View Full Version : Bush family linked to Nazis??

06-18-2007, 03:58 PM


The american propaganda system is very good because they learned from the best!

06-18-2007, 06:19 PM

06-18-2007, 07:27 PM

Any better comments?

06-18-2007, 07:38 PM
Tomas gonna jiz all over his keyboard. :eek:

Supa Dexta
06-18-2007, 08:46 PM
Stuff like this is so stupid.. Unless they are actively participating in modern day activities related to this, whats it matter... If they traced someone in your family back to it, we should jump all over you..? :rolleyes:

06-18-2007, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Stuff like this is so stupid.. Unless they are actively participating in modern day activities related to this, whats it matter... If they traced someone in your family back to it, we should jump all over you..? :rolleyes:

Yep, unless your the family of Bin Laden.. then you should leave them alone.. they are not responsible for his actions...

Oh wait...

There appears to be a double standard here..

Big suprise.

06-18-2007, 09:17 PM
Didn't watch it, but I'm assuming it's about Dubya's grandfather investing in IG Farben?

Old news.

06-18-2007, 09:31 PM
OMG! Okay I'm sick of this bullshit. Listen, who gives a damn about past actions? My grandfather was on the Axis army (I am Italian), my ex is from Germany, her grandparents were in the Nazi army (as Germans were forced to be) and her and her family are great people, the POPE is a former Nazi, I could keep going...Worst propoganda bullshit thread of the year award goes to:

:whocares: :whocares: :whocares:

06-18-2007, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve
OMG! Okay I'm sick of this bullshit. Listen, who gives a damn about past actions? My grandfather was on the Axis army (I am Italian), my ex is from Germany, her grandparents were in the Nazi army (as Germans were forced to be) and her and her family are great people, the POPE is a former Nazi, I could keep going...

I had a German stay with me for a year. Should I be worried?

06-18-2007, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite

I had a German stay with me for a year. Should I be worried?

You didn't use his soap did you? :rofl:

06-18-2007, 10:25 PM
From the video:

"...the Bush family really had nothing going, they were essentially social climbers and opertunistic people."

Ahh, everything makes sense now.

06-18-2007, 10:56 PM
Dont worry the Bush administration has done more damage today than they ever did in their nazi days.

06-19-2007, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by retro-steve
OMG! Okay I'm sick of this bullshit. Listen, who gives a damn about past actions? My grandfather was on the Axis army (I am Italian), my ex is from Germany, her grandparents were in the Nazi army (as Germans were forced to be) and her and her family are great people, the POPE is a former Nazi, I could keep going...Worst propoganda bullshit thread of the year award goes to:

:whocares: :whocares: :whocares:

Hey man I agree that we shouldn't judge people for their families' past actions, but since the family is linked to nazis and since Bush's gov't has done certain things like Hitler did this link seems relevant.

As someone else said, "everything makes sense now".

06-19-2007, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by el_fefes

Hey man I agree that we shouldn't judge people for their families' past actions, but since the family is linked to nazis and since Bush's gov't has done certain things like Hitler did this link seems relevant.

As someone else said, "everything makes sense now".

Your an idiot.

06-19-2007, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by el_fefes

Hey man I agree that we shouldn't judge people for their families' past actions, but since the family is linked to nazis and since Bush's gov't has done certain things like Hitler did this link seems relevant.

As someone else said, "everything makes sense now".

Please enlighten me with how you can compare the current US government to the Nazi Regeme beyond little things that you could point out in any government, remembering that A. I'm a poli-sci major B. I've studied WWII and the Nazi's extensively and C. Hitler was a dictator whereas Bush has less power in the US than the Prime Minister has over Canada

keeping all this in mind, if you've done your homework above and beyond all my studies then please feel free to argue, if not then don't waste your time.

06-19-2007, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by el_fefes

Hey man I agree that we shouldn't judge people for their families' past actions, but since the family is linked to nazis and since Bush's gov't has done certain things like Hitler did this link seems relevant.

As someone else said, "everything makes sense now".

That's the stupidest thing I've read all week. Come back and post this shit when you start to see indoctrination camps, death squads or concentration camps.

I'm pretty sure the Canadian Gov't has many of the same tasks that the Nazi' gov't faced. Normal stuff like how to process paper, or street cleaning, or building infrastructure. Does that make the Harper the equivalent of Hitler? Not fucking likely.

I'm also 100% certain el_fefes that if we go back into your family history, we'll find some nasty shit in there too along the way. Should we hold you accountable for it? Might as well throw reason to the wind and start living by the Old Testament. Sins of the father and all that crap. Reinstate public stonings, cover our women, destroy any equality and fire up the old slavery machine.

It's all on the same level as the verbal diarrhea that you're posting.

06-19-2007, 10:09 AM
Bush family has always been corrupt. Their oil companies directly dealt with the Nazia (mind ya, so did Royal Dutch Shell). Then the Bin Laden's, etc... anywhere where there is a buck to be made....

People that say...oh the past is the past.... hmmm... so how far back do we forgive war criminals? Murderers?

06-19-2007, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by retro-steve

Please enlighten me with how you can compare the current US government to the Nazi Regeme beyond little things that you could point out in any government, remembering that A. I'm a poli-sci major B. I've studied WWII and the Nazi's extensively and C. Hitler was a dictator whereas Bush has less power in the US than the Prime Minister has over Canada

keeping all this in mind, if you've done your homework above and beyond all my studies then please feel free to argue, if not then don't waste your time.
A US president has basically uncheked power as we have found. Power to wage war without congress, UN, international law. Power to veto funding cuts to teh military, funding restraint on Iraq etc...

He is a dictator in that he is LESS popular by miles then Hitler was, and under his direction, the US basically does what it wants to whom it wants... bombs, assassinations, supplying terrorist organizations like the Kurds and the PKK etc etc....

Using propoganda (terror and fear), to restart an arms race, put missiles up for defense against an anemy that does not exist, expand their alliances (NATO) aggressively etc...

If this doesnt look like Nazi germany to you BEFORE WW2... In fact, MUCH WORSE, you didnt study WW2 enough.

06-19-2007, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by st184

Your an idiot.

I think from your intelligent come back, we know who the idiot is?

Don't forget. Hitler was Time Magazines' Man of the year twice.

Plus there was a huge Nazi movement in California in the 30's w/ people demanding we follow Hitler's examples of industrialization.

It personally doesn't surprise me. The Bush family is full of oppertunists. They saw a powerful movement going on in Europe, and tried to pick the side they thought would win. Wouldn't be the first time corporations have gambled against their home country.

06-19-2007, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Toma

A US president has basically uncheked power as we have found. Power to wage war without congress, UN, international law. Power to veto funding cuts to teh military, funding restraint on Iraq etc...

He is a dictator in that he is LESS popular by miles then Hitler was, and under his direction, the US basically does what it wants to whom it wants... bombs, assassinations, supplying terrorist organizations like the Kurds and the PKK etc etc....

Using propoganda (terror and fear), to restart an arms race, put missiles up for defense against an anemy that does not exist, expand their alliances (NATO) aggressively etc...

If this doesnt look like Nazi germany to you BEFORE WW2... In fact, MUCH WORSE, you didnt study WW2 enough.

Actually congress approved the war in Iraq, that's why it went to the UN and Bush actually used a loophole to get passed the UN. It's not that they didn't approve of it, it's that Bush found a clever passing in Chapter VI 1/2 of the UN's policy on Iraq. Basically what it said after Desert Strom was "if Iraq fails to disarm within a reasonable amount of time then war will be declaired" The Bush administration took advantage of this (again, with congress behind them) to say that 10 years was more than reasonable and that since Iraq could not prove they disarmed then they had to go to war.

The UN's response was to send in weapons inspectors and of course there was the whole issue with Iraq saying "you can't inspect here right now" which lead the inspectors to an ambiguous answer: "we can't see any weapons, but there is no solid evidence that they've completely disarmed" So with that the Bush administration (with congress) wants to go to war. UN doesn't think war is the answer and generally doesn't like it, but the Bush administration had the backing of Tony Blair and since the UK also holds a permanent seat on the Security Council he was able to use his veto power to overrule the "hold off on war" decision of the UN and hence Bush was able to go to war without technically breaking any laws.

In the beginning of Nazi Germany the Nazi party was rebuilding after WWI and did a very good job. They did not build based on fear, the Nazi party was well-respected and well-liked. The Nazi's did build their propoganda on hatred and blame for the fall of Germany, but then again can you tell me what war-mongering state in all of history has not started with hate or fear of another party? Honestly if that's all you've got to compare Bush to the Nazi's then I have a whole lot more to compare the former Liberal government to Nazi's that would make it seem like we were starting WWII all over again with us as the Nazi's.

And if you think enemies to western civilization don't exist then you are quite retarded. Every state has an enemy, there are many states (a lot in the middle east) that would love to see our civilization fall. As seen from the 9/11 attacks that even a small cell from one of these states can do tremendous damage to our society, so yes, better defense is necessary in various forms. I personally don't mind increased screening at the airports because I really don't want to be on the next hi-jacked plane going to my death, do you?

Well Toma, once again you have spouted off general CBC bullshit with no studying, next time you tell me to do my homework, please come back with better answers than what the pot-smoking hippie burning a flag told you.

06-19-2007, 02:04 PM
See, you didnt read what I wrote, and NOTHING I wrote is inaccurate.....

You just mearly justified it with excuses, and "loopholes"..... just like the propogandists of Nazi germany.... see my signature ;)

06-19-2007, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Toma
See, you didnt read what I wrote, and NOTHING I wrote is inaccurate.....

You just mearly justified it with excuses, and "loopholes"..... just like the propogandists of Nazi germany.... see my signature ;)

I did read what you wrote and saying he went to war without approval of congress is WRONG. Saying he went to war breaking international law is WRONG.

And please find me one government that does not take advantage of loopholes...

06-19-2007, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve

I did read what you wrote and saying he went to war without approval of congress is WRONG. Saying he went to war breaking international law is WRONG.

And please find me one government that does not take advantage of loopholes...

I can't find any example where a country invaded another using loop holes? Sure it can be said loop holes have been used in commerce and trade, but to invade and kill others? It's hasn't happened since Nazi Germany invaded czechoslovakia, and then with Russia to invade Poland.

Regarding International Law. This current Bush administration used resolution 678 which was written for the US in 1990 to invade Iraq the first time. Since it was related to resolution 660 which demanded Iraq leave Kuwait, and since Iraq never fully retreated. The US argued that they should be allowed to invade as a result of resolution 660 not being completed.

This began the seed of attempts for the US to manipulate the UN.


06-19-2007, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

That's the stupidest thing I've read all week. Come back and post this shit when you start to see indoctrination camps, death squads or concentration camps.

I'm pretty sure the Canadian Gov't has many of the same tasks that the Nazi' gov't faced. Normal stuff like how to process paper, or street cleaning, or building infrastructure. Does that make the Harper the equivalent of Hitler? Not fucking likely.

I'm also 100% certain el_fefes that if we go back into your family history, we'll find some nasty shit in there too along the way. Should we hold you accountable for it? Might as well throw reason to the wind and start living by the Old Testament. Sins of the father and all that crap. Reinstate public stonings, cover our women, destroy any equality and fire up the old slavery machine.

It's all on the same level as the verbal diarrhea that you're posting.

I'm pretty sure you didn't even read my post where I said: "we shouldn't judge people for their families' past actions"...(Did you even watch the video?) I'm not comparing Bush's gov't based on the fact that they are white supremacists or racists, or running death camps, I'm comparing them based on the fact that that they launched based on the guess that Iraq might have had WMD's and because his gov't institued the Patriot Act which undermines parts of the American constitution.

Remember that a similar act was also passed by a freely elected German Congress after a terrorist act (Reichstag Fire Decree). This was definitely a harsher piece of legislation but one can see the parallels.

Originally posted by retro-steve
And please find me one government that does not take advantage of loopholes...

So just because everyone does it does that mean it's right?

Hopefully the US has strong enough institutions to prevent it from heading towards a more dictatorial form of government.

06-19-2007, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by st184

Your an idiot.

Thanks for the insightful response. :thumbsup: Come back and post when you have something to contribute. Also some spelling classes wouldn't hurt.

06-19-2007, 04:00 PM
No to mention the whole weapons arguemeny the US used was fraudulent. BOTH heads o fhte UN weapons inspection teams said there were NO WMD's, and that Iraq was a LONG WAY from being able to develop them.

Then, when Iraq finally caught some of the teams spying FOR the US did they give them the final "get the fuck out", and Bush invaded...

Bush is going to join his grand daddy in war criminal Hell.... :thumbsup:

06-19-2007, 04:12 PM
Someone close this thread before the insurgents decide to try to shoot someone.

06-19-2007, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve

I did read what you wrote and saying he went to war without approval of congress is WRONG. Saying he went to war breaking international law is WRONG.

And please find me one government that does not take advantage of loopholes...

Saying that he went to war and did not breach/break and violate International law is wrong.

06-19-2007, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Toma

People that say...oh the past is the past.... hmmm... so how far back do we forgive war criminals? Murderers?

I agree if you are talking about the actual criminal... not thier extended family or future generations of family.. cmon now.

06-19-2007, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by ZEDGE

I agree if you are talking about the actual criminal... not thier extended family or future generations of family.. cmon now.
Well, they send you to jail for "living off the avails of prostitution"...

lol... so Bush is living off Nazi money ;)

06-20-2007, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by dericer

I think from your intelligent come back, we know who the idiot is?

Don't forget. Hitler was Time Magazines' Man of the year twice.

Plus there was a huge Nazi movement in California in the 30's w/ people demanding we follow Hitler's examples of industrialization.

It personally doesn't surprise me. The Bush family is full of oppertunists. They saw a powerful movement going on in Europe, and tried to pick the side they thought would win. Wouldn't be the first time corporations have gambled against their home country.
Sorry I didn't know this was a intelligent thread. Ill make sure I bring my brain next time so I can argue your brilliance.

06-20-2007, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by st184

Your an idiot.

Originally posted by st184

Sorry I didn't know this was a intelligent thread. Ill make sure I bring my brain next time so I can argue your brilliance.


EK 2.0
06-20-2007, 07:40 AM
Why does that "researcher" look like Ben Stiller??

06-20-2007, 06:44 PM
You're all idiots.. ;)

06-21-2007, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Well, they send you to jail for "living off the avails of prostitution"...

lol... so Bush is living off Nazi money ;)

Wow.. just, wow.

Why don't we just skip to the end of this story and either put everyone in jail, or kill off everyone. If we're going to start holding people responsible for the actions of their fathers, or grandfathers, or great grandfathers, then we're all screwed.

06-21-2007, 09:05 AM
we already are and as a country are spending billions a year because of it.

06-21-2007, 09:07 AM
Yeah, I know. It's a good reason for emigrating to someplace tropical.. with rum.

06-21-2007, 03:13 PM
History continues to repeat itself...people continue to be blind to it...as if it can't happen to them!

06-21-2007, 03:27 PM
It's sad how many people feel they are powerless. When infact if we organize we can demand change.