View Full Version : What to do?

06-17-2007, 09:50 PM
okay, so i have a problem. I had a so called friend who borrowed money from me to buy a car but then when he no longer needed it, he parked it in my backyard and has now has completely igonered me for over two months and i DO NOT want this car here anymore but it is not mine. The battery is dead so i cant bring it back to his house. Would anyone happened to know what my options are? Thanks.

06-17-2007, 09:53 PM
Call a towing company.

06-17-2007, 09:56 PM
can you tow a car that isnt under my name? Does anyone know how much that would cost too?

06-17-2007, 10:00 PM
when u get a car towed they dont asked u for ur bill of sale or insurance and stuff like dat ... look for the cheap ones .. yellow pages... or go buy a used battery or something .........:dunno:

06-17-2007, 10:01 PM
Why wouldnt u be able to tow?All the times I've towed a car, they've never asked to see if it was under my name...and cost...where are you towing it to?Flat rate is $50 i think

06-17-2007, 10:02 PM
put a battery in it and drive it through his house

06-17-2007, 10:03 PM
did he pay you back for the car yet, if not try and sell the car, keep your money + trouble for selling the car as well as whatever it would cost to sell it. then give the rest to him.

if he has payed you back, tell him your towing the car if he doesn't pick it up in the next week (or some time frame) and then go along with it.

06-17-2007, 10:09 PM
I left a million messages and its been over two months now and im sure he does not to intend to do anything about it. The guy does owe me a ton of money but for than just the car. I cant sell the car because the car legally isnt mine. As for the battery, first of all, i cant drive manual second of all i have no idea where and how to do that, lol girls dont work well with mechanics. oh and its from varsity to hamptons.

06-17-2007, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by LuxCars
did he pay you back for the car yet, if not try and sell the car, keep your money + trouble for selling the car as well as whatever it would cost to sell it. then give the rest to him.

That wouldn't work if the other guy is the registered owner.

06-17-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by BlackArcher101

That wouldn't work if the other guy is the registered owner.

ah yes, forgot about that. maybe park it illegally somewhere, and then he will get numerous tickets, the car towed and out of your worry.

06-17-2007, 10:17 PM
i would gladly help you move it since your a girl.just go get a battery from like pick and pull and then let me know:poosie:

06-17-2007, 10:20 PM
How much money does he owe you?

06-17-2007, 10:25 PM
You can legally have ANY abandoned car towed from your property.

8. (1) Except as otherwise permitted under the Act or a bylaw, a person shall not:
(a) abandon a vehicle on a highway; or
(b) abandon a vehicle on public or private property without the consent of
the owner or person in possession or control of the property.
(2) A vehicle that is:
(a) left standing on a highway for more than 72 consecutive hours, unless
otherwise provided for in a bylaw; or
(b) left standing on public or private property for more than 72 consecutive
hours without the consent of the owner or person in possession or
control of the property
is deemed to have been abandoned at that location.
(B/L 28M2003, 2003 May 12)

06-17-2007, 10:48 PM
Hmm.. ive thought about pushing it out to the alley or something and let city take care of it.. but the whole neighbourhood knows the car as been around my house for months. I like the idea of making him deal with a million tickets.. but i really just want to get rid of it. Whats the number to call for above ^?

06-17-2007, 11:32 PM
Wait do you have the keys to said car? Because like someone said, just drive it somewhere and park it illegally downtown. Sounds like there'll be a guy more than happy enough to help you change the battery. The city will then find his papers and then he'll finally have to clean up his own mess. It's what he deserves for being such a douche. Plus, you've gotten rid of it that way.

06-17-2007, 11:36 PM
is the battery just dead or does it need to be recharged?

06-18-2007, 12:15 AM
what kinda car ill come take it off your hands for you

06-18-2007, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Nekura
okay, so i have a problem. I had a so called friend who borrowed money from me to buy a car but then when he no longer needed it, he parked it in my backyard and has now has completely igonered me for over two months and i DO NOT want this car here anymore but it is not mine. The battery is dead so i cant bring it back to his house. Would anyone happened to know what my options are? Thanks.

a/s/l? pics?

if all is OK then ill be more than happy to help you out! =)


edit: how old is the guy that owes you money?

06-18-2007, 04:00 PM
its an old 87 300zx. The back window got smashed while in my yard, im not too sure why the car isnt starting, but we're pretty sure its the battery. As to what specifically wrong with it no idea. He owes me enough to truly piss me off but he got fired and is a useless scrub who lives off his girlfriend at 22. If anyone wants it.. come and take it, i doubt he wants this thing if he's ignoring me. I want to watch him suffer through the tickets having to borrow money from his parents, but the hassle of the battery and driving it somewhere is too fustrating for me. Theres a brand new but relatively cheap sony deck just put it a few months ago.. which has only been used literally twice since its been parked at my house forever!

06-18-2007, 04:11 PM
87 300 zx...maybe you should just start parting it out as my brother would be interested. haha

06-18-2007, 04:15 PM
Get a Lawer.

If there was an 'agreement of the minds' when you loaned the money that he would pay you back you may be able to 'repossess' the car and sell it.

Otherwise just call the city, tell them there is an abandoned car on your property and you want it gone.

They will tow it within three days.

06-18-2007, 04:17 PM
hmm i can do that. But the hassle >.< Sure your brother doesnt want the whole thing? Im looking for another car right now, but its driving my family insane that this thing is still here, so i cant get one till its gone! SOMEONE TAKE IT! Parts anyone? The sad part is the whole damn car isnt worth half of what he owes me!

06-18-2007, 04:29 PM
oh damn...
well if there were verbal agreements between u and him to pay u back
i dont know how well that can hold up in court
u can try civil courts

but i dont know how much that will help

i say
part it out
and when he comes lookin for it
say it got stolen
thats that
and then tell him he still owes u $$$

06-18-2007, 07:38 PM
Just call the city. If you sell it, part it out or give it away then you would probably be liable since it is his car and not yours. Where as if you just get it towed that is well within your rights.

06-18-2007, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Nekura
hmm i can do that. But the hassle &gt;.&lt; Sure your brother doesnt want the whole thing? Im looking for another car right now, but its driving my family insane that this thing is still here, so i cant get one till its gone! SOMEONE TAKE IT! Parts anyone? The sad part is the whole damn car isnt worth half of what he owes me! i'll take it, i'll come pick it up free of charge and leave you with a case of beer and kfc or something

06-18-2007, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Evolize
... kfc or something


06-22-2007, 10:02 PM
Well since it's been abandoned, couldn't she just part it out? I mean it's practically her property now and it seems to be the only way she can get the money that he owes her back.

06-23-2007, 09:04 AM
Hows that saying go?

If you lend a friend $200 and never see them again, it was money well spent.

Something like that....

Get it gone, and don't lend "friends" money any more.