View Full Version : Vibe 98.5 Amazing Race

08-22-2007, 06:17 PM
Anyone else heard about this? Me and my friend signed up and got accepted. The prize is tuition paid up to 5k and a laptop each. Some of the rules are no cell phones/walkie talkies/or any means of communication, no maps, no calculators, no cars/busses/trains/cabs, as in feet only. I hope its fun. We're all meeting up on friday ~6am and it's supposed to end around mid afternoon. What was last years like? I heard about it, but not much.

08-22-2007, 06:20 PM
My friend and I got accepted as well but i found out that i cant go cause i got orientations that day.

Hope you win! :D

08-22-2007, 06:28 PM
I went last year and it was fun, although they had the problem with not enough people volunteering so it wasn't well organized.

If you are serious on winning you will have to run alot.
I just walk/ran with my ex, 2 girls won last year though.

what we had to do was:
1. ask randomly people in downtown if they were the secret vibe985 person
2. huge area of downtown we had to walk around looking for vibe985 PJ Cruiser
3. go to Kensington where I had my eyebrows shaved
4. get to the top of Calgary tower through the stairs
5. go to Inglewood Spolumbos and have a healthy sausage bun w/ worms, sardines and tabasco.

by then the 2 girls won already, but we asked the coordinators and the last 2 tests were:
6. count how many parking meters are there in 17th ave
7. with a key find out which lock will it open in a bar in 17th ave

it was a mess in Spolumbos as we had to wait for an hour outside before getting to eat our food, so those that were lucky on the first trial had a very huge advantage.

I would have gone again this year, but totally forgot about it, overall its a fun experience.

wear comfy shoes and bring 2-3 bottles of water.
when I got home that evening I slept for like 12hours or more

08-22-2007, 07:22 PM
^^I guess you really live up 2 your name then.

08-23-2007, 11:21 AM
^^^ what i found is the lest organize these events are the more likely hood someone is going to cheat...

I think it was last year when i went on the city of Calgary amazing race thing and it really sucked hard when you were busing it and you see people driving by, laughing.

08-23-2007, 02:48 PM
This year, busses, cars, trains and taxi's have all been banned.

08-23-2007, 10:08 PM
^^^ it wasn't allowed either, but people ignored that rule and did it anyways...

08-25-2007, 02:49 PM
Well that was interesting to say the least. There were 6 challenges.

1. Go around downtown asking people "Are you a Vibe 98.5 mystery commuter?" to gain 4 puzzle pieces. Finished @ ~10am
2. Take the puzzle pieces (i got the last one in chinatown) to Spolumbos in Inglewood (remember the no bus rule) where you receive 10 pictures. Write down the name/address of where these were taken. Finished @ ~1pm
3. Touch lips (side of lips if you want) with your partner for 70mins w/ occasional water breaks and to move down the line... Yes even guys had to do this, but most only did it when Danny/Fuzzy were around looking at you... otherwise they touched cheeks... lot of pedestrians walked by, laughed, took pics. Very embarrassing, but there was this pair of girls who were making out.
4. Given a sheet w/ questions, answer these (all number based ex: What year was Canada formed? What is Jarome Iginla's jersey number?) and use the number to do math to find out the address of the next location (2310 4th St SW, Second cup)
5. Run BACK to the Unicorn on 8th Ave and 2nd St SW (We were third... someone had passed us from Second cup)
6. Name that tune w/ 30 diff songs... This is where I got owned... So I came third into the 6th challenge, and never finished... someone who walked in pretty late won IIRC. It was very anti climatic and disappointing.

But I had a lot of fun, and would do it again next year if I weren't going to the U of Vic. I'm very sore today, but I'm glad I even finished the race (barring the name that tune).

08-25-2007, 04:06 PM
haha wow, this year events seems much better organized than last year.

yeah that mystery commuter challenge was hard, especially since alot of people were getting out of the ctrain.

lucky you guys didnt have to eat anything this year

08-25-2007, 05:18 PM
I think if we had to eaten anything, we would of won.

Yea, ctrains were banned, and it was fairly easy to find the ppl once you looked. They were all sitting alone in semi-odd places. One sat at a bus stop for 20 mins (several busses passed) another was sitting beside a building on 6th and and 4th street and one was in Olympic plaza, another was @ a c-train station.