View Full Version : Another Ticket question With a twist...

08-17-2007, 02:34 PM
okay so i get into Medicine Hat last night at 10-30 decide to go for a cruise to the store hop in my eclipse and off i go. doing the normal ~60 everyone drives at see a cop at the intersection ahead of me i slow down a little look at him and continue on he flips around. Pulls me over blinds me with both of his spotlights and his lightbars spotlights. Comes up to the window and says He pulled me over cause i was going a little fast. I ask for my speed he says 70, takes my license and insurance and comes back gives me a ticket for 65 in a 50 for 79$

now here is where it gets interesting my car is equipped with data loggin software that logs everything including vehicle speed from the speed sensor. and when i got to my destination i saved the log and looked into it. Fastest it shows is 63km/hr.

so really all i wanna know is that if its gonna be worth my time to show up for court with my logger and a printed out copy of the log. (it is all timestamped)

also i remebr reading somewhere that you can request the calibration logs, training records for the officer and the gun but where do i go to get these documents. As i really dont believe the officer even had his radar on at all and just has a issue with a young person driving a nice car late at night.

obviously this isnt a big issue but ive been ticket free for over 2 years and was looking forward to a clean record.

08-17-2007, 06:53 PM
You request a "disclosure of information" from the town's crown prosecutor's office.

Either than that, that's pretty much all I know, hahaha

If you frequent Medicine Hat though, I suggest just trying to talk your crown or officer just see if you can get a lesser fine.

08-17-2007, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

If you frequent Medicine Hat though, I suggest just trying to talk your crown or officer just see if you can get a lesser fine.

Or he could just go in with proof that he never went 65 and get the ticket thrown out.

On the ticket it should state how the speed was recorded. Does it say estimated?

This sounds like an easy ticket to beat.

08-17-2007, 08:51 PM
They will probably call the evidence inadmissable, because they dont know if you could have changed the values or not, unless you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that you can in no way manipulate the data that your logger stores.

08-17-2007, 08:55 PM
Also, how can you prove your logger is properly calibrated? If its just running off your car sensors you could have different sized wheels on... etc.

08-17-2007, 09:40 PM
Even if they admit it into evidence, cop gave you a 65 and you have a uncertified logger of 63. Cop get a bonus for spotting accuracy.

Pay it. Just isn't your night.

08-17-2007, 09:48 PM
just pay it but go before the crown to get it cut down penalty wise. I had a 49 > speed limit court appointment today, they moved it to not obeying a traffic sign which is far less as far as the fine went adn the demerits were cut in half to 2.

08-17-2007, 09:49 PM
^^^^^You were 49 over and they actually changed it? wow......theyre getting soft.

08-17-2007, 10:26 PM
Fuck that shit, he was picking on you. Who in there right mind would give out a ticket for 15 over. That's just trash.

08-17-2007, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by civicluva
Fuck that shit, he was picking on you. Who in there right mind would give out a ticket for 15 over. That's just trash.

its call "SPEED LIMIT" for a reason, if you dont like it, dont drive, or expect a ticket when one is given to you.:rolleyes:

08-18-2007, 12:25 AM
Unless you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that your logger is a) 100% certified accurate by a trained professional, and b) untampered with, it will not be admissible as evidence AFAIK.