View Full Version : Low life, drug dealing, piece of shit parents...

04-25-2007, 10:02 AM
Reading this makes my blood boil. These fucking hood rat motherfucking welfare shitstains who pop kids out at 18 should be forced by the governemnt to have abortions.

Having a kid at 18 and then getting a drug growing/dealing boyfriend... right, that's going to get you out of the hood, you fucking retarded twat :rolleyes:

They need to do two things:
1- Make sure that she never sees her daughter again.
2- Forcefully tie her tubes.


Handcuffed to a box and made to sit on it.

Punched, slapped and pushed. Deprived of water. Forced to stand in the corner on one leg.

Belittled with nasty names.

Those were some of the allegations heard in court yesterday by an eyewitness testifying in the horrific child abuse case of a four-year-old city girl allegedly tortured by her 22-year-old mother and 25-year-old stepfather.

Tracy McNab, 37, testified she and her partner, a woman named Kimberly, lived with the couple for nearly two months and then went to police to file a report about what they saw.

McNab said the stepfather bought some handcuffs and used them to lock the girl to various objects for up to an hour as punishment.

She testified the "sickest one" was when he would take her to the basement - where he was growing marijuana - and handcuff her to a yellow milk crate and put pot plants around her "so she couldn't move."

Afterwards, she said the girl would be trembling and crying and looking scared and the stepdad would say: "Oh baby, I love you. I don't really mean that."

She said the child would then reply: "Oh, I love you too, daddy."

McNab said the child was also handcuffed to a hope chest, a wooden storage box, a coffee table, a heating grate and a chair and was locked in rooms.

According to the witness, the girl would cry and plead, "Daddy, let me out. Daddy, let me out."

McNab testified the girl was always thirsty because she was rationed drinks due to wetting the bed.

She said she saw the girl sprayed with a water bottle and taunted with not getting a quarter-glass of milk if she didn't eat her food.

As well, she said she once saw the child guzzle a bottle containing Miracle-Gro liquid fertilizer mixed with water which was used for a Christmas tree.

"Any time (she) saw liquid, she wanted it. Maybe that looked like Kool-Aid to her."

McNab said the abuse escalated while she lived in the home.

"More grabbing, more punching, more shoving, more 'go to your room', more of 'you little bitch', more of 'I don't love you,' " said McNab, "There was more of everything."

The woman testified discipline for the child also "changed drastically" and went from her being told to go to her room to being handcuffed, locked up and denied food and drink.

She testified she also saw bruising on the girl's arms, legs, ankles and face and a mark on her side.

McNab described seeing the mom punching the girl because she was fidgeting on the couch.

"When she was being hit, she was saying 'Mommy, don't. Stop!' " said McNab.

She added that she saw several closed-fist punches by the accused to the child's thigh area.

McNab testified she told the woman to stop, saying the child was crying and had had enough. At that point, said McNab, the woman replied: "Maybe the little bitch will sit there the next time."

Neither the mother nor the stepfather can be named in order to protect the identity of the victim, who has since turned five and is now in the care of Alberta Child and Family Services.

The accused each face multiple charges, including sexual offences, assault, cultivation of marijuana, unlawful confinement and causing a child to need protective services.

04-25-2007, 10:09 AM
That's absolutely fucking sickening.

04-25-2007, 10:09 AM

04-25-2007, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Shit! What do you do with these fucking people! :banghead:

gut them with a spoon?
i volunteer to do it.

04-25-2007, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Shit! What do you do with these fucking people! :banghead:

Forced abortions. No joke.

04-25-2007, 10:23 AM
How about we trade in our Legal System for a Justice System?

Perfect Dark
04-25-2007, 10:31 AM
Having a child is the most important thing that a set of parents could ever do in their lives. It is something that needs to be thought out and carefully planned, so that a proper environment is established for the child when it is born.

This story is at the complete and opposite end of the spectrum. The total disregard of a human life, especially that of that small child, makes me fucking sick. If I had an oppurtunity I would end both of them right now and do the whole world a favor.

The worst part is that the girl is now most likely doomed to repeat the mistakes that her parents made. She has already been molded and it will take a long time to fix the issues she will most definitely have to deal with.

As a parent of a little girl myself, I just don't understand how someone could be so vicious to an innocent child without any regard for their wellbeing. It truly makes me sad to see this kind of shit happening around me.

04-25-2007, 10:36 AM
what are some people thinking these days?:barf:

04-25-2007, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Perfect Dark
The worst part is that the girl is now most likely doomed to repeat the mistakes that her parents made. She has already been molded and it will take a long time to fix the issues she will most definitely have to deal with.

I think there's still time... she's only 4 (maybe 5 now?). A child's core views/fears/security/self-perception continues to grow and can be shaped until the early stages of puberty (around 12 years old), after that it is much harder.

If this girl is put into a loving home with parents who are not skids then I believe she can still grow up and lead a happy life without complex deep-seated fears and reservations.

Afterwards, she said the girl would be trembling and crying and looking scared and the stepdad would say: "Oh baby, I love you. I don't really mean that."

She said the child would then reply: "Oh, I love you too, daddy."

That brings a tear to my eye. These filthy hood rats are truly pathetic.

04-25-2007, 10:47 AM
Hmm sounds like a good amount of hard Jail time should be in order. They should be handcuffed to a cell, punched for moving, rashioned food and water.

The guy can be made into other inmates little bitch and forced to say I love you daddy to them.

It just just floors me what some people are capable of

Perfect Dark
04-25-2007, 11:09 AM
I think there's still time... she's only 4 (maybe 5 now?). A child's core views/fears/security/self-perception continues to grow and can be shaped until the early stages of puberty (around 12 years old), after that it is much harder.

I certainly hope so, everyone deserves a chance at a good life.

04-25-2007, 11:15 AM
makes you sick to your stomach! I grew up in fostercare, and have heard/experienced worse stories if you can imagine, than this poor little girl suffered. She will have problems for the rest of her life with trust, loyalty, and especially self esteem. :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

04-25-2007, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Shit! What do you do with these fucking people! :banghead:

You violenty torture the stupid fucks in every manner possible for months until they are so psychologically broken that they will never heal. Then you throw them in the nastiest corner of the hardest prison in the country and forget about them.

04-25-2007, 11:58 AM
Why waste the resources keeping them alive?

Execute them.

Those resources saved then could be allocated to helping that child grow up properly, in a loving and caring environment.

GTS Jeff
04-25-2007, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Forced abortions. No joke. How about forced adoptions? There are huge waiting lists for adoptions, so social services can almost always pick the best family, a caring and stable environment, for the child.

04-25-2007, 12:42 PM
^ You can't force abortions, and that's not even on the pro-life/pro-choice argument. You can make them available if you want, but I don't agree with forcing anything. Besides, that makes it into the kids' fault.

All you can do is try and get this sick stuff before it happens, or gets out of hand. I think Canada in general is pretty good about nipping this in the bud, most of the time.

04-25-2007, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
How about forced adoptions? There are huge waiting lists for adoptions, so social services can almost always pick the best family, a caring and stable environment, for the child.

Only problem is that the 18 year old skank will abuse the shit out of her body during the pregnancy and continue to:

- Smoke
- Drink
- Needle up?
- Get beaten up by her 5 year older drug dealing boyfriend
- and so on...

If I were adopting, I wouldn't want to adopt from some 18 year old hood rat and risk getting a kid that was pickled in Lysol for 9 months.

I'm sure people do, and nothing wrong with that as long as they love the child all the same. But what do you do when the kid turns into an unstable and aggressive teenager with an IQ of Forrest Gump because they have a hardcore case of F.A.S.?

04-25-2007, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by 97'Scort
^ You can't force abortions, and that's not even on the pro-life/pro-choice argument. You can make them available if you want, but I don't agree with forcing anything. Besides, that makes it into the kids' fault.

All you can do is try and get this sick stuff before it happens, or gets out of hand. I think Canada in general is pretty good about nipping this in the bud, most of the time.

Agreed, and I said it more of a "here's how much I disrepect you fucking retards, I would forcefully abort your child if you ever got pregnant you filthy shit bag" than an actual game plan.

But I would want to make it dead easy for these people to get abortions... as in a clinic with huge neon signs on every street corner. No appointment necessary, fully subsidized by the government.

04-25-2007, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

You violenty torture the stupid fucks in every manner possible for months until they are so psychologically broken that they will never heal. Then you throw them in the nastiest corner of the hardest prison in the country and forget about them.

Originally posted by codetrap
Why waste the resources keeping them alive?

Execute them.

Those resources saved then could be allocated to helping that child grow up properly, in a loving and caring environment.

Both are perfect world scenarios. Of course, in a perfect world we wouldn't have to deal with these rejects in the first place.

04-25-2007, 02:02 PM
I cud actually feel rage building up as i read thru that... The only thing that kept me calm was the fact that thos parents will have to answer to god one day and altho the girl was victimized, she will have a way to heaven for her endurance and strength...

04-25-2007, 02:32 PM
wow can't believe that kinda shit happens...

fucken sickens me

GTS Jeff
04-25-2007, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Only problem is that the 18 year old skank will abuse the shit out of her body during the pregnancy and continue to:

- Smoke
- Drink
- Needle up?
- Get beaten up by her 5 year older drug dealing boyfriend
- and so on...

If I were adopting, I wouldn't want to adopt from some 18 year old hood rat and risk getting a kid that was pickled in Lysol for 9 months.

I'm sure people do, and nothing wrong with that as long as they love the child all the same. But what do you do when the kid turns into an unstable and aggressive teenager with an IQ of Forrest Gump because they have a hardcore case of F.A.S.? Well, that's true...

Unfortunately there is no way to implement forced abortions properly. Who would be the one to decide who gets aborted?

04-25-2007, 09:29 PM
Yeah there's no way to force unfit parents to adopt/abort, but I think we need to make it as readily available as possible. I love the correlation that Freakonomics made between making abortions accessible to the public and an unprecedented drop in crime rates a few deacdes down the road. There are other assertions that the book makes that I don't fully agree with, but I think the abortion point is dead accurate.

I'm not trying to say that lower income people shouldn't have kids... just hood rats. If they can't even take care of themselves in any self resepcting manner what makes them think they can raise a kid?

04-25-2007, 09:34 PM
Theres lots of bullets......execution style killing of those pieces of shit?

I believe that many of the worlds problems can be solved with one bullet....each of course...


04-25-2007, 09:50 PM
Yup. Just like in Lemony Snickets, put the parents through the same kind of torture and see how they like it.

04-25-2007, 10:01 PM
sick... absolutely sick.

I wish their were jobs where ppl could get hired and torture people who harm the welfare of innocent children. 1yr of hard torture, and then being executed would be a true punishment.

Poor kid.

04-25-2007, 10:13 PM
too much to read

04-25-2007, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Grip172
too much to read

That's what forums are for big guy. I did, however, hear that they were going to make this particular thread into a made for TV movie starring Tori Spelling as the cracked out mother. We'll let you know when it happens.

04-25-2007, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Isaiah

That's what forums are for big guy. I did, however, hear that they were going to make this particular thread into a made for TV movie starring Tori Spelling as the cracked out mother. We'll let you know when it happens.

:rofl: :rofl:

04-25-2007, 10:58 PM
bring the death penalty to canada

GTS Jeff
04-26-2007, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Millzner
bring the death penalty to canada No, you see, we've progressed beyond that as an advanced western culture. If you want to live somewhere where the death penalty is commonly used, then move to Iran or something.

04-26-2007, 10:47 AM
Thats sick. They should just release their names that would be a good punishment. I know i would go and give that guy a taste of his own medicine. Fucking low lifes.

04-26-2007, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
No, you see, we've progressed beyond that as an advanced western culture. If you want to live somewhere where the death penalty is commonly used, then move to Iran or something.

Some progression that has been.

GTS Jeff
04-26-2007, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC

Some progression that has been. http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/QUALITY_OF_LIFE.pdf

Look at where Canada is, then look at where Iran is. It's no coincidence that the places where they'll chop your hands off for stealing aren't as nice to live in. But I guess people will always have something to complain about...

04-26-2007, 12:47 PM
The forced abortions thing is even sicker than the story.

04-26-2007, 04:08 PM

THIS IS RETARDED as well! Selling crack at the age of 8, this city is getting so bad...:(

04-26-2007, 04:19 PM

At the time, the Sun reported the mother told child welfare officials she would rather have them keep her kids than evict the tenant who allegedly supplied her son with the drugs because they needed that money for rent.

Someone get me a stack of deportation papers :banghead:

04-26-2007, 04:23 PM
I had a criminal justice professor who believed that people should be scanned at birth for irreversible signs of deviant behavior and executed immediately. It would prevent things like that from happening.

I thought it horrific initially. Now I nearly agree.