View Full Version : PayPal Negative feedback

06-25-2007, 12:23 PM
So I bought an item for $700 on ebay 12 weeks ago, to find out the item was not in stock, at first the seller said it would be 4 weeks then 8 weeks then 10 weeks.. etc

So the time was coming, he offered a $100 discount on the item for letting us wait, after 12 weeks, still no item, and he was only getting back to me after 2-3 e-mails..

Long story short, I finally got a refund with a $20 paypal fee, and I left negative feedback for bad communication, delays.. etc...

He now has left negative feedback for me, which I don't deserve..I was trying to be nice to give him time to send it, I got the refund and bought the item from another seller

My question is, can I call paypal and make my negative feedback leave, he had no reason in leaving negative feedback, and honestly whats the point of the feedback program if you leave negative feedback, and then you get it left for yourself

06-25-2007, 12:24 PM
Push the reply button i think and reply on it.

06-25-2007, 12:48 PM
This same situation happened to me a few weeks ago. I had a negative experience where the seller shipped my item to the wrong city, and it took weeks to get it all straightened out. I left negative feedback, and in turn, so did he, saying I was an "impatient buyer". We ended up doing a mutual withdraw, so that my feedback rating remained intact. Unfortunately, this seems to be the only thing you can do in this situation.

I can't believe how unprofessional some of these sellers are, and how they would have the balls to leave a negative feedback on a buyer. When I get shit off eBay, I pray it arrives 100% correct, and within a reasonable time frame, it's a love hate with the eBay disease.

Try a mutual withdrawn, I think that's the quickest way to get this resolved.

Good luck.

06-25-2007, 01:13 PM
Im honestly not to worried with a negative feedback, I had e-mailed ebay with my story...

I am going to wait for a reply and see what they have to say

06-25-2007, 02:20 PM
they wont do anything, it's retaliatory feedback, unfortunately they do not have nay way to prevent sellers from doing this and ebay will not remove it. the only way to avoid it is wait until the last possible day to leave feedback (i think you have 90 days after the auction's end) and hope he doesn't catch it in time to leave you negative.

the only other option is to do the mutual withdrawal.. which is stupid too... for sellers with 30000+ positives, one negative means nothing, but for occasional buyers with only 20 transactions, a negative hits harder, so the seller has the advantage every time.

06-26-2007, 05:11 PM
Email ebay and explain the situation to them. Tell them that you don't deserve a negative feedback and what's the point of leaving feedbacks then?

06-26-2007, 05:30 PM
same thing happened to me over a year ago.. they sent me fake shoes, guaranteeing they were real.. she also offered to give my money back in case i had a problem with them. So i sent them back, and she left me negative feedback saying i was a terrible buyer, blah blah blah.. Like what the fuck gives, she had after that another 10-12 negative feedback scores and then shut down. Now im left with a scar on my otherwise perfect account.

I was told i cannot do anything about it which sucks

I hope you can work something out Kobe!