View Full Version : Wireless Network Briding vs WDS Links

07-21-2007, 09:28 PM
Hi All,

Looking for some network guru's to explain pro's and con's of linking 2 wireless routers together.
Pro's/con's of either linking them together with:
1 router as an AP and the other with client-bridge
or setting one up as AP/WDS and the other as a WDS and joining.

I am bridging via wireless.

The net result is the same.

Is 1 configurations performance greater than another? I have read that WDS cuts the wireless bandwidth in 1/2??

There are also issues with MAC cloning as PC's behind the client-bridge will all emulate the same MAC address. Will I have potential performance issues with this?

I am using 2 Linksys WRT54G routers. 1 flashed with Hyper-WRT /tofu and the other flashed with DD-WRT v23 sp2.

Thanks network gurus!