up so far, and they go incredibly slow and or cut you off promptly before or after the intersection. Also, the lane widths are incredibly narrow with the pilot, not that big of a vehicle, taking up almost the entire lane in some parts. :whipped:

04-20-2007, 07:03 PM
I agree.

Not too long ago I had an incident where I was turning right at an residenital intersection when the lights were green. At the same time, a vehicle turning left on the opposite side started honking and fingering me. He then sped up and cut me off. I'm assuming that he wanted to turn into the right side of the lane.

I'm not 100% sure who had the right of way, but there was 2 lanes and he should of turned into the first lane and not turn so wide into the right lane were I was turning into.

04-20-2007, 07:04 PM
No i never did stop but i wish i did!

04-20-2007, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by schocker
Oh, there are lots of shitty drivers here, the most obvious being the ones that dont know what signs mean such as yield, stop, merge or weave lane.

My current pet peave though is the worst detour that has ever been created, aka crowchild @ nosehill. People try to guess the lights and almost jump into the intersecion, they dont understand the lanes, it backs up so far, and they go incredibly slow and or cut you off promptly before or after the intersection. Also, the lane widths are incredibly narrow with the pilot, not that big of a vehicle, taking up almost the entire lane in some parts. :whipped:

my pet peave is when they try to cut into the middle from the right lane just to get ahead of traffic. This is especially true with people drive big SUV.

04-20-2007, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Daxin
I agree.

Not too long ago I had an incident where I was turning right at an residenital intersection when the lights were green. At the same time, a vehicle turning left on the opposite side started honking and fingering me. He then sped up and cut me off. I'm assuming that he wanted to turn into the right side of the lane.

I'm not 100% sure who had the right of way, but there was 2 lanes and he should of turned into the first lane and not turn so wide into the right lane were I was turning into.

I know exactly what you mean. A lot of drivers I see have to use 2 lanes to turn left or right.

The worse I've ever seen was a car that wanted to turn right at an intersection just swerved a bit to the left just before turning right because apparently he/she thought he/she was going to hit the sidewalk or something? wtf? :dunno:

04-20-2007, 07:15 PM
I know a guy who had some guy give him the finger then cut him off. It was during the last snow fall warning before this one! Then the guy that i know(i didn't approve of it, although still found it funny) got out of his car, opened the other drivers door, pulled him out and was about to kick his azz. The only thing that held him back was a kid stting in the back! I feel sorry for kids that have to see that kinda shit! I bet that guy will never cut anyone off again though!

04-20-2007, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Daxin
I agree.

Not too long ago I had an incident where I was turning right at an residenital intersection when the lights were green. At the same time, a vehicle turning left on the opposite side started honking and fingering me. He then sped up and cut me off. I'm assuming that he wanted to turn into the right side of the lane.

I'm not 100% sure who had the right of way, but there was 2 lanes and he should of turned into the first lane and not turn so wide into the right lane were I was turning into.

maybe he was turning before you entered the intersection to turn, but either way he has the right to the lane closest to him, just as you have the lane closest to him.
I get put in that situation all the time where some hick thinks he owns the road because he's got a brand new turbo diesel dodge ram with the 8" lift that he requires to navigate Calgary's streets that he paid for by taking on debt that he couldn't really afford and gets bent over every month because he's paying prime + 10% for his new toy to compensate for his 4" pecker.
Just the other day one of these cock suckers fingered me as he almost hit me as I was crossing the street in a cross walk by work. I couldn't believe what happened and I saw a few other drives in the intersection waiting for me to cross shaking their head at him.

04-20-2007, 07:21 PM
I had pretty bad road rage the other day , was waitin in traffic going under glenmore bridge , and some fucktard decides to skip the whole damn line and try and get infront of me (I waited 30 mins!!) , and he kept moving over and over until he almost hit my car ... I was just about to go out and knock him one.. Arragont fuck..

04-20-2007, 07:22 PM
People can't even park properly.
I was driving around a full lot today looking for an empty spot.
Finally found one that meant I could get out and not hit a vehicle with my door which makes me assume I can't get hit.
I run into the store for a bit and come back out to find a pickup truck so close I can barely get my door open let alone get in. Of course I look around and notice that the guys wife is in the truck. So as gently as I can I open my door to squeeze in. The door touches the truck (impossible not too)
I laugh as I back out cause she quickly jumps out to see If I damaged it.... For a minute there I was really tempted to jump out an vent. Thought the better of that and promptly forgot it! Till now...stoopid people. How hard is it to straighten a vehicle in a stall?

04-20-2007, 07:31 PM
That kind of reminds me 5 years back. I just went to DNT paintless car dent repair to pull out some dent on the drivers side door. The next day, I went to lunch at Olive Garden in the North with work buddies. I parked in the middle of no where so I don't have to worry about another door ding.

After an hour, sure enough, some idiot had parked beside me and put a dent on the drivers side and left. This time, the dent even chip off some paint so I was pissed beyond insanity. :banghead: :guns:

04-20-2007, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by JamesV888

my pet peave is when they try to cut into the middle from the right lane just to get ahead of traffic. This is especially true with people drive big SUV.
same here big time man.
its a daily thing in center st/20th ave, 10th st/20th ave

04-20-2007, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by old&slow
People can't even park properly.
I was driving around a full lot today looking for an empty spot.
Finally found one that meant I could get out and not hit a vehicle with my door which makes me assume I can't get hit.
I run into the store for a bit and come back out to find a pickup truck so close I can barely get my door open let alone get in. Of course I look around and notice that the guys wife is in the truck. So as gently as I can I open my door to squeeze in. The door touches the truck (impossible not too)
I laugh as I back out cause she quickly jumps out to see If I damaged it.... For a minute there I was really tempted to jump out an vent. Thought the better of that and promptly forgot it! Till now...stoopid people. How hard is it to straighten a vehicle in a stall?

Hah, we went to the foggy dew a while back. My friend's driving his mom's old Buick, and some Integra pulls next to us. The passenger exiting the integra, must've been drunk, as he just opens the door HARD into this Buick. So we're just sitting there....my friend goes WHACK right back into his door once they leave. Who cares how bad the car is, it's the principal of it. He said he'd do it when the guy was still there, but he didn't want it to get to this. egTT5yyb5To

04-20-2007, 07:37 PM
so it's just not edmonton eh?? must be an alberta thing... freakin BRUTAL

04-20-2007, 07:42 PM
or how about the person (usually an older lady) who will cut in front of you in the fast left lane of deerfoot and slow to an abrupt speed of 75-80 km/h.. all while im late for school :rolleyes:

i wonder if they've ever read the 'slower traffic keep right' sign and know what it actually means?:banghead:

04-20-2007, 07:45 PM
the worst thing is people cruising along in the left lane on deerfoot, and they won't get out of your way. i always make sure they get a nice rock shower as soon as i pass them.

similarly, semi trucks in the left lane. it should be illegal for semi trucks to go into the left lane no matter what. like it is in other countries.

also, that guy in the truck who got his with the crowbar probably deserved it, as he was in the left lane, only reason people tailgate, is cause someone isn't MOVING OUT THE WAY. then being the retard he is, he fingers cause he thinks he's right. well he fingered the wrong guy :)

04-20-2007, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by cressida_pimpin
there has been so many reports of road rage its getting crazy. i had X92.9 on today and they were saying some guy in a golf took out a trucks passenger side window with a crowbar after the guy in the truck gave the golf the finger for tailgating him. fucking loser...

Here's the link to that story:


Black VW Golf type car
Guy driving with brown hair goatee and wearing glasses.

I saw a crazy road rager last weekend in the southwest. Some idiot driving a red daytona got out and almost dragged a kid from his car because he cut him off. The guy was wearing a jack daniels security t-shirt. :rolleyes:

04-20-2007, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by ghost944
No i never did stop but i wish i did!

Not hot enough for you huh?

04-20-2007, 07:57 PM
Worst thing that ever happend to me was a couple of years ago. I was driving west on Glenmore trail where there is that yeild sign from Crowchild. Some Asshole cut me off, with no one else in front of him, slammed on his brakes not once but FOUR TIMES!!!! On the 4th time i hit him and blew up on of my headlights! Then he took off cause he's an assole! I was soo pissed i did'nt even take his plate# down. People like that should jump off a bridge!

04-20-2007, 08:03 PM
One night was driving home and was passing nearby Market mall around 2am. This Guy is waving his hands at the intersection. I turn around and and give him a boost. He mentioned that he has been trying to flag someone down for 2+ hours to get a boost. He say the same guys in a red truck pass him 4 times during that time.

2+ hours? thats crazy are people scared to stop and help people?

04-20-2007, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by bart
the worst thing is people cruising along in the left lane on deerfoot, and they won't get out of your way. i always make sure they get a nice rock shower as soon as i pass them.

similarly, semi trucks in the left lane. it should be illegal for semi trucks to go into the left lane no matter what. like it is in other countries.

also, that guy in the truck who got his with the crowbar probably deserved it, as he was in the left lane, only reason people tailgate, is cause someone isn't MOVING OUT THE WAY. then being the retard he is, he fingers cause he thinks he's right. well he fingered the wrong guy :)

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.

04-20-2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah guess i will say thnx to all the people who have saved me when i needed a boost lol

happened to me when i had my porsche 944

at sait and some guy went out of his way to give me a boost in his big as red dodge


04-20-2007, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by ghost944
No i never did stop but i wish i did!

Not hot enough for you huh?


haha lol

no she wasn't but i really didn't get a chance to slow down all the other assholes were pushing me away

04-20-2007, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

Originally posted by bart
the worst thing is people cruising along in the left lane on deerfoot, and they won't get out of your way. i always make sure they get a nice rock shower as soon as i pass them.

similarly, semi trucks in the left lane. it should be illegal for semi trucks to go into the left lane no matter what. like it is in other countries.

also, that guy in the truck who got his with the crowbar probably deserved it, as he was in the left lane, only reason people tailgate, is cause someone isn't MOVING OUT THE WAY. then being the retard he is, he fingers cause he thinks he's right. well he fingered the wrong guy :)

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.
Completely agree. Bart, as always, you have made yourself look retarded. :thumbsup:

04-20-2007, 08:41 PM
After driving in LA for a week, I no longer have road rage. Mind you the drivers in LA are so much better than here.

04-20-2007, 09:19 PM
ya calgary is pretty bad.... i had someguy tail me and follow me for awhile and i mean he was trying to draft me... in a fucking suburban... he was tops a foot away from me while we were going 20 over on john laurie with a open lane beside us.... on top of that he'd follow me over to the other lane if i tried to get out of the retards way. so guess what he does when we get to the lights??? open his door and fingers me..... since it was a long light he kept doing it for 30 seconds straight, so i just got out of my car, opened the trunk and grabbed my tripod. needless to say he shut his door and kept his finger down. this was almost 2 oclock so little traffic.

i woulda done the crowbar thing but i didnt wanna ruin a perfectly good tripod on some assholes windshield:drama:

04-20-2007, 09:26 PM
Man you didn't know?

In Calgary when your car is parked to the side of the road from an accident, stall, or whatever, other drivers will be rubber necks and while at the same time slowing down to over half the speed limit because it is a sign of respect to all drivers on the road and to the victims on the side of the road.

If they stop and help you then thats distracting you from what you are trying to accomplish, so thats rude.

Also one more thing, in Calgary you must follow the car in front of you as close as you can, because if you don't people will cut in front of you.:rolleyes:

04-20-2007, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Isaiah

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.
Completely agree. Bart, as always, you have made yourself look retarded. :thumbsup: [/B][/QUOTE]


esp the rock shower part, only cool people do that.

04-20-2007, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by bart
the worst thing is people cruising along in the left lane on deerfoot, and they won't get out of your way. i always make sure they get a nice rock shower as soon as i pass them.

similarly, semi trucks in the left lane. it should be illegal for semi trucks to go into the left lane no matter what. like it is in other countries.

also, that guy in the truck who got his with the crowbar probably deserved it, as he was in the left lane, only reason people tailgate, is cause someone isn't MOVING OUT THE WAY. then being the retard he is, he fingers cause he thinks he's right. well he fingered the wrong guy :)

I go usually 120-140 in the left lane on deerfoot and thats already well over the limit. if i see some kid screaming up behind me and tail gating me then pulls into the lane next to me, i'll usually downshift and match his speed the entire way to avoid such "rock showers" :rolleyes:

04-21-2007, 12:27 AM
deerfoot in general makes me want to kill someone or most likely myself, doing 10 on the foot this morning, took 20 minutes to get from anderson to southland heading north, like what the fuck, 5 lanes there use them, don't do fucking 10

kens lesson in driving for saturday april 21 dont do 10km/h on deerfoot heading either north or south, if theres an accident off the side of the road do 110km/h not 4km/h

04-21-2007, 01:17 AM
i'm not one to complain about safe drivers, but there are many people who drive WAY too slow, impeding traffic and frustrating commuters who want to go the speed limit!

04-21-2007, 02:21 AM
Man this just makes me love Red Deer traffic. bahahhahahahah rush hour is like 15 cars all doing the speed limit. You guys have fun with the big city traffic i'll keep this traffic anyday.

04-21-2007, 02:40 AM
I got into a road rage a couple weeks ago. Leaving the airport just before the lights there is a yield sign for cars to get in, and usually taxi drivers just use it as a merge and dont even stop and yield at all.
So this one guy wasnt going to yield and decided to cut me off. I honkd my horn and the guy decided to stop his car in the middle of traffic, mind you it was rush hour. He gets out of his car and I get out of mine. So I was totally pissed off that he cut me off on a yield sign, I told him " u know wtf yield is?"
He replies, " yah ur suppose to let me through". HAHAHa So I fucking yell at him and said thats A FUCKING MERGE you fuck head. And then he said "No its not, how long you been driving here?" hahaha
There was more to it after that, but it just shows you how stupid lots of people are. I just wanted to knock him out.

04-21-2007, 02:44 AM

04-21-2007, 02:47 AM
^^ I'd love to say it's the city's for designing the right lane on Centre St. way too narrow for safe access for parked vehicles. Even the right-hand shoulders on main highways are larger than Centre's ridiculously narrow "parking" lane.

04-21-2007, 09:34 AM
If you're in the left lane, it is supposed to be common sense and a safe practice that it's used for passing and not for cruising in. That's why there are signs all over the QE2 that says 'slower moving traffic keep right'

Sure it's not a law that says you have to do it, but it is part of RESPECTING other drivers on the road.

Why are there less incidents like this in busier roads with higher speedlimits elsewhere in the world? Because people respect the other drivers on the road. If we had a higher speedlimit here, people would just get more frustrated with 'slower' or 'faster' drivers because no one respects each other.

Respect goes goes both ways - not who is right and who is wrong. If you pass someone who doesn't show you the courtesy of moving over and you shower them with rocks, you deserve it when someone does it to you.

04-21-2007, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by ghost944
Today I saw a girl and her car had broken down on the middle lane in deerfoot, she had her flashers on and she was on her cell phone calling for help i asume. You could see she was very upset and almost crying.

anyways people are like honking and giving her the finger and shit!! Grow UP!!

Her car didnt just STOP instantly man. She should have gone to the shoulder and not stopped in the middle of DEERFOOT. What a fucking idiot. Obviously people are yelling and giving her the finger. Thats one of the most dangerous things that could be done. No one is going to get out and push because they don't like dying for stupid bitches...

Originally posted by 403Gemini

I go usually 120-140 in the left lane on deerfoot and thats already well over the limit. if i see some kid screaming up behind me and tail gating me then pulls into the lane next to me, i'll usually downshift and match his speed the entire way to avoid such "rock showers" :rolleyes:

Yea, this is such a good feeling. And then you box him with another car. I just love seeing 16 yr olds get all screamy and bangy behind the wheel...

04-21-2007, 09:57 AM
:rofl: :rofl:

nice thread, great way for everyone to let go of their anger.

04-21-2007, 11:08 AM
Some of you guys need to get a minivan and drive 5 under in the slow lane, and put off that heart attack for a few years.

Thats what I did, never been more stress free.


04-21-2007, 11:20 AM
I hate when you're on the highway and a car infront of you jams on the friggin brakes for no reason. :eek: Also when they do 40km on a 60 zone on the passing lane.:guns:

04-21-2007, 01:05 PM
old people in their fkin 80's should not be allowed to drive at aLL!!!!
i was on blackfoot tr./ 17th ave se heading towards deerfoot, this guy pretty fucking old, 80's look or so, hes driving fucking 30 in a 60 zone!!! with soo much traffic around him too! then he tries to switch lanes while still going 30, everyone was just honking him, and giving him the "WTF" wave.
ugh pissed me off to.

and of course, the people who dont know how to MERGE! holy hell, shaganappi going onto country hills. I was on c.h. while this girl in an audi was in the merge lane, i was behind her when she was coming out of the merge, so i slow down a bit give her more room, flick her the high beams, give her the "good to go wave" what does she do? she drives all the way up to the end of the fking merge lane and i almost fking smoke her. she had her front end of her car in my lane and the rest of the car still in the narrow part of the merge lane. holy shit i swearing my ass off, fingering her like crazy. ugh, i was not happy.

04-21-2007, 06:09 PM
Fuck guys

again today driving on deerfoot merging and i know how to merge lol

and this asshole speeds up so that we can't merge

and of course he won't look over cause he knew what he was doing.

fuckin assholes

04-21-2007, 06:16 PM
very true.
Why did I love to drive to work this morning...because it was 530 and there were no cars on the road, way home another story.
weave lanes arnt yields, especially when you have your own damn lane. the nosehill detour tricks drivers with its two lane setup, making rapid lane changes by the drivers who think somehow, without sinage they will end up on crowchild unless they cut you off then change lanes again once accross the intersecion.
and best of all: thanks to the traffic planners who do not sync the turning lanes with the lights so that only the right lane is moving while the left is waiting for people to turn left:thumbsup:

04-21-2007, 09:20 PM
I swear anyone that joins deerfoot at any speed under 85 km/h deserves to lose their fucking license.

I don't care how bad your car sucks, there's no reason to be joining highways at 60. Even worse is going like 70 because you're too scared...take 14 Street or Barlow or something and stay off the highway.

Oh, and there's a stretch on Country Hills Blvd between Beddington Trail and Shaganappi...THE LIMIT IS 80! Stop going 60, especially in the left lane.

I love vent threads like this...

04-21-2007, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.

yes i know its a courtesy, i didn't say it was the law. move out of my way, and i will be courteous in return by saving you a cracked windshield and a chipped hood ;)

but hey, everyone thinks they're perfect :D

ps: and if you can read i didnt say i tailgate people, if i see they are not moving out of the way, i have already gone around them. so your love of watching people tailgate others doesn't include me on that list.

04-22-2007, 12:21 AM
sooooooooo much road rage, accidents, road rage, idoits,

EVERY DAY you see a few things!!

what do you guys think of this idea

make a site called calgaryragecam .com or something, i leave a camera in the car and upload,

because everywhere u go, people are fighting, i pulled up to last chance yesterday, 2 guys fighting in the parking lot over something stupid another people fighting just a seond before, i went up to the guys and said calm down we are calgarians not new yorkers, calgary reminds me of Ghostbusters movie when slim gets all over them and they start fighting

04-22-2007, 12:21 AM
sooooooooo much road rage, accidents, road rage, idoits,

EVERY DAY you see a few things!!

what do you guys think of this idea

make a site called calgaryragecam .com or something, i leave a camera in the car and upload,

because everywhere u go, people are fighting, i pulled up to last chance yesterday, 2 guys fighting in the parking lot over something stupid another people fighting just a seond before, i went up to the guys and said calm down we are calgarians not new yorkers, calgary reminds me of Ghostbusters movie when slim gets all over them and they start fighting

04-22-2007, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.

courtesy and calgary dont go together.

04-22-2007, 06:34 PM
one long time favorite is the good ol, hello i am going to slowly drift into the side of your car or i am going to change lanes directly into the side of your car. those never get old. The road is straight, if you cant keep your car inbetween the lines, then you shouldnt really be driving...:dunno:

04-22-2007, 06:44 PM
The biggest ownage I ever saw on Deerfoot was this prick in a pos ford truck trying his hardest to not let some guy in a brand new expidition merge on to Deerfoot north from blackfoot/17th. He basically made this guy in the Expidition ride the curb and then the grass because he would not let him in.

Not to uncommon, I still found it funny, but it got a lot better when the lights started flashing on the Expidition behind pos ford guy once someone let him in.:rofl:

04-22-2007, 06:57 PM
I also think people should slow down once in a while. A few weeks back Im driving home on Deerfoot south, around Douglasdale. Im doing around 125 in the far right lane just to keep up with traffic and Im getting passed by soccer moms in their vans with kids in the back doing atleast 140. And then you get those construction workers that do 150 in their dirty trucks throwing rocks all over. Just my $0.02.


04-22-2007, 07:26 PM
You guys don't know shit about bad driving. Here in North America driving is a piece of cake. I bet none of you would be able to deal with this situation:


So let's all appreciate what we have here, instead of bitching about how bad Calgary driving is; because honestly - it's not bad at all!

04-22-2007, 07:31 PM
Looked pretty efficient to me:dunno:

and this is a thread to bitch about Calgary drivers, not Calgary driving.

04-22-2007, 07:53 PM

04-22-2007, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

Originally posted by elesdee
You guys don't know shit about bad driving. Here in North America driving is a piece of cake. I bet none of you would be able to deal with this situation:


So let's all appreciate what we have here, instead of bitching about how bad Calgary driving is; because honestly - it's not bad at all!
Looked pretty efficient to me:dunno:

and this is a thread to bitch about Calgary drivers, not Calgary driving.
It IS efficient. That's why the drivers here are so terrible, because they've never had to contend with the conditions that they have in many other parts of the world so they have no respect for others and they become egotistical and pretentious behind the wheel.

Drivers here play follow the leader and have no awareness at all (in most cases) about what's around them. If you drove like that in South America, Asia, or many parts of Europe and the Middle East, your car would get destroyed and you'd get pulled out and beaten.

04-22-2007, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.
On top of that he apparently has never driven a tractor trailer.I guess he doesn't know what it feels like to get slowed to 80 in a 100 zone in a 80,000lb+ vehicle. I know because my work trucks are about 86,000lbs and governed at 110(some at 100). I hate slowing somebody down but it sure is a hell of alot easier for you in a car to get back to 100 when you get slowed to 70-80 km/h . I used to complain about truck drivers when I had never driven one before but now I have a little bit of respect for some of the guys who drive them.
As for the bad drivers in Alverta in general, I have driven in every province in Canada and Alberta is by far the worst with Quebec a close second. The thing that puts Alberta over the top is the driving 80-90 in a 110 zone with no good reason, and parking. Quebec drivers are general all around bad drivers with nothing too major that stands out.

04-22-2007, 08:31 PM
haha yeah man.
i love all those little 16 year olds who think they are all hot shit in their daddys beemer or something, but they have no idea what they are doing, like, they're all jerky and dont know how to downshift without jerkin the car around. it drives me crazy. I get that all the time.

04-22-2007, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by l/l/rX
-SNIP- holy shit i swearing my ass off, fingering her like crazy. ugh, i was not happy. -SNIP

lol c'mon I guess I'm the only one juvenile enough to have noticed that, I guess you guys were too busy venting.

Originally posted by johnboy27

On top of that he apparently has never driven a tractor trailer.I guess he doesn't know what it feels like to get slowed to 80 in a 100 zone in a 80,000lb+ vehicle. I know because my work trucks are about 86,000lbs and governed at 110(some at 100). I hate slowing somebody down but it sure is a hell of alot easier for you in a car to get back to 100 when you get slowed to 70-80 km/h . I used to complain about truck drivers when I had never driven one before but now I have a little bit of respect for some of the guys who drive them.
As for the bad drivers in Alverta in general, I have driven in every province in Canada and Alberta is by far the worst with Quebec a close second. The thing that puts Alberta over the top is the driving 80-90 in a 110 zone with no good reason, and parking. Quebec drivers are general all around bad drivers with nothing too major that stands out.

I've never been to Alberta, but these Quebec drivers do really suck ass. You're right, there's nothing that really sticks out but people just drive like dicks. It's the "Quebec is a country!!!" seperatist losers :P lol but seriously, people here don't move out of the passing lane, everyone cuts, in rush hour people like to drive slow, I don't know why but all highways are backed the hell up and traffic moves at ~30KM/H and there's nothing blocking the way!!! (no accidents, stalls or anything). I also hate the people who go into an intersection when they KNOW they won't make it through before the red, then people honk at them and they act like it's not their fault. Plus our roads are shit quality so it just adds to the rage when you have to swerve to avoid destroying your spine even if your car is stock.

I hate when people try to merge onto the highway at 50 also, especially when I'm behind them because they force me to merge at 50 too.

The best thing to do if they're giving you the finger or something is to smile and try to act all nice, that pisses people off SO much more than giving them the finger back. I was driving once and went into the turning lane (which before that was a bus lane) and forced this guy doing 80+ in a 50 to slow down (traffic in all the other lanes), he pulled up next to me at the light and started yelling and shit so I just smiled at him and he shut up and rolled his window back up. Fuck that, I had to turn asshole. I'm not detouring so you can speed in the bus lane.

04-22-2007, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by elesdee
You guys don't know shit about bad driving. Here in North America driving is a piece of cake. I bet none of you would be able to deal with this situation:


So let's all appreciate what we have here, instead of bitching about how bad Calgary driving is; because honestly - it's not bad at all!

Notice how there are no accidents....

I think you will also enjoy this video:

04-24-2007, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by nismodrifter

Notice how there are no accidents....

I think you will also enjoy this video:
LOL it is like real-life Frogger!

04-24-2007, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by ricefarmer

sounds like you're part of the problem.

it's courtesy to move out of the way for faster moving vehicles aproaching from behind in the city- not the law. what are you gonna do if that guy moves out of your way? tailgate the next guy in front of him :rolleyes: I love watching people do that.
I agree.

I'm not saying you shouldn't move out of the way ... I do.


The city removed all the "slower traffic keep right signs" from deerfoot trail well over a year ago. Someone has full right to drive 100 kph (or less if they feel unsafe) in the left lane.

This is Alberta passing in the right lane is allowed, there are three lanes on Deerfoot if someone is going that slow in the left there are two more lanes.

04-24-2007, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by gofastmerc
Some of you guys need to get a minivan and drive 5 under in the slow lane, and put off that heart attack for a few years.

Thats what I did, never been more stress free.


You are officially the only person in Calgary who drives a minivan and goes under the speed limit. Minivan drivers are the fucking WORST drivers in the whole city next to cab drivers. Everyone drives like their minivan is a Ferrari with exceptional speed and handling. :whipped:

04-24-2007, 01:13 PM
:banghead: Don't get me started on the left lane and Deerfoot...:rofl:

04-24-2007, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by alloroc

I agree.

I'm not saying you shouldn't move out of the way ... I do.


The city removed all the "slower traffic keep right signs" from deerfoot trail well over a year ago. Someone has full right to drive 100 kph (or less if they feel unsafe) in the left lane.

This is Alberta passing in the right lane is allowed, there are three lanes on Deerfoot if someone is going that slow in the left there are two more lanes.

Why can't the person driving in the left lane move over to the right lane or even the middle one though? Like the other person mentioned, it is common courtesy because for the most part right lanes move slower because of merges and exits and such.

What's even worse is that if you're going 100 in the left lane, but you're going just as fast as someone in the middle and the right lanes, no one goes anywhere, everyone gets pissed off and traffic piles up.

04-24-2007, 02:56 PM
If someone ever went under 100 in the left lane in deerfoot I would be on the horn until they moved.

I once saw an azn guy doing 50 in the right lane, which was almost causing an accident for everyone that came up behind him. That was screwed up man. I looked at him as I passed and it was like he didn't realize he was going that slow.

04-24-2007, 02:58 PM
Well I guess I can add my latest in...
I live DT.. and this one was heading East on 17th at the lights on fourth. People always try to go in the right lane, and fly by the person in the left, as there are always cars in the right lane ahead. This guy in some 'macked out' Range Rover tries to do this, but I dont let him, so he proceeds to ride my ass for a block... BREAK CHECK! Yep, he loved that one.. gave me the brights so I tapped the brakes again.. Im sure he figured out my car would stop in a shorter distance then his SUV...

(And for those whyo say I should have let him in... while you can sometimes turn left in my lane, it was during the time you couldnt.. so unless the guy was turning right, there is no need to be in that lane.)

04-24-2007, 11:40 PM
How about Memorial Drive East trying to turn onto Deerfoot North?? There's one lane that turns onto Deerfoot North and everyone damn well knows which one it is, we all know that lane starts under the bridge by the zoo...

I will let one person in front of me when it is busy, occasionally two if someone sneaks in while I am not paying attention or quick enough to close the gap ahead of me, after that I ride the line on the left and let no one in, I could sit there all day and let people in-literally.

Regardless someone always cuts in after the set of lights on the overpass over deerfoot by the cement barriers, usually taxis.

I think a lot of us have this mentality that it is easier to speed up and cut someone off that it is to let off the gas and go behind them where no cars are, at least that is what it seems to me(guilty!).

04-25-2007, 12:37 AM
Why do you people need to drive so fast, the only time i speed is when i'm late or running late. Thats why i try to leave my house earlier, way less stressful and in the end you only save like 5 mins by speeding.

04-25-2007, 01:11 AM
From where I come from, driving in Calgary is like a breeze. Sure there is the occasional slow driver but I love driving my car so I don't getting to my destination a little later.

Heck, downtown Vancouver driving compared to Calgary is like comparing night and day.

04-25-2007, 09:09 AM
now im scared to get a motorcycle

04-25-2007, 09:31 AM
I'm glad that I picked a job that's 5 minutes away from me in traffic.

Any time I have to go to downtown, it's a nightmare...last time a big red fuc...truck went into the turning right lane on 5th street where the lane ENDS because it's blocked off by construction and then just took off (spinning tires and everything) on green and cut me off in my lane to go straight.

The city is going to hell, all these people that lead these "hectic lives" and can't even relax for a second so we get soccer moms that have to get from one end of the city to the other to make it to their daily 1 p.m. haircuts and then complain how busy they are.

04-25-2007, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by bignerd
How about Memorial Drive East trying to turn onto Deerfoot North?? There's one lane that turns onto Deerfoot North and everyone damn well knows which one it is, we all know that lane starts under the bridge by the zoo...

I will let one person in front of me when it is busy, occasionally two if someone sneaks in while I am not paying attention or quick enough to close the gap ahead of me, after that I ride the line on the left and let no one in, I could sit there all day and let people in-literally.

Regardless someone always cuts in after the set of lights on the overpass over deerfoot by the cement barriers, usually taxis.

I think a lot of us have this mentality that it is easier to speed up and cut someone off that it is to let off the gas and go behind them where no cars are, at least that is what it seems to me(guilty!).

Ya I'm at that that spot in the mornings. It's so disrespectful when people do that. I mean I frequently go 110 on that part of memorial, but I always get in that exit lane as soon as it opens and I have to slow down. The people that race to the lights and then cut everyone off to get onto deerfoot are bitches man!