View Full Version : Anybody on here good with electronics (electronics engineers? please?

06-29-2007, 07:11 PM
I am hoping somebody on here can help me, I am building a high voltage power supply, and am running into a couple of difficulties.

I am already well aware of all of the safety concerns, and when operating it am being very safe and careful.

I had my 'old' system, which used a relay, a condensor and an ignition coil, basically I ran the NC contacts of the relay in series with the coil of the relay, and the ignition coil in paralell with the relay coil, and I was told to put the condensor across the contacts to keep them from arcing shut.

Well, needless to say that didn't work for too long, it was cool for a while and when I say that I mean it produced very powerful sparks (big fat purple ones about 2" long). The problem is it was also very loud, and relied on a mechanical oscillator with a very finite lifespan.

I read up on a couple of other circuits, and I decided for the new power supply to use flyback transformers. I did this for a couple of reasons. I am trying to build a couple of different circuits, and I do not have either one working yet.



Those are the 2 circuits I am trying to build, I have ordered exactly what is listed on each page.

Using the second one (the 555 timer based circuit), I am able to flash an LED from the output of the transistor, but when I connect the flyback (or the ignition coil for that matter) I get nothing, except the LED is slightly dimmer, and the transistor gets VERY hot quickly (roasted one in about 10 seconds). Current draw is ~5A from a 12V battery when connected like this.

I have metered out the pins on my flybacks, and I have found 3 sets of independant windings to use as primaries, and I have tried all 3 sets seperately. Nothing seems to work. I changed out the capacitor so that it pulsed at ~2000Hz (thinking ~27KHz is too high for the ignition coil) and tried it on the ignition coil, it fails to drive that as well, even over very short spark gaps.

Next I replaced the relay in my old circuit and used it to drive the flyback, that works perfectly, but just like the old one, is very loud and still will fail in a short time.

Now, for the first circuit, I tried a couple of configurations and I was able to get it to 'whine', if by that they mean sound like a bomb falling to earth....
It took 3 attempts to get any noise from it at all, so I suspect that my setup is correct, but I am stumped on what is going wrong. I get get the odd tiny little spark (5mm tops and very faint) from it, but my transistor over-heats in about 3 seconds, so I need to put a heat sink on it before I test too much more for that circuit.

I am using Sony transformers, part #'s on it are:
FBT ASSY (NX-4103//J1E4

Underneath that sticker, they have covered over one that says:

7J23 J6

The # is a number that I can't read because it's too garbled.

Any information anybody can give me about my setup, pinouts of the transformers, anything would be most helpful, I have spent a lot of time on this already and am getting pretty frustrated with it.