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08-19-2007, 09:52 AM
About that kid who tried to top on the train last week in Dover:

Life of boy who tried to hop train 'changed forever:' mother
Boy, 9, has foot amputated
Last Updated: Friday, August 17, 2007 | 2:45 PM MT
CBC News

A child hurt while trying to jump a train had his foot amputated Thursday night, the same day Calgary workers repaired the fence he used to access the tracks.

"This has caused a little boy's life to be changed forever," Sabina Piche, mother of nine-year-old Josh, said from the Alberta Children's Hospital.

Her son, who is mentally challenged, tried to hop onto a moving freight train Wednesday in Dover, near Hubalta Road SE.

People in the neighbourhood said children are constantly trying to hop trains, and both adults and children use a hole in a fence to cross the CN Rail tracks.

While the fence was repaired Thursday, city worker Ted Gillman said he expected that by Friday morning, someone will have cut the wires.

One child told CBC News she crosses the tracks every day to go visit her cousin. She said it's a shortcut children use to get to school to shave time off their walk.

CN Rail says there is a proper crossing 500 metres away and anyone caught trespassing could be fined.

Piche said access to the tracks should be permanently blocked or, better yet, the tracks should be moved out of the residential neighbourhood.

"It's not fair for those who are minorities and have no say. So as a mother, I speak up. I would like to see the railroads removed and I don't care how much it would cost the government to do that. When you lose a life, you can't replace back that life."

I feel sorry for the boy and his family, especially since he is mentally challenged, but that last paragraph...c'mon.. why the hell is she trying to play the race card here? I'm willing to bet that those rail lines were there a LONG time before she was.

08-19-2007, 10:00 AM
What an odd fight to start.

I am confused, do the children cross the track to save time, or try to hop on the train?

Seems like two different things, crossing the track is indeed risky, but the average child can tell when a train is coming. While attempting to hop on a moving train is just stupid.

This is a tragedy and instead of blaming the train (they have existed for hundreds of years) I would be interested in what kind of mother lets her 9 year old mentally-challenged son wander the world.

08-19-2007, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by TimG

I feel sorry for the boy and his family, especially since he is mentally challenged, but that last paragraph...c'mon.. why the hell is she trying to play the race card here? I'm willing to bet that those rail lines were there a LONG time before she was. [/B]

Well, you know, because they would totally up and move the CN rail tracks for an old retarded white guy who lost his foot...

08-19-2007, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Well, you know, because they would totally up and move the CN rail tracks for an old retarded white guy who lost his foot...

i can't believe anybody would try to pull the race card on this one. I'm pretty sure when they laid the tracks originally they really didn't care about the demographic living in the neighborhood.

Just another case of bad parenting and deflecting the blame on someone else for their problems.

GTS Jeff
08-19-2007, 12:30 PM
I'm sure there is more to the story. As asuth pointed out, the article is confusing at best, and I bet the quote at the bottom would make more sense in the right context. Fire the journalist.

08-19-2007, 12:37 PM
I'm sure she meant to say Minors not minorities.

Uneducated pissed off mother FTL!!:thumbsdow

In response to Jeff......Yeah fire the journalist. They as editors and writers should know the difference between the two and the potential contraversy involved. Then again they are journalists.

08-19-2007, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by asuth077

This is a tragedy and instead of blaming the train (they have existed for hundreds of years) I would be interested in what kind of mother lets her 9 year old mentally-challenged son wander the world.

A guy that works for me knows the kid, he told me about this on Thursday. Apparently the parents don't keep an eye on the kid at all, he's always wandering around and taking stuff.

08-19-2007, 03:15 PM
Stupid people blaming everybody but themselves for their problems.

08-19-2007, 06:18 PM
I hope they take the kid away from her. He's already lost a foot under her care, what's next?

08-19-2007, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Antonito
I hope they take the kid away from her. He's already lost a foot under her care, what's next?
His dinner for the next 6 months?

08-20-2007, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by TimG
I feel sorry for the boy and his family, especially since he is mentally challenged, but that last paragraph...c'mon.. why the hell is she trying to play the race card here? I'm willing to bet that those rail lines were there a LONG time before she was.

I'm guessing that she's not an english teacher or a lawyer, but I thought she was referring to disabled people as a minority group.

08-21-2007, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by asuth077
I would be interested in what kind of mother lets her 9 year old mentally-challenged son wander the world.

Bingo, paritcularily when you are living by the rail road tracks. Why are humans like this allowed to spawn?