View Full Version : Building Fence, Question

05-08-2007, 08:00 PM
Ok.. Neighbors on our on side have sold their house, so obviously they don't want to pay for 1/2 of the fence on one side. I'm thinking of just building the fence straight down the middle of the property line anyways. Maybe I should be safe and just plant it within our property to be safe? However, if they are going to benefit from our fence, why don't I put it down the middle. The neighbors on the other side have agreed to pay for 1/2, and we are putting it down the middle.

Has anyone ever run into a problem doing this?


05-08-2007, 08:23 PM
It's really up to you. If you can wait, you can see if they are willing to split the cost, but if it's already up, it will be very difficult to get them to pay half. Just stick it down the middle, even if they are a-holes and don't want to pay I seriously doubt they will build a fence a few inches away from yours.

If you're doing it yourself maybe buy the materials and just do one side first and wait for the other side to move in before you do that side?

Try to contact the relator who sold the house to check with the new owners?

Maybe even ask the current owners to see if they have contact info for the new owners?

Other then that, I don't know. I was in the same situation, but fortunately I caught the new neighbors just checking out the house with their parents one day before moving in and talked to them and they were cool and we'll be spliting everything.

05-08-2007, 08:30 PM
I would definitely put it on your side if you dont talk to them. Because I am pretty sure they can be dicks and make you take it down it it is on their side.

05-10-2007, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Sharpie
I would definitely put it on your side if you dont talk to them. Because I am pretty sure they can be dicks and make you take it down it it is on their side. We had a fence blow down in the wind a few years back in Toronto. The neighbors were dicks, and said the fence was on our property, and they wouldn't pay to fiix it. So, my dad disposed of all of the old concrete in their garden :)