View Full Version : Renting an RV

08-20-2007, 02:59 PM
Has anyone Rented an RV at all recently? Some friends and I were thinking of getting one for september long weekend and maybe heading down to Whitefish or somewhere in BC for some general camping & of course partying.

Just wondering if anyone can reccomend a company that didn't try screw them over and had an overall good experience with. We are looking for something to hold 4-6 people, so probaby 26 feet or a little bigger. Obviously we will have to pay for gas, and I am assuming they are unlimited kilometers given the nature of the rental. We're not too picky, just looking for a reliable RV and a decent company.

I am searching various websites as we speak, but if someone can vouch for a particular company/experience that would help tremendously.

Oh, and none of us are 25 yet, all 22-24 - not sure if you need to be 25 to rent or not.

Thanks in advance.

08-20-2007, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Has anyone Rented an RV at all recently? Some friends and I were thinking of getting one for september long weekend and maybe heading down to Whitefish or somewhere in BC for some general camping & of course partying.

Just wondering if anyone can reccomend a company that didn't try screw them over and had an overall good experience with. We are looking for something to hold 4-6 people, so probaby 26 feet or a little bigger. Obviously we will have to pay for gas, and I am assuming they are unlimited kilometers given the nature of the rental. We're not too picky, just looking for a reliable RV and a decent company.

I am searching various websites as we speak, but if someone can vouch for a particular company/experience that would help tremendously.

Oh, and none of us are 25 yet, all 22-24 - not sure if you need to be 25 to rent or not.

Thanks in advance.

We went with Gowest Campers the last two times we have rented a RV:


When I was researching it, none of the companies that I looked at have unlimited KM's with RV's. They include a certain amount of KM's per day and then you can either buy more KM's or pay for them once you come back.

With Go West you can be under 25 to rent and drive the RV, but you have to go with the CDR insurance. CDR essentially reduces the amount you are liable for if you break or crash the RV.

There is also:
http://www.canadream.com/ - Canadream
http://www.alldrive.com/welcome.htm - Alldrive

All these companies, we have dealt with or know people who have, and have heard no bad things about them.

Be careful driving into campgrounds, we ripped the step right off the side of our rental last time we went. :rofl: Have fun.

08-20-2007, 06:02 PM
Thanks a lot, very helpful info.

08-20-2007, 06:31 PM
I've seen a bunch of these RVs on the road:


08-20-2007, 08:30 PM
Problem with cruise america is they plaster their name all over the damm RV's.... Who wants to be driving around a huge billboard? Go west and canadream usually just have a small sticker on the back. We used canadream and were pretty happy...

Oh and we took out the step on a low spot, we always remembered everything but that damm thing. If you have never driven one before try and find sites you can pull through, it’s not easy backing up a 30 foot RV with trees and newbs doing the guiding…

08-20-2007, 08:42 PM
these companies rent out their motorhomes to any idiots, so just a word of advice, Learn a bit how to drive it first. We get these things in all the time with people forgetting to put up there antenna and ripping it off, or ripping there step off like dino_martini:banghead: . but yea any of the companies listed arent to bad, there all the same, just differences in prices.:thumbsup:

08-20-2007, 08:53 PM
before you rent make sure you have a place to camp... long weekends fill up fast

08-20-2007, 10:34 PM
Good info guys, thanks. We will definitely try line up a camp site before we rent anything.

I've driven a Nissan Armada pulling a 26" boat/trailer so I'm no stranger to large vehicles but I'm sure a Motorhome is a little different yet.

08-21-2007, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Good info guys, thanks. We will definitely try line up a camp site before we rent anything.

I've driven a Nissan Armada pulling a 26" boat/trailer so I'm no stranger to large vehicles but I'm sure a Motorhome is a little different yet.

The RV we rented last time was a 26 foot one. They all have huge gas tanks on them. Its such a differance driving the RV with a filled gas tank vs nearly empty tank.

Originally posted by grrrouch
...We get these things in all the time with people forgetting to put up there antenna and ripping it off, or ripping there step off like dino_martini:banghead: ..

The way we ripped the step off was we were pulling into China Beach campground on Vancouver Island, the first turn into the camp ground has this huge old stump along the side and we took the turn too tightly and scraped along and riped the step off. When we returned the RV, the lady said, like you said it happens all the time people ripping the step off or getting into a height restricted area. Other then ripping the step off, RV'ing can be alot of fun. :) :rofl: