View Full Version : What the hell is with this huge earlobe piercing trend...

07-10-2007, 04:47 PM
It's the one single most annoying piercing to me, and I don't get why these crunchy hippies are doing it to themselves.

Sure there are African tribes where it's customary, but what fucking statement are these pampered little middle class pussies trying to make when they get it done? Are they sending a political message? Something like "Hey you know those people suffering in Africa? Yeah, I know what that's like and I, like, totally epathize cause this one time I once saw the last 20 minutes of a documentary on it on PBS... totally changed my world view"??

Will someone please enlighten me on why these god damn emo hippies are taking faggotry to the next level?

07-10-2007, 04:49 PM
these are the ones where they stretch their ears out right?

*shivers* sooo grosse, soo painful looking, soo ugly. i could never do that to my ears.

07-10-2007, 04:49 PM
wow... there's still a middle class?

07-10-2007, 04:52 PM
My pet peeve is big earlobes. If I see a hot chick with big earlobes I :barf: People are making their lobes bigger on purpose? It looks stupid, but if people want to look stupid, then who am I to say, "Don't do that, it looks stupid." Because obviously that is what they want.

07-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by l/l/rX
these are the ones where they stretch their ears out right?


Here's an example, and by no means the worst... It's really disgusting shit though. I wish we could throw them in prison for a night, you know... to really help them speed up the enlarging process of that ear lobe.

07-10-2007, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
"Hey you know those people suffering in Africa? Yeah, I know what that's like and I, like, totally epathize cause this one time I once saw the last 20 minutes of a documentary on it on PBS... totally changed my world view"??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I can totally imagine some emo kid saying that. Missing the "m" in empathize while they talk and everything. Hahahaha Oh god that was gold!

07-10-2007, 05:11 PM
It is really gross :barf: :barf:

A girl in my english class had one, and she let me put my pinky through it. :barf: :barf: :barf:

07-10-2007, 05:17 PM
Yea I think they call them spacers or some shit like that. I am a pretty liberal person, and usually don't mind any of the body modifications (eyebrow, lips etc etc). But this one by FAR is the most disgusting thing ever.

I don't know, just the look of it makes me cringe. I mean what people do their bodies is none of my business, but bloody hell, this just looks so wrong. I was watching this show about Street Bikes on the channel 'Speed', this guy on it, had the biggest spacers I have EVER seen. Like you could literally stick three fingers through it, it looked horrible.

Like this big....http://www.arka-shop.co.uk/acatalog/tunnels.jpg

07-10-2007, 05:21 PM
Yah wait till you see them out

fukin GRoss

Theres a girl at school who has em and i call her subwoofer girl (they look like big subs when she puts her ipod headphones in them)

haha but still kinda funny cuz now she can sling skittles from them haha earshots FTW (EWW NOT RLLY) :barf: :barf: :barf:

07-10-2007, 05:29 PM
:dunno: Unless they're huge I think they're pretty cool. I want to do it, but when you take them out they heal "wrinkly"...

07-10-2007, 05:38 PM
seriously if someone wants to do it to themselves then why the hell are you all so uptite about it... their body their choice. you dont like it dont fixate on it and move along

07-10-2007, 05:39 PM
Question: Has anyone ever seen a 45 year old guy who got some tattoo on his forearm when he was 18 and said "Wow! Awesome tattoo!". All that stuff is fad, so you should pick something non-permanent if you're going to go down that road in my opinion.

07-10-2007, 05:47 PM
I really dont care if some dirty fat dude has his ears stretched out.

What gets me is when otherwise normal looking people or even very attractive young women stretch out their ears. You can wear clothes that cover up yours tatoos and you can take out regular piercings but you can do anything to hide that huge hole and drooping earlobe.


07-10-2007, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by bspot
Question: Has anyone ever seen a 45 year old guy who got some tattoo on his forearm when he was 18 and said "Wow! Awesome tattoo!". All that stuff is fad, so you should pick something non-permanent if you're going to go down that road in my opinion.

...if you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between what you like and what's popular.

More amusing (to me anyway) is that 95% of the time, the people saying "Oh you'll regret it..." have don't have any actual experience on the subject...

You show me a 50 year old with a tattoo they regret, and I'll show you a man with a story that starts with "Well, we were all drunk and decided it would be cool to..."

As the old addage goes: People get the tattoos they deserve.

With regards to my ears (which are only ~0ga): I'll give you the same bit of advice I give to people who either don't like my tattoos, or are so concerned with my future mental satisfaction that they feel qualified to tell me what I'm going to regret when I'm old:
If you don't like 'em, I suggest you don't get matching ones, and mind fucking business.

I'm always facinated with how people feel compelled and justified in lecturing others as to what they will or will not regret, what they do or do not like, and what they should do with their own bodies.
A tattoo/piercing is not a sign intended to say "Please give me your opinions on my personal choices and lecture me on the future ramifications of my actions".


GTS Jeff
07-10-2007, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by KoukiS14
Why is it any of your business?

Originally posted by KoukiS14
Why is it any of your business?

Originally posted by KoukiS14
Why is it any of your business?

07-10-2007, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS

...if you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between what you like and what's popular.

More amusing (to me anyway) is that 95% of the time, the people saying "Oh you'll regret it..." have don't have any actual experience on the subject...

You show me a 50 year old with a tattoo they regret, and I'll show you a man with a story that starts with "Well, we were all drunk and decided it would be cool to..."

As the old addage goes: People get the tattoos they deserve.

With regards to my ears (which are only ~0ga): I'll give you the same bit of advice I give to people who either don't like my tattoos, or are so concerned with my future mental satisfaction that they feel qualified to tell me what I'm going to regret when I'm old:
If you don't like 'em, I suggest you don't get matching ones, and mind fucking business.

I'm always facinated with how people feel compelled and justified in lecturing others as to what they will or will not regret, what they do or do not like, and what they should do with their own bodies.
A tattoo/piercing is not a sign intended to say "Please give me your opinions on my personal choices and lecture me on the future ramifications of my actions".


I can't agree with you more. Me not liking such piercings is my own personal choice and the satements made in regards to the subject my personal opinions.

While everyone has their own biases, opinions, likes, dislikes, it doesn't give them the right to tell other people what they should do. I for example, am in no way qualified or even capable for that matter to lecture other people on what they do or not do to their bodies. And as a matter of fact I never have and never will.

07-10-2007, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by tsi_neal
seriously if someone wants to do it to themselves then why the hell are you all so uptite about it... their body their choice. you dont like it dont fixate on it and move along

Seriously, if someone wants to make fun of it, then why the hell are you so up tight about it? Their thread, their choice. If you don't like it, then don't fixate on it and move along.

07-10-2007, 06:33 PM
Do you have a barbed wire around your bicep and your wife has a tramp stamp on her back?

Tattoo removal is a booming business these days.

Originally posted by TKRIS

...if you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between what you like and what's popular.

More amusing (to me anyway) is that 95% of the time, the people saying "Oh you'll regret it..." have don't have any actual experience on the subject...

You show me a 50 year old with a tattoo they regret, and I'll show you a man with a story that starts with "Well, we were all drunk and decided it would be cool to..."

As the old addage goes: People get the tattoos they deserve.

With regards to my ears (which are only ~0ga): I'll give you the same bit of advice I give to people who either don't like my tattoos, or are so concerned with my future mental satisfaction that they feel qualified to tell me what I'm going to regret when I'm old:
If you don't like 'em, I suggest you don't get matching ones, and mind fucking business.

I'm always facinated with how people feel compelled and justified in lecturing others as to what they will or will not regret, what they do or do not like, and what they should do with their own bodies.
A tattoo/piercing is not a sign intended to say "Please give me your opinions on my personal choices and lecture me on the future ramifications of my actions".


07-10-2007, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
Do you have a barbed wire around your bicep and your wife has a tramp stamp on her back?

Tattoo removal is a booming business these days.

You missed the point.

I wasn't so much calling out anyone in this thread as I was commenting on the typical social interactions people with tattoos and piercing are forced into on a daily basis.

If I did have a shitty barbwire tattoo on my arm, it would:
a) Be my own fault
and b) Still not be any of your business.

Do you just randomly tell strangers you've just met that their shoes are ugly?
If it's not acceptable behavior to comment on something like that, being completely temporary and easily changed, why would it be socially acceptable to comment on something 1000x more permanent and personal?

While I agree that this type of moronic, self-important, uneducated lecturing is to be expected when one makes the choice to get a visible tattoo/piercing: that doesn't make it right.
While this crap is something a perspective tattoo-ee needs to consider, it shouldn't be.

07-10-2007, 07:14 PM
TKRIS, I can always count on you to turn something into a debate :D

Sure, people are entitled to do what they want to their own bodies... and others are equally entitled bash those decisions, but no one has answered the golden question: What is compelling these people to stetch their lobes out? Fashion statement? Counter-culture? Politics?

Anyone here have spacers in their ears care to share? I'm actually really curious, and that's why I started this thread.


... :(

07-10-2007, 07:24 PM
Surely you're not implying that I'm argumentative?*shocked*

I got my ear pierced at 14ga. I didn't like the captive ball hoop and wanted to put a plug in. I don't like the look of small plugs (~14-6ga) so I eventually ended up at 2ga, which was big enough to look good to me, but not huge enough to draw a lot of attention. I had my other ear pierced at 6ga (that's a mighty big needle) and worked it up to 2ga. then I went to 0ga so that I could wear the silicone plugs I wanted. In short, fo me it was just a natural progression of going a bit bigger and a bit bigger until I got the look I wanted.
I've got some nice polished 00ga stones that I'm comtemplating putting in, but haven't made up my mind yet. The bigger you get, the more it hurts to gauge up, and these silicone plugs are super comfortable.

That help?

07-10-2007, 07:40 PM
I have 00ga in 1 ear and I had a 00ga in the other ear, till it fell out a could years ago and grew over.

I didn't do this to feel like im from Africa or I didn't do it to follow any fads I did it because I wanted to. I got them done about 5 years ago, when dermal punching(google it) and large needles were not as easily found as they are today.

I had both my ears pierced at a hair salon with a gun, and wore studs till they healed, than I proceeded to stretch them. I didn't do it for any particular reason, I just liked the way they looked, and I wanted them. I have since lots the one in my right ear and it healed over fine, you don't notice there is a tiny scar unless I point it out.

And for all the people that ask, yes at the time it did hurt to stretch my ears, but after they heal it feels just like any other piercing.

I also do have tattoos and I do have one on my forearm, you know when i am 50 I will probably regret it, but why would you want to live your life not doing anything you want because you might regret it one day?

07-10-2007, 07:54 PM
had my industrial done with a 14 ga, gotta say, it hurt like a mofo

the result:

but I mean, I'm not a fan of stretching the lobe, I think it's nasty personally, but on the right person it looks wonderful, and to each their own... what annoys me is the piercing in the middle of the face, like right below the nose and to the left, I think it's called a Monroe.. that's just.. ugh, weak.

07-10-2007, 08:06 PM
yeah..next thing that we will be into...lip plates! Won't we be attractive when we are 80!

stevo 27
07-10-2007, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS

...if you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between what you like and what's popular.

More amusing (to me anyway) is that 95% of the time, the people saying "Oh you'll regret it..." have don't have any actual experience on the subject...

You show me a 50 year old with a tattoo they regret, and I'll show you a man with a story that starts with "Well, we were all drunk and decided it would be cool to..."

As the old addage goes: People get the tattoos they deserve.

With regards to my ears (which are only ~0ga): I'll give you the same bit of advice I give to people who either don't like my tattoos, or are so concerned with my future mental satisfaction that they feel qualified to tell me what I'm going to regret when I'm old:
If you don't like 'em, I suggest you don't get matching ones, and mind fucking business.

I'm always facinated with how people feel compelled and justified in lecturing others as to what they will or will not regret, what they do or do not like, and what they should do with their own bodies.
A tattoo/piercing is not a sign intended to say "Please give me your opinions on my personal choices and lecture me on the future ramifications of my actions".


dude your gonna regret them holes in your ears when your older ;)

07-10-2007, 08:45 PM
I think its pretty obvious that family guy is to blame, now i finally understand the whole ear-sex episode :rofl:

07-10-2007, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by stevo 27

dude your gonna regret them holes in your ears when your older ;)

You do realize they fill in right?

I think its just a one of many styles out there. doesnt have much to do with african tribes, but has everything to do with people who like body modification. some people actually like it, no need to rag on them or be judgmental.

07-10-2007, 10:38 PM
i got them in 5/8th " and 4g conch. I did it cause I like it. I dont care what there going to look like in 50 years.

and no they dont "fill in" uness smaller then 0g

07-10-2007, 10:40 PM
Is ear sex possible?

The world is weird today.

I searched urbandictionary but couldnt find a term for that.

Originally posted by lil*tymer

You do realize they fill in right?

I think its just a one of many styles out there. doesnt have much to do with african tribes, but has everything to do with people who like body modification. some people actually like it, no need to rag on them or be judgmental.

07-10-2007, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
Is ear sex possible?

The world is weird today.

I searched urbandictionary but couldnt find a term for that.

That bloke was talking about an episode of Family Guy where all the student's at Meg's school vow to sexual abstinence and start having sex in the ear.

Other then that I don't think it's possible to have ear sex.

07-11-2007, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS

...if you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between what you like and what's popular.

More amusing (to me anyway) is that 95% of the time, the people saying "Oh you'll regret it..." have don't have any actual experience on the subject...

You show me a 50 year old with a tattoo they regret, and I'll show you a man with a story that starts with "Well, we were all drunk and decided it would be cool to..."

As the old addage goes: People get the tattoos they deserve.

With regards to my ears (which are only ~0ga): I'll give you the same bit of advice I give to people who either don't like my tattoos, or are so concerned with my future mental satisfaction that they feel qualified to tell me what I'm going to regret when I'm old:
If you don't like 'em, I suggest you don't get matching ones, and mind fucking business.

I'm always facinated with how people feel compelled and justified in lecturing others as to what they will or will not regret, what they do or do not like, and what they should do with their own bodies.
A tattoo/piercing is not a sign intended to say "Please give me your opinions on my personal choices and lecture me on the future ramifications of my actions".


I'm quite good at telling the difference between what I like and what's popular. I've seen many a person with what I deem to be a retarded tattoo or an ugly piercing. I bite my tongue. Telling someone their shirt sucks is one thing, telling them their face is ugly or their tattoo sucks, two things they are stuck with, isn't something I'd do.

My question about the 50 year old was more wondering if people just accept that what they are doing is more for the hear and now, or if they actually think it's something they'll be glad they have at the moment when they are 50. Not necessarily a regret, but do people see it as a tradeoff?

07-11-2007, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Kritafo
yeah..next thing that we will be into...lip plates! Won't we be attractive when we are 80!

It doesn't matter what you do or don't do, you're gonna look like shit when your 80. Wanna know why? CAUSE YOU'RE 80 - YOU'RE F'IN OLD!!!!!

07-11-2007, 09:53 AM
im personally not a big fan of stretching the lobe but i like piercings that not a lot of people have, hence why i have this piercing

(reppin the eibachs ;) look closely)

i did it cuz not everyone has it... and i liked the look. and i have a tattoo now jus below it...
you dont do it now thinking what if i regret this, you do it now because it means somethign to you

07-11-2007, 09:54 AM
I choose to live in the now. I will deal with shit when I'm old. Shit I may not make it past tomorrow. I wanted it done for a while. I had regular piercings in both ears for a good 10 years or more. A couple years ago I chose to punch my ears to 0 gage right from regular piercings. No stretching.

It really is not that big of a deal. Just like everything else..."To Each Their Own."

I'm sure there are things that Super Geo does, or looks like, or drives, or bangs, that I wouldn't in a million years. That is him. He lives his life and I'm sure he loves it.

The size of my earings or any other piercing I have does not change who I am. I might think you are fucking ugly as all hell. I'm not going to call you out for it though.

I love tottoos. Tattoos on necks erk me, but it is just something people do.

People do shit, deal with it.

07-11-2007, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by GOnSHO
im personally not a big fan of stretching the lobe but i like piercings that not a lot of people have, hence why i have this piercing

(reppin the eibachs ;) look closely)

i did it cuz not everyone has it... and i liked the look. and i have a tattoo now jus below it...
you dont do it now thinking what if i regret this, you do it now because it means somethign to you


07-11-2007, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Kona9
I'm sure there are things that Super Geo bangs that I wouldn't in a million years.

Hey, sometimes you slay the dragon... and sometimes the dragon slays you. It's a dangerous world out there now.

And if people are doing it just to look different I can respect that. Maybe it's my luck of the draw, but I've only seen really crunchy hippies in Prince's Island Park with big wooden wheels in their ears and thought people did it to make a political statement, which I cannot respect in any way shape or form.

07-11-2007, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo


... :(

:hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:
:whocares: about the ear lobe....

07-11-2007, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by soupey


BAHAH!! yea thats what everyone says, koOll thing is ... u can feel the bar through my skin... haha!!! didnt hurt tho suprisingly...

and yes i did my piercing to be different then everyone...

07-11-2007, 01:59 PM
I'm someone who can talk about what you will and will not regret. i stretched my ears years ago to about 3/4 inch which is a preatty huge size and bigger then most people get. A few years ago i took them out and after a few years i can still barely fit a pencil through. Now that I've started my own company and deal with customers all the time i hate it and that is why I am going to get plastic surgery this winter and paying 5000$ to repair them. eventually most people will hate them, atleast that's what i think and will want to get rid of them. I also have most of my body covered in tattoos but those i can hide. I think to each his own and if you really want it then go for it. but to anyone who is thinking of getting it done, think about when you might not like it anymore and the bullshit it may cause.

07-11-2007, 02:16 PM

I can appreciate that, the stretched ears are the one single thing that I shake me head at. Everything else is fair game imo. I can't imagine ever regretting tattoos because unless it's some f'in looney-tune or a generic armband/tribal thing they usually tell a story or have a meaning behind them (I suppose tat's on your face could be a regretful thing one day).

Personally, I never even got my first one until I was 28 and I likely won't stop until I have two full sleeves and legs done from the knees down as well.

IMO, tattoo's are memories and the story of your life much the same as keeping a shoebox full of pictures.

07-11-2007, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO
im personally not a big fan of stretching the lobe but i like piercings that not a lot of people have, hence why i have this piercing

(reppin the eibachs ;) look closely)

i did it cuz not everyone has it... and i liked the look. and i have a tattoo now jus below it...
you dont do it now thinking what if i regret this, you do it now because it means somethign to you

Stuff like this makes me want to break out my "Curiously strong magnets" and dial them up a few notches with some addtional power...

I think the puck sized one would be especially humorous in this instance.... "Sir, why do you have a hockey puck stuck to the back of your head?" "Don't ask!"

07-11-2007, 02:38 PM
wouldnt work with that piercing now, as it is completely plastic bar and plastic balls :P

07-11-2007, 03:44 PM
it is disgusting! big time.

07-11-2007, 04:20 PM
Trends are for followers. Conform to the world and let others dictate what you should wear. I say, be happy and be yourself.

07-11-2007, 04:26 PM
Why do they do this...?

So they have a place to hang their key chains so they don't lose them... why the hel else would you do it?

07-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by in*10*se

:hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:
:whocares: about the ear lobe....


You don't stare at the mantle piece while poking the fire!!