View Full Version : Edmonton to fine victims of graffiti

08-22-2007, 01:24 PM
Is this a repost?


08-22-2007, 01:34 PM
that would be a crock o' shit if ever I did see one. Is the city going to fine itself when it doesn't clean up the garbage on its property and streets or clean the graffiti off it's power boxes, bus shelters, light poles, etc. etc.? I doubt it......

08-22-2007, 01:39 PM
What the hell are these people thinking? How about catching the tag artists in a couple sting operations and throw them in jail for a week or two.

08-22-2007, 01:43 PM
Wow, it's like they've lost the will to get reelected and are commiting political suicide.

"This city sucks. So we're going to start fining the victims. Stupid jerks, being victimised like that, this'll learn them"

08-22-2007, 01:50 PM
edmonton = fail

08-22-2007, 01:52 PM
:confused: \
I understand the need to "clean" up the city and all, but that is complete BS~
Litter is the city's problem. Buildings are the tenants responsibility, but instead of punishing the victims they could have collaborated together to form some reasonable solution to the problem. Why not gather some community support to combat the problem together,ie) donations of paint, community BBQ to clean up the streets and paint those buildings that are affected??? Makes no sense~

08-22-2007, 02:37 PM
Congratulations, Edmonton. Your capacity for failure knows no bounds.

08-22-2007, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
Congratulations, Edmonton. Your capacity for failure knows no bounds.

haha quite the contradiction to the City of Champs eh?

08-22-2007, 02:50 PM
Haha that seems fine, as long as you are able to beat the offenders when you catch them next time.

08-22-2007, 03:52 PM
We have that bylaw here. The building I'm in has been spray painted once or twice, and we've received notices from By-Law Officers ordering that it be removed in 14 days.

08-22-2007, 04:19 PM
i thought i read in there somewhere that calgary already has this by law...soo all you guys who are saying "edmonton fail" etc etc...uuum im pretty sure we failed first. :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

and reading > me....sexual banana has already mentioned it.

Supa Dexta
08-22-2007, 05:45 PM
I also heard when I was driving in today, that they are looking into the idea of fining people who leave their vehicle idling..

GET F'IN BENT... If I want to bust my ass to make my money and buy what I want and put as much gas in it as I want, you can't tell me when I can leave it running.. :rolleyes:

08-22-2007, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I also heard when I was driving in today, that they are looking into the idea of fining people who leave their vehicle idling..

GET F'IN BENT... If I want to bust my ass to make my money and buy what I want and put as much gas in it as I want, you can't tell me when I can leave it running.. :rolleyes:

im also pretty sure we have that by-law to.

08-22-2007, 05:50 PM
We also have the no-swearing in public bylaw. Having something be a law and actually fining people for it are 2 different things.

08-22-2007, 05:54 PM
Reason #245 why Edmonton sucks.

08-23-2007, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
We have that bylaw here. The building I'm in has been spray painted once or twice, and we've received notices from By-Law Officers ordering that it be removed in 14 days.

That doesn't surprise me. The Mayor will do anything to get more money out of us.........

08-23-2007, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by l8braker
Reason #245 why Edmonton sucks. true, but calgary did it first, meaning that they both suck..... sorry, but its a fact. people on both sides get all riled up as if each city is really all that different from the other, haha

09-01-2007, 04:14 PM
these by laws are a cash grab like how bronconnier cuts parking downtown every day to increase the number of ppl who have to take public transit.

09-01-2007, 07:49 PM
Lol. Anybody ever ridden in an Edmonton LRT? I'm like "whoa, the front wall is just COVERED in graffiti. Then I looked at the sidewall, and it turns out, the walls are just designed to LOOK like graffiti so it doesn't look so bad when it does get sprayed.

Supa Dexta
09-02-2007, 09:50 PM
I was just in jasper for the weekend, and this shit is on rocks and trees on the walking paths..wtf, when does this happen.. I know kids aren't out there in the middle of the night, and these paths are full of ppl all day.. shit heads don't have anything better to do then paint all over nature trails and carve their names into every wooden surface..