View Full Version : "female driver/driven"

06-19-2003, 02:11 AM
I dont know if you can actually use this saying anymore, ive seen PLENTY (i mean PLENTY) of female drivers bag on their car FAR harder then some men... mind you nobody bags on their car like i bag on my integra ;) but im just saying, ive seen some really lousy female drivers (as well as MANY MANY horrible male drivers... myself included lol)

06-19-2003, 07:03 AM
Well, there are many more bad female drivers than good, which is a damn shame. But, it still goes both ways. Whereas woman are prone to just being ditses behind the wheel, men are prone to being downright dicks behind the wheel. Ok, don't mean to rag on the male pop. or nuthin, but I find they show the least amount of respect on the roads for anyone but themselves. Especially to fellow racers.

But as it comes to being dangerous on the roads, there is something far worse than women drivers... and that's old chinese drivers.

06-19-2003, 09:40 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-19-2003, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by mad_psyentist
But as it comes to being dangerous on the roads, there is something far worse than women drivers... and that's old chinese drivers.

Almost nothing is worse then an older (45+) Asian driver

06-19-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Roadrage

Almost nothing is worse then an older (45+) Asian driver

wrong, old asian FEMALE driver :rofl:

just kidding!!!!


06-19-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

wrong, old asian FEMALE driver :rofl:

just kidding!!!!


I agree completely!

06-19-2003, 12:39 PM
Haha, thats soo true.. My sister is a bad driver, andjust doesn't give a shit about her car, which lots of females do as well, they just let them rott... My sister leaves her car for months before she washes it, has been in 2 accidents, knocked over a street sign and didn't tell anyone... and now she wonders why I am getting the car later this summer... and what I will never get, is why her insurance is only 1800 a year for full coverage, and she is 19. Damn sexist insurance companies.

06-19-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

wrong, old asian FEMALE driver :rofl:

just kidding!!!!


definetly doesnt get any worse than that... :rofl:

06-19-2003, 12:53 PM
True true. Guys have it tough when it comes to insurance, even if you don't have a blemish on your record. Yet Jane BadDriver who's been in her share of accidents/ run over street signs/whatever gets a rate at probably 1/3 what a male driver in her same classification would get, seeing as how a guy in that classification would be in the 3K/yr rate department. Wonder if there's a statistic on which drivers cause the most accidents. Male vs. Female. That would be interesting to see.

06-19-2003, 01:52 PM
Wonder if there's a statistic on which drivers cause the most accidents. Male vs. Female. That would be interesting to see.

That would be really interesting to see. Because the way i think it is, is that the women cause the accidents, and the guys crash as a result of the women most of the time.

06-19-2003, 05:06 PM
I'm sure insurance companies have the data to back them up and prove that male drivers are more prone to get tickets and get into accidents. Unfortunately they'll never show it to you because the stats are from the 60's and 70's.

06-19-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

wrong, old asian FEMALE driver :rofl:

just kidding!!!!


Hey!! My mom's good driver, better than most 1/2 her age. In fact she doesn't even drive what any women her age drives. Mom's 52 and drives a 2001 Prelude SE MANUAL, not auto.

06-20-2003, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by Ferio_vti

Hey!! My mom's good driver, better than most 1/2 her age. In fact she doesn't even drive what any women her age drives. Mom's 52 and drives a 2001 Prelude SE MANUAL, not auto.

True true. Your mom can drive circles around most her age (That and her car alone will drive cirles around anyone. heh heh.

06-20-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Roadrage
I'm sure insurance companies have the data to back them up and prove that male drivers are more prone to get tickets and get into accidents. Unfortunately they'll never show it to you because the stats are from the 60's and 70's.

also naturally there are more male drivers on todays roads then female drivers, and do to sheer amount of #'s of course we get in a few more accidents.

Thats like saying if you have 2 female drivers in a race and 10 male drivers in a race, all with same car the odds say the males will win just because of numbers against the females.

Same goes with crashes. More male drivers = more accidents...

besides we only get into accidnets with trees, signs, parked cars etc etc by avoidin FEMALE drivers and THEIR horrible habbits :angel: *hides again*

well its just like today i was goin down a road at 60 and a bitch in a mini van pulls out infront of me im like "okay i can go around her" so im about to swerve and she turns on her signal. so i decided to stay in the lane im currently in and she has her signal on for about 20 seconds before going in to the other lane let alone she pulled out on a 60 road going 10 and drove 20ish until she switched lanes... i had to slam on my brakes and it rained this morning so the raod was wet and i nearly slid into her rear end... and low and behold it woulda been MY fault. WHAT THE HELL!

*shakes head* so many lowsy drivers...

06-20-2003, 08:44 PM
When doods say, lady driven you know the rims are banged up. This is what I've seen from experience.

CRX crazy
06-20-2003, 11:17 PM
not ALL women are bad drivers, theres some like me :angel: who actualy know about cars, know how to fix them, and the best one know how to drive them. now i'm not trying to stand up for girls cause i'll admit like 98% of the female population should have their licenses taken away then left on the deerfoot to play, but you just have to remember there are a couple of us that do know what were doing, and don't worry guys when you buy a sport compact now days even being a girl they jack your insurance up. not to the point of your guys' of course but we still do pay more for wanting to be able to drive a car that actualy isn't a sunfire.

my 2 cents

06-21-2003, 01:21 AM
wow and us guys are so lucky that we get to pay more insurance too!

06-22-2003, 12:33 AM
Hmm.. is it me or does anyone notice how women never seem to check under the hood, tire pressures, or any everyday things???

OLD ASIAN WOMEN :thumbsdow, for car maintenance, my mom's old car drove for 3 months with minimal brake pads and a warped rotor.... brake job costed $1000+... No tranny fluid for all of winter, transmission and torque converter $1200... driving with dangeroulsy low coolant, new head job $1000.... all this on a car that's worth less than $2000.

That and she believes a car should be washed once an oil change... that being usually 3+ months for her car... :barf:

On a side note, anyone know how to remove tree sap that's been tarred onto the car that's at least a month old? My mom keeps saying some of this shit wont come off her car...

Me after seeing my mom's treatment of cars = never trust a women's car... esp. old asian women. :nut:

06-22-2003, 12:44 AM
Maybe when old asian women get their liscences renewed there should be a mandatory big bright pilon that goes on top of the car to warn other motorists to "STAY AWAY! +45 Asian Woman Driving!" haha j/k:rofl:

06-22-2003, 12:48 AM
Well, with the newer car my mom has begin clueing in that regular maintenance does cut down on repair bills... :thumbsup:

06-22-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by Roadrage

Almost nothing is worse then an older (45+) Asian driver

That's the result of people paying for their license, and not take the actual course/test like most people.

A lot of asian owned places will pass you without actually taking you for a road test - a lot of the older asian people can't even read/speak, they would lucky if they could pass the written test - all they need to do is fork over the bills and get a instant drivers license...

06-22-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by RiceCake
On a side note, anyone know how to remove tree sap that's been tarred onto the car that's at least a month old? My mom keeps saying some of this shit wont come off her car...

Try a good bug remover and then use this stuff: