View Full Version : speed on deerfoot

07-18-2007, 01:23 AM
I was doing 108 KM/h on Deerfoot North and saw the cop van taking speeding pics
I realized later speed is 80 in that area

how much should I expect for a 28 KM/h over ticket (double cause it's construction) ?

07-18-2007, 01:26 AM
i thought deerfoot was 100, what part are you talking about?

07-18-2007, 01:32 AM
night time construction heading southbound between 32ave to memorial drive they didn't post up the speed limit till half way through which is 80km/h. after the sign there's a cop standing there with his radar gun pulling people over. it's a trick because the posted limit is 80km/h but due to emergency vehicles/city workers you're suppose to drive 60km/h

07-18-2007, 01:36 AM
You're supposed to slow to 50 and change lanes anytime there's workers on the road, isn't that common sense?

07-18-2007, 01:36 AM
yeah i just saw it on the news, they are lazy pricks. Im not condoning speeding by any means but i drove through there today as well and only slowed down because i HAD seen it on the news, the sign was half ass and posted on the left side so if your in the far right your not seeing the bastard.
Boooo on CPS yet again

07-18-2007, 02:02 AM
Why do you need a sign when there's a multi-ton paver and 37,526 people milling about on the road? You can see them, can't you?

07-18-2007, 02:19 AM
I'm wondering if anyone can actually HELP ... Is there an officer around on these forums ?

"How much will it cost me for driving 28 Km/h over the posted speed limit in a construction zone ?"

07-18-2007, 03:13 AM
My guess is it should be around $170.

07-18-2007, 03:16 AM
I really appreciate your answer

i believe there was a construction zone ... so 340-400 at most

07-18-2007, 03:26 AM
i got one 45 clicks over in a non construction zone for 307 so if you can bse yours off of that then :bigpimp:

07-18-2007, 03:34 AM
thanks useless LOL

joke aside, 45 wow that was risky
thank God you weren't going 50 cause i think they'd have impounded your car

07-18-2007, 03:51 AM
All over deerfoot the speed is 80, especially closer to the North, around McKnight and what not. I just hate having to do 80 when there is no construction going on , 80 is what is posted on all the speed signs now.

07-18-2007, 03:59 AM
Ya i think 50 is a wreckless driving?

It wasnt my fault anyways i was coming back in from lethbridge and i dont even know how fast i was goin, :nut: I drive a pickup:D All i know is that i stopped accelerating at the bridge near the okotoks turnoff and coasted all the way back to calgary and eventually to my untimely demise.

And im a GDL driver so that ticket was worth half my demerits.

And besides the speeding on deerfoot, what the fuck is with that uneven pavement crap. There's like a 4-5 inch difference on all lanes.

07-18-2007, 04:06 AM
The last speeding ticket I got was 25 over and it was about $170. Since yours is double the ammount, it'd be around $340 for sure.

07-18-2007, 04:51 AM
the pavement being different 4-5 inches is very unsafe
i saw a bmw trying to change lanes fast last night and spun out

unsafe .. but funny ... not much traffic at 2 when was coming home, lucky him

should I talk to www.pointts.com / go downtown and ask for a lower priced one ? opinions ?

07-18-2007, 05:16 AM
Pointts will give you a free estimate of how much it will cost you to lower your ticket down. Honestly I'd be more worried about the demerits, I think they dock you 4 points for that many over the speed limit. I didn't go through pointts with my ticket, I just talked to the judge myself and got it lowered to $70 and 2 demerits which is the lowest they can give you nowadays for speeding.

07-18-2007, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by JordanAndrew
Pointts will give you a free estimate of how much it will cost you to lower your ticket down. Honestly I'd be more worried about the demerits, I think they dock you 4 points for that many over the speed limit. I didn't go through pointts with my ticket, I just talked to the judge myself and got it lowered to $70 and 2 demerits which is the lowest they can give you nowadays for speeding.

now these days you are not able to reduce the points...they no longer do it anymore.....however they would reduce the fine

so you are stuck with the number of points you are given.

07-18-2007, 05:54 AM
Theres no construction in Northbound Deerfoot yesterday however the speed limit is 80 from 17 Ave. SE to Mcknight... .. .
( Good News ) You don't have to worry about paying double... .. .

I didnt see any CPS van yesterday on Northbound Deerfoot only on Southbound Deerfoot just before 16 Ave together with
Rogers Media dude taking video... .. .

Akagi Redsuns
07-18-2007, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Daan
I was doing 108 KM/h on Deerfoot North and saw the cop van taking speeding pics
I realized later speed is 80 in that area

how much should I expect for a 28 KM/h over ticket (double cause it's construction) ?

The fine for 28 over is $172 per the City of Calgary webpage ( http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_775_203_0_43/http;/content.calgary.ca/CCA/City%20Transportation/Community%20Resources/Speeding/Speed%20Limits.htm ), so double that if workers are present and it's $344....ouch!

Yesterday, late in the morning I noticed the "Red Means Stop" van on Northbound Deerfoot on the right shoulder. There is no work going on and the road is even, but yet it's still 80km/hr limit which very few people where going. The road was packed, so I really don't see how they can photograph a single car in the left lane going 120km/hr without the other 2 lanes worth of traffic getting in the way?

07-18-2007, 10:48 AM
A lot of it is done being paved, and it's still 80, which is stupid cause those parts are in better shape than where the speed limit is 100.

07-18-2007, 10:53 AM
I believe the 80 zone starts where they haven't painted the center lines yet, and where they haven't evened out the pavement from offramps.

adam c
07-18-2007, 11:01 AM
from what i heard its 80 on all newly paved sections and northbound its from 17th ave (s) until after 16th (n)

07-18-2007, 11:13 AM
I don't know what you guys are talking about.. I just went down deerfoot to 32nd and although the pavement looked new, there were no construction workers, and no 80 speed signs. Regular traffic... are you guys talking night time?
On the other hand.. Beddington is a different story.

07-18-2007, 11:15 AM
beddington sucks atm, but im sure it will be worth it after the construction is done.

07-18-2007, 11:24 AM
LOL, the other day I saw those line painters on deerfoot south of 22x....5 mins later when I got home it was POURING like no tomorrow.

Speaking of the lines...they suck, the new lines are in between the old lines :nut: and all smudged and shit.

adam c
07-18-2007, 11:25 AM
beddington even with the construction is fine... country hills is a completely different story

07-18-2007, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Daan
the pavement being different 4-5 inches is very unsafe
i saw a bmw trying to change lanes fast last night and spun out

I was headed to a meet a couple of weeks ago, down at chinook, going southbound, the pavement was so high that my lowered vehicle could only stay in the one unpaved lane

07-18-2007, 12:23 PM
ohhh yea those sucks ... haha i didnt see it last nite going towards the south .. and i tell you it scared me a little aha car had a little trouble going over it bahaha:burnout:

07-18-2007, 03:45 PM
I didnt get a ticket yet, but i think i will get one from the RED MEANS STOP van parked on the right side going NORTH around 16AVE yesterday

so you're saying no workers were present, cause in that case it might change my penalty THANK GOD

still, it was my mistake

Originally posted by Akagi Redsuns

The fine for 28 over is $172 per the City of Calgary webpage ( http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_775_203_0_43/http;/content.calgary.ca/CCA/City%20Transportation/Community%20Resources/Speeding/Speed%20Limits.htm ), so double that if workers are present and it's $344....ouch!

Yesterday, late in the morning I noticed the "Red Means Stop" van on Northbound Deerfoot on the right shoulder. There is no work going on and the road is even, but yet it's still 80km/hr limit which very few people where going. The road was packed, so I really don't see how they can photograph a single car in the left lane going 120km/hr without the other 2 lanes worth of traffic getting in the way?

07-19-2007, 09:23 AM
It would help if they actually put up speed signs. All I saw was the 100km signs covered. And when everyone else is going 100 anyway, I'm not doing 80.

07-19-2007, 10:29 AM
It would be nice if they'd let people know which sections are going to be down to one lane. 'Paving on Deerfoot' signs aren't narrowing it down much more than 'Raodwork in Calgary' signs would. Last night I'm hopping on the 'foot from Glenmore to head Northbound, and as soon as I get on I see miles of cars and now I'm stuck. Why can't they warn people BEFORE they're screwed? It's not like they show up and then decide where to pave, someone knows well ahead of time where the work is happening and seems to like to keep the details a sercret from the drivers...not that I'm bitter ;)

07-19-2007, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Daan
I was doing 108 KM/h on Deerfoot North and saw the cop van taking speeding pics
I realized later speed is 80 in that area

how much should I expect for a 28 KM/h over ticket (double cause it's construction) ?

My wife got a ticket the other day for doing 84 in a 60 and her ticket was $140... If it's in a construction zone that could be doubled...

07-19-2007, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Swank
Why can't they warn people BEFORE they're screwed?

Have you tried CIRI-FM? (97.5) - oh wait that will do no good ... first of all for some reason it's only for SW Calgary and only says things like "Construction. Delay. On Glenmore Trail South. ... West, from Crowchild Trail to. ... Macleod Trail. ... Southeast New lanes are open on Glenmore Trail use. Caution in this area."

Sounds like a female Shatner reading CityBeat scripts, I tell you.

07-19-2007, 07:18 PM
if there are no workers on the road, and no "speed fines double" signs at the time of ur photo radar it isnt doubled from what i was told.... and if its photoradar then there are no demerits only if u get pulled over and flaged down... for those who didnt know that LOL

07-19-2007, 07:50 PM
Watch out on beddington, there's been a ghost car there for the last 2 days.
Ok. so here's my question

If the original speed limit is 80 (Beddington), and it's not covered, but ther is a 60 sign right by it, and construction workers on the road, is it possible to get a speeding ticket? (would you have to go 50 even though it states 80/60?
No, I didn't get a ticket (knock on wood) I'm just wondering.

07-19-2007, 07:50 PM
Your speedometer isn't 100% accurate. It's most likely indicating that you're going a bit faster than your true speed.

Ticket will likely be for an infraction less than 28 km/h.

07-19-2007, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Palmiros
Watch out on beddington, there's been a ghost car there for the last 2 days.
Ok. so here's my question

If the original speed limit is 80 (Beddington), and it's not covered, but ther is a 60 sign right by it, and construction workers on the road, is it possible to get a speeding ticket? (would you have to go 50 even though it states 80/60?
No, I didn't get a ticket (knock on wood) I'm just wondering.

If the oringal speed says it was 80 but then there is another sign after the first posted sign that says 60 km/hr, you need to do the speed of the second posted sign. Its like your going to a resdential area and we know its 50 km an hour. Now if a playground zone comes up and its 30 kms an hour, would you still do 50 km/h, no. So you should have been doing 60 km/hr.

07-20-2007, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by 88CRXGUY

If the oringal speed says it was 80 but then there is another sign after the first posted sign that says 60 km/hr, you need to do the speed of the second posted sign. Its like your going to a resdential area and we know its 50 km an hour. Now if a playground zone comes up and its 30 kms an hour, would you still do 50 km/h, no. So you should have been doing 60 km/hr.

Alright, but how about the construction zone? Would you go 50 in a 60 listed zone?

07-22-2007, 10:03 PM
I was going down deerfoot yesterday, from mcknight to glenmore... doing 80-90 in the construction zone (construction zone goes to about 17th) and man were people rude! I was in the right hand lane and people were on my bumper, pulling up next to me waving their hands and all.

For one woman I pointed at the 80kph sign and she gives me the finger. haha I was vindicated when I saw the photoradar van at memorial and I knew all these people were blowing by it :)

07-22-2007, 10:17 PM
I was over 50 in a construction, they jacked me for $700

07-22-2007, 10:21 PM
I was on Deerfoot last night when they were painting lines between 16th and Memorial. It was down to one lane and I was trying to get in to the left lane and people were being such pricks. I won't forget this stupid old man in a Cadillac that just did not make any room for me. Finally someone was nice enough to let me in. Needless to say Calgarian drivers are inconsiderate bastards.

07-22-2007, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by HybridTheory
I won't forget this stupid old man in a Cadillac that just did not make any room for me. Finally someone was nice enough to let me in.

Don't stress yourself out about it.

Why not remember the nice person who let you in and forget about the old man?