View Full Version : XP Media Centre User Settings

08-24-2007, 09:24 AM
I just started setting up a new computer and I remembered hearing somewhere that you should use a non-administrator account for your everyday computer use to improve security so I tried this. I decided its a real pain in the ass having to switch back and forth between users to do stuff so now all i want to do is delete all the user accounts accept for the "Administrator" account that comes on the computer but I can't get it to work. I was able to delete the limited user account i made but it wont let me get rid of the second admin account i created by accident.

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this second admin account and just make it so when i start the computer it by-passes the welcome screen all together and signs me in as administrator? The OS is XP media centre edition.

08-24-2007, 11:28 AM
start --> run

type in

control userpasswords2

Then in there there is an option to make it so that you don't need password on signin. Select that option and it will ask you for which account name and password to use at login, enter that info and it will always login as that account from here on

As to deleting the second user, not sure, try doing it through right clicking on my computer and going under manage and see if you can delete it from the list of users there