View Full Version : Help With Attracting Girls

08-09-2007, 11:05 PM
What’s up guys, I will start by saying that this is serious relationship talk. Am being honest and I know a lot of you guys can take a lesson from this so please comment only if you mean to be helpful. Thanks.

I am 22 years old and do consider myself attractive enough. A lot of girls tell me that am handsome and I am cute. Here is my problem. When I go on dates, I get very nervous and it severely affects my ability to converse and just be myself. I become very reserved and quite. It's like a quite version of me.

Take Saturday for instance, this beautiful girl asks me out. We exchanged numbers and met again on monday night on a date. Everything was going well in the first two hours. She tells me that she watches porn at times, likes sex. She was honest and a very cool girl.

But guess what happened?
After about two hours in our date, for some darn reason, I find it hard to carry out conversations; leading to awkward silent moments.
I go brain dead and find myself asking her about her ex boyfriends and her future plans. When I reminiscent about the date, I ask myself, "Who gives a fuck about her ex boyfriend?" Now I know why she hasn't called me yet.

My question to you guys is how can I improve on my ability to make myself more interesting on dates? Is this a confidence thing? I don't have such problems in my regular life; but when I am alone with a girl I like, I loose all confidence.

08-09-2007, 11:07 PM
is this an owning? :confused:

08-09-2007, 11:10 PM
maybe go out on a date with a guy and see if you are the same way after 2 hours...:nut:

08-09-2007, 11:27 PM

08-09-2007, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by eb0i
maybe go out on a date with a guy and see if you are the same way after 2 hours...:nut:

bahaha i was going to say that ....

OT ...uhmmm try pretending that ur just out with a friend .... and not some girl ur on a date with ..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-09-2007, 11:39 PM
You could try bringing her out somewhere with you and a couple friends, to a bar or something like that. If you're with people you're comfortable with it might help, and the awkward silences will be filled in.

I used to be really shy to, and fucked up a lot of chances to score. I just kept dating until I got used to fucking up, so I just didn't give a shit anymore, and found out that chicks totally dig guys that don't give a shit. :D

08-09-2007, 11:44 PM
dude all you need is the book "the game" by neil strauss.. or google/youtube the term "PUA" and that will introduce you to the community.. it'll give you a whole new look on the way women think/ act/ and react in certain situations

Originally posted by 01RedDX
Ever heard of David DeAngelo?

dude.. david deAngelo is good.. i like juggler method too.. but what i use most is mystery method...

08-09-2007, 11:46 PM
maybe you're gay

GTS Jeff
08-09-2007, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by TegLover
maybe you're gay haha this made me laugh. Such a stupid and simple response...I love it.

08-09-2007, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by beyondpinoy
dude all you need is the book "the game" by neil strauss.. or google/youtube the term "PUA" and that will introduce you to the community.. it'll give you a whole new look on the way women think/ act/ and react in certain situations

I don't know if that stuff works for everybody though.

08-09-2007, 11:57 PM
Have you called her or are you waiting for her to call you? I think you're thinking too much into it man and that's your problem. If you like her then call her, if she snuffs you then move on to the next girl. You're still young and you'll have plenty of opportunities to meet girls. Don't think too too much about what you said and what you did, just be yourself and don't worry too much about things, unless you said something totally fucked up.... Have some confidence.. girls hate guys without confidence...

Originally posted by TegLover
maybe you're gay

haha, so mean

08-10-2007, 12:05 AM
LOL! I m not a pimp myself, but I can seriously carry on a conversation for hours regardless if that person is a girl or a guy. I don't know how I do it, but I pick up small things from the conversation and have the ability to blossom it into even more sub-topics.

I don't think your problem is a confidence issue. Sounds to me like u can't expand on conversation... This is what I mean... If she brings up the topic of porn and says that she watches it... Don't just stare at her ( i am assuming that u did)!!! Ask her what type of scenario's or themes she likes, or ask about the most recent one she saw. Or even add something about yourself in the mix. Something like, "I hate how some of the girls are treated in porno videos, I feel disgusted when they gag to the point where their mascara start running down their face."

08-10-2007, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by ctruo
LOL! I m not a pimp myself, but I can seriously carry on a conversation for hours regardless if that person is a girl or a guy. I don't know how I do it, but I pick up small things from the conversation and have the ability to blossom it into even more sub-topics.

I don't think your problem is a confidence issue. Sounds to me like u can't expand on conversation... This is what I mean... If she brings up the topic of porn and says that she watches it... Don't just stare at her ( i am assuming that u did)!!! Ask her what type of scenario's or themes she likes, or ask about the most recent one she saw. Or even add something about yourself in the mix. Something like, "I hate how some of the girls are treated in porno videos, I feel disgusted when they gag to the point where their mascara start running down their face."

:rofl: what if your not disgusted by that? lol

08-10-2007, 12:39 AM
Did i just expose myself to a "beyond" abuse? :eek: Lol, my girl issues are not that big a deal. Am past the point of just getting laid by a girl. I Know what my problem is and ctruo nailed it right there. So thank you all for your advises.

08-10-2007, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by ctruo

This is what I mean... If she brings up the topic of porn and says that she watches it... Don't just stare at her ( i am assuming that u did)!!! Ask her what type of scenario's or themes she likes, or ask about the most recent one she saw.

Yea no doubt, give me her #... I'll spend days talking to her about porn. :poosie:

Dude, assuming this post is real/ serious, and that this "girl" is half decent, you missed out on one of the rarest creatures out there.

She could had been setting you up for a closing pun line by saying she liked porn... you probably could had closed it with like:

"well then, let's go back to my candyland, grab the handycam and I'll be your handyman"

"you know what they say, actions speaks louder than words; wink wink wink"

"yea, those porn chicks are pretty crazy, I doubt any REALLLLLL (look at her with you eyes rolling) girls in their right minds would do anything that'd do"

"ewwwww, some of that stuff they do in porn is pretty nasty" (and then wait for her response; but knowing full well you love everything they do in porn)

Anyways, what do I know, I'm stuck working out of town hugging a hotel pillow everynight.

08-10-2007, 02:04 AM
Man, too many guys know about the seduction community now.

08-10-2007, 07:05 AM

wear tight jeans and throw one of these in your pants, no conversation needed :thumbsup:

08-10-2007, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by finboy

wear tight jeans and throw one of these in your pants, no conversation needed :thumbsup:
:rofl: The girl was talking about porn and wanting to get laid after 2 hours, I don't think that would be necessary. It looks like he read her as an "honest girl" for talking about porn lol. His problem is he's not reading the situation properly.

Honestly, if a girl was talking about porn and shit on the first date, I'd be balls deep into her by the end of the night. Correction, I'd be balls deep into her by the end of dinner in the parking lot haha.

08-10-2007, 08:11 AM
+1... why are you still talking 2 hours later? The awkward silences come because you've run out of small talk for the night. Cut it off earlier and 'do something' together instead.

08-10-2007, 08:24 AM
just be glad you are good looking and it such a bless to attact girls without the added effort.

while its easy for you to hook up but difficult to maintain, think of alot of people who is unfortunate that they will never get to the same point as you.

This should give you more confidence and just run with it. Maybe your expecting too much?

just have fun, instead of focusing on impressions, just chill if you start to feel awkward, maybe call it a night or do something together that does not requre you to keep talking.

keeping asking her what her interest would be and try to see if you can do some of them that night. like watching porn..:D

08-10-2007, 08:37 AM
You could always pick up a prostitute for practice. Just make conversation with her and learn from it and even if it doesnt go well you can still have dirty sex with her afterwards. Just be careful not to lose your car to the police, maybe take public transit to pick her up :rofl:

08-10-2007, 08:52 AM
dude...get hammered before you go out on a date.

08-10-2007, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by dazzdillinger
...I become very reserved and quite. It's like a quite version of me...

its. quiet.

if theres ever an awkward silence use it to your advantage and say something like "im so stunned by your beauty"

cheesy and smooth

08-10-2007, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by dazzdillinger
when I am alone with a girl I like, I loose all confidence.

The most honest moment in a man's life is
the five minutes after he's blown a load.
That's a medical fact. And it's because
you're no longer trying to get laid. You're
actually thinking like a girl. They love

Make sure you jerk off before the date

08-10-2007, 09:26 AM

a. you might be thinking that every girl you date would be your next girlfriend. treat them as a casual friend at first...

b. you might be to nice of a guy with the perception that you should treat every girl in the world like your mom.... don't think that she's going to slap you if you say something wrong, worse thing is she's going to walk out and that is if you do something stupid....

c. you might be hanging out to much with guys that you feel a little bit off when with ladies....

I think what you should do is just loosen up and as you are... don't worry about every move or words you say, just be yourself. There are things that you can't do like fart or pick your nose but just be yourself....

Girls talking about porn during first dates is hard to come by unless you are dating a whore so don't ever pass on it again...... just take it or somebody else would..... next time a lady talks like that, ask her if she wants to go somewhere.....

If you're not the type of guy who don't feel comfortable about talking porns with ladies, men you might have some more serious problem. So call her now and make sure you use condoms.....

08-10-2007, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Make sure you jerk off before the date

If you actually want it to go somewhere.

On an unrelated note, bumm sex usually breaks the tension haha :poosie:

08-10-2007, 09:35 AM
Yeah, the tension in her sphincter.

Read "conversationally speaking" to learn how to talk better and be an "active listener" (ie, paraphrasing what she says and just repeat it back to her and she thinks you're listening)

Read Tucker Max on how to be yourself

Read rooshv.com and buy his book on early, mid and end game.

doubleyourdating is decent.

also try reading Doc Love articles on askmen.com

08-10-2007, 09:40 AM
when there s dead silence, start talkin bout porn again. maybe it s somethin you guys have in common. find out what her interests are and go from there. ask her questions and respond when she talks. gl man.

08-10-2007, 09:44 AM
you don't have to be too technical about it....

08-10-2007, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Schwa
Yeah, the tension in her sphincter.


08-10-2007, 03:19 PM
Show her your sensitive side. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flunitrazepam)

08-10-2007, 03:24 PM
Get some tattoos and buy a harley.

The problem is girls say what they want and then totally want another.

Being handsome and "cute" is theoretically good, but what they want is a badass who will push them around and pull their hair.

Order a chick to suck your dick and you'd be surprised at how many just drop to their knees and comply.

08-10-2007, 03:39 PM
Im going to throw some of my knowledge in , since I date alot of hotties haha..

1. Even the nicest girl in the world is attractive to a guy with a bit of badass in him.. They like the adventure and mystery of it.. So being a bit of a cocky bastard can be a good thing.. But dont act like your the shit or your to good for her.

2. Being a nice guy I THINK only works AFTER you are dateing the girl... Nice guy at first is good in porportion, but if your just a nice guy all the time , you become the nice FRIEND.

3. Reading books on how to date is pretty horrible. My chick friend read the "Game" and then some guy actually used the lines outa the book , and she slammed him hard.. He quit the next day.

4. Give the girl alot of attention until she knows that you are interested in her... then STOP for a day or two.. If she calls you that means she is interested and your one step closer to getting her.... BUT if you do it the way all guys do by calling and wanting to hang out constantly she will run away and lose interest in someone "needy".

5. If she wants to talk on the phone , listen and learn... Who cares if you have to stay on the phone for a few hours , girls love to talk , so give them the chance to... The more you know about her , the better!

6. Be busy .. Go out with friends , party , work out .... You need to show the girl that you have a life and you dont technically need her...

7. Dont talk about your EX ever... If she talks about hers , let her finish and then YOU change the damn subject.... Talk about the present and future...


1. Take her somewhere common/loud/busy... So Earls/Moxies/Joeys is an awesome place to go ... You guys can look around , make fun of ppl , talk about gossip , and if it gets awkward the noise of the resturant will make it less obvious. Usually with all the things happening around you guys , a girl can get more comfortable with you..

just my 2 cents!

08-10-2007, 03:41 PM
What the hell guys, Rotten42 hit it right on the head.

Or drive there and Cab back. Personally I hate taking chicks to dinner on a first date, Just meet them at the bar and see how they are drunk and then if you're interested do the romantic dating bullshit :poosie:

08-10-2007, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Im going to throw some of my knowledge in , since I date alot of hotties haha..

1. Even the nicest girl in the world is attractive to a guy with a bit of badass in him.. They like the adventure and mystery of it.. So being a bit of a cocky bastard can be a good thing.. But dont act like your the shit or your to good for her.

2. Being a nice guy I THINK only works AFTER you are dateing the girl... Nice guy at first is good in porportion, but if your just a nice guy all the time , you become the nice FRIEND.

3. Reading books on how to date is pretty horrible. My chick friend read the "Game" and then some guy actually used the lines outa the book , and she slammed him hard.. He quit the next day.

4. Give the girl alot of attention until she knows that you are interested in her... then STOP for a day or two.. If she calls you that means she is interested and your one step closer to getting her.... BUT if you do it the way all guys do by calling and wanting to hang out constantly she will run away and lose interest in someone "needy".

5. If she wants to talk on the phone , listen and learn... Who cares if you have to stay on the phone for a few hours , girls love to talk , so give them the chance to... The more you know about her , the better!

6. Be busy .. Go out with friends , party , work out .... You need to show the girl that you have a life and you dont technically need her...

7. Dont talk about your EX ever... If she talks about hers , let her finish and then YOU change the damn subject.... Talk about the present and future...


1. Take her somewhere common/loud/busy... So Earls/Moxies/Joeys is an awesome place to go ... You guys can look around , make fun of ppl , talk about gossip , and if it gets awkward the noise of the resturant will make it less obvious. Usually with all the things happening around you guys , a girl can get more comfortable with you..

just my 2 cents!

Atta be pimp, i took down some solid notes :D

08-10-2007, 03:54 PM
dude.. david deAngelo is good.. i like juggler method too.. but what i use most is mystery method... [/B][/QUOTE]

mystery has a reality show with a bunch of nerds haha its pretty funny, i think its called the pickup artist maybe some of you guys should watch it and learn some tricks.

08-10-2007, 03:58 PM
Read "The Game"
rage2 wrote it.

08-10-2007, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by kerry
Read "The Game"
rage2 wrote it.
lol, that made me laugh

08-10-2007, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by kerry
Read "The Game"
rage2 wrote it.

You must have written the book on how to fellate rage2

I agree with everything Jaymez said cept #5, you're there to fuck not be her crying towel. That's why she has chick friends.

08-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Schwa

You must have written the book on how to fellate rage2

I agree with everything Jaymez said cept #5, you're there to fuck not be her crying towel. That's why she has chick friends.

The OP said he's passed the just getting laid part. Seems he wants to settle down at 22 years old. FUCK THAT SHIT!

To many people don't stay Hungry.

08-10-2007, 04:16 PM
Oh my bad.

Still I wouldn't recommend crazy long phone conversations since you still want to maintain some mystery to keep the girl interested.

08-10-2007, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Schwa
Get some tattoos and buy a harley.

:rofl: :rofl:

leather jacket and band aids too....

BUT, I thought that the guy has no problems attracting... he just get nervous when on dates.....

08-10-2007, 09:43 PM
Where a wedding ring. Women come out of the wood work then.

08-11-2007, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
Where a wedding ring. Women come out of the wood work then.

Is that true? You see it on TV and shit.. But I mean come on for real? Just proves how fucking retarded women can be.

08-11-2007, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Is that true? You see it on TV and shit.. But I mean come on for real? Just proves how fucking retarded women can be.

no lie.... I'm not sure what it is.

08-11-2007, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by rotten42

no lie.... I'm not sure what it is.

Cause they cant have them ( most of them lol ) its a challenge to see if she can "crack" him.

08-11-2007, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by shawtie

Cause they cant have them ( most of them lol ) its a challenge to see if she can "crack" him.

ya...that and married guys don't smell desperate for it like so many guys do. Women pick up on that real quick.

08-11-2007, 11:37 PM
Honnestly "the game" used to be cool when it was underground.

that book gives you alot of good strategies, but believe me when I say if you use ANY lines from that or mysteries show on VH1 you will get stoned publicly by ANY girl who has ever read it.

Believe me, my ex girl friend introduced me to it. alot more girls have read it then guys.

Best way to do it is to capitalise onyour personality and supplement it with the behaviours of successful "players".

08-12-2007, 12:38 AM
You know why there are lesbians? That because these girls know what each other thinks, likes and acts.

I have a friend (girl) who is bisexual, i tell her about all this bullshit and you know what she came up with? Man, it was beautiful.
On her advise, I called the girl i was dating and told her that i wanted to meet her at fuzion in downtown toronto. I came with this bisexual friend of mine and she acted as though she wanted to be my girlfriend. About thirty minutes later, i go and drop her off and it just me and my date in the car. Of course this is all a setup but she doesn't realize it.

I tell you straight up guys, her attitude toward me changed completely, just the notion that some other girl wan't to be with me made her ridiculoursly jealours. I took her to my place and let's just say that i did everything first base requires. Only reason i did not go for second base was that i wanted her for the long term and not just as a one night accomplishment.

08-12-2007, 04:43 PM
dude if you are not hitting first on every date you go out you have failed.

But good work on making headway.

Also, every chick is a little bisexual, just give them some liquor and before you know it they're making out

They're called LUGs; lesbians until graduation

08-14-2007, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
[B]Honnestly "the game" used to be cool when it was underground.

People absolutely need to realise that that is an entertaining casual read, not a manual on how to pick up girls. It might be a good book to get a few fun ideas, but its not a bible (even though it looks like one!)

08-14-2007, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Im going to throw some of my knowledge in , since I date alot of hotties haha..

1. Even the nicest girl in the world is attractive to a guy with a bit of badass in him.. They like the adventure and mystery of it.. So being a bit of a cocky bastard can be a good thing.. But dont act like your the shit or your to good for her.

2. Being a nice guy I THINK only works AFTER you are dateing the girl... Nice guy at first is good in porportion, but if your just a nice guy all the time , you become the nice FRIEND.

3. Reading books on how to date is pretty horrible. My chick friend read the "Game" and then some guy actually used the lines outa the book , and she slammed him hard.. He quit the next day.

4. Give the girl alot of attention until she knows that you are interested in her... then STOP for a day or two.. If she calls you that means she is interested and your one step closer to getting her.... BUT if you do it the way all guys do by calling and wanting to hang out constantly she will run away and lose interest in someone "needy".

5. If she wants to talk on the phone , listen and learn... Who cares if you have to stay on the phone for a few hours , girls love to talk , so give them the chance to... The more you know about her , the better!

6. Be busy .. Go out with friends , party , work out .... You need to show the girl that you have a life and you dont technically need her...

7. Dont talk about your EX ever... If she talks about hers , let her finish and then YOU change the damn subject.... Talk about the present and future...


1. Take her somewhere common/loud/busy... So Earls/Moxies/Joeys is an awesome place to go ... You guys can look around , make fun of ppl , talk about gossip , and if it gets awkward the noise of the resturant will make it less obvious. Usually with all the things happening around you guys , a girl can get more comfortable with you..

just my 2 cents!

When's your book coming out!?

To the OP... I agree with being a cocky.. but don't go Tucket Max on the girl. You've got some great info from everyone... try applying it, you'll be surprised of the outcome.

08-14-2007, 10:10 PM
Rent and study the following movie ...

"The Tao of Steve"

The main character is Named "Dexter" - "Dex"

Rule #1 - "Be desireless." Essentially, if you act like a puppy dog around a girl, you're toast. But if you act like you don't want the girl, she'll wonder why you don't and hence become interested. Women can smell an agenda.

Rule #2 - "Be excellent." Girls like to be impressed. In the case of Dex, it's his ability to work with children that catches the eye of women. So find something you can show you're good at to women.

Rule #3 - "Be gone." Dex explains... "Men and women both want to have sex, but women want to have sex 15 minutes after us, so if you hold out for 20, she'll be chasing you for five." Hence the power of the 20-minute strategy.

08-14-2007, 10:32 PM
"well then, let's go back to my candyland, grab the handycam and I'll be your handyman"

hahah, laugh so hard when I read that.!!

08-15-2007, 08:24 AM
Lesson #1) Get your head out of your ass (lol)

If a girl you are out with starts talking about loving porn you offer to have her come back to your place to watch a wicked one you have.

Then you get layed.

This has actually happened to me.

08-15-2007, 10:35 AM
If you have a problem getting a conversation going on, talk about Facebook. Girls talk forever about Facebook.

Originally posted by rotten42
Where a wedding ring. Women come out of the wood work then.

This is sort of true. I've been married for 4 years and ladies I've gone out with try to break my happy home with a passion. It's sick!

08-18-2007, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

The most honest moment in a man's life is
the five minutes after he's blown a load.
That's a medical fact. And it's because
you're no longer trying to get laid. You're
actually thinking like a girl. They love

Make sure you jerk off before the date

OMG I still belive that quote it came from Something About Mary right..

08-19-2007, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Im going to throw some of my knowledge in , since I date alot of hotties haha..

1. Even the nicest girl in the world is attractive to a guy with a bit of badass in him.. They like the adventure and mystery of it.. So being a bit of a cocky bastard can be a good thing.. But dont act like your the shit or your to good for her.

2. Being a nice guy I THINK only works AFTER you are dateing the girl... Nice guy at first is good in porportion, but if your just a nice guy all the time , you become the nice FRIEND.

3. Reading books on how to date is pretty horrible. My chick friend read the "Game" and then some guy actually used the lines outa the book , and she slammed him hard.. He quit the next day.

4. Give the girl alot of attention until she knows that you are interested in her... then STOP for a day or two.. If she calls you that means she is interested and your one step closer to getting her.... BUT if you do it the way all guys do by calling and wanting to hang out constantly she will run away and lose interest in someone "needy".

5. If she wants to talk on the phone , listen and learn... Who cares if you have to stay on the phone for a few hours , girls love to talk , so give them the chance to... The more you know about her , the better!

6. Be busy .. Go out with friends , party , work out .... You need to show the girl that you have a life and you dont technically need her...

7. Dont talk about your EX ever... If she talks about hers , let her finish and then YOU change the damn subject.... Talk about the present and future...


1. Take her somewhere common/loud/busy... So Earls/Moxies/Joeys is an awesome place to go ... You guys can look around , make fun of ppl , talk about gossip , and if it gets awkward the noise of the resturant will make it less obvious. Usually with all the things happening around you guys , a girl can get more comfortable with you..

just my 2 cents!

There... is how it is done. Use it all the time. With the phone, you don't even have to really be involved in the conversation. To be honest, I slap on the XBOX:360, start playing a game, and just throw a few "uh huh, yeah." But you have to fade in and out of the conversation, otherwise you will be fucked. All in all to some up what Jaymez said.... MAKE HER WANT YOU, not the other way around. Be a bit of a prick too.

Lesson learned on my part... don't be a total ass. I was incredibly drunk, as I could hardly see, and I was scared of beer goggles so I wasn't really looking to hook up, but just to have a good time. Walking past a girl, took her beer, took two huge sips, and gave it back. I almost got my ass kicked for that one...

I lol'd when I saw the story with the girl who loved porn and sex. You honestly hit pay dirt. I probably would of acciedently blurted out, "jackpot!" when I heard that. If you think about it, you will fail, just talk, and don't think about making conversation (of course think of the words coming out of your mouth) To the fact that she loved porn, should of been enough to keep a conversation going for hours. You are a guy, guys know porn.

08-20-2007, 10:21 AM
Haha this is turning out to be a hilarious little thread:D

08-20-2007, 10:48 AM
If you find it hard to keep a convo going with someone on a date because you are shy and have low confidence. Take them out and do something like hiking, paintball, pool, Casino, driving range, basketball etc. So this way you are constantly moving or somewhat pre occupied to do something and so is she. This way your convo is shorter but more meaningful. It will show your a fungi and not some wierd guy asking dating advice from a tuner forum. IMO u should have asked more about her pr0n she watch's that usually leads to her touching your penis. Then the next thread we will have on here will be "Why is she touching my penis?" I keed I keed! :poosie:

08-20-2007, 11:15 AM
Just going to throw out there for the "less talented" about cockiness, as james said - DONT GO OVERBOARD. I know a guy who does great for about 5 minutes... then he keeps pushing it and doesnt even stop after the girl rolls her eyes and starts looking away... lol.

Probably the best tip from the Tao of Steve

Rule #3 - "Be gone." Dex explains... "Men and women both want to have sex, but women want to have sex 15 minutes after us, so if you hold out for 20, she'll be chasing you for five." Hence the power of the 20-minute strategy.

and... dont think about sex or getting laid while you're with the girl.... seriously you'll be persuing too much and you get screwed

How to dress? Dress in clothes that make you look good. Don't be an overweight guy wearing a tight t-shirt because you want to show off your "sexy muscles" , don't be a skinny guy dressing like g-unit fiddy cent with clothes hanging off you.

Anybody can look good if they dress their size.


Confidence > Everything else.

08-20-2007, 12:31 PM
Then the next thread we will have on here will be "Why is she touching my penis?" I keed I keed!

I lol'd

403Gemini is right too. Guys want sex, you just can't let her know you do. If things are getting heated, and you want sex but really don't know if she does, be nonchalance about it. First time I ever had sex, I seemed to not care. Then when we were back at my house, and started to make out. We started to talk a little bit too and I was joking on how my friends gave me some condoms and I just threw them in the back of my car. Instantly after that she said, "go get them!" All I could think was "JACKPOT!" You know, actually now that I think of it, I am pretty sure I said jackpot out loud. Anyways it worked.

It kinda sounds like your a virgin, and then in that case, some more pointers.

1) NEVER EVER DRINK TOO MUCH! Never. If you are hammed, good fuckin luck ever getting it up, and the girl is either gonna laugh at you if shes a bitch, or shes going to think its her and get all emotional on your ass.

2) NEVER FUCK A HAMMERED GIRL. It's just taking advantage, unless you are both in a state of neither of you will remember, and then you can just get it on (saying that you can get it up) and just regret it in the morning.

3) WRAP THE PORK. Plain and simple, We don't want to be giving this advice to the next generation of you for awhile here.

08-20-2007, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Sailz
Haha this is turning out to be a hilarious little thread:D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And it keeps getting better!

08-20-2007, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

Confidence > Everything else.

Just don't confuse confidence with boldness.

08-20-2007, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by legendboy
Lesson #1) Get your head out of your ass (lol)

If a girl you are out with starts talking about loving porn you offer to have her come back to your place to watch a wicked one you have.

Then you get layed.

This has actually happened to me.

Amen to that, any chick that starts talking about porn 2 hours into the date wants to get laid.

Gondi Stylez
08-20-2007, 01:33 PM
This thread is great! :rofl: :rofl: :bigpimp:

08-20-2007, 03:03 PM
3) WRAP THE PORK. Plain and simple, We don't want to be giving this advice to the next generation of you for awhile here.


Go to the bar their tons of sluts their :dunno:

And your confidence should easily go up as you start to get drink more and more.:thumbsup:

08-20-2007, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by TVG

Just don't confuse confidence with boldness.


its just like the "Cockiness rule" - NEVER go overboard, otherwise you'll look like a pompus fuck

edit: I'll also add when you get a girl, it seems so easy to get other girls because as stated above, you dont care about having sex with them and for some strange reason that turns them on... damnit all being in a 5 year relationship :banghead:

08-20-2007, 05:33 PM
some really good advice on here.. :)
I find especially interesting the ones posted by Jaymez & 403Gemini.

08-20-2007, 06:33 PM
if you're having issues holding a conversation/thinking about what to say..

Just listen to the chick, ask questions, that can usually unfold a lot.. Listen to what she says, elaborate, etc...

I find a lot of the time you get so used to hanging out with someone that you don't actually know all that much about them.. isn't that what having a gf is for, someone you know inside and out... haha.

08-20-2007, 09:15 PM
00CivicSi wrote

"It will show your a fungi and not some wierd guy asking dating advice from a tuner forum."

:bullshit: Man, call me a looser or a virgin as someone in here assumed; but i refuse to be classified as a bacteria.
FUNGI?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Am rolling on the floor in so much laughter.

08-20-2007, 09:28 PM
Since some of you are probably wondering what's up with me and the girl, here is an update.

Me and her dated for a while, after the fourth date, i fucked her real good and proceeded fucking the pretzels out of her every night thereafter.

She does stuff during sex that i think is fucking weired. She does this thing where by she nibbles on my hairy dick ball. Sometimes, she will try to put all two balls and the ball sack in her mouth; like candy. I mean, i know all about dick sucking but ball sucking? Is this normal for girls to do during sex?

08-20-2007, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by dazzdillinger
Since some of you are probably wondering what's up with me and the girl, here is an update.

Me and her dated for a while, after the fourth date, i fucked her real good and proceeded fucking the pretzels out of her every night thereafter.

She does stuff during sex that i think is fucking weired. She does this thing where by she nibbles on my hairy dick ball. Sometimes, she will try to put all two balls and the ball sack in her mouth; like candy. I mean, i know all about dick sucking but ball sucking? Is this normal for girls to do during sex?

I spat my full throttle all over my screen. If this is real... THATA BOY! And yes, ball sucking you will learn is one of the single best things a girl can do to you. At least IMHO.

08-20-2007, 09:53 PM
Shave your balls.... Must be nice kissing her and getting YOUR OWN pubes in your mouth.. haha

08-20-2007, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Afrodeziak
Shave your balls.... Must be nice kissing her and getting YOUR OWN pubes in your mouth.. haha

thats called dental flossing.

Gondi Stylez
08-20-2007, 10:45 PM
Ball sucking FTW!! But it has to be both balls... one ball is for rookies :bigpimp:

PS - pubes = tooth floss... a little bacteria hurt NO ONE! :devil:

08-21-2007, 08:19 AM
were you thinking about sex???:devil:

08-21-2007, 08:39 AM
Jaymez actually hit it pretty well. The only thing missing is this: learn the difference between being cocky and being confident.