View Full Version : Stereo pops when turning off the light switch

05-23-2007, 03:26 AM
I'm in an apartment and I pulled the standard light out of the ceiling in my room for a fan setup. The light had 5 wires.....

bulb 1 - positive/negative
bulb 2 - positive/negative
frame ground

So I took the 2 positive wires and put them into a marette with the positive wire from the fan and did the same with the negatives into another marette. Then I ran the frame ground wire to a screw in the metal bar that screws into the ceiling hole. It's possible the wire may have come free from this screw but I doubt it.

Now the problem....I have the fan running in my room and when I flick the actual lightswitch off (on the wall) I can hear a popping noise from my stereo which is sitting on the other side of my bedroom wall in the living room. It is not on the same circuit breaker, I checked this. I also touched the frame of the fan housing to see if it was building a charge, it is not (noticable).

And I just checked it out, there is only one way it will do this. The fan has to be on and spinning with the light portion of it off. Then I flick the light switch off and it makes the popping noise in the stereo speakers. If the light is on then this does not happen. Anyone know more about wiring that may have an idea?