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06-11-2007, 04:33 PM

Saturday afternoon at around 7:00 PM, me and a buddy were outside of the house, fucking with the fuse-box on my car. After bullshitting and messing around for about 10 minutes, I noticed a BB hit the leg of my jeans. I looked over to the window of the neighbors house, and could clearly see a BB gun pointing out. I said to my friend "What the fuck, those idiot kids are shooting BB's at us." So we decided to finish putting in some new fuses, and then go over to their door, hoping to find their mom/dad home, so we could let them know what their demon-seeds were up too. So we go over, ring the bell, and (big surprise) no one answers. So we just assume their parents are gone, and these kids are scared shitless that we knew what house it was coming from (you could tell that they were trying to be covert, as just the barrel was sticking out of the window). So we went back to the car, and were just standing around having a cig enjoying the weather, when sure enough, the kids start shooting again, this time BB's were actually hitting the driver's side window, and the top of the door frame, and everything, fairly close to our heads. So, we head back over to the house, and ring the bell until someone answers (about 5 minutes). It's a girl about 16 years old who answers by cocking her head and saying "Yeah?". To which I told her that her brothers or her friends or whatever were shooting BB's, and that if they didnt stop I'd call the cops. She told me that no one in the house had a BB gun, and I pretty much shrugged my shoulders and if they keep shooting I'm for sure calling the police. So we are walking back towards my house, and are shot at by the kids once again. So I dialed up the CPS, and told the operator that my idiot neighbor kids are shooting off a BB right at me and my friend, and continued to do so after I asked them politely to stop.
The operator asks for the address and my name and everything, and then says and I quote: "Oh my god are you serious? Yeah, thats a crime - we'll send someone out".

So I laughed, told her to have a good day, and then waited for what I assumed would be a single cruiser to show up in about an hour and give the kids a warning.

So we are standing on the street (out of sight of the shooting window, just the way that the houses are situated) and are having a smoke, waiting for the police. And about 2 minutes after I hung up the phone, a van pulls up at the end of the street and parks, another cruiser comes up the other side of the street, and swings into a cull-de-sac, (out of view completely) and then another van pulls up fairly close, with another van following it and parking about 2 blocks down the street.

Then all is quiet. I get a call back on my cell, its the operator again, and she asks me to describe myself to her, because she is saying the cops on scene are thinking its me and my friend who are the ones out on the street with the BB guns, and she says "I'll describe them to you, so you don't get tackled, or worse..." So after I give her the full description, she says that the cops can see that it's me, and I'm talking to her, blah blah blah, so its all safe, so then out they come from the cars, very slowly, more than one with shotguns drawn. 2 go around back (the BB shooter house is on the corner, very convinient to surround) and 4 go on either side of the main door/garage, and wait. A few others hang back and stay put. So after about 10 minutes of just silence and no action you can hear "CALGARY POLICE, OPEN UP THE DOOR!!". So these kids, after likely shitting themselves open the door, and are 'escorted' one at a time, out onto the driveway, hands behind the back, with those plastic ties to secure their hands. But then, this is where I though someone was going to get shot in the face with a shotgun, the garage door starts to open! So I guess one of these kids was inside, totally unaware of what was happening, and must have been about to go out the garage door to go bike riding or somehting, and anyways, the cops are RIGHT beside the door as it starts to open, and chaos insues, suddenly you heard them all screaming "CLOSE THE DOOR, CLOSE THE DOOR!" and of course the clueless kid didnt, so it opens all the way, and they storm in and grab that kid as well, luck he didnt get fucking shot.

Then, they took 2 of them off in handcuffs, as the rest layed there on their stomachs as they sorted it all out.

So about 20 mninutes pass, the one cop I'm talking to mentions that its a $2000 fine,

and then, right as the cops were about to leave, who should roll up into the driveway, but their parents.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

06-11-2007, 04:37 PM
haha, bb guns hurt like a bitch when u are close enough, cops were probably taking the necessary steps, or were bored.

06-11-2007, 04:37 PM
it breaks my heart finding out how my tax money is used

06-11-2007, 04:37 PM
In on one

You pwned those bitches dawg, mad props.

06-11-2007, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Daan
it breaks my heart finding out how my tax money is used

Would you rather be shot by a BB Gun and the police not come?

06-11-2007, 04:40 PM
Good on you they got what they deserved. Shooting a BB gun at other people isn't cool. Sounds like these kids have great parents!

06-11-2007, 04:42 PM
They showed up and drew shot guns? Obviously the person that took the call was informed that it was a BB gun? This seems a little extreme to me but I guess it could have put an eye out! It will definitely teach the little shits a lesson but come on....a BB gun gets this much attention from law enforcement? Thank your lucky stars that they didn't use a potato gun!

06-11-2007, 04:43 PM
It's a shame it had to come to that, but it's also a shame that in today's world, an adult giving you shit isn't enough to deter kids anymore.

Hopefully they get tossed in juvie to see what REALLY fucked up kids are like, and learn to show a little respect.

More likely, you'll find a brick through yoru car's window in about a week though.

06-11-2007, 04:44 PM
haha good job.
getting shot by bb guns in the ass HURT LIKE A BITCH. specially when its up close.

06-11-2007, 04:44 PM
dats sweets u should've taken pictures of the kids laying face down on the ground!! :guns: :guns:

06-11-2007, 04:45 PM
stupid kids deserved it, what if you got hit in the eye with a BB?

06-11-2007, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Crymson
It's a shame it had to come to that, but it's also a shame that in today's world, an adult giving you shit isn't enough to deter kids anymore.

Hopefully they get tossed in juvie to see what REALLY fucked up kids are like, and learn to show a little respect.

More likely, you'll find a brick through yoru car's window in about a week though.

That's what i would be afraid of.
But where do you draw the line, You gotta choose discipline or ignore it for fear of reparation.

Or hopefully that big ordeal will deter them from doing anything stupid again.

06-11-2007, 04:57 PM
:thumbsup: to CPS.

They are 15 yr olds, not 7 yr olds. Should know better.

06-11-2007, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by im2fst4u
They showed up and drew shot guns? Obviously the person that took the call was informed that it was a BB gun? This seems a little extreme to me but I guess it could have put an eye out! It will definitely teach the little shits a lesson but come on....a BB gun gets this much attention from law enforcement? Thank your lucky stars that they didn't use a potato gun!

Boo hoo. You don't want a gun pointed at you, don't play with them, BB gun or not.

I'd rather have the cops point a gun at a kid with a BB gun than a cop get shot with a real one because the kids found daddy's cabinet after the phone call.

06-11-2007, 05:00 PM
Was there any mis-communication?

Stupid kids got what they deserve. I suggest you to watch out for those kids from now on especially if you leave your car outside at night.

I would have told the police that I saw a gun sticking out from my neighbour's house, then put popcorns in the microwave, grab a beer and watch.

06-11-2007, 05:17 PM
That's awesome man.
The little shits had it coming. The only thing that would have been sweeter whould be if it happened right in front of their parents. Imagine how embarrassing and disgraceful that would have been for them.
+1 for CPS doing a good job.

06-11-2007, 05:24 PM
And you didnt take pics.....:thumbsdow

06-11-2007, 05:27 PM
You can now sleep well at night knowing that these cuntrags won't be pointing BB guns at people and thinking they can get away with it anymore.

Good work.

06-11-2007, 05:56 PM
are you guys seriously complaining about the CPS on this? I hope you thanked them for their efforts...not only did they solve a problem for you, they may also have played a big part in changing the course of these kid's lives :thumbsup: they're sniping people now with bb guns what happens when they get their hands on a rifle? who knows? maybe one of them will get to that point later on in life

:thumbsup: for the CPS

06-11-2007, 06:04 PM
I can tell you from experience that this is the way CPS respond to this type of incident. . Almost the exact same thing happened to me when I was 14 or 15. Me and a buddy where shooting cans off the top of his fence with a bb gun. One of the neighbors called the cops I guess. A few minutes later we were sitting in the house and the cops stormed in (the open patio door) with guns drawn and the whole deal. In the end they didn't give us a fine or anything. They just made us show them the gun so they could verify it was a bb gun I guess, then told us not to shoot it in the city anymore. When they hear that someone has a weapon (even if it is only a bb gun), they don't fuck around :rofl:

06-11-2007, 06:28 PM
I think they do that just to scare the kids, making it as traumatic as possible.

My only concern would be having the kid point a BB gun at the cop and being killed for it...

Still funny though lol...

06-11-2007, 06:39 PM
Fuckin' right. Good to know that CPS doesn't fuck around when it comes to weapons calls, and even better to know that we're still beating some respect into our youth. These kids aren't that much younger than I am -- four years shouldn't make that much of a difference, and those shouldn't be the four years in which you're learning not to fucking shoot BB guns at people.

Props to the parents, for sure. Nice one, assholes.

06-11-2007, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Toma

My only concern would be having the kid point a BB gun at the cop and being killed for it...

Again, boo hoo. At 15 years old, you should know what happens when you point a gun at a cop.

06-11-2007, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by kvanderlaag
Fuckin' right. Good to know that CPS doesn't fuck around when it comes to weapons calls, and even better to know that we're still beating some respect into our youth. These kids aren't that much younger than I am -- four years shouldn't make that much of a difference, and those shouldn't be the four years in which you're learning not to fucking shoot BB guns at people.

Props to the parents, for sure. Nice one, assholes.

Hell yes. Put the fucking fear in them, they should know better.

06-11-2007, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD

Again, boo hoo. At 15 years old, you should know what happens when you point a gun at a cop.

Didn't a kid in the states get shot and killed when he pointed a bb gun at a cop a while back?

06-11-2007, 06:52 PM
ahhah now thats something i would have liked to see. serves them right for being stupid.
good job by the cps too, i know of someone who got his house stormed in back in highschool and the whole deal once for a bb/pallet gun aswell lol so i guess thats the usual proceadure

06-11-2007, 07:40 PM
all weapons calls are treated as real. In the end of the day no officer is expected to sacrifice his life because of misinformation. All firearms are treated as real until verified that they are not.

06-11-2007, 07:48 PM
the parents will most likely have to pay the fine

i'd get "brick-proof" windows hehehe

06-11-2007, 08:12 PM
Unless at least one of the kids got their jaw broken by the butt end of a shotgun, I think the CPS didn't do enough. Some flashbangs or concussion grenades would have been a nice touch as well.

. o 69 o .
06-11-2007, 08:31 PM
wow, this made my day...LOL... its about time someone kicked some punkass teenager ass. No respect for anyone or anything.

Damn I feel old now...lol but those shit heads needed something like that. Also, more then likely, the parents needed a wake up call so they realize their kids are a buch of fuck-tards.


06-11-2007, 09:26 PM
Holy sh1t, almost the exact same thing happened to my friend.

They were playing around in the backyard, garage, and driveway with bb guns (1x shotgun, 2x glock) when the neighbours thought they had some real weapons because the glock were spray painted black. CPS came in with like two SUVs one with a shotgun pointing at my friend and yelling "GET DOWN, PUT THE WEAPONS DOWN!!" lol, I was told one of the friends almost pissed himself.. Though, no fine, luckily.

06-11-2007, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
I would have told the police that I saw a gun sticking out from my neighbour's house, then put popcorns in the microwave, grab a beer and watch.

Exactly what I was thinking. Should have called in and reported being shot at several times at which point you dove behind your car and crawled inside of your house. Would've made for a better show:dunno:

06-11-2007, 09:29 PM
A .22 LR, while marginally deadly, is awfully quiet for a real pistol round and could be mistaken for a BB gun by an old guy calling the cop on those "damn kids", so I can see why they would always take precautions. Not all callers will be right when they report a BB gun.

06-11-2007, 09:34 PM
Yep the police were definelty clear that it was a BB gun, and I even told the woman on the phone that the road was scattered with little neon green bb's, blah blah - the CPS said to me at the end that they have responded to calls like this before, to get in the house and realize its a full blown grow op or something, so she said it was just to use precautions.

It was quite a response thats for sure, but I dont think anyones tax dollars are going to waste, the $2000 fine should cover the 30 minutes they were around for.

Also, a cop who was there said that they had responded to random by-law complaints from this house 15 times in 2 years.

Little rich shits, whose parents are always out of town.

I gave them fair warning though, I went over once and told them to stop (politely) or else I would call the cops. In retrospect, spraying the hose into their open window could have been good for a laugh as well.

I seriously thought someone was going to get a shotgun blast in the face, the kids wouldnt open the door for the police, I guess thinking it was us at the door again. I was expecting the door to get kicked in for sure.

06-11-2007, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by creeper
officer come out and scare these kids into fucking-off, and instead
lol well you sure scared them when they were face down in the ground with hand cuffs and guns drawn on them, mad props teach those little bastards a lesson they will never forget

06-11-2007, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Crymson
It's a shame it had to come to that, but it's also a shame that in today's world, an adult giving you shit isn't enough to deter kids anymore.

I don't think it's just "today's world." Fact of the matter is, they're 15. Everyone at that age thinks they're invincible and they know it all. Would it have been in their best interest to listen to an adult? Absolutely. Kids at that age do all sorts of stupid things, and it often just takes a swift kick in head (or staring down the barrel of a shotgun, in this case) to smarten up.

I've heard stories from all generations of how people use to tear things up as kids. They just eventually grow out of it and smarten up.

Your statement reminds me of the old timers that would always say "Back when I was your age...." I think that's a sign we're getting old. :banghead:

06-11-2007, 10:13 PM
that'll teach those pricks...

06-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Mixalot27
I can tell you from experience that this is the way CPS respond to this type of incident. . Almost the exact same thing happened to me when I was 14 or 15. Me and a buddy where shooting cans off the top of his fence with a bb gun. One of the neighbors called the cops I guess. A few minutes later we were sitting in the house and the cops stormed in (the open patio door) with guns drawn and the whole deal. In the end they didn't give us a fine or anything. They just made us show them the gun so they could verify it was a bb gun I guess, then told us not to shoot it in the city anymore. When they hear that someone has a weapon (even if it is only a bb gun), they don't fuck around :rofl:

Hey Mixalot27 you wouldn;t happen to live behind terry fox at that time did you? Cause I can tell you I had the same experience but the thing was we were shooting the cans off the fence during lunch time when kids came out for their lunch brake 1 week after columbine high happened.

06-11-2007, 10:35 PM
haha good read! :thumbsup:

06-11-2007, 10:58 PM
Great story! Teach those fuckers! lol:thumbsup: :guns:

06-11-2007, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
all weapons calls are treated as real. In the end of the day no officer is expected to sacrifice his life because of misinformation. All firearms are treated as real until verified that they are not.

thank you... BB guns or not.. a weapon is a weapon...id sure be protecting myself before id risk being shot over a "suspected" BB gun.

06-11-2007, 11:52 PM
that is sooo awesome man. i wish it was near my house to see that shit! just watching all the cops creep up to the house. soo good man.

06-11-2007, 11:54 PM
hahah great story man :thumbsup:

06-12-2007, 12:03 AM
That made me laugh, good read :)

06-12-2007, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by eur0
That made me laugh, good read :)
ditto. glad to hear they got what was coming for them:rofl:

06-12-2007, 01:27 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-12-2007, 08:45 AM
Has daddy come over to yell at you yet for getting his little angel in trouble? :rolleyes:

Given how many times you say the cops have been there, the dumb little fuck likely won't learn anything from that response even though it's good you did it.

06-12-2007, 08:58 AM
Haha, awesome read. Hope those little shit-heads start to learn some respect, or else I bet they won't learn until one of them gets a barrel through their skull.

I'm 15, but I think I'm passed the point of "invincibility"...

Anyways... Great read


06-12-2007, 09:13 AM
To bad when I used to have dumb neighbors like this I never actually called the cops on them, mostly due to the fact I was a young teen my self and I just put up with their shit and went inside. But I can tell you if anything ever happens like this story Ill be sure too act appropriately and dig out the vid camera just in case it ever goes as far as getting CPS out :thumbsup:

Great story :rofl:

06-12-2007, 09:19 AM
Haha that made my day! Can't wait till you see those kids again.
PWNED! :rofl:

06-12-2007, 07:07 PM

Great story.

The dad
06-14-2007, 06:33 PM
Hey Creeper,

I am the dad who lives next door. I must commend you on your acuracy of the story, but I felt compelled to correct some of the innaccurate content. You were 100% right - they should have not been shooting at you. Of the three kids, only two were charged but not my son because he has a busted arm and could not load the gun.

1) The BB's were the plastic neon yellow ones you buy at the dollar store - not metal ones. The gun was also a dollar store special.

2) There was only ONE police van - you watch too much TV.

3) The police do not handle bylaw complaints, only bylaw officers do. Police do not get involved with bylaw complaints unless they are called by the bylaw officers.

4) 15 complaints??? Actually only two, one for my dogs barking - who only bark at your dog through the fence or when your friends are throwing cigarrette butts and beer cans into my yard. The other was because I have an old car we are restoring and someone did not like the way it looked in my driveway.

5) From your knowledge, I asume that you were the ones who reported the dogs and the car in the driveway..Thank you, its nice to know you care.

6) Parents always out of town? I wish.....I wish..I could only wish..

7) The maximum is a 3000 fine., but minors who show remorse infront of a judge usually get no fine and a warning.

8) Last but not least since when is a Buick Rivera a Lotus??? Better change your picture.

The Dad Next Door

06-14-2007, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by The dad
8) Last but not least since when is a Buick Rivera a Lotus??? Better change your picture.

The Dad Next Door

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-14-2007, 07:09 PM
^^^lol, Props to "The Dad":clap: :clap:

06-14-2007, 07:13 PM
Its a small world and the internet makes it even smaller.

Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

I am the dad who lives next door. I must commend you on your acuracy of the story, but I felt compelled to correct some of the innaccurate content. You were 100% right - they should have not been shooting at you. Of the three kids, only two were charged but not my son because he has a busted arm and could not load the gun.

1) The BB's were the plastic neon yellow ones you buy at the dollar store - not metal ones. The gun was also a dollar store special.

2) There was only ONE police van - you watch too much TV.

3) The police do not handle bylaw complaints, only bylaw officers do. Police do not get involved with bylaw complaints unless they are called by the bylaw officers.

4) 15 complaints??? Actually only two, one for my dogs barking - who only bark at your dog through the fence or when your friends are throwing cigarrette butts and beer cans into my yard. The other was because I have an old car we are restoring and someone did not like the way it looked in my driveway.

5) From your knowledge, I asume that you were the ones who reported the dogs and the car in the driveway..Thank you, its nice to know you care.

6) Parents always out of town? I wish.....I wish..I could only wish..

7) The maximum is a 3000 fine., but minors who show remorse infront of a judge usually get no fine and a warning.

8) Last but not least since when is a Buick Rivera a Lotus??? Better change your picture.

The Dad Next Door

06-14-2007, 07:19 PM
One additional comment:

The world is crazy today.

Too many not jobs living in even the "good" areas of town. Its not about you being tough or intimidating, its about your neighbour being a nut job thats going to get revenge however he can. Sometimes I let things go cuz I can deal easier with the little shitt than the big stuff that may come down the road later.

06-14-2007, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

I am the dad who lives next door. I must commend you on your acuracy of the story, but I felt compelled to correct some of the innaccurate content. You were 100% right - they should have not been shooting at you. Of the three kids, only two were charged but not my son because he has a busted arm and could not load the gun.

1) The BB's were the plastic neon yellow ones you buy at the dollar store - not metal ones. The gun was also a dollar store special.

2) There was only ONE police van - you watch too much TV.

3) The police do not handle bylaw complaints, only bylaw officers do. Police do not get involved with bylaw complaints unless they are called by the bylaw officers.

4) 15 complaints??? Actually only two, one for my dogs barking - who only bark at your dog through the fence or when your friends are throwing cigarrette butts and beer cans into my yard. The other was because I have an old car we are restoring and someone did not like the way it looked in my driveway.

5) From your knowledge, I asume that you were the ones who reported the dogs and the car in the driveway..Thank you, its nice to know you care.

6) Parents always out of town? I wish.....I wish..I could only wish..

7) The maximum is a 3000 fine., but minors who show remorse infront of a judge usually get no fine and a warning.

8) Last but not least since when is a Buick Rivera a Lotus??? Better change your picture.

The Dad Next Door

To the Dad Next Door:

1) The poster did not say that the pellets were metal. He did say they were "neon green bb's".

2) How would you really know how many cops and vans were involved? You only pulled up AFTER it went down.

3) No need to assume anything. I'm sure your kid and his friends weren't only pestering this neighbour who called the cops. I doubt young people care if you have a junk car that you're "restoring" in your driveway. I'm sure it was a woman down the block who called you in. So just think of it this way, all your neighbours care!

4) Maybe you're not out of town all the time, but you might as well be. It doesn't matter if your child couldn't have loaded the gun. The fact that he allowed his friends to do it, probably watched and encouraged them proves he's not innocent in all this. Maybe you should teach your child the difference between right and wrong and which type of people are good friends. Who knows? Maybe your kid will grow up to be just like the neighbour you disdain so much if you don't act now.

5) Are you doing anything to discipline your son since he hasn't been charged? Or are you going to use that same, well his arm is injured, therefore he wasn't loading the gun, so therefore he did nothing wrong excuse? I cannot comment on your parenting style, but it'll only be a matter of time where he's pulling the trigger of a real gun if you do nothing. Or so the media tells us.

6) Learn to fucking raise your kids better. Honestly. My brother wasn't nearly that rotten and my parents were just awful.

06-14-2007, 07:37 PM
^^ No joke, I get the distinct feeling he is trying to defend his son's actions and somehow discredit Creepy with random points unrelated to the point of the story. Which was, in case it isn't already blaringly clear, that your son and his friends were shooting at people with BB guns. I include your son in that statement because broken arm or not he definitely wasn't stopping his friends from doing it. The only thing most of the people here want to hear is what you are doing to curb his behavior. If you want to divert the attention to how Creeper may be lying about his car start another thead about it.

06-14-2007, 07:37 PM
lol and this story takes a new turn! I love beyond!:bigpimp:

06-14-2007, 07:53 PM
fucking rights. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :drama:

06-14-2007, 08:12 PM
this is awesome! hahahah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-14-2007, 09:11 PM
bahahahaha :rofl: :rofl:

:love: beyond!!!

06-14-2007, 09:23 PM
awesome LOL

06-14-2007, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

I am the dad who lives next door. I must commend you on your acuracy of the story, but I felt compelled to correct some of the innaccurate content. You were 100% right - they should have not been shooting at you. Of the three kids, only two were charged but not my son because he has a busted arm and could not load the gun.

1) The BB's were the plastic neon yellow ones you buy at the dollar store - not metal ones. The gun was also a dollar store special.

2) There was only ONE police van - you watch too much TV.

3) The police do not handle bylaw complaints, only bylaw officers do. Police do not get involved with bylaw complaints unless they are called by the bylaw officers.

4) 15 complaints??? Actually only two, one for my dogs barking - who only bark at your dog through the fence or when your friends are throwing cigarrette butts and beer cans into my yard. The other was because I have an old car we are restoring and someone did not like the way it looked in my driveway.

5) From your knowledge, I asume that you were the ones who reported the dogs and the car in the driveway..Thank you, its nice to know you care.

6) Parents always out of town? I wish.....I wish..I could only wish..

7) The maximum is a 3000 fine., but minors who show remorse infront of a judge usually get no fine and a warning.

8) Last but not least since when is a Buick Rivera a Lotus??? Better change your picture.

The Dad Next Door

Very small world, indeed. I am glad that I kept the story (mostly) on the level, however, I am certainly guilty of (almost unavoidably) exaggerating some aspects, which I am happy to clear up:

Before I respond to the points: I'm actually a friend who was visiting the neighbors, not the actual neighbor. In my first post where I explain the story as "my house", it wasn't - it is my friend who lives next door. Therefore, any post where I describe the location as "my house/my garage/ect." is inaccurate. The family in the house next to yours was, with the exception of the one resident with me, wholly unaware of the situation unfolding outside. In one element of the story, I believe I described us as having "gone inside", which would have also been incorrect. We were standing down the block, out of view of anyone inside of your house. The only time we set foot back in my friends house during this whole event was near the 'end', when an officer asked us to fill out a police report, and we went inside to use a table, at which time the residents who were home at the time became (very) aware of the events that had just transpired.

That aside:

1.) I knew right from the start that the people doing the shooting were using the plastic BB's. I am familiar with BB guns, as I used to own a number of them when I was about 15/16/17 years old. I owned both really cheap dollar store types, and fairly expensive ones. Both varieties could shoot quite hard, even over long distances. Also, both came with explicit warnings not to aim at, let alone shoot at, people or animals. I know from experience with my own BB guns that they are certainly capable of causing fairly serious injuries. If seemingly harmless BB can break the skin on your back, imagine if (with the risk using an ancient cliché) it hit someone in the eye. The packaging is littered with warnings about this very situation, warnings the kids in this situation boldly defied. I made it clear on the phone numerous times with the police that they were shooting plastic BB's, not metal pellets. The police were at no time under the impression that metal pellets were being shot.

2.) When the police first arrived, there were a minimum of 2 police vans, and at least that many cruisers. Also at the beginning a minimum of 8 officers arrived, possibly more. It was quite a scene.

3.) The dispatcher told me it was a bylaw offense, as did an officer at the scene. My guess is what transpired is classified as something other than a bylaw offense. Something considerably more problematic than barking dogs.

4.) As for "15" complaints. The dispatcher was familiar with the residence (presumably because of some information that comes up in their database during a phone call) and 2 separate neighbors who walked by as this situation mentioned that there were some minor bylaw issues in the past. One passerby in particular said "15" which is likely a gross exaggeration. So, I'm blindly regurgitating second-hand information. The beer cans and cigarettes in the yard, I'm going to have to plead ignorance about this issue. I don't live there, and don't have much of a response. I certainly do not litter into other people's yard, ever. I am also confident in saying this about the majority of my friends. However, I am sure there are people who have been to that house in the past to visit with one of the numerous people who live there, that would do this during a BBQ/party/ect. And for that, I sincerely, apologize on their behalf. If this happened in my yard, I would be very irritated.

5.) Not sure about this as I am not actually the neighbor, contrary to what my first post says. But, in the defense of the neighbors directly surrounding a house with barking dogs: This can be ridiculously frustrating. I'm sure lots of members on here have experience with this, and would agree. On odd occasion, I have had 'project' cars (read: rusty, old, heaps of shit) sitting in my driveway, on most occasions, for months at a time. To date, my neighbors haven't called the police, so I guess I've been fortunate. In your neighborhood, I can understand why the people are trying to uphold the appearance. But, I've always been a firm believer in live and let live, and providing it doesn't directly interfere with my life, I can't imagine why someone would call the police about a project car in the driveway. However, some of the neighbors who walked by while this catastrophe was unfolding recently seemed a bit anal, and it doesn't surprise me at all that someone in the vicinity would call about it. Some of them seemed like the type that would call the police about kids drawing on the sidewalk with chalk.

6.) No first hand knowledge of this on my part. Just repeating second-hand information, mostly gathered while listening to the neighbors who were walking by as this was all happening.

7.) It wouldn't surprise me if they got off without a fine. We are shown, time & time again, that our courts hand down exceptionally weak, kitten-like sentences; regardless of the scope of the crime. It wasn't my intention in the least to have police presence of that magnitude show up on the front step. It was my intention to have someone come out and at a minimum, tell these kids that what they are doing is foolish, irresponsible, and reckless. I was appalled when the girl who answered the door on our second visit told me that no one was shooting at us with BB's, even when shown a handful of BB's, and likely well aware of what was going on, as the first visit when they didn't open the door you could clearly hear them scrambling around inside, aware that they had been caught. If she had simply told them to stop, and they did, that would have been enough for me. It was mainly her attitude that prompted me to call the police, as she seemed to be the 'one in charge' at the time, but was clearly not willing to do anything to stop something completely asinine and unacceptable from occurring in her own home. I am aware that the kids doing the shooting were trying to have some fun with a BB gun, but the way they went about it is utterly disgusting. To have such disregard for people on the street, by shooting close to their faces no less, is sickening. It is hard for me to imagine what young kids brought up in an affluent neighborhood would be doing if no boundaries were in place. If they are participating in this kind of activity when they are 14 or 15 years old - what would they be doing in the future if they didn't learn a tough but valuable lesson at this age. I think the police responded with a high-profile presence, because they are aware that kids who get away with this now, will only deteriorate into a societal nightmare in the future.

The point of the whole matter is that these kids, at their age, should be responsible enough to own a simple toy gun, or at the very least - understand the consequences of it's reprehensible misuse. In this case, a failing grade on both fronts.

creeper "hoping to put this behind the community as a whole" mcneeper.

06-14-2007, 11:35 PM
LOL... creeper gets owned...

plastic BB's?

lmao... next time call the army :poosie:

06-15-2007, 12:53 AM
That's the actual dad? Holy smokes!!! He came on here to yell at the guy hahahah

06-15-2007, 07:04 AM
Hahahaha. Good job!

06-15-2007, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

7) The maximum is a 3000 fine., but minors who show remorse infront of a judge usually get no fine and a warning.

The Dad Next Door

Sounds like you know how to play the system. A winner is you Dad.

06-15-2007, 08:49 AM
good story hahaha

06-15-2007, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

Blah Blah Blah

How about you worry more about the little mongrel you're raising and less about the people who post his little miscreant adventures on the internet.

I don't care if the BB's were metal, plastic, or shaped like Care Bears: YOU'RE unsupervised kid was shooting them at people when he knew fucking well that he shouldn't have been, and had already been asked to stop at least once.

You're probably right though, the legal system won't do shit. The unfortunate thing is that parents won't do shit either anymore. My pops would have beat my ass for doing something that stupid, and I wouldn't have done it again...

Quit trying to shift the focus to Creeper's car to divert it from your unsupervised little malefactor's actions. The only thing I want to know is this:
Since we all know that the legal system won't do sweet fuck all, are you planning on doing anything, or is it easier for you to simply blame Creeper's slight exaggerations, and poke fun at his mode of transportation, instead of dealing with your little delinquent's actions?

Personally, I wouldn't have called the cops. Calling the cops isn't something that I do.
That said, if it were me, I'd have ensured that either you'd have made your kid responsible for his actions, or I'd be holding you accountable for his actions.

Maybe Creeper is a whiney little bitch who complains about everything, I really have no idea as I've never met him. However, that has nothing to do with it...

06-15-2007, 09:06 AM
funi how the character called ' the dad '
only posted once
prob some pissed off beyonder who knows the kids or something or is related
made the acct and etc.

'the dad'

i bet your a 'white' dad who never beats his children

i tell u
there is a moral to this story

'white' people...
(message from russell peters)


(my msg)
Then they wont turn out to be lil shits like those fuck tards shooting bb's


what if one of the bb's went into someones eye?
what would the reprocussions have been then?
oh its ok
they kids???
fckin BS!!

a gun is a gun is a gun

stupid kids are stupid kids are stupid kids

rich stupid dads who dont teach their kids are fuck tards who were never raised or beat properly by their rents
and the damn cycle will continue...

i bet his kid grows up to be a bully in school
and hes prob gonna be like its ok
he had a hurt arm when he was a kid.
or something crap like that



06-15-2007, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS

My pops would have beat my ass for doing something that stupid, and I wouldn't have done it again...

Are you serious?

Has anyone been shot with one of those little plastic pellets?? From like 10 feet away they might sting a bit, but from a yard over, it probably feels like a bug was flying and smacked your arm, IF it hit your skin. BooHoo. Next time just grab a hose and get them back, the water would probably hurt more than the little pellets

06-15-2007, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by DNSDJS

i bet your a 'white' dad who never beats his children

My dad is white, never beat me, and I wasn't a bully in school, nor did I turn into some kind of psycho.

06-15-2007, 09:25 AM
And TKRIS, you must of been a sweet little innocent child right? Never pulled off any pranks like that? Riiiggghhhtt....... :rolleyes:

06-15-2007, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by creeper

5.) Not sure about this as I am not actually the neighbor, contrary to what my first post says. But, in the defense of the neighbors directly surrounding a house with barking dogs: This can be ridiculously frustrating. I'm sure lots of members on here have experience with this, and would agree. On odd occasion, I have had 'project' cars (read: rusty, old, heaps of shit) sitting in my driveway, on most occasions, for months at a time. To date, my neighbors haven't called the police, so I guess I've been fortunate. In your neighborhood, I can understand why the people are trying to uphold the appearance. But, I've always been a firm believer in live and let live, and providing it doesn't directly interfere with my life, I can't imagine why someone would call the police about a project car in the driveway. However, some of the neighbors who walked by while this catastrophe was unfolding recently seemed a bit anal, and it doesn't surprise me at all that someone in the vicinity would call about it. Some of them seemed like the type that would call the police about kids drawing on the sidewalk with chalk.

The point of the whole matter is that these kids, at their age, should be responsible enough to own a simple toy gun, or at the very least - understand the consequences of it's reprehensible misuse. In this case, a failing grade on both fronts.

creeper "hoping to put this behind the community as a whole" mcneeper.


Who gives a fuck about which neighbourhood your in
a persons driveway and etc is part of THEIR house
let them store what they want on it
as long as its not on your prop. then you cant say anything
Creeper... i agree with you on this
live and let live
to " THE DAD "
get a life and grow some fuckin balls and live with the facts that
your neighbours stuff IS NOT on your prop so fuck off.

Dogs will bark at dogs regardless
its their way of communication!!!
cant live with it " THE DAD " then put your dog down or get rid of it.

Kids cant be trusted anymore.
Not in this world.
especially with guns or any sort.

Look at all these school shootings and etc.
" THE DAD " is prob one of those types of fathers who would prob. bring home toys which would instigate violent behaviour in children.

When i was a kid ( god i feel old now )
we never did stupid things like bb guns and etc.
all we ever worried about was losing out basketball in the neighbours yard when they were on vacation
or losing our baseballs and accidently breaking windows when playing close to houses...

Kids these days and the parents who raise them...

Once again .. i dont know where u live
be it in whitehorn
coral springs
mount royal
royal oaks
country hills
fish creek
hoonza land

i speak from downtown calgary
and hearing both sides
i agree with creeper
your kids in the wrong
own up to it

06-15-2007, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash

My dad is white, never beat me, and I wasn't a bully in school, nor did I turn into some kind of psycho.

hahah no i wasnt generalizing
i was tryin to make ref. to russell peters..

but yeah i know there are alot of 'white' friends i know who never got beat.. but damn did they have good morals and respect for others..
always greeting everyone soo politly..
i tell u
the rents who raise their kids properly are so lucky
cause those kids *(like yourself Euro) ( i dont know you , so i respect you)* are the damn best citizens i have ever seen
always kind and willing to help those in need of help.

thats all

06-15-2007, 09:31 AM
LOL, awesome. :rofl:

To the dad, kids can be kids, and plastic bbs are pretty harmless if you're far enuf. i dunno how far your kids were from creeper and co., but guns shouldn't be pointed at people. would you be as defensive if your kid was being shot at by creeper? why were they even home alone?

To creeper, way to exagerrate the story ;) i still find it funny how those kids got taken down and probably scared them shitless. but did u really feel threatened, or did u just want to teach those kiddies a lesson haha.

so funny :rofl:

06-15-2007, 09:31 AM

ok now i feel good

damn driving to work this mornin.. almost had 2 freaking trucks hit me.. bastards..
had to let go of my frustation somewhere.. so why not here.. LOL

06-15-2007, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow

would you be as defensive if your kid was being shot at by creeper?

but did u really feel threatened, or did u just want to teach those kiddies a lesson haha.

2 very good points :thumbsup:

06-15-2007, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
And TKRIS, you must of been a sweet little innocent child right? Never pulled off any pranks like that? Riiiggghhhtt....... :rolleyes:

You're completely missing the point:
I'm not saying I never did anything wrong, I'm saying that when I did, I was held accountably for my actions.

The underlaying problem isn't the danger the BB's presented, it's the disrespect and lack of accountability shown.

The kid knew he should not have been shooting at Creeper. He was asked to stop at least once. The cops came, gave them a fine and told them to smarten up.

Then the dad shifts the focus, trivializes the event, brags about how the kid won't be punished, and, it would appear, the kid is skipping away unscathed.

It's not that the BB's could have been fatal, it's the lesson learned. This kid just learned that he doesn't have to answer for his mistakes.
The kid just learned that, as long as he can shift the focus to someone else, he won't be punished for mistakes.


P.S. My dad rarely hit me, but he would have if I'd have shown the disrespect this kid apparently did. I'm not an advocate of hitting your kids everytime they screw up...I am an advocate of teaching your kids that their actions have consequences.

EDIT: FWIW I got my first BB gun when I was about 8. Pump action Daisy. It was NOT a "dollar store" piece of crap, and it most assuredly did not shoot plastic BB's. I used to go shoot gophers out back everyday (unsupervised) and always treated the gun with respect and acted in a safe manner. I knew the consequences of doing otherwise.

06-15-2007, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS

P.S. My dad rarely hit me, but he would have if I'd have shown the disrespect this kid apparently did. I'm not an advocate of hitting your kids everytime they screw up...I am an advocate of teaching your kids that their actions have consequences.

good point
i dont advocate beating of children either
but when russell says it.. its damn funi..

i do agree with you in regards to teaching kids right from wrong
and being punished when disrespect and disregard are shown for others.

06-15-2007, 12:23 PM
lol i don care how "the dad" is saying creeper don drive a lotus.

but "the dad" sounds like a ignorant bitch who doesn't know from right and wrong.

06-15-2007, 12:41 PM
ahah thats an awesome story
i probably woulda lost my cool if they continued to shoot bbs at me :whipped:

06-15-2007, 12:50 PM
Thank you Beyond, dont ever die.

06-15-2007, 01:18 PM
someone start digging this thread, i want to see it get some internet attention.

06-15-2007, 01:26 PM
GO DAD :rofl:

Originally posted by The dad
Hey Creeper,

I am the dad who lives next door...

06-15-2007, 01:42 PM
I still cant stop laughing... PLastic BB's.... fuck... the guns that shoot those aren't even air, their spring... LOL... :rofl:

Before there was laser tag, and paint ball.... we ran around shooting each other with REAL bb guns.

What a bunch of faggy wimps our world has turned into lol.

06-15-2007, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Crymson
someone start digging this thread, i want to see it get some internet attention.

Done :rofl: :rofl:

06-15-2007, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I still cant stop laughing... PLastic BB's.... fuck... the guns that shoot those aren't even air, their spring... LOL... :rofl:

Before there was laser tag, and paint ball.... we ran around shooting each other with REAL bb guns.

What a bunch of faggy wimps our world has turned into lol.

So you'd have no problem with someone shooting at your car with bb's? Then continuing after you told them to stop?

06-15-2007, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I still cant stop laughing... PLastic BB's.... fuck... the guns that shoot those aren't even air, their spring... LOL... :rofl:

Before there was laser tag, and paint ball.... we ran around shooting each other with REAL bb guns.

What a bunch of faggy wimps our world has turned into lol.

But it was between you and your friends. Not strangers you didn't know. I'm sure most of us have played paintball at least once and it stings when hit from 10 feet away but thats what we signed up for. Wouldn' you be pissed if someone on the street just came up and shot you with a paintball?

06-15-2007, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I still cant stop laughing... PLastic BB's.... fuck... the guns that shoot those aren't even air, their spring... LOL... :rofl:

Before there was laser tag, and paint ball.... we ran around shooting each other with REAL bb guns.

What a bunch of faggy wimps our world has turned into lol.

im pretty sure u wouldnt like it if there was a bunch of kids shooting at u
or ur car
or ur buddies car

unless ur into those type of things
then ur just a freak
who enjoys pain

06-15-2007, 02:39 PM
Are those pellets really strong enough to hurt your car?

06-15-2007, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
Are those pellets really strong enough to hurt your car?

Probably not, neither does spit, and wouldn't you stop someone from spitting on your car?

06-15-2007, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
Are those pellets really strong enough to hurt your car?

No. Those things are probably around 200fps, with softass .12g bb's. Doesn't mean I wouldn't have done the same though.

06-15-2007, 02:52 PM
Like you wouldnt be pissed off if some strangers start shooting you with anything even plastic bb pellets and not stopping when you've warned them to.

06-15-2007, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Probably not, neither does spit, and wouldn't you stop someone from spitting on your car?

Yeah I would call the cops on them :rolleyes:

06-15-2007, 09:29 PM
Anybody other then me think that Euro_Trash is trying to justify the actions of the kids...?

Anyways... this is one I better stay out of

Again, an awesome read


06-15-2007, 09:49 PM
I am not justifying anything, I just think calling the cops was a little over the top :dunno:

06-15-2007, 10:45 PM

by not calling the cops, these kids will probably not learn anything and repeat this again. Seriously, I hope they do get fined so that our tax dollars are not wasted :poosie:

stevo 27
06-15-2007, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

So you'd have no problem with someone shooting at your car with bb's? Then continuing after you told them to stop?

id get the fucking bean bag shotgun out that fucker hurts :D

and for someone not being able to load a dollar store bb gun because of a broken ARM
what was the kid a fucking retard it takes ONE FINGER