View Full Version : Oil Rises Above $70; Iran, U.S. Gasoline In Focus

05-23-2007, 12:18 PM
Oil Rises Above $70; Iran, U.S. Gasoline In Focus

London (Reuters) - Oil rose above $70 (U.S.) per bbl on Wednesday as U.S. warships put on a show of force off Iran's coast, coinciding with a United Nations agency report that said the Islamic republic had expanded its nuclear program.

U.S. data showed an above-forecast rise in gasoline stocks last week, but analysts said inventories in the world's top consumer are still below average ahead of peak demand. Refinery problems sent pump prices to a record $3.22 a gallon this week.

London Brent crude, currently a better indicator of the global market than U.S. oil, was up 91 cents at $70.43 a bbl by mid-afternoon. U.S. crude was up 48 cents at $65.99.

Nine U.S. warships carrying 17,000 personnel entered the Gulf on Wednesday. Navy officials said it was the largest daytime assembly of ships since the 2003 Iraq war.

They added Iran had not been notified of plans to sail the ships, which include two aircraft carriers, through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow channel in international waters off Iran's coast and a major artery for global oil shipments.

The International Atomic Energy Agency found in a report that Iran has not only ignored a U.N. Security Council deadline to stop uranium enrichment activity but expanded it.

"The U.S. Navy is sending two aircraft carriers into the Gulf for training maneuvers, on the day of the IAEA Iranian report," said Olivier Jakob, analyst at Petromatrix.

"We are still of the opinion that this is more a symbolic show of force than anything else."

At the White House, a spokesman called the IAEA report "a laundry list of Iran's continued defiance of the international community."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy was quoted as saying Iran must decide whether it wants to cooperate with the international community or face harsher sanctions.

A weekly snapshot of U.S. oil stocks showed a 1.5 million bbls increase in gasoline stocks, above the 1.4 million bbls forecast. But despite record high prices, year-on-year demand accelerated 1.2% over the past four weeks.

The Memorial Day holiday this weekend marks the start of the summer driving season in the United States.

"We need to build two million bbls per week for the next eight weeks to get within the bottom range of the five year averages," said Nauman Barakat, senior vice-president at Macquarie Futures USA, referring to gasoline. "There's an increase in (refinery) runs, but where are the barrels?"

Oil hit a nine-month high of $70.83 on Monday, lifted by strong U.S. gasoline and attacks on oil facilities in Nigeria, the world's eight-biggest oil exporter.

Technical analysts at Barclays Capital put initial support for Brent at $69.10 and resistance at $71.

05-23-2007, 01:06 PM
I've stopped feeling sorry for americans, heck even canadians when it comes to gas prices.

It used to piss me off that they are getting so high, so I started to wonder what could be the cause.

Now I look around and all I see are suvs/trucks with 1 person in them and nothing in the back.

Maybe if north americans would stop being so ignorant and drive smaller vehicles like the rest of the world we wouldn't have these problems.

I was watching CNN last night and they were complaining and compaining about it... like WTF - buy a hybrid then!


It's just going to get worse and worse @ this rate.

EDIT: I don't even know what to say about the middle east, talk about a botch on the american part.

I bet they wished they'd elected gore now those stupid fucks.

They've managed to single handedly piss off not one country, but like 7 or 8 of them all at once.

"We're allowed to have nuclear power - but no other country is because we are stupid ignorant americans who ellect a coke addict alcoholic as a president"


05-23-2007, 01:10 PM
^ But hey as Americans it's their god ordained right to drive huge SUVs... and if gas prices get out of hand then it's up to the government to invade countries that have oil instead of trying to stem domestic use.

I love nothing more than watching people on the news crying like little girls about how much it costs to fill up their SUV... Boo-fucking-hoo.

05-23-2007, 01:10 PM
I welcome this. As most said, all these credits for hybrid is stupid and doesn't get old gas waster off the road. Raise the gas prices to $2-$3/L and everyone will start to conserve and the premium price of hybrid will start to make sense.

05-23-2007, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4
I've stopped feeling sorry for americans, heck even canadians when it comes to gas prices.

It used to piss me off that they are getting so high, so I started to wonder what could be the cause.

Now I look around and all I see are suvs/trucks with 1 person in them and nothing in the back.

Maybe if north americans would stop being so ignorant and drive smaller vehicles like the rest of the world we wouldn't have these problems.

I was watching CNN last night and they were complaining and compaining about it... like WTF - buy a hybrid then!


It's just going to get worse and worse @ this rate.

EDIT: I don't even know what to say about the middle east, talk about a botch on the american part.

I bet they wished they'd elected gore now those stupid fucks.

They've managed to single handedly piss off not one country, but like 7 or 8 of them all at once.

"We're allowed to have nuclear power - but no other country is because we are stupid ignorant americans who ellect a coke addict alcoholic as a president"


Do you even know what the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act is? Read up on politics and then make a post instead of spouting off Greenday-influenced crap.

05-23-2007, 01:26 PM

05-23-2007, 01:27 PM
Oil and gas prices are just starting to push up.. give it 5 years, we will be paying crazy amounts! and soon, we will all be pedling our green friendly bicycles to work ;) :drama: :thumbsup:

05-23-2007, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Credits for hybrids are a good idea, but there is no need for a guzzler tax, they are feeling the pinch already, spending a couple hundred a week to fill up a 16 cyl suv to commute to work by themselves.

I think the guzzler tax isn't high enough... $4000 isn't enough to tip the scale on a $50k+ SUV purchase, and they won't really start to feel the pinch from fuel prices until gas is >$2/liter.

I think ideally:
- Gas guzzlers would be taxed more heavily, around $6000-$8000, so that it can account for a 10-15% incrase in purchase cost. The proceeds should go to development of wind farms and tax rebates on fuel efficient, small cars.
- Increase the tax on gasoline (5c/liter sounds reasonable)... with the proceeds, as above, going to renewable infrastructure and rebates.
- Phase out incandescent light bulbs for compact-florescent ones.
- Increase funding for more mass transportation (new C-Train lines, the Calgary/Edmonton high speed train, etc).
- New regulation to force auto makers to increase fuel efficiency.

05-23-2007, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve

Do you even know what the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act is? Read up on politics and then make a post instead of spouting off Greenday-influenced crap.

The 1994 Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act
If ... "the President determines that any country, [after 4/30/94] (A) transfers to a non-nuclear-weapon state a nuclear explosive device, (B) is a non-nuclear weapon state and either -- (i) receives a nuclear explosive device, or (ii) detonates a nuclear explosive device," Then... "the President shall forthwith impose the following sanctions:

(A) The United States Government shall terminate assistance to that country under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, except for humanitarian assistance or food of other agricultural commodities.

(B) The United State Government shall terminate--(i) sales to that country under this Act of any defense articles, defense services, or design and construction services, and (ii) licenses for the export to that country of any item on the United States Munitions List.

(C) The United States Government shall terminate all foreign military financing for that country under this Act.

(D) The United States Government shell deny to that country and credit, credit guarantees, or other financial assistance by any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government, except that the sanction of this subparagraph shall not apply--(i) to any transaction subject to the reporting requirements of title V of the National Security Act of 1947 (relating to congressional oversight of intelligence activities), or (ii) to humanitarian assistance.

(E) The United States Government shall oppose, in accordance with section 701 of the International Financial Institutions Act (22 U.S.C. 262d), the extension of any loan or financial or technical assistance to that country by any international financial institution.

(F) The United States Government shall prohibit any United States bank from making any loan or providing any credit to the government of that country, except for loans or credits for the purpose of purchasing food or other agricultural commodities.

(G) The authorities of section 6 of the Export Administration Act of 1979 shall be used to prohibit exports to that country of specific goods and technology (excluding food and other agricultural commodities), except that such prohibition shall not apply to any transaction subject to the reporting requirements of title V of the National Security Act of 1947 (relating to congressional oversight of intelligence activities)."

Waiver: [None]. The President may delay the sanction for 30


LOL I love the part about ""If ... "the President determines that any country""

So basically this act says that the U.S can fuck around with whoever it wants if thier crack-pot president thinks they have nuclear weapons, which there is no proof that Iran has, nice work america! :thumbsup:

And BTW, when it comes to punk rock, greenday is at the bottom of my list haha...

05-23-2007, 01:50 PM

05-23-2007, 02:52 PM
Geo thinks ideally:
- Gas guzzlers would be taxed more heavily, around $6000-$8000, so that it can account for a 10-15% incrase in purchase cost. The proceeds should go to development of wind farms and tax rebates on fuel efficient, small cars.

There are rumblings about implementing a $5000 tax on SUV's...I think it's a good idea but all the revenue should be used for infrastructure and city transit. Wind farms are a farce...if we had to rely on wind energy our lights would be on about 10% of the time. Wind farms are simply good PR projects that energy companies take part in to look like they are environmentally friendly.

- Increase the tax on gasoline (5c/liter sounds reasonable)... with the proceeds, as above, going to renewable infrastructure and rebates.

Don't you think taxes are high enough? Don't give more money to our government to waste and what's the point of increasing tax then giving rebates???

- Phase out incandescent light bulbs for compact-florescent ones.

It will happen but you can do that yourself. I wonder if you guys that have these great ideas put your money where your mouth is?

- Increase funding for more mass transportation (new C-Train lines, the Calgary/Edmonton high speed train, etc).

Totally agree...I would say that Calgary has the worst mass transportation service in any major city in Canada.

- New regulation to force auto makers to increase fuel efficiency.

Once again if gas prices keep climbing the auto industry will have no choice but to come up with new ideas for increased fuel efficiency.


I think that everybody is a great arm chair environmentalist but do they walk the walk (LITERALLY???). How do you get to work? Do you spend the extra money to out-fit your house with CFL's? And before you yap off about solar power and wind power and electricity do your research.

Ultimately you and I have no control on the price of a barrel of WTI...it's a global commodity and unfortunately the people who control the bulk of the world's energy are living in politically volatile nations.

We are actually lucky that we live in a province where we are self sufficient and our citizens for the most part reap the benefit of high oil prices.

05-23-2007, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Ice712
There are rumblings about implementing a $5000 tax on SUV's...I think it's a good idea but all the revenue should be used for infrastructure and city transit. Wind farms are a farce...if we had to rely on wind energy our lights would be on about 10% of the time. Wind farms are simply good PR projects that energy companies take part in to look like they are environmentally friendly.
My 4th year engineering physics thesis was on the design and manufacturing of a cheap, easy to mass produce vertical axis wind turbine that farmers could throw on their land in order to generate 1000W. 'Small scale wind energy isn't really economically feasible' sums up my final conclusions.

On large scales, however, wind energy makes a lot of sense. If you're in a windy area (as in 30kph+ winds at least 50% of the time), then wind energy becomes 'attractive' @ 13c/kWh. Once you factor in carbon credits, and carbon sequestration money, wind can definately be a viable option in the coming decades.

Also, you're right in that you can't have wind energy account for 100% of any power network for fear of rolling blackouts. Coal, in my opinion, needed to be phased out yesterday. It takes a long time for a coal plant to ramp up/down its electrical production, and it's one hell of a polluter.

Natural gas is a great 'base' producer of electricity... it can be ramped up/down rapidly so it can respond to any fall off of wind systems. That being said, a lot more wind energy can and should be developed in Alberta. Currently about 6% of generation is done by wind. As a rule of thumb, it'll cost about $1.50/watt for procuring and installing wind infrastructure. So if you want 1MW of production, you're looking at roughly $1.5 million.

Originally posted by Ice712
It will happen but you can do that yourself. I wonder if you guys that have these great ideas put your money where your mouth is?
About 80% of the lights in my condo are CFLs. I would love it if the government phased out incandescents in the next 5 years or so. I still don't know why people prefer them over CFLs... the not-round shape?

Originally posted by Ice712
Once again if gas prices keep climbing the auto industry will have no choice but to come up with new ideas for increased fuel efficiency.

During the Carter administartion in the late '70s the auto makers were forced to phase out cars that were inefficient and had high emissions. Gas usage accounts for 1/3 of North American use. During this time the USA's dependence on imported oil declined and more MPG of the average American car sold increased by something around 50% (I don't remember the exact number now, if someone knows please post it up).

Too bad the Iran hostage crisis resulted in him losing power... and America sliding back to it's old track in no time. (All those stipulations laid on auto makers were repealed after Carter's presidency).

Originally posted by Ice712
I think that everybody is a great arm chair environmentalist but do they walk the walk (LITERALLY???). How do you get to work? Do you spend the extra money to out-fit your house with CFL's? And before you yap off about solar power and wind power and electricity do your research.
I lived in Citadel after graduation and had a 30 minute commute to work everyday. I recently bought a condo in the downtown core that's 6 blocks away from work. So I walk to work everyday now (and it takes me about 5 minutes). I'm also a 5 minute walk away from Kensington, 5 minutes away from Eau Claire, and 15 minutes to 17th Ave. I don't have a car and have no intention of getting one.

Originally posted by Ice712
We are actually lucky that we live in a province where we are self sufficient and our citizens for the most part reap the benefit of high oil prices.
Yeah I gotta agree... I work in oil/gas :(

05-23-2007, 03:46 PM
Super Geo talks the talk and walks the walk.

My comments were not specifically direct to you as an individual...more to the general public.

But thanks for your thoughts...you obviously have some solid knowledge to back your words.

I am in a similar situation as you for the fact that I get to work using human power and I also work in the energy sector.

I think that there is a misconception that people who work in oil/gas don't care about the environment.

It's so easy to complain about the actions of others but it all starts with choices individuals make on a daily basis.

If you don't like high gas prices then stop driving...car pool...or take the dreaded city transit (if it's still running).

05-23-2007, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Credits for hybrids are a good idea, but there is no need for a guzzler tax, they are feeling the pinch already, spending a couple hundred a week to fill up a 16 cyl suv to commute to work by themselves.
actually you got yourself all backwards.

hybrid credit is stupid cause it promotes a "fad" as a viable solution (namely it takes more energy to produce a hybrid car than the energy savings from the fuel efficiency).

and a guzzler tax would have a definite effect on consumer choices, promoting smaller engined suv's and cars that are more efficient..... the issue is not people who already own an suv and are getting hit by gas prices, its to reduce the amount of new guzzulaz being bought. a guzzler tax is on new purchases

05-23-2007, 04:10 PM
starting to feel a lot like what happened in 1973.

05-23-2007, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4
I've stopped feeling sorry for americans, heck even canadians when it comes to gas prices.

It used to piss me off that they are getting so high, so I started to wonder what could be the cause.

Now I look around and all I see are suvs/trucks with 1 person in them and nothing in the back.

Maybe if north americans would stop being so ignorant and drive smaller vehicles like the rest of the world we wouldn't have these problems.

I was watching CNN last night and they were complaining and compaining about it... like WTF - buy a hybrid then!


It's just going to get worse and worse @ this rate.

EDIT: I don't even know what to say about the middle east, talk about a botch on the american part.

I bet they wished they'd elected gore now those stupid fucks.

They've managed to single handedly piss off not one country, but like 7 or 8 of them all at once.

"We're allowed to have nuclear power - but no other country is because we are stupid ignorant americans who ellect a coke addict alcoholic as a president"


05-23-2007, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by hjr

hybrid credit is stupid cause it promotes a "fad" as a viable solution (namely it takes more energy to produce a hybrid car than the energy savings from the fuel efficiency).

Ahem... BS... ahem

This was all from an internet Hoax written by some moron I know over on the Corral. He straight up pulled numbers out of his ass, and made it up... :drool:

05-23-2007, 05:09 PM
more calgary price gouging coming soon

05-23-2007, 05:59 PM
What i find funny is that people here complain about SUVs using gas but you guys all drive moded cars/ street race/ drag race / road couse and more then likely consume more gas then the SUV that you complain about....

05-23-2007, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by redline
What i find funny is that people here complain about SUVs using gas but you guys all drive moded cars/ street race/ drag race / road couse and more then likely consume more gas then the SUV that you complain about....

It is kind of ironic isn't it, but I know for a fact that most modded cars get better gas milage than an escalade or similar type SUV's.

And I don't think the majority of the people complaining are modded car owners.

Honestly if a car is sombodys passion they are prolly gonna pay whatever for gas prices.

It's the stupid housewives and retard redneck hicks driving around in giant vehicles that complain about it.

05-23-2007, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by hjr
hybrid credit is stupid cause it promotes a "fad" as a viable solution (namely it takes more energy to produce a hybrid car than the energy savings from the fuel efficiency).

Originally posted by Toma
Ahem... BS... ahem

This was all from an internet Hoax written by some moron I know over on the Corral. He straight up pulled numbers out of his ass, and made it up... :drool:
hehe your friend runs CNW Market research? ;)


The problem with the Prius (and other hybrids) is battery life. Of course, toyota bumped the battery warranty to 100,000 miles now that they realized that people were scrapping their priuses when faced with a $8000us battery replacement bill, which was one of the reasons the Prius looking so shitty on paper. It'll be interesting to see an updated version of this report that takes 1 battery replacement to the lifetime of the car and how much it changes in the grand scheme of things.

I've been researching the Prius myself, thinking of getting one fpr a year to see what the fuss is all about.

05-23-2007, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Ahem... BS... ahem

This was all from an internet Hoax written by some moron I know over on the Corral. He straight up pulled numbers out of his ass, and made it up... :drool:
You must be taking lessons on that...:rofl:


05-23-2007, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Maxt

You must be taking lessons on that...:rofl:

Yep that's the guy...
no basis in fact whatsoever....

05-23-2007, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Yep that's the guy...
no basis in fact whatsoever....
Uhh, it's based on that report that I posted lol.

05-23-2007, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Toma

This was all from an internet Hoax written by some moron I know over on the Corral. He straight up pulled numbers out of his ass, and made it up... :drool:

Oh, he'd been gearing up for that hoax and running CNWMR's website since 1998, when their site was created? I find that hard to believe.

05-23-2007, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Uhh, it's based on that report that I posted lol.
You are confused oh wise one....

Do some googling...

But a "report" is generally that. A summation of data, findings, studies, observations etc... CNWMR wrote an article, and will not disclose methodology, sources, data groups etc...

Officially, no one is taking it seriously... Toyota blew it off, a couple research scientists at MIT did as well, and a couple other people that wasted their time reading that unfounded garbage basically said there was nothing there of substance presented to analyze... just empty claims, dubious mileage estimates and a bunch of hot air.

And really, when has a marketing company done engineering studies?

... the article shouda smelled like fish to anyone that knows cars... like a GM product is gonna ever reliably rack up more miles then a Toyota? Puhlease :poosie: a 300,000 MILE hummer? :rofl:

05-23-2007, 09:12 PM
Oh, and in case you didn't know... Prius's are lasting well into the 200,000 mile range (being used as taxis now), and according to cabbies from Canada and US, by driving the Prius they are SAVING about $1000 per month in GAS..... you wanna seriously ask yourself what $1000 woth of gas emmission LOOKS like? If they drove Hummers, that would probably be double the cost, as an H2 gets what... 12mpg? Maybe 10 in city stop and go driving? Lets be serious.

The study also took the total cost of engineering the car, the energy cost of building the factory and DIVIDED that cost by the number of units built as of the study (2006).... Instead of estimateing total production that WILL be generated from that factory.

I do hate big industry, and Inco in Sudbury is no saint, but he acid rain, and emissions data used are from the PRE 1994 era... since new emissions standards were put in place, little more than water has come out of their stack during the Prius' production.... not to mention Toyorta represents less then 1% of Incos business...

anyway...lol can't believe you guys took that seriously :drool:

No...no...wait... yes, I can believe MAX took it seriously :D

05-23-2007, 09:36 PM

05-23-2007, 09:46 PM
Come on guys, hybrids aren't the golden ticket to saving the environment or money out of your pocket. 1) They don't perform as efficiently in cold weather(ie Alberta) 2) Just like a cell phone battery, those in a hybrid will go as well and you will just be luggin around a heavy battery 3) The added energy required to build a hybrid including making the copper, etc is more than you will probably ever save from the car compared to another model 4) Making the batteries is a toxic process creating a lot of pollution

Hopefully car manufacturers like toyota decide to bring over some small diesel vehicles because these get better mileage than hybrids on the highway and use much cheaper fuel. A good point made earlier is that giving cash back for using efficient models is crap because the government obviously hasn't looked into CO2/other pollution/replacement batteries pollution, etc issues that make hybrids no better for the environment/your pocket than the average car

05-23-2007, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

You guys better tell New York City they're making a big mistake! It's gonna be a disaster!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yellow in Vancouver has 40 in their fleet of 210, and will be replacing another 50 this year....

05-23-2007, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Yep that's the guy...
no basis in fact whatsoever....
Funny, he's gotten air play on 6 or so radio stations along with backups for his numbers, whens your radio time with a factual rebuttle? lol... Give it up..

05-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4

It is kind of ironic isn't it, but I know for a fact that most modded cars get better gas milage than an escalade or similar type SUV's.

If you're modding a honda with a 14" exhaust maybe.. but other then you're probably looking at eating more gas than a SUV that is someone's daily driver.

And on another note.. I don't see where oil rose above $70/bbl today?? Last time I checked it was 65.77/bbl according to the NYmex.. Not that i don't think it will go above 70 anytime sooon.. We'll see 85 sometime this summer..

Good thing everyone dumped their houses thinking the market was going to "crash" oops :)

05-23-2007, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by modded46

And on another note.. I don't see where oil rose above $70/bbl today?? Last time I checked it was 65.77/bbl according to the NYmex.. Not that i don't think it will go above 70 anytime sooon.. We'll see 85 sometime this summer..

If you read it went above $70 on the london market... you are right on the US market...

05-23-2007, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4

It is kind of ironic isn't it, but I know for a fact that most modded cars get better gas milage than an escalade or similar type SUV's.

Not really i had a stock rsx type s and sold it for a pathfinder and i was paying the same amount for gas in a week daily driving it to work... I wont even talk about my modded GSR that used way more gas then my v8 truck...

05-23-2007, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4

It is kind of ironic isn't it, but I know for a fact that most modded cars get better gas milage than an escalade or similar type SUV's.

I guess you've never modded an Rx-7....My gas guage is inversely proportional to my boost guage.

05-23-2007, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Oh, and in case you didn't know... Prius's are lasting well into the 200,000 mile range (being used as taxis now), and according to cabbies from Canada and US, by driving the Prius they are SAVING about $1000 per month in GAS..... you wanna seriously ask yourself what $1000 woth of gas emmission LOOKS like? If they drove Hummers, that would probably be double the cost, as an H2 gets what... 12mpg? Maybe 10 in city stop and go driving? Lets be serious.

The study also took the total cost of engineering the car, the energy cost of building the factory and DIVIDED that cost by the number of units built as of the study (2006).... Instead of estimateing total production that WILL be generated from that factory.

I do hate big industry, and Inco in Sudbury is no saint, but he acid rain, and emissions data used are from the PRE 1994 era... since new emissions standards were put in place, little more than water has come out of their stack during the Prius' production.... not to mention Toyorta represents less then 1% of Incos business...

anyway...lol can't believe you guys took that seriously :drool:

No...no...wait... yes, I can believe MAX took it seriously :D

So why do you continue to drive a gas hog turbo v8?

05-23-2007, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by redline

So why do you continue to drive a gas hog turbo v8?
I do??

05-23-2007, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by katana9x4

It is kind of ironic isn't it, but I know for a fact that most modded cars get better gas milage than an escalade or similar type SUV's.

You should have inserted "properly modded" lol to keep the others happy...

05-23-2007, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by redline

Not really i had a stock rsx type s and sold it for a pathfinder and i was paying the same amount for gas in a week daily driving it to work... I wont even talk about my modded GSR that used way more gas then my v8 truck...

RSX type s gas mileage:

23 mpg city / 31 mpg hwy


2007 nissan pathfiner:

16/21 mpg


(you didn't say what year pathfinder :dunno: )

and :bullshit: to a gsr getting worse gas mileage than a "v8 truck" - this is assuming you are actually trying to conserve gas.

If you are driving around WOT all the time yea, you are gonna get shitty mileage... :rolleyes:

Anyways notice how I said "most"

05-24-2007, 12:06 AM

05-24-2007, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by retro-steve

Do you even know what the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act is? Read up on politics and then make a post instead of spouting off Greenday-influenced crap.

I think you actually meant the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Not just some direct US legislation..


05-24-2007, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Oh, and in case you didn't know... Prius's are lasting well into the 200,000 mile range (being used as taxis now), and according to cabbies from Canada and US, by driving the Prius they are SAVING about $1000 per month in GAS..... you wanna seriously ask yourself what $1000 woth of gas emmission LOOKS like? If they drove Hummers, that would probably be double the cost, as an H2 gets what... 12mpg? Maybe 10 in city stop and go driving? Lets be serious.
Since I've done shitloads of research on the Prius, I can answer this easily.

Taxi drivers are a LOT different than commuters like us. Prius Taxis are actually getting past 200,000 miles, there's a bunch in the states nearing 300,000 mark. The thing with these hybrids is that in city/stop and go traffic, it makes a lot of sense. The engine shuts down a lot saving tons of gas. The battery is always active and reconditioned, so the battery is always in good shape.

Now for us commuters. The car's driven at most, an hour a day? Less on weekends? Because of this, the battery doesn't like these conditions, which is why they fail quite often under the 100,000 mile mark. Sitting around doing nothing, they'll corrode and leak, not have optimal charge, and the entire Synergy Drive system shuts down when any problems is detected with the battery. Fixes aren't exactly cheap either. Then there's highway driving, where the battery and motor really doesn't do that much. The better fuel economy is mainly due to superior aerodynamics (very low cD) and special tires with minimal rolling resistance. Again, not too happy for the battery.

So yes, Hybrid Taxis makes lots of sense. Hybrids for commuters like us? Not so much. It takes about 6 years at today's gas prices to "break even" when paying a premium on a Hybrid.

Originally posted by 01RedDX

You guys better tell New York City they're making a big mistake! It's gonna be a disaster!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: